01/18/1994 City CouncilEDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES January 18, 1994 THESE MINUTES WERE APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AT THE JANUARY 25, 1994 CITY COUNCIL MEETING The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Laura Hall at the Library Plaza Room, 650 Main St., Edmonds. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT Laura Hall, Mayor John Nordquist, Council President Steve Dwyer, Councilmember Michael Hall, Councilmember William Kasper, Councilmember Dave Earling, Councilmember Barb Fahey, Councilmember Tom Petruzzi, Councilmember STAFF Paul Mar, Community Srv. Dir Art Housler, Admin. Srv. Dir. Rob Chave, Planning Manager Dan Prinz, Police Chief Bob Alberts, City Engineer Noel Miller, Public Works Supt. Rhonda March, City Clerk Scott Snyder, City Attorney Barb Mehlert, Recorder APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA COUNCILMEMBER EARLING MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT NORDQUIST FOR APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Hall welcomed two Boy Scouts who were in attendance to earn a merit bade. The Scouts are from Troop 312, Edmonds Methodist Church. CONSENT AGENDA. Items (G), (H), and (I) were removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCIL PRESIDENT NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER EARLING, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. The approved items are as follows: p (A) ROLL CALL C (B) APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 4, 1994, SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 6, 1994 AND OF JANUARYIg (C) APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS FOR THE WEEKS OF JANUARY 3 AND JANUARY 10, 1994 AND PAYROLL WAR RANTS FOR PERIOD OF DECEMBER 16 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1993 �, D) ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FROM DANNA S. VANDUSEN ($980.58) �i� (E) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH EDMONDS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE 1994 TASTE C`�L� OF EDMONDS (F) AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF A NEW AID CAR (3) ORDINANCE 2967 AMENDING EDMONDS CITY CODE FOR PAYMENT OF LEGAL FEES ON LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS (K) AUTHORIZATION TO IMPLEMENT CONTRACT OPTION TO EXPAND KROLL MAPPING PROJECT ($2,100 PLUS SALES TAX) �QrJ (L) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN AMENDMENT #1 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TELCOM K_% MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS FOR NEW PUBLIC WORKS TELEPHONE SYSTEM ($1,195) (M) APPROVAL OF DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY STORM WATER CENTENNIAL GRANT AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF STREET SWEEPER (Item (G) on the Consent Agenda) Councilmember Petruzzi said he supports the purchase of a street sweeper, but does not agree the City has to spend so much in order to purchase one. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUN- CIL PRESIDENT NORDQUIST, FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF STREET SWEEPER. MO- TION CARRIED with Councilmember Petruzzi voting no for reasons stated. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS TO REPLACE UNIT #20 (1980 DUMP TRUCK IN THE STREET SECTION (Item H) on the Consent Agenda Councilmember Petruzzi supports the proposal to replace the dump truck, but again, said the amount of money budgeted for replacement is too high. COUNCILMEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS TO REPLACE UNIT r20. MOTION CARRIED with Councilmember Petruzzi voting no for reasons stated. 5dc"')� PROPOSED SALARY ORDINANCE FOR 1994, FOR NON -REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES (Item ( I ) on the Consent Agenda (TCounci1member Dwyer supports the Salary Ordinance, with the exception of the Police Chief's Sala- ry, which he said is not adequate for the position. COUNCILMEMBER HALL MOVED, SECONDED BY COUN- CIL PRESIDENT NORDQUIST, FOR APPROVAL OF SALARY ORDINANCE 2966 FOR 1994 FOR NON -REPRESENTED EM- PLOYEES. MOTION CARRIED with Councilmember Dwyer voting no for reason stated. AUDIENCE � Don Bartholomaus, 16008 66th Pl. W., urged the Mayor and Council to support the upcoming School r5 Levy. Mr. Bartholomaus said the schools in Edmonds are in terrible shape, and the levy is much needed for the children's future. Mr. Bartholomaus said even though he has no children in the 1�� Edmonds School District, he strongly supports the levy and hopes the Mayor and City Council does the same. RECOGNITION OF SCOTT CAVENESS AND ROBERT BERGER FOR EXEMPLARY CITIZENSHIP J Mayor Hall called citizens Scott Caveness and Robert Berger to the podium, where she congratulat- ed them and presented each one with a commendation for exemplary citizenship in light of a recent event. Chief Dan Prinz said said on November 27, 1993, the Seattle First National Bank located at n �l Top Foods in Edmonds was robbed. As the suspect was leaving the store, he aroused the suspicions of a Top Foods employee, Scott Caveness. Mr. Caveness followed the suspect from the store and got into a physical confrontation with him as he was preparing to enter a getaway vehicle. As the vehicle left the parking lot, Mr. Caveness yelled for assistance. Robert Berger, heard the plea and helped subdue the suspect. Together they took the suspect back to the store to await respond- ing police units. As a result of their actions, a bank robbery suspect was apprehended and all of the money was recovered. Chief Prinz and Mayor Hall commended Mr. Caveness and Mr. Berger for demonstrating exemplary citizenship. The two citizens were given a standing ovation. UPDATE BY COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR PAUL MAR REGARDING TRANSPORTATION ISSUES AND FUNDING FOR THE MULTIMODAL PROJECT Bruce Agnew, Consultant, referenced a report included in Council Packets regarding transportation issues and funding for the multimodal project. Mr. Agnew noted this was his final report, as his contract has been fulfilled. Mr. Agnew said thanks to the excellent work of Community Services Director Paul Mar, the NHS authorization project was sent on time to Rep. Cantwell's office for �1 submittal to the House Public Works Committee by the January 7, 1994 deadline. 1 Mr. Agnew said the project has fared well in securing planning funds in state and regional multi - modal competitions to date and should also score well when construction funds are requested. Mr. Agnew recommended the City of Edmonds begin a discussion with the community, RTA, Snohomish County, other cities in the region and our legislators to review the feasibility of amending existing local option taxing authority to allow for this possible new funding source for the multi -modal project. Councilmember Earling thanked Mr. Agnew on behalf of the Council, for his excellent work and said he made some very important contacts for the City of Edmonds. Mayor Hall also thanked Mr. Agnew Paul Mar, Community Services Director, reviewed updated status of the Multimodal Transportation Center activity. The most recent activity, January 10, 1994, was when the Technical Advisory Committee met with the CH2MHill consultant team to review the revised scope of work. A first cut schedule and cost estimate was distributed at the January 10 meeting. The committee expressed concern about the turnaround time for reviewing the work products. CH2MHill will provide a re- vised package within the next week. Councilmember Kasper said he would like the Council to receive, in advance, notification of all the public meetings regarding this subject. Mr. Mar replied affirmatively. Councilmember Petruzzi asked Mr. Mar if there have been any Citizen Advisory Committee meetings to date. Mr. Mar said those meetings are scheduled to begin in the near future. Councilmember Fahey asked if the City has been in communication with Mukilteo and other communi- ties regarding inter -city rail. Mr. Mar said there has been no direct communication as of this date. EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES Page 2 JANUARY 18, 1994 AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH ARTIST MICHELE VAN SLYKE TO PROVIDE ART WORK FOR } IU'U THE PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Christine Sidwell, Information/Arts Coordinator, said Michelle Van Slyke has been selected by a public jury process with oversite and final endorsement by the Arts Commission. Ms. Sidwell gave j a chronology on the selection process from initial discussion with Public Works, to presentation of the budget and prospectus to Council, and through the selection process. Ms. Sidwell illustrat- ed some of Ms. Van Slyke's past work via a slide presentation. Upon completion of the slide pre- sentation, Ms. Sidwell, showed the Mayor, Council, and audience a mock-up of the public works facility art work as proposed by Ms. VaySlyke. It was noted by Ms. Sidwell that Ms. Van Slyke is internationally known, and has had public art commissions since 1977. Councilmember Kasper said as this project is partially in a residential neighborhood, he is con- cerned that the public has not had an opportunity to see the design. Ms. Sidwell said the Portals and Railings were approved by the Architectural Design Board. Councilmember Kasper asked if the Architectural Design Board has approved the final design, and Ms. Sidwell said the ADB has been involved in the project from the beginning. COUNCILMEMBER EARLING MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PETRUZZI, TO AUTHORIZE MAYOR TO SIGN CON- TRACT WITH MICHELE VAN SLYKE TO PROVIDE ARTWORK FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY. MOTION CARRIED. PRESENTATION BY "MAKERS" ON DRAFT DOWNTOWN/WATERFRONT PLAN WRob Chave, Planning Managers, referenced the Draft Plan included in Council packets, and said he v;tl�b would like Council to accept the draft plan as a draft plan for public review. Mr. Chave said the draft plan document includes an executive summary and sections on existing conditions, planning process and goals, general urban design concept, and a more detailed discus- sion of individual design elements. As a public review draft, the document should not be seen as a finished product. Mr. Chave said he fully expects the document to change as a result of public input and further hearings at the Planning Board and City Council. However, staff feels the docu- ment is on target and presents a good discussion of concepts and vision to produce a valuable public dialogue. Mr. Chave said while Makers has included relevant economic information in the draft plan docu- ment, a related document containing an economic analysis performed by Apogee Research is not included in the draft. Mr. Chave said Staff is seeking Council reaction to the main plan document first, with the intent of treating the economics report as a separate background document. Mr. Chave gave a short slide presentation regarding this subject and F.A.R.'s (Floor -Area Ratios). Councilmember Petruzzi said he voiced strong objections to the first draft document containing references to "3-stories", as did other Councilmembers, and asked Mr. Chave if this has been taken care of. Mr. Chave assured Council these references have been deleted. COUNCILMEMBER EARLING MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PETRUZZI, TO ACCEPT THE DRAFT PLAN AS A DRAFT FOR PUBLIC REVIEW. MOTION CARRIED with Councilmember Kasper voting no. Councilmember Kas- per said there are major errors in the draft plan, not necessarily made by the Consultant, and he would like to have discussed them before the motion was passed. Councilmember Kasper said there will have to be a long discussion on economics. Councilmember Petruzzi agreed that economics will have to be discussed at length. PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR REGULATION OF BASIC CABLE TELEVISION RATES AND RELATED SERVICES CHARGES Community Services Director Paul Mar said Jack Gradwohl, Area Manager for Chambers Cable is in the audience and asked Council to allow him to speak. COUNCILMEMBER HALL MOVED, SECONDED BY COUN- CILMEMBER DWYER, TO ALLOW MR. GRADWOHL TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL ON THIS SUBJECT. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Gradwohl congratulated the City on the proposed ordinance and said it was well thought out. Mr. Gradwohl said the ordinance is consistent with the FCC regulations as they are written. City Attorney Scott Snyder said the ordinance was written with the intention that the general public could easily understand it and at the same time receive detailed information which is not the case in many other cities. Mr. Snyder said there is a one paragraph ordinance circulating through the Cities from Association of Washington Cities, in which many cities simply adopted. Mr. Snyder said as it has always been the goal of the City of Edmonds to keep its citizens aware and cognizant of issues, he thought the detailed ordinance provided the public with the level of information they should receive. EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES Page 3 JANUARY 18, 1994 Councilmember Petruzzi asked if the City has the authority to reduce the benchmark rates which Chambers Cable passed on to subscribers recently. Mr. Snyder said no. Mr. Gradwohl said as of this date, the FCC has not even come up with the Cost of Service Fee. Councilmember Hall said he wants to make sure the detailed language does not limit the City as opposed to a general ordinance. Mr. Snyder said this would not happen, as the detailed ordinance simply provides the public with more information. Mr. Gradwhol said the 1992 Cable Act is being touted as already extinct. Councilmember Petruzzi asked if the City has the authority to change franchisees. City Attorney Scott Snyder said as long as the existing franchise is in substantial compliance, the City has to renew the agreement. Mr. Snyder said, however, that the City could enter into another agreement with another franchise if one existed in the service area of Edmonds. Mr. Snyder said there are approximately four communities nationwide that have two or three franchises. Councilmember Hall asked if the City has the right to update the ordinance as necessary, and Mr. Snyder said yes. Councilmember Fahey asked to what extent would the City be expected to get information on public viewing opportunities. Mr. Gradwohl said that Chambers periodically sends out customer surveys to find out what the public wants. Mr. Gradwohl said this area is generally between the customer and Chambers, not the City and Chambers. COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HALL, FOR APPROVAL OF ORDINANCE 2968, AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR REGULATION OF BASIC CABLE TELEVISION RATES AND RELATED SERVICE CHARGES. MOTION CARRIED with Councilmember Dwyer and Councilmember Kasper voting no as they do not believe the City should take on the task of regulating basic cable television rates. Councilmember Dwyer said the City should have the FCC provide the regulating of the rates. PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR 1994 MAYOR'S SALARY Brent Hunter, Personnel Manager, requested City Council Approval of an ordinance to increase the Mayor's salary by 3% for 1994, effective 1994, as has been approved for the nonrepresented employ- ees. The funds for the increase have been budgeted in the Salary Pool. Mr. Hunter referenced a comparison of CEO salaries from other local area cities, and noted Edmonds is on the lower end of the salary range for the position of Mayor. Mr. Hunter said the increase is a cost of living adjustment. Councilmember Kasper noted this is not a merit raise, but a cost of living adjustment. COUNCIL - MEMBER KASPER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER EARLING, TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 2969 ESTABLISHING AN INCREASED SALARY FOR THE OFFICE OF THE MAYOR. MOTION CARRIED with Councilmember Hall abstaining. PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON ON -REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES VACATIONS Brent Hunter, Personnel Manager, requested City Council's approval of an ordinance on employee vacations. The ordinance authorizes one additional vacation day for those non -represented employ- ees who have more than 20 years service. The vacation benefit increase was discussed during the recent employer labor negotiations and awarded to the Firefighters bargaining unit. Mr. Hunter said currently, the City has 10 non -represented employees who will benefit from this change, if approved. Councilmember Kasper said as Police negotiations have not yet been completed, he believes the City has lost some its' bargaining power. COUNCIL PRESIDENT NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PETRUZZI, TO APPROVE ORDINANCE 2970 ON NON -REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES VACATION. MOTION CARRIED. REPORT AND DISCUSSION ON FINAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE FIVE CORNERS_ RESERVOIR REPAINTING PROJECT AND COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT 5 Bob Alberts, City Engineer, reported the Five Corners Tank Repaint project is complete. The project was designed, inspected, and approved by Engineering Staff. The project exceeded the ci budget by $30,814.15. An expected cost overrun was reported to Council on August 24, 1993. The extent of the repairs exceeded the estimate. Mr. Alberts requested Council appropriate $30,814.15 from fund 412 ending cash balance and accept the Five Corners Tank Repaint project. COUNCILMEMBER DWYER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, TO ACCEPT THE PROJECT AND APPRO- PRIATE $30,814 FROM FUND 412 ENDING CASH BALANCE. EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES Page 4 JANUARY 18, 1994 Under discussion, Councilmember Kasper asked if there is now a program in place for regular main- tenance and inspection of the Reservoir. Mr. Alberts replied affirmatively. Councilmember Hall asked Mr. Alberts how the tank would hold up in the event of an earthquake. Mr. Alberts replied it should hold up very well and is not in any danger. MOTION CARRIED DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED REORGANIZATION AT TREATMENT PLANT ,-Bob Alberts, City Engineer, said Staff proposes eliminating the utility engineer position and the / �y ' contracting of custodial services at the treatment plant in exchange for adding a full-time opera- tor position, with no impact to the budget. Mr. Alberts outlined the present staffing in the I budget and explained the benefit of a new position. Mr. Alberts said the proposal was reviewed with the Finance Committee and Personnel Director. The Personnel Director concurs that an opera - for position could be hired within the budget items discussed. the Finance Committee supports the VVV proposal. Mr. Alberts asked for Council to approve the reorganization with approval of the addi- tional operator position an deletion of both the contracted custodial services and utility engi- neer position. Councilmember Dwyer said he is skeptical the proposal will work, but will defer to Mr. Albert's proposal. Councilmember Dwyer said he finds it hard to believe that Staff is willing to take on the added responsibility of custodial duties in the plant which was previously done by a contract- ing firm. Mr. Alberts said not only are they willing, but they are excited about the change, as the full time position will allow for more cross -training opportunities. Councilmember Petruzzi said he too is skeptical and said he hopes Staff will not come back to Council at a later date to ask for approval of outside custodial services because the plan did not work. Mr. Alberts said that will not happen. Councilmember Fahey said she recently toured the Treatment Plant and was impressed on how well maintainrf it was and applauded staff on their proposal. COUNCILMEMBER FAHEY MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER KASPER, TO APPROVE THE REORGANIZATION WITH APPROVAL OF THE ADDITIONAL OPERATOR POSITION AND DELETION OF BOTH THE CONTRACTED CUSTODIAL SERVIC- ES AND UTILITY ENGINEER POSITION. MOTION CARRIED. Relating to item 6, City Attorney Scott Snyder said Councilmember Kasper raised a good point regarding the project has not gone through the ADB process. Mr. Snyder said he will have a pro- posed ordinance on the next agenda amending the City Code to add a new section, exempting public arts projects from ADB review. Councilmember Kasper said the City has never done a project such as this in a residential area. MAYOR Mayor Hall recognized Dave Page in the audience, and invited him to the podium to speak. Mr. Page said he recently received signatures on an annexation request from owners of Dawson City. Mr. YII�✓�Page said he had to drive to Vancouver to get it. Mr. Page reported the process is going well, with the major opposition from the Fire Department in Esperance. The Mayor and City Council com- mended Mr. Page for his efforts and accomplishments regarding the proposed annexation. Mayor Hall referenced an upcoming Association of Counties/Towns Dinner at Mill Creek. Mayor Hall said the Juvenile Justice Committee has requested the City make a $100 donation, which is not under the city's purvue. Mayor Hall said the Police Guild has. offered to make the donation. Mayor Hall talked about the upcoming School Levy/bond issue and urged everyone's support in pass- ing the levy. Councilmember Petruzzi noted a proposed resolution in Council packets regarding support to the �1 levy. COUNCILMEMBER PETRUZZI MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER EARLING, TO APPROVE RESOLUTION 783 5 C� SUPPORTING THE THE EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT'S FEBRUARY 8, 1994 SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION BOND AND TWO- YEAR REPLACEMENT MAINTENANCE AND OPERATIONS (M&O) LEVY. MOTION CARRIED. COUNCIL Councilmember Earling said he would like to see the City's Inventory of Buildings on the Extended Agenda for Council review. EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES Page 5 JANUARY 18, 1994 Councilmember Hall sa cil Meeting of Februai Councilmember Fahey s+ Councilmember Dwyer divvies up the 50C pe At 9:15 p.m, the Mayoi At 9:35 p.m, the meet aura e i, id the Parking Advisory Committee will be making a presentation at the Coun- �y 22, in which the Planning Board will also be in attendance. iid the AWC Workshop for Newly Elected Officials was a very good meeting. .aid there are some very good discussions at the county -wide board which line for enhanced 911 services (E-911). and City Council recessed to an Executive Session which ended at 9:34 p.m. ng was adjourned in the Library Plaza Room. yor honda J. arch, City Clerk EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES 'Page 6 JANUARY 18, 1994 AGENDA EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL PLAZA MEETING ROOM - LIBRARY BUILDING 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. JANUARY 18, 1994 CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. FLAG SALUTE 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. (5 MIN) CONSENT AGENDA A. ROLL CALL B. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF JANUARY 4, 1994, SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 6, 1994, AND OF JANUARY 11, 1994 C. APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS FOR THE WEEKS OF JANUARY 3 AND JANUARY 10, 1994 AND PAYROLL WARRANTS FOR PERIOD OF DECEMBER 16 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1993 D. ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FROM DANNA S. VANDUSEN ($980.58) E. AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH EDMONDS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE FOR THE 1994 TASTE OF EDMONDS F. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF A NEW AID CAR G. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF STREET SWEEPER H. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS TO REPLACE UNIT #20 (1980 DUMP TRUCK IN THE STREET SECTION) I. PROPOSED SALARY ORDINANCE FOR 1994 FOR NON -REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES J. PROPOSED ORDINANCE AMENDING EDMONDS CITY CODE FOR PAYMENT OF LEGAL FEES ON LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS K. AUTHORIZATION TO IMPLEMENT CONTRACT OPTION TO EXPAND KROLL MAPPING PROJECT ($2,100 PLUS SALES TAX) L. AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN AMENDMENT #1 TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH TELCOM MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS FOR NEW PUBLIC WORKS TELEPHONE SYSTEM ($1,995) M. APPROVAL OF DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY STORM WATER CENTENNIAL GRANT 3. AUDIENCE 4. (5 MIN) RECOGNITION OF SCOTT CAVENESS AND ROBERT BERGER FOR EXEMPLARY CITIZENSHIP 5. (1O MIN): UPDATE BY COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR PAUL MAR REGARDING TRANSPORTATION ISSUES AND FUNDING FOR THE MULTIMODAL PROJECT 6. (15 MIN) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN CONTRACT WITH ARTIST MICHELE VAN SLYKE TO PROVIDE ART WORK FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY continued EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA - PAGE 2 JANUARY 18, 1994 7. (45 MIN) PRESENTATION 8. (15 MIN) PROPOSED OR TELEVISION RA" 9. (10 MIN) PROPOSED OR[ 10. (10 MIN) PROPOSED OR[ 11. (5 MIN) REPORT AND E CORNERS RESE PROJECT 12. (10 MIN) DISCUSSION OF 13. (5 MIN) MAYOR 14. (15 MIN) COUNCIL 15. EXECUTIVE SES' ADJOURN PARKING AND MEETING ROOMS ARE A 0245 WITH 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE THE COUNCIL BY "MAKERS" ON DRAFT DOWNTOWN/WATERFRONT PLAN )INANCE TO PROVIDE FOR REGULATION OF BASIC CABLE ES AND RELATED SERVICE CHARGES INANCE FOR 1994 MAYOR'S SALARY INANCE ON NON -REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES VACATIONS SCUSSION ON FINAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE FIVE RVOIR REPAINTING PROJECT AND COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSED REORGANIZATION AT TREATMENT PLANT ION ON LABOR NEGOTIATIONS SIBLE FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. CONTACT THE CITY CLERK AT 771- SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS. MDA APPEARS ON CHAMBERS CABLE, CHANNEL 32.