05/28/1996 City CouncilEDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES MAY 289 1996 Following an Executive Session on legal matters that began at 6:00 p.m., the Edmonds City Council meeting was called to order by Mayor Fahey at 7:06 p.m. in the Library Plaza Room, 650 Main Street, Edmonds. The flag salute was led by the Mayor. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Barbara Fahey, Mayor Dave Earling, Council President Tom Petruzzi, Councilmember John Nordquist, Councilmember Roger L. Myers, Councilmember Jim White, Councilmember . Gary Haakenson, Councilmember. Dick Van Hollebeke, Councilmember ALSO PRESENT Nicholas Zitzmann, Student Representative 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA STAFF PRESENT Paul Mar, Community Services Director Art Housler, Administrative Services Director Tom Miller, Police Chief Jeff Wilson, Current Planning Supervisor Sandy Chase, City Clerk Stephanie Goings, Recorder COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER PETRUZZI, FOR APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. 2. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS % Councilmember White pulled Item D. COUNCILMEMEBER PETRUZZI MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMEBER MYERS, FOR PASSAGE OF THE REMAINDER OF THE CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. Items passed are as follows: (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 20,1996 1claim I (C) APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS #9156S THRU #10272F FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 20, 1996 IN THE AMOUNT OF $179,444.67; AND APPROVAL OF PAYROLL WARRANTS #9996 THRU #10310 FOR THE PERIOD OF MAY 1 THRU MAY 15,1996 IN THE AMOUNT OF $523,156.28 Reso #845 Student (E) RESOLUTION NO. 845 COMMENDING NICHOLAS ZITZMANN AS STUDENT Rep. REPRESENTATIVE Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes May 28,1996 Page I Councilmember White pulled Item D to inquire about the decision in the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. He recalled that the fence would be 4 feet in height. Paul Mar, Community Services Director, stated that he thought the height was to be between 3 and 4 feet. COUNCILMEMBER WHITE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE, TO CORRECT THE LANGUAGE OF THE DECISION TO READ "UP TO FOUR (4) FEET IN HEIGHT". MOTION CARRIED. Councilmember White also drew attention to page one of Exhibit 2 in the Findings of Fact. He pointed out that paragraph 3 listed Applicant Verhey, and it should have been Appellant Verhey. COUNCILMEMBER WHITE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING, FOR PASSAGE OF ITEM D WITH THE AMENDED CHANGES. MOTION CARRIED. Item D reads as follows: Findings of Fact APPROVAL OF FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW REGARDING A. AP-96-36 BEARING HELD APRIL 16, 1996 ON AN APPEAL OF THE BEARING EXAMINER'S DECISION UNDER FILE NO. SM-95-86 APPROVING A SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE RAILROAD FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF APPROXIMATELY 660 LINEAR FEET OF TUBULAR METAL SAFETY FENCING RANGING FROM 3 TO 4 FEET IN HEIGHT WITHIN THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY PARALLEL TO OCEAN AVENUE FROM WATER STREET ON THE NORTH, TO THE END OF OCEAN AVENUE TO THE SOUTH (Appellant: Teresa Verhey / Applicant/Appellee: Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad File No. AP-96-36) U3. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE AND RESOLUTION TO NICHOLAS ZITZMANN, STUDENT 11t REPRESENTATIVE Councilmember Myers read into the record Resolution No: 845 commending Nicholas Zitzmann for his service as a student member of the Edmonds City Council. He next presented Mr. Zitzmann with a plaque recognizing his service from January 1996 to June 1996. Councilmember Myers stated that the Council appreciated his participation, and noted he had served his fellow students well. Nicholas Zitzmann thanked the Mayor and the Edmonds City Council for all of the help and support that he was provided during his tenure. Nicholas spoke in favor of the youth of today and encouraged everyone to get involved with their school, church or, local city government because that is the way to help make changes as well as present the world with a more positive image of youth. Mayor Fahey thanked Nicholas and expressed how much they had enjoyed having him as the Student Representative. Mayor Fahey stated that Alex Moore from Meadowdale High School would be replacing Nicholas next week and Councilmember Haakenson will have the pleasure of introducing him to the Council. Council President Earling left the meeting at this time (7:15 p.m.). E 4. PRESENTATION OF PERFORMING AND LITERARY ARTS SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS larship ipients I Arts Commissioner Peter Hodges stated that the arts help bring out wonderful characteristics in young people such as self-discipline, the ability to focus on a goal, to defer immediate gratification, the ability Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes May 28,1996 Page 2 to manage time, to prioritize, and to collaborate with others . Mr. Hodges stated that for the past 12 years the Edmonds Arts Commission has had the privilege and honor of presenting an Annual Edmonds Arts Scholarship. There are two awards given; $2,006 for a student in the performing arts and $2,000 for a student in the literary arts. Commissioner Hodges presented the Literary Arts Award to Raja Azar who plans to major in English, Music or Art at Bard or Sarah Lawrence College. Raja Azar loves literature, writing and music and would like to combine the - se as a music critic. He is interested in journalism and teaching. The Arts Commission was enthused about the rich and original set of poems they heard and felt that he was someone that deserved the City's support, nurturing and recognition. Raja Azar emerged as the unanimous choice of the panel after reading his work. Commissioner Hodges then introduced Raja Azar to the Council. Raja Azar thanked the Edmonds community for the award and also the inspiration that was provided to him by being a member of.the community. Raja Azar then read an original and entertaining short story entitled "Swing." Commissioner Hodges then presented the Performing Arts Award to Liana Green who is a Senior at Edmonds Woodway High School and plans on attending Western Washington University to study music and music education. The Commission was impressed with her skills as a very versatile and talented musician as well as being pleased that she planned to be a professional musician. She also has a strong commitment to being a teacher of music. Commissioner Hodges then introduced Liana Green to the Council. Liana Green thanked everyone for the honor of the scholarship and then entertained the Council with a trumpet solo. Mayor Fahey complimented the Commission on two selections and stated that she felt they epitomize the wonderful talent that is in the Edmonds community and its youth. Mayor Fahey also welcomed the friends and family of Raja Azar and Liana Green and congratulated them on having children with such wonderful talent and that were such a credit to the community. Cable- 5. ACCEPTING CABLECASTING EQUIPMENT FROM EDMONDS CABLE COWANY-- FO casting VIDEO TAPING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Equipment Paul Mar stated that as part of the renewal agreement with Edmonds Cable Company that was signed last month, Edmonds Cable Company was to provide the Council with videotaping equipment to tape the Council meetings and would be outfitting the new Council Chambers with two video conferencing facilities. Mr. Mar recognized Rudy Jones and Dan Dodson from Edmonds Community College for all their help and cooperation with,the video taping project. Jack Gradwohl, Area Manager for Chambers Cable, stated that Chambers was proud to be donating a new Super VHS Camcorder, 9" monitor, tripod, and cart to the City Council and it was the first phase of having a wonderful, facility when there is a new building. Mr. Gradwohl stated that Chambers looked forward to continuing to work with the Council and the City of Edmonds. COUNCILMEMBER MYERS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIELMEMBER HAAKENSON, TO ACCEPT THE CABLECASTING EQUIPMENT FROM EDMONDS CABLE COMPANY FOR VIDEOTAPING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS. MOTION CARRIED. (The vote was 6-0; Council President Earling was not present for the vote.) Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes May 28, 1996 Page 3 6. PRESENTATION BY PRESIDENT OF EDMONDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE ident Edmonds Community College President Jack Oharah thanked the Council for the opportunity to speak with them and congratulated everyone on the recent passage of the Safety Bond issue. Mr. Oharah reviewed his background and the welcome that has been provided to him since his arrival in April. He informed the Council about the current changes at Edmonds Community College (EdCC). He noted that EdCC was invited by the Mayor to be part of the Edmonds Economic Advisory Committee. He indicated that EdCC wants to contribute to the overall good of the communities in the surrounding area and that the College is doing a lot with Work Force Development and the Small Business Development Office, which is headed by Jack Wicks. Mr. Oharah informed the Council about the current 2 million dollar library capital campaign. $1.5 million has been raised to date. He pointed out there are four goals of the campaign: to increase academic resources, to increase technological resources, to expand space and increase accessibility to students, and to establish a permanent library endowment. Mr. Oharah also invited everyone to see the new building on the college campus which is named Snohomish Hall. It is a 54,000 square foot building and will house computer labs, faculty offices, and the administrative offices. Design 7. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FO Services - ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES ON PUBLIC SAFETY Public COMPLEX FACILITIES Safe ty Complex Mayor Fahey expressed appreciation to the citizens of Edmonds for approving the Bond Issue by a 72% favorable vote. Paul Mar presented the Council with an anticipated time, frame for the new Public Safety Complex as well as a draft of the Request for Qualifications which would be the one issued if approved tonight. Mr. Mar stated that it would take until the spring or summer of 1998 before the new facility would be available for use, therefore, the design aspect needed to be initiated immediately. He noted that with advertising standards the soonest an architect would be on the project would be the end of July. Councilmember Nordquist inquired as to who would be conducting the interviews with the firms on the short list. - Mr. Mar stated that it would be the Council Consultant Selection Committee, however, considering the project the whole Council may want to be involved. Councilmember Nordquist agreed that it would be a good idea� to have the whole Council involved considering the magnitude of the project. Councilmember Myers stated that he was very committed to this project and fully supported the whole Council sitting in on the selection of the consultant but that he would not be in town the week ofjuly 8. Mr. Mar suggested that it could be moved to the week of the 15. Councilmember Haakenson stated that he would also be out of town the week of the 8th. Councilmember Petruzzi suggested that the meeting be set on the 18th of July. COUNCIELMEMBER NORDQUIST MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEEMBER HAAKENSON, TO APPROVE ITEM 7. Councilmember Myers asked about the selection of the firms to be placed on the short list for interviews. Mr. Mar stated that would be done by the Council's Consultant Selection Committee, however, additional Court cilmembers could be involved. Councilmember Van Hollebeke offered to be on the expanded Consultant Selection Committee. Mayor Fahey stated that the Committee would be able to expand by one but if more Councilmembers were on Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes May 28,1996 Page 4 the Committee there would be a quorum and it would have to be announced as a formal meeting and held as a public meeting. Councilmember Nordquist agreed that the Consultant Selection Committee should be expanded by one member for the Public Safety Project. THE MOTION WAS RESTATED: TO AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE AND, ISSUE REQUESTS FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES ON THE PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX FACILITY. THE SHORT LIST WILL BE ESTABLISHED BY A COMMITTEE OF THREE, WITH COUNCILMEMBERS NORDQUIST, MYERS, AND VAN HOLLEBEKE, AND THE FINAL SELECTION WILL BE DONE AS A. WHOLE COUNCIL AT A MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. MOTION CARRIED. (The vote was 6-0; Council President Earling was not present for the vote.) Mayor Fahey thanked members of the community for all of their support and commitment with helping get the Public Safety Bond passed. Hwy 99 PREVIEW OF HIGHWAY 99 STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT GUIDELINES Streetscape Guidelines Jeff Wilson, Current Planning Supervisor, explained that this project is different than the project that was reviewed. several weeks ago with the City of Lynnwood. This project stems out of recommendations of the Highway 99 Task Force in 1989, which was to look at coming up with common design guidelines for the whole Highway' 99 corridor from the King -Snohomish Line up to 148th/Mukilteo Speedway. It involves four jurisdictions: Lynnwood, Edmonds, Snohomish County and Mountlake. Terrace. Mr. Wilson stated that these guidelines would be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan as part of the Urban Design Guideline and as such wanted the Council to have input into the development of the plan instead of just having input at the very end. Councilmember Myers asked about what was being done regarding bicycle traffic/plans. Mr. Wilson stated the issue of bike paths was debated and it was felt that the street development was going to use virtually all of the existing right-of-way, and developing a bike path would have to occur through grants and easements along the entire corridor which would be extremely difficult. Councilmember Myers stated he would like to see bicycles accommodated more whether it be in this project or at a different project. . Councilmember Nordquist asked about the boundaries of the project noting it is confusing as it is currently stated. Mr. Wilson stated that it would be from 244th at the King/Snohomish Line to 164th Street. Mr. Nordquist suggested the southern boundary be referred to as 244th instead of 205th in the guidelines. Councilmember Haak enson referred Council to pages 61 and 62 of the guidelines which has reference to bicycle plans. Responding to Councilmember Petruzzi's question, Mr. Wilson stated this issue will be brought before the Planning Board and Architectural Design Board the latter part of June. Multi- 9. UPDATE BY COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR PAUL MAR REGARDING modal TRANSPORTATION ISSUES AND FUNDING FOR THE MULTIMODAL PROJECT - Project Mr. Mar reviewed the three exhibits presented in the packet. He distributed a hand-out entitled "Overview of City's Involvement on Regional Transportation Projects", which is a matrix showing the Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes May 28,1996 Page 5 involvement between the City and all the various agencies involved with this project including Burlington Northern, Amtrak, Community Transit, RTA, and Washington State Department of Transportation. Councilmemb6r Nordquist inquired as to the maintenance of the fencing along the track line and if it was still under consideration. Mr. Mar stated that all the permitting processes had not been completed and after all of the construction permitting is completed, staff will be working on a maintenance agreement with Burlington Northern to bring before Council. Councilmember Nordquist asked about the addition of Santa Fe to Burlington Northern and how that changes the direction. Mr. Mar stated that the way BurlingtonNorthern is organized has change significantly. He felt this would have an impact on dealing with Burlington Northern but did not know how much it would be at this time. Councilmember Petruzzi asked about the actuality of -funding and how the Council could anticipate the possibilities for fiinding. Mr. Mar stated that he had recently received documents from Burlington Northern. One report suggests 38 different sets of grade between rail and auto traffic. In the other document Burlmigton Northern talks about double tracking and calls for double tracking in Edmonds, which is a major cost in this project - grade separation. If there is grade separation or railroad crossing safety money available at the Federal level that would be a major source of making this project happen earlier than later. Councilmember Petruzzi clarified that the grade separation put in, for the commuter rail could be included in the Edmonds Crossing Project. Mr. Mar stated that this was correct, the Edmonds Crossing Project will be located at Point Edwards and it will be a commuter train station as well as an inter -city rail station. Councilmember Petruzzi asked for an update on how the Edmonds Crossing Project scores in competing with other projects. Mr. Mar stated that in competition with other multimodal projects the Edmonds Crossing had ranked number one or number two. And with the cooperative nature and the joint applications that has gone on, this will help make this project successful, although a lot of the funding that was available two years ago is no longer available. Mr. Mar stated that the City was working parallel to UNOCAL who was currently working on preliminary site clean-up plans at Point Edwards and anticipated the clean-up will be finished the Fall of 1997. Councilmember Van Hollebeke inquired if any reports had been received as to the preliminary costs anticipated with the cleanup of the Point Edwards project. Mr. Mar stated that he had not received any reports but expected to have a meeting in early June with the consultants to discuss the cleanup. , I 10. A1AY0 lWidiening Mayor Fahey stated that there would be an Open House regarding information about the widening of of H" 99 Highway 99 on Thursday, May 30, from 4:30-7:30 at Scriber Lake High School. This meeting is open to the whole community. JPassenger ayor Fah y indicated that Friday, May 24, she met with representatives of Burlington Northern to Service celebrate t e first -year anniversary of passenger service. The City was commended with a plaque and informed that Edmonds has the highest boarding of all the stops between Seattle and Vancouver. miss Mayor Fahey informed everyone that a new Miss Edmonds would be selected on May 31, 7:30 at South Edmonds Edmonds Woodway High Scho ' ol. And prior to that there will be an Open House on May 30, at Main Street Gallery for 5:00 to 7:00 to meet the candidates. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes May 28,1996 Page 6 Mayor Fahey encouraged everyone to attend the Edmonds Waterfront Festival that will be taking place this weekend and noted that the support generated from this Festival helps support the youth programs in Edmonds particularly the Edmonds Boys and Girls Club. Also, a new Miss Edmonds will be selected this weekend at Edmonds Woodway High School. An open house will be held on Thursday to provide an opportunity to meet the candidates. Mayor Fahey indicated that Council President Earling had left earlier in the meeting to make a presentation in Mill Creek but had anticipated being back by 8:00 p.m.; unfortunately he had not arrived back at this time. There were a number of action items that needed to be presented to the Council, which Councilmember Myers will make in his place. Councilmember Myers stated the following matter was discussed in Executive Session with the action indicated in the motion. Settlement COUNCILMEMBER MYERS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCIULMEMBER PETRUZZI, TO ,4greement - AUTHORIZE THE CITY ATTORNEY TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATION FOR A LIMITED Pearson SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH CARL AND POLLY PEARSON. MOTION CARRIED. (The vote was 6-0; Council President Earling was not present for the vote.) Cellular COUNCILMEMBER MYERS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER NORDQUIST, TO Towers HAVE A STAFF REPORT ON JUNE 4 REGARDING CELLULAR TOWERS FOLLOWED BY A SECOND HEARING TO TAKE PLACE ON JUNE 18. MOTION CARRIED. (The vote was 6-0; Council President Earling was not present for the vote.) 11. INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL REPORT/UPDATES ON RESPECTIVE BOARD MEETINGS 1S,,,co,w I Councilmember Petruzzi discussed the SnoCom and Medic 7 Board and stated that a serious situation Medic 7 1 has developed with Fire District I and Fire District 11 planning to combine and withdraw their support and finances from the Medic 7 program as of January 1, 1997. Councilmember Petruzzi stated the SnoCom Board had decided it would hire an outside consultant to help formulate a plan that would be able to be presented to the various remaining members of.SnoCom in September so that the cities' would be able to evaluate the situation and plan for it in the 1997 budgets. Economic Councilmember Van Hollebeke stated the Edmonds Alliance for Economic Development has had three Develop- board meetings during the month of May, and on June 5 would be meeting with the Advisory group ment which is comprised of all the different areas that are a part of Edmonds. lRequest I Councilmember White acknowledged a letter he received from Christopher Aiken from Edmonds r Funds Woodway High School who has the been elected ASB representative to the Washington Leadership Conference in June. He was requesting help with funding the trip. Councilmember White wanted to congratulate Chris and inform him that unfortunately public funds cannot be used to fund a private trip. Councilmember Haakenson announced that the Port changed one of its meeting times; both meetings will be held in the evening at 7 o'clock. Councilmember Haakenson also stated that he believes that the Public Boat Launch would be closed this weekend in conjunction with the Waterfront Festival. He suggested members of the public call the Port to check on this information. Health Councilmember Nordquist who serves on the Snohomish Health District stated that the District is District pursuing an educational process more and more. He informed the Council that the Health District has Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes May 28,1996 Page 7 published a list of smoke free restaurants which is available by calling the Everett office at 339-5210. Further, they are getting prepared for the Monroe Fair where the Health District will have a booth. . Nicholas Zitzmann stated that he had created a list of the "10 Commandments for Incoming Student Representatives" which he shared. 4th of July ayor Fall y stated that there had been no funding for fireworks for the Fourth of July celebration, but Fireworks Arvilla Ohlde, Park and Recreation Manager, had found someone to finance 50% of the cost if the other 50% could be raised elsewhere. Currently there has been $2,100 raised but that left $2,900 still to be raised. Mayor Fahey asked all citizens and business that were able and willing to help donate to the funds for fireworks to please contact the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce immediately. I I With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. I PO 0�1 F MV) Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes May 28, 1996 Page 8 AGENDA EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL Plaza Meeting Room - Library Building 650 Main Street 7:00 - 10:00 mm. MAY 28,1996 SPECIAL WORK MEETING .............................. I ........... . . .... ..... ..... ...... ................. .. ................ .............. E* 0.'*.*..*Q.V!-..-1'..-��pg WON:: ...... REGARDI: G:1 P :.WAT.T. :N .. At ox q.. T. )....E .. . ... ........ CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. FLAG SALUTE 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MAY 20,1996 (C) APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS #9156S THRU #10272F FOR THE WEEK OF MAY 20,1996 IN THE AMOUNT OF $179,444.67; AND APPROVAL OF PAYROLL WARRANTS #9996 THRU #10310 FOR THE PERIOD OF MAY I THRU MAY 15,1996 IN THE AMOUNT OF $523,156.28 (D) APPROVAL OF FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW REGARDING A HEARING HELD APRIL 16,1996 ON AN APPEAL OF THE HEARING EXAMINER'S DECISION UNDER FILE NO. SM-95- 86 APPROVING A SHORELINE SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE RAILROAD FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF APPROXIMATELY 660 LINEAR FEET OF TUBULAR METAL SAFETY FENCING RANGING FROM 3 TO 4 FEET IN HEIGHT WITHIN THE BURLINGTON NORTHERN SANTA FE RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY PARALLEL TO OCEAN AVENUE FROM WATER STREET ON THE NORTH, TO THE END OF OCEAN AVENUE TO THE SOUTH (Appellant: Teresa Verhey I Applicant/Appellee: Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad / File No. AP-96-36) (E) PROPOSED RESOLUTION COMMENDING NICHOLAS ZITZMANN AS STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE 3. (5 Min.) PRESENTATION OF PLAQUE AND RESOLUTION TO NICHOLAS ZITZMANN, STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE 4. (10 Min.) PRESENTATION OF PERFORMING AND LITERARY ARTS SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS 5. (5 Min.) ACCEPT CABLECASTING EQUIPMENT FROM EDMONDS CABLE COMPANY FOR VIDEOTAPING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS 6. (15 Min.) PRESENTATION BY PRESIDENT OF EDMONDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE 7. (15 Min.) AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES ON PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX FACILITIES 8. (15 Min.) PREVIEW OF HIGHWAY 99 STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENT GUIDELINES 9. (20 Min.) UPDATE BY COMMUNITY SERVICES DIRECTOR PAUL MAR REGARDING TRANSPORTATION ISSUES AND FUNDING FOR THE MULTIMODAL PROJECT 10. (5 Min.) MAYOR 11. (15 Min.) INDIVIDUAL COUNCIL REPORTSIUPDATES ON RESPECTIVE BOARD MEETINGS Parking and meeting rooms are accessible for persons with disabilities. Contact the City Clerk at 771-0245 with 24 hours advance notice for special accommodations. The Council Agenda appears on Chambers Cable, Channel 32. Delayed telecast of this meeting appears the following Wednesday, Friday and Monday at noon on Channel 32.