PUD BO Poles Permit App Review Comments ENG2019-0388-0391.pdfof EDo CITY OF EDMONDS N PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS ., ENGINEERING DIVISION 14'sr. , s9° (425) 771-0220 City Website: www.edmondswa.gov DATE: November 20, 2019 RE: Application 4: ENG2019-0388, -0389, -0390, and -0391 Project: Snohomish County PUD BO Poles During review of the above noted application, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications are needed. Please submit revised plans/documents including a written response to each item below. City of Edmonds handouts, application and other forms, and development code may be referenced on the City website: www.edmondswa.gov under Services/Permits and Development. The City conducted the review for the following permits for BO pole removal and/or relocation by considering the following: • Following the policy for minimum clear zone requirements, where a minimum of 10' is required between the travel lane and the pole, or the pole shall be located at the back of future sidewalk (based on zoning requirements). • Depending on zoning, however, a greater distance from the travel lane shall be required. Poles located within the Westgate Mixed Use Zone (denoted as WMU in map below) shall be a minimum of 13' from the back of curb. ' ova° 3 Ultimately, the City shall hold PUD responsible for removal of poles and final restoration. ENG20190388 A) This pole is located in the Westgate Mixed Used Zone, which with redevelopment will require a 5' landscape strip behind the curb -gutter and an 8' sidewalk. For this reason, the new pole shall be set a minimum of 13' from the back of curb. B) Same as A) Q Same as A) D) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. E) Is this actually on private property? F) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. G) Ok H) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. I) Private drive J) Private drive K) Private drive ENG20190389 L) Private drive M) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. N) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lanes of 232" d and 96th. O) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. P) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. Q) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. R) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lanes of 961h and 234th. S) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. T) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. U) Private drive V) Private drive ENG20190390 W) Private property X) Ok Y) The ROW in this cul-de-sac is 45'. The pole is currently located 37' east of the monument in the center of the cul-de-sac. The new pole shall be placed at the edge of the ROW. Z) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. AA) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. AB) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. AC) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. AD) The new pole shall be a minimum of 10' from travel lane. ENG20190391 A) Ok B) Ok Page 2 of 3 C) Ok D) Ok E) Ok F) Please place the new pole further east to be at least at the back of sidewalk. G) The proposed pole location creates a sight -distance issue for the property to the west; please replace in place or move further east to prevent this. H) Ok Page 3 of 3