09/30/1997 City CouncilEDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 The Edmonds City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Barbara Fahey in the Library Plaza Room, 650 Main Street, followed by the flag salute. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Barbara Fahey, Mayor Robin Hickok, Police Chief Dave Earling, Council President Paul Mar, Community Services Director John Nordquist, Councilmember Arvilla Ohlde, Parkas and Recreation Manager Roger L. Myers, Councilmember Noel Miller, Public Works Superintendent Jim White, Councilmember James Walker, City Engineer Dick Van Hollebeke, Councilmember Rob Chave, Planning Manager Gary Haakenson, Councilmember Phil Olbrechts, City Attorney Thomas A. Miller, Councilmember Sandy Chase, City Clerk Jeannie Dines, Recorder 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, FOR APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. 2. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Councilmember Miller pulled Item D from the Consent Agenda; Council President Earling pulled Item B. COUNCILMEMBER MILLER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON, FOR APPROVAL OF THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (A, C, AND E). MOTION CARRIED. The agenda items approved are as follows: (A) ROLL CALL (C) APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS #18971 THRU #20294 FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 22,1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $309,052.72 (E) RESOLUTION NO. 888 SUPPORTING INCORPORATION OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY CITIES & TOWNS ASSOCIATION . Item B: Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes of September 23, 1997 Council President Earling pulled this item to abstain from the vote due to his absence from the September 23, 1997, Council meeting. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 1 COUNCILMEMBER MYERS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMMMBER HAAKENSON, FOR APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM B. MOTION CARRIED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING ABSTAINED. The item approved is as follows: (B) APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 Item D: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Lease Agreement with Western Wireless for Mounting Telecommunications Facility on City Owned Propert, Councilmember Miller advised he would vote against this item and expressed his concern with the lease agreement with Western Wireless. COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER MYERS, FOR APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM D. MOTION CARRIED, COUNCILMEMBER MILLER OPPOSED AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING ABSTAINED. (Council President Earling abstained due to his absence from the meeting where this matter was discussed.) The item approved is as follows: (D) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH WESTERN WIRELESS FOR MOUNTING TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY ON CITY - OWNED PROPERTY 3. PRESENTATION BY THE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Arthur Kirschenbaum, President of the Friends of the Edmonds Library, advised they currently have approximately 200 members, a membership that includes Mayor Fahey. He announced the Friends of the Library Book Sale on October 25 at the Anderson Center. He explained one of the objectives of the Friends. of the Library was to reduce the burden on government by providing things the City or Sno-Isle Library System was not able to provide. The purchases are made in conjunction with Librarian Evie Wilsom-Lingbloom He introduced Past President and current Chair of the Financial Committee, George Beckett. Mr. Beckett said he was asked to determine how much had been raised and spent over the years for the support of the library. Their support occurred in five main areas: decorations, children/young adults, furniture and fixtures, plants and maintenance, and aquarium and maintenance. During the period March 16, 1979, through June 30, 1991, the Friends of the Edmonds Library raised $62,922.04. During the period July 1, 1991, through December 31, 1996, the Friends raised an additional $48,624.18, a total of $111,546.22. In addition to these funds, the Friends of the Edmonds Library also maintains a Scholarship Fund. Mr. Kirschenbaum said when he was selected as President of the Friends of the Edmonds Library, his intent was to make their dollar go further. He requested the City consider waiving the fee charged the Friends of the Edmonds Library fee for putting up the banner advertising the book sale in the future. Mayor Fahey thanked Mr. Kirschenbaum for serving as President of the Friends of the Edmonds Library. She recognized other members in the audience. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 2 Responding to Councilmember Miller's question, Mr. Kirschenbaum stated that before retiring, he did evaluations for the Department of Education .in the area of libraries. The Edmonds Children's Librarian is a treasure whose programs they try to support. 4. HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Planning Manager Rob Chave explained the first set of amendments were amendments to the text of the Comprehensive Plan. The second set of amendments addressed land use issues at the intersection of SR - 104 and .95th Place West. (A) AMENDMENTS TO THE TEXT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, INCLUDING: • UPDATE THE CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT TO INCLUDE CURRENT 6 -YEAR CAPITAL PROJECTS AND FUNDING; • UPDATE THE PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT TO INCLUDE CURRENT INFORMATION: • UPDATE THE LAND USE ELEMENT, PROVIDING CLARIFICATIONS TO CORRIDOR LAND USE DESIGNATIONS, POPULATION UPDATES, AND INCLUDING THE RECENTLY ANNEXED AREAS IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP: • UPDATE THE LAND USE ELEMENT BY REMOVING THE "PORT OF EDMONDS MASTER PLAN" AS AN INCLUDED/REFERENCED DOCUMENT DUE TO THE PORT'S INTENT TO UPDATE ITS PLAN AT THE END OF THIS YEAR; • UPDATE THE TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT INCLUDING CURRENT PROJECT (CIP) LISTS AND CORRECTING THE ARTERIAL SYSTEM MAP TO SHOW 7TH AVENUE NORTH (MAIN TO GASPERS) AS A "COLLECTOR" STREET; • ADD A NEW "URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES" SECTION AND INCORPORATE THE ADOPTED "EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN" INTO THE COMMUNITY CULTURE AND URBAN DESIGN ELEMENT TO PROVIDE GENERAL POLICIES FOR DEVELOPMENT WITHIN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF THE CITY. Mr. Chave explained the text amendments were minor revisions which include updating the Capital Facilities Element to include current 6 -year capital projects and funding; updating the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Element to include current information; updating the land use element, providing clarifications to corridor land use designations, population updates, and including the recently annexed areas in the Comprehensive Plan; updating the Land Use Element by removing the "Port of Edmonds Master Plan" as an included/referenced document due to the Port's intent to update its plan at the end of this year; updating the Transportation Element, including current project (CIP) lists and correcting the Arterial System map to show 7th Avenue North (Main to Caspers) as a "collector street;" and adding a new "Urban Design Guidelines" section and incorporating the adopted "Edmonds Economic Development Strategic Plan" into the Community Culture and Urban Design Element to provide general policies for development within different portions of the City. He explained it was anticipated when the update of the Port of Edmonds' Master Plan was completed, it would be included in the Comprehensive Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 3 Plan. He advised notification had been sent to all residents on 7th Avenue of the intent to correct the Arterial System Map to show 7th Avenue North (Main to Caspers) as a collector street. Mayor Fahey opened the public participation portion of the public hearing on Item 4A. There were no members of the audience who wished to address the Council. City Attorney Phil Olbrechts explained Planning Staff anticipated, at the close of next week's public hearing, that the Council would provide direction regarding any necessary changes and the ordinance would reflect those changes. Mayor Fahey pointed out any testimony provided to the Planning Board was part of the record and would be taken into consideration. (B) AND. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP (ITEMS #5/10): THE REQUESTED CHANGE IS FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND MULTI - FAMILY HIGH DENSITY TO COMMERCIAL. THE PLANNING BOARD DID NOT DEVELOP A CONSENSUS RECOMMENDATION ON THE PROPOSAL. (Location: SR -104 at 95th Pl. W., West of Westgate Chapel/File No. CDC -97-29) Planning Manager Rob Chave explained this item was a specific proposal to amend the Comprehensive Plan map. He displayed an arterial view of the area and identified the area proposed to be changed. He explained a portion of this area was currently designated single family east of 95th Place West and at the western end of the property (parking lot associated with Westgate Chapel) was designated multi -family. He explained the red line shown on the arterial photograph identified the bottom of the steep slope, noting there were single family uses above the steep bluff. He described surrounding uses including multi -family development across the street, the commercial center associated with the Westgate intersection, the Westgate Chapel east of the property, and single family uses to the north and further south. He pointed out the intersection of SR -104 and 95th Place West was signalized. Mr. Chave explained the Planning Board had not been able to develop a recommendation for this proposal. Their discussion included buffering, access, traffic, etc. Planning Board members voting against the proposal believed traffic issues out weighed the property specific development problems. When staff considered the area, there was not a clear, easy solution due to the property's odd shape, topographic issues, and significant access hurdles; He pointed out the property could not easily be accessed from 95th Place West as there was only 50 - 80 feet of frontage. As 228th rises on the north of the property, that is also not considered a reasonable access. Further, access on 228th would encourage the use of 228th and additional traffic entering a single family neighborhood which is discouraged by Comprehensive Plan policies. The only access remaining would be from SR 104 and a right-in/right-out is considered to be the only feasible access. It was the consensus of the Planning Board that if the designation was changed, that consideration be given to not allowing development above the bottom of the slope. Mr. Chave explained the distance from the red line (identifying the toe of the slope) and SR 104 varied from approximately 80 feet at the west end to 200 feet in the center. Councilmember Van Hollebeke asked if the property was owned by several individuals. Mr. Chave answered there were several owners; there are narrow lots lining SR -104 with narrow frontage on SR - 104. There is significant ownership at the west end (parking lot) and the portion east of 95th Place West (the former Montessori School). Mr. Chave pointed out the map in the Council packet showing the property configuration. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 4 Councilmember Van Hollebeke observed the most feasible alternative would be to allow commercial development on the portion of the property parallel to SR 104 up to the toe of the slope. He noted the steep grade would, provide a buffer between the commercial development and the single family neighborhood. Mr. Chave pointed out difficulties occur at the intersection of SR -104 and 95th Place West as the topographic buffer does not exist in that area, although the Council could recommend a buffer be provided in this area. He explained if the property designation was changed to commercial or multi- family, development review would require architectural design review and an opportunity for the public to comment on any proposal. Councilmember Van Hollebeke asked if there was water drainage on the site. Mr. Chave answered there was a severe depression in the center. Discussions with Engineering have not indicated any wetlands on the site but drainage issues would need to be overcome before any development could occur. For Council President Earling, Mr. Chave explained the most significant discussion at the Planning Board level concerned the slope. Planning Board members were very concerned that any development focus on SR -104 and be limited to the bottom of the slope. He pointed out critical areas and sensitive areas likely were not developable. Further, the Planning Board struggled with how to resolve access difficulties, particularly at the east end of the property, and how to deal with the intersection of SR -104 and 95th Place West. Council President Earling asked what reassurance the City could provide to residents that the green belt would be retained. Mr. Chave answered any time commercial or multi -family development occurred adjacent to single family, the required architectural design review would address placement of buildings, access, and traffic as well as an analysis and evaluation of buffering. This is to ensure the single family development is not impacted by the higher density development. He noted the architectural design review included a public process prior to any decision. Council President Earling observed the former Montessori School property was below grade and asked if this occurred as a result of the highway improvements. Mr. Chave answered he was not certain but could find out. Mayor Fahey opened the public participation portion of the hearing. She reminded everyone present that comments made to the Planning Board were part of the record. Daphne P. Kopp, 9702 227th Place SW, Edmonds, said terrible drainage problems developed last year that had not occurred during the past 25 years. She expressed concern that if building occurred on the property, their drainage problems would worsen. She was also concerned that commercial or multi- family development "against their back fence" would devalue their property. She pointed out the traffic at the corner of 95th Place West and Edmonds Way was horrendous and any commercial activity would make it worse. For Councilmember Van Hollebeke, Ms. Kopp identified her property at the top of the slope. She explained her garage and basement flooded last year which had not happened during the past 25 years. Louis Berto, 9703 228th Place SW, Edmonds, referred to a letter submitted by one of his neighbors regarding the Snohomish County Hearing Examiner's decision on the same property in 1987. He said he has lived in the neighborhood for 32 years and the water problems continue to worsen. He explained the proposal in 1987 was to change the property from single family to multi -family. He referred to the Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 5 Hearing Examiner's decision which stated a study of the traffic indicated the area could not accommodate that many more people. The Hearing Examiner's decision also indicated the storm drain enters the site near the northwest corner and flows through the site generally in the western direction. Witnesses testified that the area is extremely wet and exhibits ponding conditions during rainy seasons. Several neighboring property owners submitted letters of opposition and testified in opposition to the requested rezone. The Hearing Examiner's decision stated multi -family development would be incompatible with the single family housing on the north and that fill placed on the property may be unsuitable for building purposes. He pointed out 30 years ago, this property was wooded; problems have developed since the property was cleared. He expressed concern with potential slides if more of the bank was cut away. He pointed out Snohomish County had reached the conclusion that multi -family dwelling in this area should not occur without some type of building site plan that would ensure the problems associated with access, relationship to the surrounding properties were properly resolved before any development plan could begin. The Hearing Examiner's decision addressed storm drainage, water problems and that the property should remain single family or be subdivided for commercial or multi- family below the slope, retain the slope as a buffer and single family zoning on the top of the slope. Mr. Berto requested, if the change was approved, that any development not be approved until the plans were reviewed to determine how problems generated could be resolved. Margaret Brown, 22605 95th Place W, Edmonds, echoed the concerns expressed by previous speakers. She explained her main concern was safety, pointing out the signal at Edmonds Way and 95th Place West was installed due to difficulties entering Edmonds Way at 95th Place West. She pointed out the traffic on Edmonds Way, which exceeds the 40 mph speed limit, creates difficulties on the curve, difficulties that would be increased by multiple driveways. She suggested there be one entrance, an access road to the businesses, near the Westgate parking lot, She suggested properties east of 95th Place West have access onto 228th rather than Edmonds Way. She was also concerned with possibly increasing traffic on 95th Place West. She reiterated the concern with the stability of the hill and noted problems may occur with building at the bottom. Lois Paris; 1052 B Avenue, stated she is the property owner of two parcels at the corner of 95th and Edmonds Way. She explained she and her husband own the former Montessori School property and had previously operated a real estate business on the site. She noted they did not have problems with traffic at that time even without the traffic light. She explained the property is served by an entrance off 228th and Edmonds Way and had a generous amount of parking, an area the Montessori School utilized as a playground. She said they also own (and pay taxes on) the property across the street but are unable to develop it. She pointed out this was an impossible location for a single family residence. She asked the Council to consider making the change so that their property would be useable. She noted the change will not create that much more traffic and the drainage issues should be addressed by the City. She said development would not affect the hill. Mary Carter, 9701 227th Place SW. Edmonds, a resident of the single family neighborhood for 24 years, said her property abuts the area proposed to be changed. A portion of her property is actually included on the map within the area to be changed; she was told by the Planning Board that this would be corrected. She expressed concern with commercial development abutting her property and with drainage problems on the hill. She encouraged the Council to divide the property into two areas and only consider a commercial designation for the bottom portion. However, even this proposal would be difficult for her to support due to traffic on 95th Place West and SR -104. She pointed out traffic in the area has increased since Mr. and Mrs. Paris operated a real estate office on the property. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 6 Mayor Fahey clarified the red line on the aerial photograph only illustrated the toe of the slope and was not a suggestion that the property be divided. Mr. Chave pointed out the consensus of the Planning Board had been, if a change was made to the Comprehensive Plan map, that the red line identified the area where change should occur. The area northwest of the red line would remain single family. Lynn Zeiter; 22519 85th Place W, Edmonds, pointed out the opening of the new Edmonds High School, a larger facility, would increase traffic on 95th Place West as it is an "arterial" between Edmonds Way and 220th. As a walker and a jogger, she often uses the well -traveled path down 228th to her home and has seen water running down the hill. She pointed out the signal would not have been installed at the intersection if there were not problems. Ray Albano, Edmonds, speaking for Mr. Paris who was unable to attend the meeting, agreed with several of the points made earlier, but noted much of the drainage on the top of the hill was the City's problem. He referred to the Zoning Map and the location of 95th Place West and 228th, noting Mr. and Mrs. Paris own approximately. 3/4 acre on the west side, the first two lots. They have sold the property on the right. He pointed out the traffic problems on all streets, the need to develop Edmonds Way with commercial property, and GMA requirements for more multi -family housing. He commented about the unreasonableness of zoning the two lots single family. He recommended the area be designated for small businesses and/or low density multi -family. Roger Hertrich, 1020 Puget Drive, Edmonds, described a near -accident when turning off Edmonds Way, noting this likely happens frequently. He pointed out difficulties with negotiating the corner when leaving Edmonds Way which would be further impacted by driveways in,this area. He commented it was only necessary to make the current RM 1.5 zoning consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. He noted additional traffic in this area would increase the existing hazards and recommended the problems on these properties be addressed before the property is rezoned and usage increased. There being no one else present wishing to address this matter, Mayor Fahey closed the public participation portion of the hearing. Councilmember White asked what consideration would be given to traffic volumes, safety issues, ground sloughing, drainage, etc. prior to commercial construction. Mr. Chave explained the design review process would consider access, buffering, drainage, sidewalk and roadway improvements directly attributable to the development, etc. A developer would be required to submit proposed plans for City review. Staff would internally review the plans, forward them to appropriate agencies, and provide notice to residents within 300 feet. A public hearing would typically be required before a decision was made. Councilmember White asked if the Council would review the matter if the public is dissatisfied with the ADB's decision. Mr. Chave advised the Council would consider the matter if the ADB's decision was appealed. Councilmember White asked what effect dividing the property (from the toe of the slope to SR -104) would have on commercial development. Mr. Chave explained commercial development is not dependent on the overall square footage of lot area. If the property was zoned multi -family and the area northwest of the red line was not, the number of multi -family units would be reduced. Restricting commercial development to the bottom of the slope would not affect development of the property due to the inability to construct commercial uses on a slope. He noted dividing the property would ensure there would not be commercial development above the slope. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 7 Councilmember Miller asked staff to comment on the status of storm drainage in the area. City Engineer Jim Walker answered this area was recently in the County and the City did not have much history on it. The City and County did a joint drainage basin study in 1990/1991 and residents were sent questionnaires asking them to identify drainage problems in the area. He did not recall any drainage problems on this site although there were drainage problems in the surrounding area. He noted there was a ditch system in the area without good outlets so there likely were ground water problems in the area. He said staff had not looked at drainage on this particular site. Councilmember Miller asked if a traffic study had been conducted of volumes at SR -104 and 95th Place West. Mr. Walker answered the City's Transportation Plan was completed before this area became part of the City. He agreed there were significant traffic volumes on 95th Place West; the signal was installed to address safety hazards. He pointed out the property near the corner could be restricted to right- in/right-out; properties toward the BP station could utilize the center turn lane. Councilmember Miller asked if significant infrastructure improvements would be necessary if commercial development was allowed in the area. Mr. Walker said it was difficult to determine what type of improvements would assist the situation given the configuration of the roadway, the radius of the corner, sight distances, and traffic speeds. Councilmember Haakenson asked if multi -family or commercial development would create more traffic. Mr. Chave answered commercial traffic volumes vary; multi -family development would generate quite a lot of traffic. He pointed out this was the reason for the Planned Business Zone in the Westgate area, a business zone that would generate a lower volume of traffic. If a commercial designation was desirable for the property, he preferred it be the Planned Business Zone. Councilmember Haakenson asked if the Council was obligated to zone the entire property the same or if it could be split. City Attorney Phil Olbrechts answered there was no legal reason the property could not be split and the slope provide a natural boundary. Mayor Fahey observed there is another public hearing scheduled on Comprehensive Plan amendments on October 2, 1997. Mr. Chave advised the public hearing next week would address other Comprehensive Plan map changes. Mr. Olbrechts pointed out the Council would not be allowed to take additional testimony on this proposed change at the next hearing unless the hearing was continued and advertised. COUNCILMEMBER MYERS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCII.MEMBER MILLER, TO EXTEND THE DISCUSSION OF THIS ITEM 15 MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. Regarding Council President Earling's concern with the elevation of the street, Councilmember Nordquist stated he called the State Highway Department and they indicated a dam was created to address water problems. He also spoke with former Councilmember Kasper who indicated it had been the Council's intent at one point to consider that corner as a wetland due to water issues. He pointed out the hillside had been unstable for a long time and recommended a green belt be established if the property was rezoned commercial. He mentioned the possibility of the Planning Department doing a traffic and drainage study. He also expressed interest in having the property modeled by the University of Washington to determine the best use of the property. He did not support a commercial designation at this time and preferred the Council be educated on the issues before making a decision. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 8 Councilmember Myers said his major concern was the intersection of SR -104 and 95th Place West. He noted the signal improved the situation but did not solve the traffic problems. Although he recognized the need for commercial property development, the only option he would support would be to follow the red line until it intersected with the line tangent to the property on the south side of the intersection. Council President Earling said his concern was drainage issues and referred to the testimony provided by residents. He recommended any consideration for a rezone include a designated green belt which was created by the line at the toe of the slope. The red line east of 95th Place West provided assurance that the green belt would be maintained whether the property is designated RM 1.5 or commercial. He expressed concern that property owners were unable to develop their property. He noted there are traffic problems all along Edmonds Way from Hwy 99. He agreed with Councilmember Myers' statement, that the signal had made a considerable improvement, but felt arbitrarily prohibiting development on the east side of 95th Place West was not equitable. He said the best resolution to this complex issue would be business zoning, ensuring the traffic engineer addresses problems such as right-in/right-out. He suggested a greenbelt also be designated to the east where the toe of the slope levels out. Councilmember Van Hollebeke agreed with Council President Earling's comments, noting it was logical to divide the property at the toe of the slope. He said it was inappropriate to zone out two or three parcels adjacent to 95th Place West and not allow the property owners to develop their property The logical approach would be to allow the portion that is below the toe of the hill to be developed with commercial uses with the provision that safety, drainage, etc, be considered on an individual basis before development is allowed. Councilmember Myers said although he agreed with some of the comments made, he was not prepared to allow the properties on 95th to be developed with commercial uses. In response to the comment that property owners are not allowed to develop their property, he pointed out those property owners were aware of the zoning when they purchased the property; the City had no responsibility to change the zoning. Councilmember Miller agreed development along the SR -104 frontage was inevitable. He preferred the area between SR -104 and the•toe of the slope be zoned multi -family rather than commercial to maintain the residential integrity. The slope area would provide a buffer between the multi -family on the frontage and the residential area at the top of the hill. Councilmember Haakenson asked whether the Montessori School property was large enough to support development if it was zoned RM 1.5. Mr. Chave answered there was no minimum square footage, some type of multi -family development could occur on the parcel. Councilmember Haakenson supported Councilmember Miller's proposal to continue the RM 1.5 zoning in the area instead of commercial zoning. COUNCILMEMBER MILLER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON, TO ZONE THE AREA MULTI -FAMILY 1.5, THE ENTIRE FRONTAGE ON SR -104 UP TO THE TOE OF THE SLOPE IDENTIFIED ON THE MAP IN RED. Councilmember Van Hollebeke indicated he could not support the motion because he felt it would be a rash judgment of the best and proper use of the property and preferred the decision be postponed. COUNCILMEMBER WHITE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON, TO EXTEND THE DISCUSSION OF THIS ITEM 10 MINUTES. MOTION CARRIED. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 9 Mr. Olbrechts explained if the Council wanted to zone the property multi -family, another public hearing must be advertised. Councilmember White commented that zoning the property multi -family would limit the practical options for the property, and pointed out safety, traffic, drainage, etc. would be examined thoroughly by a developer. COUNCILMEMBER MILLER WITHDREW HIS MOTION WITH THE AGREEMENT OF THE SECOND. COUNCILMEMBER WHITE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING, TO ACCEPT THE AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS STATED WITH THE PROVISION THAT THE TOE OF THE SLOPE BE THE LIMIT FOR COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT TO THE NORTHWEST. Council President Earling recommended the greenbelt be continued to the east. .Councilmember White agreed but noted the greenbelt was not appropriate at 95th Place West where it did not currently exist. Council President Earling said his intent was also to have ingress/egress only on Edmonds Way. Councilmember White agreed but questioned whether this was the correct forum for such limitations. Councilmember Myers observed the only thing all seven Councilmembers appeared to agree upon was having no development above the red line (toe of the slope). He was adamantly opposed to vehicular access on the curve on SR -104 due to safety concerns and he would not support any proposal that did not move the commercial zone further north. Councilmember White pointed out this was not the proper forum to address ingress/egress to the property. Councilmember Van Hollebeke agreed. Councilmember Haakenson indicated he would not support the motion as he believed multi -family would generate traffic problems in the morning and evening where traffic problems currently exists. If the property were zoned commercial, traffic problems would exist throughout the day. Councilmember Miller indicated he would not support the motion as the only item Councilmembers agreed upon was the toe of the slope. If the motion failed, he planned to move to continue the hearing. City Clerk Sandy Chase restated the motion as follows: MOVE TO ACCEPT THE AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS STATED WITH THE PROVISION THAT THE TOE OF THE SLOPE BE THE LIMIT TO THE NORTHWEST DIRECTION AND WITH THE AMENDMENT THAT THE GREENBELT BE CONTINUED TO 95TH PLACE WEST. MOTION FAILED, COUNCILMEMBERS MYERS, HAAKENSON, NORDQUIST, AND MILLER OPPOSED, AND COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING, COUNCILMEMBERS VAN HOLLEBEKE AND WHITE IN FAVOR. COUNCILMEMBER MILLER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WHITE, TO CONTINUE THE HEARING FOR THREE WEEKS FOR THE PURPOSE OF SEEKING ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FROM STAFF. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 10 For Councilmember White, Mr. Olbrechts explained a continuation of the hearing was necessary if staff provided new information. If the Council wished to adopt a multi -family designation for the property, another public hearing and appropriate notice must be provided. Councilmember Haakenson suggested the motion include noticing that the public hearing may include consideration of a multi-family designation. Mayor Fahey restated the motion as follows: CONTINUE THE HEARING FOR THREE WEEKS TO OCTOBER 21, 1997 FOR THE PURPOSES OF OBTAINING ADDITIONAL TESTIMONY AND INFORMATION REGARDING REZONE OF THIS PROPERTY TO INCLUDE THE POSSIBILITY OF MULTI -FAMILY 1.5 AS WELL AS CONSIDERATION OF COMMERCIAL DESIGNATION. MOTION CARRIED, COUNCILMEMBERS VAN HOLLEBEKE, HAAKENSON, MILLER, AND WHITE IN FAVOR; COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING AND COUNCILMEMBERS MYERS AND NORDQUIST OPPOSED. Mayor Fahey advised the public hearing would be continued to the October 21, 1997, Council meeting. Mayor Fahey declared a brief recess. 5. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS TO PURCHASE A BUCKET TRUCK FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS STREET SECTION Public Works Superintendent Noel Miller explained this item would normally be a Consent Agenda Item; however, as it was not in the budget, it was before the Council for discussion. He advised the City's bucket truck was damaged in a recent accident and needed to be replaced as it was an integral part of the City's maintenance. He explained an option not included in the Council packet was to seek bids on demonstration models less than a year old with low miles. Councilmember Miller questioned why the City would purchase a new truck and then have two trucks once the existing one was repaired. Mr. Miller explained if the purchase of a new truck was authorized, the damaged truck would not be repaired. He said the blue book value of the.damaged 19$5 bucket truck was approximately $15,000; the repairs were estimated to exceed $20,000. Further, the new bucket trucks have improved safety features and ease of operation. Councilmember Nordquist said, as the Finance Committee Chair, his understanding was the bid could be for a new or used truck. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE, TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNCIL TO CALL FOR BIDS TO PURCHASE A REPLACEMENT BUCKET TRUCK, NEW OR USED, FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS SECTION. Council President Earling asked how the purchase would be funded. Mr. Miller answered $45,000 had been collected in the replacement fund and the remainder would come from the street fund ending cash balance. MOTION CARRIED. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 11 6. REPORT ON QUOTES AND AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ANTI -ICING EQUIPMENT uipment FROM SPRAY CENTER ELECTRONICS. INC. ($7,156.22 Including Sales Tax) Public Works Superintendent Noel Miller explained this item was a continuation of a discussion held with Council at the August 19, 1997, meeting and staffs research in response to Council's requests and concerns. His discussions with the Department of Transportation indicated there would not be an increase in the cost of the City's snow and ice removal program although neither would there be a great savings anticipated. This program will provide another method of removing snow and ice and make roadways safer during inclement weather. Regarding concerns with the environmental and fish hazards, he referred to literature included in the Council packet which described the low toxicity level of the substance. Further, he discussed the substance with a professor at the University of Washington who was involved in a study of Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) and indicated it was less toxic than salt on fish environments. Councilmember Haakenson observed his concern with the shelf- life of the product had not been addressed. Mr. Miller advised the literature indicated the substance was stable. He explained CMA is stored in a solid form and could be stored until needed. Councilmember Myers recalled this was approved as a pilot program and asked if the equipment could be used in other ways. Mr. Miller said the equipment could be used for vegetation control, noting the City's existing vegetation control equipment was in need of replacement in the next few years as it was purchased in the early 1980's. Councilmember White said he looked up the product name on the Internet and learned many universities studied the product and found it had less effect on the environment and on road surfaces than salt. COUNCILMEMBER MYERS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE, TO AUTHORIZE THE PURCHASE OF ANTI -ICING EQUIPMENT FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS STREET SECTION FROM SPRAY CENTER ELECTRONICS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,156.22 (price includes sales tax). MOTION CARRIED. 7. MAYOR Mayor Fahey advised it had been determined that some Councilmembers were not available for the November 6 City Hall open house. Observing the first Council meeting in November had been rescheduled for November 3 due to the election on Tuesday, November 4, she suggested the date for the City Hall open house be changed to November 4. The City Hall would be open to the public throughout the afternoon and the ceremony held from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Council President Earling indicated efforts were being made to invite all former Councilmembers to attend. 8. COUNCIL Council President Earling commented on the unexpected news that the EMS Levy had passed when it was assumed it had not passed. Although voter turnout had not exceeded 40% of the previouselection, it was determined only a super majority was necessary and the EMS levy passed. He noted this was an indication of the community's support of the EMS levy. He thanked Councilmember Haakenson for his efforts to bring diverse opinions together as well as the citizens' group for their support of the EMS levy. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 12 During his trip to the east coast, he spoke with Representative White regarding funding in the 6 -year Transportation Plan for the multimodal center which he is trying to retain in the Transportation Bill. Excused COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER MYERS, TO Absence EXCUSE COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING FROM THE LAST TWO COUNCIL MEETINGS. MOTION CARRIED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING ABSTAINED. Councilmember Haakenson echoed Council President Earling's comments regarding the EMS Levy and thanked the residents who voted in favor of it. Councilmember Nordquist said a resident called him and asked whether the City had received information regarding the cellular towers on Edmonds Way near Westgate, an area the City has considered annexing. Mayor Fahey advised staff would contact him to discuss this issue. With no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m; BARBARA S FAHEY SANDRA S. CHASE, CITY CLERK Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes September 30, 1997 Page 13 W EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL Plaza Meeting Room - Library Building 650 Main Street 7:00 -10:00 p.m. SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 SPECIAL MEETING 7:00 P.M. - CALL TO ORDER FLAG SALUTE 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1997 (C) APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS #18971 .THRU #20294 FOR THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 22, 1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $309,052.72 (D) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN LEASE AGREEMENT WITH WESTERN WIRELESS FOR MOUNTING TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITY ON CITY -OWNED PROPERTY (E) PROPOSED RESOLUTION SUPPORTING INCORPORATION OF SNOHOMISH COUNTY CITIES & TOWNS ASSOCIATION 3. (5 Min.) PRESENTATION BY THE FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY 4. (60 Min.) HEARING ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY OF EDMONDS COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: (A) AMENDMENTS TO THE TEXT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, INCLUDING: • UPDATE THE CAPITAL FACILITIES ELEMENT TO INCLUDE CURRENT 6 -YEAR CAPITAL PROJECTS AND FUNDING; • UPDATE THE PARKS, RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE ELEMENT TO INCLUDE CURRENT INFORMATION; • UPDATE THE LAND USE ELEMENT, PROVIDING CLARIFICATIONS TO CORRIDOR LAND USE DESIGNATIONS, POPULATION UPDATES, AND INCLUDING THE RECENTLY ANNEXED AREAS IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP; • UPDATE THE LAND USE ELEMENT BY REMOVING THE "PORT OF EDMONDS MASTER PLAN" AS AN INCLUDED/REFERENCED DOCUMENT DUE TO THE PORT'S INTENT TO UPDATE ITS PLAN AT THE END OF THIS YEAR; • UPDATE THE TRANSPORTATION ELEMENT, INCLUDING CURRENT PROJECT (CIP) LISTS AND CORRECTING THE ARTERIAL SYSTEM MAP TO SHOW 7TH AVENUE NORTH (MAIN TO CASPERS) AS A "COLLECTOR" STREET; • ADD A NEW "URBAN DESIGN GUIDELINES" SECTION AND INCORPORATE THE ADOPTED "EDMONDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN" INTO THE COMMUNITY CULTURE AND URBAN DESIGN ELEMENT TO PROVIDE GENERAL POLICIES FOR DEVELOPMENT WITHIN DIFFERENT PORTIONS OF THE CITY. (B) AND, PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN MAP (ITEMS #5/10): • THE REQUESTED CHANGE IS FROM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND MULTI -FAMILY HIGH DENSITY TO COMMERCIAL. THE PLANNING BOARD DID NOT DEVELOP A CONSENSUS RECOMMENDATION ON THE PROPOSAL. (Location: SR -104 at 95th Pl. W., West of Westgate Chapel/ File No. CDC -97-29) EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA SEPTEMBER 30, 1997 PAGE TWO 5. (15 Min.) AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS TO PURCHASE A BUCKET TRUCK FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS STREET SECTION 6. (10 Min.) REPORT ON QUOTES AND AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE ANTI -ICING EQUIPMENT FROM SPRAY CENTER ELECTRONICS, INC. ($7,156.22, Including Sales Tax) 7. (5 Min.) MAYOR 8. _(15 Min.) COUNCIL [1 Parking and meeting rooms are accessible for persons with disabilities. Contact the City Clerk at 771-0245 with 24 hours advance notice for special accommodations. The Council Agenda appears on Chambers Cable, Channel 32. Delayed telecast of this meeting appears the following Wednesday, Friday and Monday at noon on Channel 32.