03/16/2004 City CouncilMarch 16, 2004 Following a Special Meeting at 6:45 p.m. to interview a candidate for the Planning Board, the Edmonds City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Haakenson in the Council Chambers, 250 5th Avenue North, Edmonds. The meeting was opened with the flag salute. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Gary Haakenson, Mayor Michael Plunkett, Council President Jeff Wilson, Councilmember Mauni Moore, Councilmember Peggy Pritchard Olson, Councilmember Dave Orvis, Councilmember Richard Marin, Councilmember Deanna Dawson, Councilmember ALSO PRESENT David Dwyer, Student Representative 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA STAFF PRESENT David Stern, Chief of Police Duane Bowman, Development Services Director Stephen Clifton, Community Services Director Dan Clements, Administrative Services Director Rob Chave, Planning Manager Dave Gebert, City Engineer Steve Bullock, Senior Planner Scott Snyder, City Attorney Sandy Chase, City Clerk Jana Spellman, Senior Executive Council Asst. COUNCILMEMBER MARIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER MOORE, TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Council President Plunkett requested Item F be removed from the Consent Agenda. COUNCILMEMBER MARIN MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT PLUNKETT, TO APPROVE THE BALANCE OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. The agenda items approved are as follows: (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 2, 2004. (C) APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL RETREAT MINUTES OF MARCH 5-6, 2004. (D) APPROVAL OF CLAIM CHECKS #69383 THROUGH #69548 FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 1, 2004, IN THE AMOUNT OF $434,896.99. APPROVAL OF CLAIM CHECKS #69550 THROUGH #69718 FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 8, 2004, IN THE AMOUNT OF $225,278.47. APPROVAL OF PAYROLL DIRECT DEPOSITS AND CHECKS #37718 THROUGH #37806 FOR THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 16 THROUGH FEBRUARY 29, 2004, IN THE AMOUNT OF $858,935.09. (I-) ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FROM KRISTIN BRYANT ($187.82). Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 16, 2004 Page 1 (G) REPORT ON FINAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE SANITARY SEWER METER REHABILITATION PROJECT AND COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT. (H) REPORT ON FINAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS FOR THE 2003 WATERMAIN REPLACEMENT PROGRAM — PHASE 1ISEAVIEW AND COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE OF PROJECT. (I) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN AGREEMENT FOR LEGAL SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF EDMONDS AND SALTER JOYCE RIKER. (J) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN 2004 NATIONAL SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION (NSA) GIRLS FASTPITCH WORLD SERIES AGREEMENT BETWEEN NSA AND THE CITIES OF EDMONDS AND LYNNWOOD. (K) RESOLUTION NO. 1060 IN RECOGNITION OF DALE HOGGINS, CITIZEN OF THE YEAR. (L) RESOLUTION NO. 1061 AMENDING AND ESTABLISHING FEES FOR INSTALLATION OF AN AMATEUR RADIO ANTENNA, A REQUEST FOR WAIVER FOR TECHNOLOGICAL IMPRACTIBILITY RELATING TO SUCH AN ANTENNA AND FOR A NEIGHBORHOOD APPLICATION TO REVIEW LESS BURDENSOME ALTERNATIVES. Item F: Confirmation of Mayor's Appointment of Don Henderson to the Planning Board. At Council President Plunkett's invitation, Planning Board Chairman Jim Young introduced Mr. Henderson. COUNCILMEMBER DAWSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER ORVIS, FOR APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM F. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. (F) CONFIRMATION OF MAYOR'S APPOINTMENT OF DON HENDERSON TO THE PLANNING BOARD. 3. RECOGNITION OF DALE NOGGINS, CITIZEN OF THE YEAR Council President Plunkett read Resolution 1060 describing Mr. Hoggins' leadership and years of dedication to the community of Edmonds and recognizing him as Citizen of the Year. Mr. Hoggins expressed his appreciation for the resolution and to those who nominated him and considered him worthy. He relayed comments friends and family were likely to make regarding his selection. He invited the Council and public to the Memorial Day Program at City Park on May 31. 4. PUBLIC HEARING ON ORDINANCE NO. 3488 ADOPTING PURSUANT TO RCW 35A.63.220 AN INTERIM ZONING REGULATION CLARIFYING THE APPLICATION OF ROOF HEIGHT ABOVE TWENTY-FIVE (25) FEET AS A PART OF MODULATED ROOF AND BUILDING DESIGN, AND VESTING CERTAIN APPLICATIONS IN PROCESS Council President Plunkett clarified this was an interim ordinance regarding roof and building design. A more permanent ordinance would be addressed via Design Guidelines, a process that would begin with the Architectural Design Board (ADB) next week. Planning Manager Rob Chave explained whenever the Council adopted an interim zoning ordinance, the interim ordinance was effective for a six month period to allow additional study of the issue. He Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 16, 2004 Page 2 explained the Community Services/Development Services Committee recommended development of Urban Design Guidelines that would provide further definition. In the interim, the Committee recommended clarifying the existing code language which was applicable only to the downtown BC (Community Business) zone. The language formerly indicated buildings could extend above 25 feet to 30 feet if part of an approved modulated design. The Committee recommended clarifying that the additional height would only be allowed if part of an approved modulated roof and building design, requiring both the roof and building facades to be modulated. Council President Plunkett inquired whether the Council could amend the interim ordinance. City Attorney Scott Snyder answered yes, explaining interim ordinances were adopted pursuant to the GMA's authorization to enact zoning moratoria and interim ordinances. The Council had the ability to revise the ordinance as necessary following the public hearing. He explained the interim ordinance was effective for a six month period; at the conclusion of that period of time, a new ordinance must be enacted or the interim ordinance extended following an additional public hearing. Mayor Haakenson opened the public participation portion of the public hearing. Darrell Marmion, 750 Edmonds Street, Edmonds, commented it was unclear whether the interim ordinance adequately clarified the intent with regard to future development. He noted to avoid 2-story flat roofs, peak roofs were allowed and further code revisions began to allow 3-story buildings with small peaks and 3-story flat roof buildings. He read from the Beautification and Urban Design element of the Comprehensive Plan (page 52), specifically the goal for the downtown concept which cited 2-story buildings with common walls, close to sidewalks with no setback on frontage streets, small parking areas at rear of buildings, shops and storefronts at street level, compact configuration of buildings without large open areas of paving, pedestrian facilities, mini parks and street furniture, architectural compatibility without eliminating variety, old buildings mixed with new. He recommended any revisions to the ordinance be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Ron Wambolt, 504 6th Avenue S, Edmonds, expressed his pleasure at the Council moving toward clarifying the ordinance. He pointed out it was clear that the intent of the ordinance was that 30-foot buildings without modulated roofs were not allowed. He urged the Council not to grant vesting rights to projects in the system that had not yet been approved. Bob Gregg, 16550 76t`' Avenue W, Edmonds, recalled when this issue began, it was clear the current code allowed buildings between 25 and 30-feet to have one of three roof types: pitched, modulated or flat. The confusion for developers and property owners has been exactly what the code required — an approved modulated building design, approved modulated roof design or approved modulated roof and building design. The interpretation that had been applied over the past 3 years was a pitched roof was acceptable, a modulated roof was acceptable and a flat roof above 25 feet must be part of an approved overall design as reviewed and approved by the ADB. He noted the new Design Guidelines, not yet adopted, clarified that a modulated building design was required. He questioned whether the additional language requiring a modulated roof and building design required both the building and roof to be modulated or whether the roof and building as a package must modulate sufficiently to be approved by the ADB. He recommended the ordinance state "modulated building design" or "modulated roof and/or building design." Jess Gobel, 23922 106t'' Place W, Edmonds, commented this topic resulted in a great deal of confusion and he recommended the Council move quickly to bring clarity to the issue. He recommended vesting be provided to all applicants. Roger Hertrich, 1020 Puget Drive, Edmonds, referred to ADB minutes from 1999, 2000 and 2001 in which boardmembers revealed their confusion with interpreting the code. He supported the proposed clarification. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 16, 2004 Page 3 Robert Appleby, 51 West Dayton, Suite, 304, Edmonds, observed the consequences of decisions with regard to flat roofs, pitched roofs, 25 feet and 30 feet affected the asset value of the resulting commercial structure as well as the tax revenue from that building. Hearing no further public comment, Mayor Haakenson closed the public participation portion of the public hearing. Council President Plunkett inquired regarding the height of a 3-story building in the downtown BC zone. Mr. Chave answered 25 — 30 feet is allowed. Council President Plunkett asked what the maximum height of a building with a flat roof was in the downtown BC zone under the current interpretation. Mr. Chave answered until adoption of the interim ordinance, a developer proposing a flat roof with a modulated building, the building could extend to 30 feet. Council President Plunkett asked the maximum height of a pitched roof building. Mr. Chave answered potentially up to 30 feet. Council President Plunkett asked what the maximum height of a modulated roof was. Mr. Chave answered if the design met the ADB's definition of modulated, it could be up to 30 feet. Councilmember Dawson clarified Mr. Chave's answers to Council President Plunkett were not a Council interpretation but rather the ADB's interpretation. Mr. Chave recalled the Spec building had a combination of roofs that were more or less flat but separated into different planes. He noted the building had flat roofs but with a modulated building, the height was allowed to extend to 30 feet. With regard to a single flat building, he noted the only recent decision was the building on 5th Avenue N which had an entirely flat roof but a modulated building. Councilmember Dawson recalled that building was the first time the Council had the opportunity to consider the code in this manner. She recalled that was what led the Council to pass the interim ordinance. Mr. Snyder referred to the maxims of construction that the Council needed to apply in interpreting the existing ordinance and any interim ordinance, explaining any ambiguity in the zoning code was interpreted in favor of the common law property rights of the property owner. Second, unlike the Congress and the State Legislature, it was difficult to apply legislative history to interpret a code as administrative stare decisis tended to overwhelm legislative history. He referred to a speaker's recommendation for "roof and/or building design," explaining that with the addition of "and/or" an applicant would be free to have a flat roof with a modulated building, thereby reverting back to the issue to be resolved via the interim ordinance. Councilmember Moore clarified the and/or wording would put the Council back to the point before the interim ordinance was passed, however, it was consistent with what the City had done over the past 3-4 years. Mr. Snyder agreed, noting the issue with recent decisions was that the building rather than roof was modulated which was not the original intent of the ordinance. He questioned the need for the vesting provision in the interim ordinance if the Council made a change to modulated roof and/or building design. He explained when the Council approved the interim ordinance, a vesting provision was inserted to allow the one building that had been approved but did not have a building permit to continue forward in process. He clarified with the addition of modulated roof and/or building design, the situation would revert to the pre -interim ordinance, making it difficult to vest anything. Councilmember Wilson clarified the net effect of the insertion of "and/or" would be as if the Council took no action on February 24 to address this issue. Mr. Snyder agreed, noting although other trivial aspects were eliminated via the interim ordinance, they were not the topic of discussion to date. Councilmember Wilson noted no Council action was required unless a change was made to the interim ordinance. Mr. Snyder agreed. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 16, 2004 Page 4 As Mayor Haakenson was the only remaining member of the Council that enacted the original ordinance, Councilmember Dawson inquired about the intent of the Council at that time — whether buildings or roofs were to be modulated. Mayor Haakenson recalled when the ordinance was approved in 1999, the Council was speaking to roof modulation. Councilmember Dawson noted the interim ordinance was consistent with the original intent of the ordinance although it had been interpreted differently in the recent past. Mayor Haakenson agreed, acknowledging that was not the action the Council must take now. He noted the interim ordinance, Ordinance 3488, referred to building design and he did not recall whether "building" was in the original ordinance. Councilmember Dawson clarified the intent of the original ordinance was only roof modulation not building and roof modulation. Mayor Haakenson agreed, explaining he had repeatedly brought this issue to the Council's attention because he estimated a word had been left out of the code when it was written and the insertion of "roof' would have returned the code to the 1999 intent — roof modulation to obtain the additional 5 feet of building height. Councilmember Marin noted the Design Guidelines had been reviewed by the Community Services/Development Services Committee and it appeared the guidelines were going in a direction that would allow a flat roof and via the use of parapet walls, accomplish the same thing as a modulated roof. He was troubled that the interim ordinance dictated that a building must have a modulated roofline which required a terraced roof. He preferred not to dictate a roof plane that no one would ever see when the intent was good looking, interesting buildings from a pedestrian viewpoint. Councilmember Moore asked whether changing the wording to "and/or" tonight would change the process. Mr. Snyder answered he would return with an amending ordinance on the Council's next Consent Agenda; the process would remain the same. Councilmember Wilson preferred to retain the interim ordinance as proposed, explaining the goal was to clarify the original intent and build in protections. He was troubled by a Councilmember indicating what direction the Design Guidelines were going when there had not yet been any public testimony. He preferred to wait until the community had an opportunity to provide input regarding the Design Guidelines before determining what that final product would be. He referred to the Council's workshop with the ADB at the March 23 Council meeting to discuss the Design. Guidelines. Council President Plunkett pointed out that the final determination would be made via the Design Guidelines regardless of the interim ordinance. Councilmember Dawson agreed with Councilmember Wilson regarding retaining the proposed interim ordinance. The existing ordinance did not address the issue in the manner it was intended; the intent of the interim ordinance was to return to the Council's original intent until there had been sufficient time for review of the issue. She questioned why the interim ordinance was unanimously adopted if some Councilmembers did not intend to return to the Council's original intent and review the Guidelines in more detail. Councilmember Moore explained she had had opportunity to study the issue further since the Committee meeting and the unanimous adoption of the interim ordinance that made her more thoughtful about the matter. She reserved the right to change her mind with additional information and was not convinced the current Council needed to adhere to the intent of the Council four years ago. She was satisfied with retaining the interim ordinance and fast tracking the Design Guidelines. Councilmember Olson agreed with Councilmember Marin regarding modulating the building rather than the roof. She noted the interesting buildings were those with modulation on the building, not necessarily the roof. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 16, 2004 Page 5 Councilmember Dawson acknowledged the Design Guidelines could require both a modulated building and roof design or only building modulation, but at this point the code allowed building heights to be increased 5 feet over the 25-foot height limit if there was a modulated design. She was unsure whether this was anyone's intent and before a change was made, further public comment and information was necessary. Mayor Haakenson asked in what zones the interim ordinance was effective. Mr. Chave answered only in the BC zone. Councilmember Marin encouraged the Council to reach resolution quickly. Councilmember Olson noted buildings in the BC zone could currently extend five feet above the 25 foot height limit with a peaked or modulated roof, only a flat roof would not be allowed to extend five feet above the 25 foot height limit under the interim ordinance. Councilmember Wilson noted it was the intent of the Community Services/Development Services Committee to reach resolution as early this year as possible, thus the scheduling of the workshop with the ADB next week. It was the consensus of the Council to move forward with the proposed interim ordinance without change. 5. AUDIENCE COMMENTS Ron Wambolt, 504 6th Avenue S, Edmonds, referred to the minutes of the Council retreat, noting the Council produced a great deal of information on a number of issues as well as created work for the future. With regard to the topic of Community Outreach, he objected to the proposed redesign of the City's webpage, specifically translating into other languages for non-English speaking residents and visitors. He pointed out the official language of the country, state and city was English and he questioned why the city needed to go to the time and expense to put the website in other languages. Mayor Haakenson noted there were a number of people in Japan and other counties who accessed the City's website. He noted translation was easily accomplished via a link and did not require a separate website. Darrell Marmion, 750 Edmonds Street, Edmonds, suggested rather than just the minutes, a report be prepared of the results of the retreat which appeared to have been a visioning conference. Next, he commented he considered the Comprehensive Plan the City's visioning document. Although he agreed the Council did not have to abide by the intent of previous Councils, the Council and staff should consider the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. Roger Hertrich, 1020 Puget Drive, Edmonds, referred to a picture of the 5th Avenue building, noting it was flat and 30 feet tall, proof the city did have higher building heights. He commented that because there had been so many changes made to the code over a short period of time, such as allowing residential on the second floor in the BC zone followed by an interpretation that allowed three stories and elimination of the requirement that 51% of a building be commercial, decreased the emphasis on commercial. A later change required only the first 30 feet of the first floor be commercial. He summarized the result was that new buildings in the BC zone were largely residential rather than commercial. He noted until development in the BC zone was required to be commercial rather than residential, income from commercial uses would continue to decrease. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 16, 2004 Page 6 Don Kreiman, 24006 951' Place W, Edmonds, commented his issue when running for a Council position was the transparency of what happens on the Council. He expressed his appreciation that the workings of the Council and city government were becoming more transparent. He reported on the ease of obtaining documentation from the City online. He encouraged the Council to televise Hearing Examiner, Planning Board, ADB meetings, etc. on Channel 21. 6. REPORT ON CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 9.2004 Finance Committee Councilmember Orvis reported staff provided the committee an overview of proposed personnel changes and salary adjustments. The Committee recommended approval of the proposed personnel changes and forwarded the issue to the full Council for action. Public Safety Committee Councilmember Dawson reported the Committee was provided a report by Fire Marshal John Westfall regarding Fire Department data collection. She explained in order to access several grants, the federal government required cities comply with national fire incident reporting system guidelines. Firefighter/Paramedic David Clark is writing a database program for collection of national fire service compliant information that will create a satisfactory data reporting product for the Fire Department and allow them access to federal grants. Community Services/Development Services Committee Councilmember Wilson reported the Committee discussed Planned Residential. Development (PRD) variances for height modifications. The Committee directed staff to discuss the issue with the City Attorney and return with options at the April Committee meeting. Next, the Committee discussed the National Softball Association (NSA) Girls World Series Agreement between NSA and the cities of Lynnwood and Edmonds. Authorization for the Mayor to sign the agreement was approved as Consent Agenda Item J. Staff then provided a report on the draft six -year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The Planning Board held a public hearing on the CIP and will forward a recommendation to the Council at a future meeting. The fourth item on the Committee's agenda was continued review of Design Guidelines. The Committee directed staff to schedule a work session for the full Council and ADB for March 23. The last item was discussion on participation in the Snohomish County Economic Development Council Model Permit System Project. The intent of this project was not to change the city's ordinances or regulations but to determine how to streamline the permit process and to improve the internal operational process. The Committee recommended this item be presented to the full Council in April. 7. MAYOR'S COMMENTS Mayor Haakenson commended the Council on an extremely productive retreat, noting the minutes accurately reflect the numerous actions the Council had taken. He extended his and staff's appreciation for the Council's willingness to take on a number of difficult issues this year. Mayor Haakenson advised the March 23 Council meeting would include a joint meeting between the Council and the Architectural Design Board (ADB) to discuss all Design Guidelines, not just building heights. He noted although this was not a public hearing, it was an important meeting for the public to attend to hear the Council and ADB's intent which would be the foundation for Design Guidelines. He summarized that for anyone with an interest in what the city looked like, now was the time to get involved, not after the Design Guidelines or height limits were developed. He noted the Council would Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 16, 2004 Page 7 also be discussing the Comprehensive Plan later this year and stressed the importance of public input in the beginning of that process as well. 8. COUNCIL COMMENTS Puget Sound Council President Plunkett referred to information from the Puget Sound Regional Council that was Regional provided to the Council regarding an assembly meeting on March 25 in Seattle noting all council p g g Y g � g Councilmembers were welcome to attend and participate in the meeting. Councilmember Marin recalled a few years ago when Sound Transit was in the process of bringing commuter rail to Edmonds, they assembled a technical advisory committee on which he participated. In Public An addition to the capital infrastructure, funds were set aside for public art. The artwork selected, created by the world renowned sculptor Gerard Tsutakawa, has been delivered to Edmonds and will be displayed on an interim basis in a small park near the ferry holding lanes. He noted a private fundraising effort allowed creation of a larger version of the sculpture, "Standing Wave," which captured both the Puget Sound and saw blade teeth that were part of the history of Edmonds. He invited the public to view the sculpture, noting the public dedication was Friday, March 26 at 2:30 p.m. After the relocation of "Standing Wave," this location would be available for artists to display their artwork on an interim basis. Highway 99 Councilmember Marin invited the public to the presentation by the Highway 99 Task Force consultant of ask Force J his draft final report on March 22 at 4:30 p.m. in the Brackett Room at City Hall. The public would also be provided an opportunity to comment before the final report was submitted to the Planning Board. o pJ in aW n Councilmember Dawson congratulated the City's Prosecutor Jeffrey Goodwin on his appointment by the s District Snohomish County Council yesterday to fill the vacancy on the Snohomish County District Court South Court Judge Division. Councilmember Orvis provided an update on the Port meeting where the Commission was provided an en Arts update on the Fine Arts Center of Edmonds ACE and es of artwork that could be displayed at the Center of p (FACE) � Edmonds Port. The Commission also continued their discussion regarding the Port's Strategic Master Plan including dry stack storage, parking and potential new buildings. Councilmember Wilson recalled the Council retreat included discussion regarding how to increase public involvement and the Council's consensus regarding the need to get the community involved at the beginning. He encouraged the public to get involved early in the process as policies were what set the tone and vision for the city. With no further business, the Council meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. -.z ,, SANDRA S. CHASE, CITY CLERK Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 16, 2004 Page 8 1 1 AGENDA EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL Council Chambers, Public Safety Complex 250 5t" Avenue North 7:00 - 10:00 a.m. MARCH 16, 2004 6:45 P.M. - Interview Planning Board Candidate 7:00 p.m. - Call to Order Flag Salute 1. Approval of Agenda 2. Consent Agenda Items (A) Roll Call (B) Approval of City Council Meeting Minutes of March 2, 2004. (C) Approval of City Council Retreat Minutes of March 5-6, 2004. (D) Approval of claim checks #69383 through #69548 for the week of March 1, 2004, in the amount of $434,896.99. Approval of claim checks #69550 through #69718 for the week of March 8, 2004, in the amount of $225,278.47. Approval of payroll direct deposits and checks #37718 through #37806 for the pay period February 16 through February 29, 2004, in the amount of $858,935.09. (E) Acknowledge receipt of Claim for Damages from Kristin Bryant ($187.82). (F) Confirmation of Mayor's appointment of Don Henderson to the Planning Board. (G) Report on final construction costs for the Sanitary Sewer Meter Rehabilitation Project and Council acceptance of project. (H) Report on final construction costs for the 2003 Watermain Replacement Program - Phase 1/Seaview and Council acceptance of project. (1) Authorization for Mayor to sign Agreement for Legal Services between the City of Edmonds and Salter Joyce Riker. Page 1 of 2 CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA March 16, 2004 Page 2 of 2 (J) Authorization for Mayor to sign 2004 National Softball Association (NSA) Girls Fastpitch World Series Agreement between NSA and the Cities of Edmonds and Lynnwood. (K) Proposed Resolution in recognition of Dale Hoggins, Citizen of the Year. (L) Proposed Resolution amending and establishing fees for installation of an amateur radio antenna, a request for waiver for technological impractibility relating to such an antenna and for a neighborhood application to review less burdensome alternatives. 3. (10 Min.) Recognition of Dale Hoggins, Citizen of the Year. 4. (30 Min.) Public Hearing on Ordinance No. 3488 adopting pursuant to RCW 35A.63.220 an interim zoning regulation clarifying the application of roof height above twenty-five (25) feet as a part of modulated roof and building design, and vesting certain applications in process. 5. Audience Comments (3 Minute Limit Per Person)* *Regarding matters not listed on the Agenda as Closed Record Review or as Public Hearings. 6. (15 Min.) Report on City Council Committee Meetings of March 9, 2004. 7. ( 5 Min.) Mayor's Comments 8. (15 Min.) Council Comments ADJOURN Parking and meeting rooms are accessible for persons with disabilities. Please contact the City Clerk at (425) 771-0245 with 24 hours advance notice for special accommodations. The Council Agenda as well as a delayed telecast of the meeting appears on cable television Government Access Channel 21. 1