08/26/1997 City Council1 Addition to Agenda i prove im rrants eral Fund EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES AUGUST 26, 1997 The Edmonds City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Pro Tem Myers in the Library Plaza Room, 650 Main Street. Student Representative Andy Streit led the flag salute. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Roger L. Myers, Mayor Pro Tem John Nordquist, Councilmember Jim White, Councilmember Dick Van Hollebeke, Councilmember Gary Haakenson, Councilmember Thomas A. Miller, Councilmember ABSENT Barbara Fahey, Mayor Dave Earling, Council President ALSO PRESENT Andy Streit, Student Representative 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA STAFF PRESENT Robin Hickok, Police Chief Arvilla Ohlde, Parks and Recreation Manager Art Housler, Administrative Services Director James Walker, City Engineer Rob Chave, Planning Manager Brent Hunter, Human Resources Director Phil Olbrechts, City Attorney Sandy Chase, City Clerk Jeannie Dines, Recorder COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON, TO ADD A FIVE MINUTE DISCUSSION REGARDING ADULT 'ENTERTAINMENT AS AGENDA ITEM 3A. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE, FOR APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. 2. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER MILLER TO PULL ITEM B AND REMOVE ITEM F FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA, AND APPROVE THE REMAINING ITEMS. MOTION CARRIED. The agenda items approved are as follows: (A) ROLL CALL (C) APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS #18956 THRU #19619 FOR. THE WEEK OF AUGUST 18, 1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $201,488.36; AND APPROVAL OF PAYROLL WARRANTS#17505 THRU #17734 FOR THE PERIOD OF AUGUST 1 THRU AUGUST 15,1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $359,448.59 (D) REPORT ON GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JULY 31, 1997 Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes August 26, 1997 Page I Councilmember Haakenson requested the first motion under Annroval of the Agenda on the August 19, 1997 meeting minutes be corrected to reflect that he made the motion, not Council President Earling. Approve 8/19 COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VAN Minutes as Amended HOLLEBEKE, FOR APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 19, 1997, MINUTES AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. Item F: Authorization for Out -of -State Travel for Steve Daley. Athletics/Aquatics Coordinator Mayor Pro Tem Myers advised this item was removed from the Consent Agenda as a memo from Human Resources Director Brent Hunter indicated this item was previously approved by the Council when the Travel and Training Fund (008) was approved in the 1997 Budget. 3. STUDY SESSION ON PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ON COMPREHENSIVE Comp. Plan PLAN AMENDMENTS Amendments Planning Manager Rob Chave explained Council President Earling requested the study session on the Planning Board's recommendations on Comprehensive Plan amendments be divided into two sessions. Tonight's discussion will focus on the text amendments. Next week, staff will address specific land use changes to the map, which generated the most public participation at the Planning Board hearings. He explained most of the text changes were minor, with the exception of Urban Design. The minor changes were primarily updates to bring the City current and to make clarifications. Parks and Recreation Plan Parks and Recreation Manager Arvilla Ohlde described the changes, noting changes were indicated by underlined text. She said there were no changes to Sections 1-3. In Section 4, a clarification was added to .update swimming pool demand statistics. A presentation of demand statistics, gained through the feasibility study, was made to Council previously. She noted the updated demand statistics would also be added to Section 6. No changes were made to Goals and Objectives in Section 5. Councilmember White asked if the demand percentages had been increased. Ms. Ohlde indicated a total clarification was not available at the time and two different sized facilities were considered. Councilmember Van Hol lebeke, who served on the committee that addressed the aquatics facility before Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes August 26, 1997 Page 2 (E) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT Pemnville Creek WITH PENTEC ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. FOR THE PERRINVILLE CREEK BANK STABILIZATION PROJECT Rego #883 (G) RESOLUTION NO. 883 CALLING FOR AN ELECTION OF THE "FIRDALE Firdale Annex. Area ANNEXATION AREA" Reso #884 (H) RESOLUTION NO. 884 CALLING FOR AN ELECTION OF THE "HOLLY Holly Annex. Area ANNEXATION AREA" Reso #885 (1) RESOLUTION NO. 885 CALLING FOR AN ELECTION OF THE "SUMMIT Summit Annex. Area ANNEXATION AREA" Item B• Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes of August 19 1997 Councilmember Haakenson requested the first motion under Annroval of the Agenda on the August 19, 1997 meeting minutes be corrected to reflect that he made the motion, not Council President Earling. Approve 8/19 COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VAN Minutes as Amended HOLLEBEKE, FOR APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 19, 1997, MINUTES AS AMENDED. MOTION CARRIED. Item F: Authorization for Out -of -State Travel for Steve Daley. Athletics/Aquatics Coordinator Mayor Pro Tem Myers advised this item was removed from the Consent Agenda as a memo from Human Resources Director Brent Hunter indicated this item was previously approved by the Council when the Travel and Training Fund (008) was approved in the 1997 Budget. 3. STUDY SESSION ON PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ON COMPREHENSIVE Comp. Plan PLAN AMENDMENTS Amendments Planning Manager Rob Chave explained Council President Earling requested the study session on the Planning Board's recommendations on Comprehensive Plan amendments be divided into two sessions. Tonight's discussion will focus on the text amendments. Next week, staff will address specific land use changes to the map, which generated the most public participation at the Planning Board hearings. He explained most of the text changes were minor, with the exception of Urban Design. The minor changes were primarily updates to bring the City current and to make clarifications. Parks and Recreation Plan Parks and Recreation Manager Arvilla Ohlde described the changes, noting changes were indicated by underlined text. She said there were no changes to Sections 1-3. In Section 4, a clarification was added to .update swimming pool demand statistics. A presentation of demand statistics, gained through the feasibility study, was made to Council previously. She noted the updated demand statistics would also be added to Section 6. No changes were made to Goals and Objectives in Section 5. Councilmember White asked if the demand percentages had been increased. Ms. Ohlde indicated a total clarification was not available at the time and two different sized facilities were considered. Councilmember Van Hol lebeke, who served on the committee that addressed the aquatics facility before Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes August 26, 1997 Page 2 he was elected to the Council, recalled the figures provided were "ultra -conservative" numbers for users, etc. Councilmember Van Hollebeke said the figures shown were based on the 25 yard pool. Councilmember White asked what was meant by "ultra -conservative." Councilmember Van Hollebeke answered the consultant who prepared the feasibility study indicated the lowest figures that his data supported rather than using inflated numbers. . Ms. Ohlde advised a reference to the Bicycle Pathway Plan was added to the document narrative. She noted the Bicycle Pathway Plan would need to be updated; a process for updating it would begin this fall. A clarification was added in Neighborhood Parks in response to the Council's action regarding the partnership with Edmonds Elementary School and movement toward the goal of partnering with schools and broadening the City's ability to bring in sports facilities for youth. Councilmember Myers asked whether the reference to Edmonds-Woodway High School was the present school property. Ms. Ohlde answered yes. Ms. Ohlde said a clarification was added to Regional Parks to parallel the Shoreline Master Plan which includes an option for buoy replacement in waterfront parks. A paragraph describing an option for the purchase of Haines Wharf was added to Waterfront Parks. An indication that Brackett's Landing South is now a purchased and developed piece was added. The Master Plan for Brackett's Landing South was also included. The skateboard/in-line facility was added as an option. She explained the possibility of constructing a skateboard/in-line facility using grant funds and partnering with Lynnwood in Lyndale Park. She advised the grant presentation was made less than ten days ago and the City is awaiting a response from the State agency regarding funding. She advised coordination and link with Snohomish County and Statewide Water Trails System Plan with Edmonds as a destination was added. This was also included on the Shoreline Master Plan. A section regarding gymnastics, youth fitness, and community teen programs was added to Indoor Facilities. Under development options for Yost Pool, a sentence was added as a result of a presentation to the Council regarding the pool's feasibility study. She pointed out a drawing of the pool was also added. In Customer Relations, the need for a marketing plan for Park and Recreation Systems is identified. The planning process for the Community Cultural Plan was also included. The Action Plan includes several of the items discussed above, and includes a possible funding option from National Trails. She pointed out the Youth Athletics' Fund Account should also be included. Ms. Ohlde explained the Youth Athletic Fund Account was the $10 million included when voters approved the new Seahawk's stadium. She pointed out the updated CIP and stated corrections to the appendix were also included. She reiterated these changes made were minor. Mr. Chave referred to the Planning Board's recommendation letter which summarized their review. He said the document contained very few changes; additional maps would be distributed at next week's review. He explained the Council will be asked, following the hearings on the proposed map change, to make a decision on each. Following these decisions, an updated Comprehensive Plan map will be prepared. He explained a great deal of advertising was done on each proposed Comprehensive Plan map change, basically treating each as. a rezone. As a result of GMA, any change to the Comprehensive Plan will lead to a change in zoning in the future. He noted this was stressed to the public during the last year. Councilmember Van Hollebeke asked whether projections in the plan included the additional population as a result of the annexation of the Esperance area. Mr. Chave explained the City's Comprehensive Plan was part of an area -wide planning process, Snohomish County Tomorrow. As part of this process, growth targets were adopted for the various areas and these have not changed. Although the City has annexed property, the City's growth target remains the same—an additional 6,000 residents. Property in Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes August 26, 1997 Page 3 unincorporated Snohomish County that is annexed into the City, also has projected growth targets which are similar to Edmonds' projected growth. A revision to the growth targets was not desirable as this was a very complex area -wide planning process. City Attorney Phil Olbrechts noted the Growth Management Act requires the UGA's to be updated at least once every ten years. Mr. Chave noted that when annexation questions are settled in November, the City may be able to combine the growth targets of the City and the annexed areas. He summarized the City's growth targets remain the same with or without the annexations. Mr. Chave recalled during discussions of the Westgate zoning, the issue of site access arose. The Planning Board felt it was important to the clarify in the Comprehensive Plan that site access in areas of Westgate would not be provided from residential streets unless there was no other feasible alternative. He advised this applied only to the specific area of the Westgate corridor, between 100th and Paradise Lane. He said a section entitled, "Goals of the Edmonds Way Corridor" was also included. . The language in this section is similar to the Westgate Corridor, such as the scale of businesses, limiting access and traffic impacts to SR 104, etc. Councilmember Miller asked if there were any plans for an entry park on Hwy 99. Mr. Chave answered if this was something the Council was interested in, consideration should be given to it from a policy standpoint, budget impacts, etc. Mayor Pro Tem Myers noted a reference to the Edmonds Way Corridor identified it as being generally located along Edmonds Way between Westgate and Hwy 99 but the Westgate Corridor is identified as between the 9th Avenue/Edmonds Way intersection and Edmonds Way where it turns north to the downtown ferry terminal. He pointed out the two corridors appear to overlap. Mr. Chave agreed the intent was not to have the corridors overlap and said the wording could be changed to clarify their location. Mr. Chave explained the specific area change requests generated a fair amount of controversy, in particular area 5/10, a proposed change in the land use map at approximately 95th Place West: The Planning Board was split and unable to develop a recommendation. When the Council reviews this request, he said they may wish to review the language in the section addressing the Edmonds Way Corridor. He stressed the Council, when considering the individual map change requests, should also refer to the policies and recommended appropriate changes. Mr. Chave referred to the section containing goals for Sexually Oriented Businesses and explained the intent was to include in the Comprehensive Plan some of the language and concepts created during the development of the Sexually Oriented Business ordinance. Mr. Chave said the existing Capital Facilities Program was included in the Comprehensive Plan as required by State law. He explained auditors who review the City projects on an annual basis also review the Comprehensive Plan to ensure the projects the City undertakes are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. He said the Urban Design Guidelines were added to the Comprehensive Plan as it had not had a great deal of specificity in the past. The Council's review of various design issues, has indicated the need to include the policies and guidelines used by the Architectural Design Board in the Comprehensive Plan. He explained there were two sections in the Urban Design Guidelines, the first were general standards which provide design standards for specific zones such as multi -family residential, auto -oriented commercial, neighborhood -oriented commercial, etc. The second section identifies two specific districts in the City, the Downtown Activity Center and the Medical Hwy 99 Activity Center. He explained the Comprehensive Plan identified these two areas as being significantly Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes August 26, 1997 Page 4 different than their surroundings as well as areas where pedestrian oriented scale development was desired. He encouraged the Council to review the Urban Design Guidelines section and bring any questions to the review of the Comprehensive Plan amendments at the next Council meeting. Mr. Chave explained the Edmonds Economic Development Strategic Action Plan was included in the Comprehensive Plan, presuming it would be updated in the future. He indicated the only proposed change to the Arterial System Map would be to designate 7th Avenue between Main Street and Caspers Street as a collector. He noted a very specific advertising campaign addressed this proposed change, including a mailing to all residents on 7th Avenue. When the change was explained to residents, there were no negative comments. He pointed out that 7th Avenue should have been designated as a collector when the Transportation Map was first adopted because it currently functions as a. collector. No other changes to the Arterial System Map will occur. He explained the specific land use map change would be discussed at the September 2 Council meeting. Adult I 3A. ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Entertainment Councilmember Van Hollebeke recalled a few months ago, the Council passed an ordinance regarding sexually oriented businesses in the City. At approximately the same time, Snohomish County passed a similar ordinance. The County Council's action was challenged by a citizen initiative which will be on the primary ballot as Referendum 96-01. He explained this was a confusing issue because in order to vote to say no, voters must vote yes. The intent of the County ordinance was to regulate sexually oriented businesses; specific issues addressed the distance dancers must be from patrons, etc. The industry has initiated the challenge and have obtained sufficient legal signatures to place it on the ballot. He noted Mayor Fahey, Mountlake Terrace Mayor Gossett, and Lynnwood Mayor Roberts have spoken in support of the referendum—to vote yes to say no. COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON, THAT THE COUNCIL SUPPORT REFERENDUM 96-01, TO VOTE YES TO SAY NO. City Attorney Phil Olbrechts advised the Council could not engage in any political endorsements on referendums unless the title of the referendum was published on the agenda summary. He requested this item not be addressed until it was properly publicized. Councilmember Van Hollebeke agreed to delay the matter but noted absentee ballots would be mailed this weekend. Councilmember White asked if the Council would be required to hold a public hearing. Mr. 01brechts advised a public hearing was not necessary but the public must be allowed an opportunity to speak pro and con on the issue. MOTION WITHDRAWN. 4. MAYOR There was no Mayor's report as Mayor Fahey was absent from the meeting. 5. INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL REPORTS/UPDATES ON RESPECTIVE BOARD MEETINGS Councilmember White reported construction on the Port marina is moving forward. The projected completion date is the end of December. He also advised that the Cultural Arts and .Convention District tftffai holds public meetings the second Wednesday of the month at the School District facility. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes August 26, 1997 Page 5 Councilmember Van Hollebeke reported the Disability Committee met this month but no action was Alliance for taken. With regard to the Edmonds Alliance for Economic Development, the members (the Port, the Econ. Dev. City, and the Chamber of Commerce), are discussing the possibility of merging the Alliance and the Chamber. This discussion was prompted by the recent resignation of the Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce. Councilmember Nordquist reported the Health District is undergoing a number of changes, including a Health Charter chane or whichwreduce the number orepresentatives the three ma District g f1998illdhbf or cities have p J from two representatives to one. This is being done in order to have representation from the north and east parts of Snohomish County, areas of increasing population, rather than the current condensed representation from south County. Councilmember Nordquist reported that he worked at the Health District's booth at the Monroe Fair, noting the interest of County residents is increasing, particularly with school beginning soon. Another challenge the Health Board faces is a reduction in State funding for translators; the Health District is making budget adjustments so that this service can continue to be offered. He indicated the Health District is doing its best to support the public's health via education and its two facilities in Everett and Lynnwood. Councilmember Haakenson advised he serves on the SnoCom and Medic 7 Boards but had nothing to Mea c 7 add to the reports already provided by the press. He explained the Council's action last week removed the transport fees for the City, effective November 1, 1997, and stated the City's intent not to impose a transport fee through June, 2000. He stressed the Council implored residents who needed to call 911 to do so; there would be no transport fee after November 1. He urged citizens to vote on the EMS levy on September 16. Student Representative Streit announced school begins for the Edmonds School District on September 2; fall sports began on August 25. He reported a community service club through the Lions at the Meadowdale High School had a corn booth at the Evergreen. State Fair. He announced his plans to start a Junior Statesmen Club at Meadowdale High School. Students in the club would gather in the morning to discuss local and national political issues and, hopefully, evolve into a debate team that would compete with other schools in the district. Mayor Pro Tem Myers complimented Student Representative Streit on his leadership activities. Mayor Pro Tem Myers announced a public meeting that is scheduled on Wednesday, August 27, at the FEMA IFunds Grant Meadowdale Community Clubhouse to brief residents on preliminary recommendations of the Meadowdale Drainage Investigation Study and FEMA grant applications. He explained this meeting would be a forum to discuss the City's application for FEMA grant funds for a portion of the improvements; it would not be a forum to discuss resolution of any pending lawsuits or claims for damages. Mayor Pro Tem Myers also announced a meeting scheduled on Thursday, September 4, at the Wastewater Treatment Plant to discuss FEMA projects for the Wastewater Treatment Plant generator and Lake Ballinger mitigation. He encouraged the public to attend these meetings. With no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m. BARBARA S. FAKEY, t1AYOR SAIJDRA S. CHASE, CITY CLcRK Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes August 26, 1997 Page 6 C AGENDA ' EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL . Plaza Meeting Room - Library Building 650 Main Street 7:00 -10:00 p.m. AUGUST 26, 1997 WORK MEETING 7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER FLAG SALUTE 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 19, 1997 (C) APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS #18956 THRU #19619 FOR THE WEEK OF AUGUST 18, 1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $201,488.36; AND APPROVAL OF PAYROLL WARRANTS #17505 THRU #17734 FOR THE PERIOD OF AUGUST 1 THRU AUGUST 15, 1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $359,448.59 (D) REPORT ON GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE PERIOD ENDED JULY 31, 1997 (E) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PENTEC ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. FOR THE PERRINVILLE CREEK BANK STABILIZATION PROJECT (F) AUTHORIZATION FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR STEVE DALEY, ATHLETICS/AQUATICS COORDINATOR (G) PROPOSED RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN ELECTION OF THE "FIRDALE ANNEXATION AREA" (H) PROPOSED RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN ELECTION OF THE "HOLLY ANNEXATION AREA" (1) PROPOSED RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN ELECTION OF THE "SUMMIT ANNEXATION AREA" 3. (60 Min.) STUDY SESSION ON PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS 4. (5 Min.) MAYOR 5. (15 Min.) INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL REPORTS/UPDATES ON RESPECTIVE BOARD MEETINGS Parking and meeting rooms are accessible for persons with disabilities. Contact the City Clerk at 771-0245 with 24 hours advance notice for special accommodations. 77ie Council Agenda appears on Chambers Cable, Channel 32. Delayed telecast of this meeting appears the following Wednesday, Friday and Monday at noon on Channel 32.