01/28/1985 City CouncilTHESE MINUTES SUBJECT TO FEBRUARY 5 APPROVAL EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES January 28, 1985 Special Monday Meeting The Ballinger Townhall meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Larry Naughten in the Doces Bingo Room, 24111 Highway 99. All present joined in the flag salute. PRESENT ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Larry Naughten, Mayor Jo -Anne Jaech Art Housier, Admin. Svcs. Director Steve Dwyer Doug Reuble, Bobby Mills, Actg. Pub. Wks. Supt. Laura Hall Student Rep. Steve Simpson, Parks & Rec. Dir. Bill Kasper Dan Prinz, Police Chief John.Nordquist Jack Weinz, Fire Chief Lloyd Ostrom Mary Lou Block, Planning Director Jack Wilson Jim Adams, City Engineer Roger Dalzell, Crime Watch Officer Bill Baker, Police Officer Jackie Parrett, City Clerk Scott Snyder, City Attorney Shirlie Witzel, Recorder Mayor Naughten welcomed everyone to the Townhall meeting which is being co -sponsored by the Ballinger Community Club. He asked those having questions to step to the microphone and identify themselves before speaking. Anyone having a question but not wishing to speak may submit a written question. He said any question that cannot be answered this evening will be * answered at the earliest opportunity. At the Mayor's invitation, Crime Watch Officer Roger Dalzell reported on the Block Watch program that will be instituted in the Ballinger area this year. He mentioned the burglary rate in this area and noted that residents in the area have a legit imate concern. Officer Dalzell described the Block Watch program, which emphasizes neighborhood awareness as well as crime operation alerts from the Police Department. He asked for volunteers to either host a Crime Watch neighborhood meeting or to serve as Block Captains. Officer Bill Baker, who will act as Assistant Crime Watch Officer,reiterated the need for assistance -from the Ballinger area residents to make this program a success. Mayor Naughten asked Parks and Recreation Director Steve Simpson to report on the McAleer St. access to Lake Ballinger. Mr. Simpson described the questions that had been raised at the previous Ballinger Townhall meeting, which resulted in the actions that were taken last year. He said a design acceptable to the neighborhood and the City was found and the final result looks much as the design concept intended, thanks to the Public Works Department. A sign will be installed that will contain information regarding the hours, asking that users respect adjacent private property, indicating the loading zone and the fact that this is a street end. Mr.. Simpson indicated there would be a review in November of the actions taken. He thanked everyone for their help in this community effort. Council President John Nordquist reported on impending Community Transit public hearings to determine the rider needs of the area. He noted that the hearing in this area will be held on Wednesday, February 6, 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the PUD auditorium and encouraged everyone to attend. At Mayor Naughten's request, Reid Shockey, of Reid Shockey Associates, presented an update of the Highway 99 study now in progress. Mr. Shockey said this study is a drawing together of studies done previously by John Latourelle and Reid -Middleton, implementing the recommendations of those studies. He noted that the Planning Board is developing specific recommendations for amendments to the Community Development Code and the Zoning Code regarding General Commercial development on Highway 99. The Planning Board wishes to emphasize that these are draft proposals at this point, he said; a public hearing will be EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES * See February 5, 1985 Minutes Page 1 January 28, 1985 held on February 13 at 7:00 p.m. .in the Plaza Meeting Room of the Edmonds Library. At that time, the Planning Board is envisioning sufficient citizen comment to determine public sentiment regarding the proposals. Mr. Shockey then discussed several specific items that are presently being considered by the Board: the intent for commercial development along Highway 99, arterial versus neighborhood use of access streets, "node" concept, height limitations, a view corridor and drainage. At this point, Mr. Shockey introduced two members of the Planning Board present this evening, Jan Phillips and Bob Boye. He then encouraged everyone to attend the Public Hearing to express their views. Mayor Naughten opened the meeting to public comment. Bill Tarbet, 22930 75th Ave. W., asked the City Council to reconsider the action taken regarding the traffic circles at 75th and 230th during the last Council meeting. He said the issue of safety was not addressed by anyone. In observing traffic since the installation of the traffic signs, he said many cars are not stopping and are speeding through the intersection as they have in the past. The danger is evident and he asked the Council to address this question. He noted that installation of the stop signs was against the advice of the City Engineer and the Council had thrown out the State standards with their decision. Mr. Tarbet cited several legal cases which he felt had a bearing on the situation. He reemphasized the danger that exists for children and adults in the area. He said he would take this to court if necessary. He said the stop signs will cause a death. In addition, he noted that commercial development on Highway 99 with taller buildings will, mean increased traffic at this intersection. Councilmember Hall replied that the Council does care what happens at this location. She had spent time today observing traffic at that intersection and had seen everyone stopping at the signs. In addition, she said several people had contacted her to say the signs are working. She said she is willing to look at this further but feels the signs should be given an opportunity to work before changing them. Mr. Tarbet indicated that he was not willing to wait, since he believes someone may be killed before the safety issue is addressed. James Chapman, 23321 75th Ave. W., suggested that the problem of running stop signs may not be limited to the Ballinger area alone. He asked if anyone other than the police could do anything when they see a car failing to stop. City Attorney Scott Snyder said any citizen may file a complaint but the problem arises in that a vehicle cannot be cited, a driver must be cited for an offense, and identification of the driver could be difficult. Mr. Chapman then suggested that a citizen observing a failure to stop could take the license number and advise the Edmonds Police Department, who in turn could send a letter to the owner of the vehicle, pointing out the violation. He said this might serve to alert the owner that he has been sighted. Mr. Snyder suggested the Ballinger Community Club might wish to take this upon themselves, since there could be some question of .the City threatening to use due process where a case cannot be made. On the other hand, he said the Community Club could say the vehicle had been observed at a specified time and place; however, he did not know if the Police would wish to cooperate in furnishing names and addresses of owners. Bob Boye, 24325 76th Ave. W., expressed his appreciation for the opportunity to meet with the Council this evening. He said there is visible evidence of pollution in Lake Ballinger after a rain. Afterany dry period, he noted that the oil accumulations on the roadways are washed into the lake when it rains, resulting in half the lake being covered with an oil slick. He suggested the City Council could address this problem by inventorying the drainage into Lake Ballinger and Halls Creek. One drain, with a trap to collect oil, is located on SR 104. The other drains could also have these traps installed and then a.program instituted for the Public Works Department to clean these traps before it rains. He said many of the developments in the area have installed the traps in these drains as required by the City Code, but there has been no enforcement of cleaning the traps. He suggested that the drains be identified and the Public Works Department clean these also. He believes this would be an inexpensive method of reducing the pollution of Lake Ballinger. He then suggested the same idea could be used in the "bowl" area to prevent this pollution flowing into Puget Sound. In response to a question from Council President Nordquist, Mr. Boye said he raises salmon to help schoolteachers in the area who raise them in the classroom. He described the first release of fingerlings into Lake Ballinger, when a gas truck overturned and the gasoline drained into the lake, killing all the fish. He said he had released 80,000 Coho and Sockeye salmon last year. He indicated that cleaning up the pollution in Lake Ballinger may bring the salmon back. EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 2 January 28, 1985 Betty Mathay, 8006 240th St. S.W., discussed the parking problems that are resulting because bingo is being played at Doces. In addition to parking on both sides of 240th St. S.W., the landscaping also blocks the view of driver exiting from Doces' parking lot. On another subject, she asked if a direction sign to identify the location of Mathay-Ballinger Park could be installed. Mr. Simpson said funds were budgeted this year for installation of such signs for Mathay-Ballinger as well as other parks in the City. Jean Naccari, 23537 75th Ave. W., suggested a stop sign be installed at the corner of 75th Ave W. (going south) and 236th because of the speed of the traffic. Mayor Naughten replied the staff would study her suggestion. Mayor Naughten recessed the meeting for 20 minutes, reconvening at 8:20 p.m. A written question from Mrs. L. Hill, 23823 74th Ave. W., was read by the Mayor concerning responsibility for clearing overgrowth off the sidewalks on 76th Ave. W. Public Works Superintendent Bobby Mills replied that the property owner is responsible for anything from the face of the curb to his house. If a problem exists, he asked that the City be contacted; they will contact the owner and request that the problem be corrected. In the event an owner is not willing to take the necessary steps, the City can clear overgrowth and then bill the property owner. Alice Brown, 22908 74th Ave. W., has served as a minute taker for the City Council, Planning Board and Architectural Design Board during the last several months. During the course of these duties, she has also had contact with the staff of the City. As a consequence of seeing the City in action, she feels the people of Edmonds are receiving their money's worth and she is comfortable with what she has seen and how the tax money is spent. Muryl Medina, 7726 236th St. S.W., expressed concern regarding the proposed commercial development of Highway 99. She asked if a "node" is planned at 236th and whether that street is scheduled to be widened. She said raising the height of buildings on Highway 99 would mean a tremendous increase in traffic, noise and pollution. She said the residential construction during the past five years in the Ballinger triangle, many exceeding $100,000 in value, will now be on the doorstep of commercial development. She mentioned the trucks that will be servicing these commercial developments and the resultant drainage into. Lake Ballinger. She said rather than no concern, the people in the area are very concerned about what will be done, but have not known at what point to voice those concerns. Mr. Shockey encouraged Ms. Medina and her neighbors to voice their concerns at the public hearing scheduled for February 13 at 7:00 p.m. by the Planning Board. He clarified that a "node" is not planned at 236th; there is one planned to extend from 210th to 216th or 222nd and another at the island bounded by SR 104, Highway 99 and 244th St. S.W. He said a key element in determining the location of proposed "nodes" was the distance from single family residential areas. He said the Planning Board was .not given the task of determining which access roads would be widened. Mayor Naughten encouraged Ms. Medina to present her concerns during the Planning Board's public hearing either in person or by submitting her written comments. Ms. Medina said there have been problems with regard to dogs and vehicles in a low income rental area on 78th P1. She said the Animal Control Officer has responded to complaints and has picked up various dogs; however, owners have then tied their dogs in the yard and the dogs then.howl unendingly. She suggested the City enact an ordinance requiring property owners, who own dogs or rent to dog owners, to erect a fence around the property. She also mentioned a problem with noise levels in the neighborhood. At a suggestion from Mayor Naughten that she contact the Police to monitor the noise level, Ms. Medina said she had done this but a signed complaint was necessary before anything could be done and neither she nor her neighbors are willing to sign anything. In addition, she indicated that there is a problem with vehicles that apparently do not have mufflers and create a great deal of noise. She has seen the police stopping cars but does not know if they are stopped because of the missing muffler, but the noise is not abating. Mayor Naughten observed that it is difficult to control neighbors that are not considerate. Councilmember Kasper commented that there have been hearings on the Highway 99 subject for the last few years, about 6-7 Planning Board Hearings and 3 hPld by the City Council in 1982. At that time, the Chairman of the Planning Board remarked that the peoplp concerned do not realize how much power the Planning Board has or .they would have attended the meetings. Ms. Medina said she had attended the Planning Board meetings but had not been aware they were open for public comment. Councilmember Kasper replied that the Board meetings were educational in nature; however, at the Council level, public hearings were held. He said the Council is used to having a proposal or project ignored until something is done and then having public reaction. EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 3 January 28, 1985 Carol Chapman, 23321 75th Ave. W., President of the Ballinger Community Club, thanked the Council for their grass roots efforts. She asked how the Planning Board proposes to keep traffic out of the Ballinger neighborhood if Highway 99 is developed. Mr. Shockey replied that the Planning Board will suggest that the City reaffirm the arterial street plan and, if the street is not an arterial, access to Highway 99 be closed. He said the Planning Board sees a concept of arterial streets being used to move from one end of town to another, while non -arterial streets should be for neighborhood use. He noted that any study of this concept would include. the need for emergency vehicle use in residential area. However, this has not been discussed with either the Public Works.or Emergency Services Departments. In regard to 236th St., he said if it carries a lot of traffic and is an across town connection, it may be a collector or a secondary arterial -and that would. mean it could be constructed to handle traffic. Ms. Chapman reported complaints she had heard regarding cleaning of the K-Mart parking lot in late evenings. Mayor Naughten replied that he had been called and had advised that person to contact other neighbors and submit a letter. He had heard nothing further. 1n response .to a question from Ms. Chapman, Planning Director Mary Lou Block said the shopping development at 230th St. and Highway 99 has been delayed because of some requirements from Engineering and some a delay in financing. However, she said, they do plan to complete the project. Ms. Chapman asked what will be done with the house that is now on that property boarded up and ready to move. Mr. Adams said the owner cannot be found. A gentleman residing at 8028 238th St. S.W., said he understands 238th is an arterial since there is a traffic light on Highway 99. City Engineer Jim Adams said a light on Highway 99 does not mean 238th is an arterial, but he does not know which streets are designated as arterials until he looks at the street map. The gentleman asked if the development on Highway 99 and the resulting increased traffic would indicate that a sidewalk would be constructed since that would be a major street. Mr. Shockey said there is a separate Sidewalk policy adopted for Highway 99. Ms. Block added that the comprehensive sidewalk plan addresses this issue. Mayor Naughten thanked the Ballinger Community Club for the cookies .provided and for co -sponsoring the meeting. He also thanked Daces for allowing the Council to hold the meeting there this evening and thanked those who had attended. Since there was no one else who wished to speak, Mayor Naughten adjourned the meeting at 8:53 p.m. JACQ ELINE G. PARRETT, CITY CLERK i reRY SaAUGITTEN.-'1 OV EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 4 January 28, 1985