Harbor Square Mailing Brochure.pdfPreliminary Redent Vision 1 2013 ...aro A�IIien(ler..d. , l ata,D rk)r�mt�m immmj)lea Site Catm Nmmm.m.ml,mm^m�;ma Page 3, ma'm,0 lhc: Ammmmfysi I,;9 UIxirysltm.;ro'. .g 11holl;os (.»3) architectural character with a village scale xible (relaillresidential) space the ground floor Visual connection from Daytoni 04 corner through the site to the marsh_ stories stepped back to mass High quality design features with long lasting materials Connection to the `=Landscape buffer between the sidewalk and traffic Spaces for pedestrian activity and gatherings and retail spaces opening onto the sidewalk Pedestrian oriented retail along Dayton Internal site connection to the marsh trail as well as the city wide trail system I',d In til wl:nkr 1 I fill aI sl I bnarl/ with low ingrurt irv,fulnl fit r^tarn n0 sffdhaf lx,rvitnf, paver nt fain (,lalden, etc` Public spaces for onsite residents and Edmonds as a whole This preliminary redevelopment plan reflects the communities values for Harbor Square and downtown only because of the time and commitment the following citizens put into the preparation of a vision. ® Bill Angle Darrol Haug • Jack Tawney • Mary Lou Block John Heighway • Ron Wambolt • Jan Conner • Chris Keuss « Bruce Wittenberg ® Kathy Dewhirst • Elizabeth Mitchell Frank Yamamoto « Frin Dudley • Dean Nichols • Bruce Fairies « Keeley O'Connell N o ^«5 A" Odp. 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Create a pedestrian entry to Harbor Square that invites public use and provides a visual gateway to the Edmonds Marsh from the intersection of Hwy104/Dayton. This public entry point will serve as a key link to downtown Edmonds. 2. Create an attractive street front along Hwy] 04. 3. Feature pedestrian friendly facades and uses along Dayton Street with appropriate setbacks and sidewalks. 4. Establish a pedestrian friendly esplanade with adjacent activities from the public plaza (1) across Harbor Square to the marsh. 5. Connect pedestrian walkways to linkages around the marsh. 6. Provide a vehicular access from Dayton Street approximately midway between Hwy] 04 and the railroad. 7. Provide direct pedestrian access to the Marsh from Hwyl04. 8. Create a pedestrian focus such as a village green or public plaza in the center of Harbor Square. 9. Locate residential development in the southern part of the site. 10. Locate parking near the western perimeter of the site, next to the railroad. Parking could be enclosed in an above ground structure designed to serve the entire site. r% Residential Retail Office Recreation _i Open Space Structured Parking 1 1 . Architectural character should emphasize a "Northwest Style", compatible with existing downtown Edmonds character, and feature high quality traditional materials incorporating a variety of colors, forms and textures. 12. Provide improved buffers to protect and enhance the Edmonds Marsh. 13. Provide for a well landscaped Northwest oriented small-town design theme. � �^ �= �� Analysis " ��Q��������N���� ������N����N�� � m��m���°°���� ° �ww������m�� � |norder |oconfigure and scale new development tominimize potential view impacts, the Part engaged the University of Washington College nfBuilt Environments 10conduct odetailed views6r6 analysis using doto of the ort L|DAR imagery, Ge|6 surveys and 8|3 contour maps. The analysis defined the viewmhr6 in the area above Harbor Square that could potentially be oHvdoJ by future redevelopment. Using the UVVVinwxhe6 8o6v as o baseline, MAKERS inserted 3-D building mo6o|o of the nn:hihedom| concepts info photo imagery from those public locations with the greatest potential hn be Existing impacted by future redevelopment of Harbor Square; see existing and proposed redevelopment images below. Rigorous field surveys and technical analysis indicate that there 6o not appear |o be any measurable impacts to either existing public views or local rroi6oniin| views within the Harbor Square viv*she6, for structures uphzfive stories. The UVVVi*wsho6 Study is ovoi|o6|e on the Pod's wo6sdn or by request. Proposed Redevelopment Master Plan Concepts Two concepts were prepared to illustrate the oxoo, connections, and principles defined by the Steering Committee, consistent with the "economically feasible" assumptions identified during Phase I of the Harbor Square redevelopment planning process. The Committee indicated preference for Concept 3,with modifications mdoua6 building heights along Dayton, improved interior site circulation and increased public access and open space. Avillage character withpedestrian gathering' ^ spaces that welcome not just onsite residents but all of Edmonds Public bli B fit161) The Steering Commhtee identified [lie primary redevelopment issues ranging from economic feasibility |obuilding design, linkages todowntown Edmonds, and community compatibility. The Committee was asked to explore three basic 600ign/6eve|opmon| concept elements |o move howox] o nhnrc6 vision for site planning purposes; these elements were l) uses, 2> connections, and 3\ design principles. A mix of uses to provide optimal tax revenue and other benefits to the City and Port with multi -story residential aothe predominate use. Upper floors stepped back from face. SIR 104/Dayton corner to function as Connection mthe pedestrian gateway to the site inviting to passing public Aoenvisioned bwthe Steering Committee, the most likely Harbor 3qoom redevelopment plan will include o mix of residential, office, and m|oi| uses. The concept will increase public access opporfonihooand other amenities inowaterfront setting that frames the Edmonds Marsh as o knyolth6u|n and public asset. Some of [lie on1idpo|e6 public benefits include: Expanding the tax base for the Edmonds and Woodway Communities ~ One-time construction fees and |oxnx/ estimated $711,535 ' Annual retail sales tax; estimated $97,O0O. ^ Annual property hox/ eohmo|o6 $2l l ,000. Enhancing connections and pedestrian environment: ^ Pedestrian oriented stveefscopowith owide sidewalk along Dayton. ^ AMmdiw: streets with ovariety ofamenities ho invite pedestrian activity. ^ Shops, restaurants and cafes along Dayton Street. ~ Enhanced nature trail and buffers along the marsh. ~ Improved walkway along Hwy] O4. ` Pedestrian esplanade through the site to the marsh. Prot -noting Transit Oriented Development: ^ Encourage commuter access. ^ Reduce cat- traffic. Increase dernographic diversity and population age groups. Improving ecology: ^ Contribute |o6ny|ighhngWillow Creek +ocreate better drainage and achieve improved wafer quality. ` Improve hydraulic function and ecology of the marsh. ^ Facilitate habitat restoration for riparian vegetation, migrating salmon, bird populations and other important resident species. ~ Reduce impervious surfaces (ocontrol on|rno|o6 surface v|ormwofec ~ Enhanced marsh buffer. ~ Design site n|ormwote/ infrastructure to best technology shon6or6s/ ie. pwo|eo, rain gardens, green rooftops. Increasing waterfront view opportunities and public gathering places: ^ Dedicated public use oens with views of the xkom|inn and Edmonds Marsh. ~ Environmental interpretive center. ���������� �~�K������°�� �~ ����������� N����������m ��N��m wn o�w ng �~n ���������� For several years, the Porto[ Edmonds has been actively engaged in n master planning process for future m6cvn|opmon| at Harbor Square. APhase l Feasibility Study was completed in2OlO. This summary report provides planning information and oprocess Joych[dion for the recently completed Phase 2 Public Outreach. The process began with the selection of o lS'peuon Steering Committee drawn from the Edmonds and W6o6*oycommunities. The committee members represent wide diversity ofexperience and insights. In o series ofmeetings facilitated by Bill 7rimmand MAKERS nrckih:dorr and urban design, the Harbor Square Steering Commiffee Meeting #2: The Committee reviewed two concepts and provided input on design preferences and site layout characteristics. This input is nf|adeJ inthe concept drawings and orchUedom| sketches and i6on|iHn6 in the Public Benefits section discussed in this report. Committee identified key assumptions, constraints and opportunities for various redevelopment scenarios. This provided design input for refining the site concepts necessary for completion of master plan and for subsequent approval by the Pod Commission and the City of Edmonds. The Planning Process flow chart isshown 6e|ovx AGno| plan has not yet been completed. Rather, the concepts discussed inthis report represent ocollection o{thoughts and ideas formulated 6vthe Steering Committee, with input from the community, through o process that has been open and fully transparent, without o predetermined outcome. Ap,efe/mJ o|hrmotivo has not yet been approved. Committee Meeting #3: BocaJ on input from meeting #2, the Committee further refined the dimensional images illustrated inConcepts 2 and 3.The Committee also evo|oo1e6 o number of important design principles and made the xvggoohnnn |in|n6 under "Design Principles" in this report. The concept shown inthis report represents the Committee's recommendations through meeting #3. Planning Process ~—l}ov'l`»r000tlmplonzootationr~> ................. ')F ........... � ........... .......... . .................................... . . I D M 0 H D S 336 Admiral Way Edmonds, WA 98020 strategy for Harbor Square and conduct an environmental review. Upon adoption by the Port Commissioners, the master plan will be submitted to the Edmonds City Council as an application for a Comprehensive Plan amendment. Environmental Review • Port of Edmonds - Master Plan Amendment • City Council - Comprehensive Plan Amendment Aa diflorial Inforaiation Prepared by: Contact: Bob McChesney I&M Port Executive Director & 425-774-0549 Bill Trimm, FAIC Web: www.poilofedi-noiicls.org/liarborsquai-e_i-neefings.lifnil z Ioz c, Xj'?n.1qaj ") jewo1sno 1131s0d SSMU03 N,096 VM'slDu0u1P] AoM lojiujlDV 900 LH ON IIVJdad S a N 0 W a I VM'911IV3S ... .................... ... .... ........................... ...... OlVd A0... .. ...................... .......—... 39V . ........................ "I'l""I'll""I'll'll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'lll,",— ISOd . . ........................ OIS ASHd