03/18/1997 City CouncilEDMONDS CITY COUNCIL APPROVED MINUTES MARCH 18, 1997 The Edmonds City Council meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Barbara Fahey in the Library Plaza Room, 650 Main Street, followed by the flag salute. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Barbara Fahey, Mayor Michael Springer, Fire Chief Dave Earling, Council President Robin Hickok, Police Chief Roger L. Myers, Councilmember Paul Mar, Community Services Director Jim White, Councilmember Arvilla Ohlde, Parks and Recreation Manager Dick Van Hollebeke, Councilmember Art Housler, Administrative Services Director Gary Haakenson, Councilmember Jeff Wilson, Current Planning Supervisor Thomas A. Miller, Councilmember Noel Miller, Public Works Superintendent James Walker, City Engineer ABSENT Stephen Koho, Treatment Plant Manager John Nordquist, Councilmember Brent Hunter, Personnel Manager Scott Rogers, Park Maintenance Supervisor ALSO PRESENT Scott Snyder, City Attorney Sandy Chase, City Clerk Robbie Cuningham, Student Representative Jeannie Dines, Recorder 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON, FOR APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED. 2. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS Councilmember Earling pulled Consent Agenda Item S; Councilmember Myers pulled Item J; and Councilmember White pulled Item M. COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE MOVED FOR APPROVAL OF THE REMAINING CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS. MOTION CARRIED. The agenda items passed are as follows: (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21 AND 22,1997 (C) APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 4, 1997 (D) APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS #15168 THRU #16097 FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 3, '1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $432,432.57; APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS #15170 THRU #16226 FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 10, 1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $189,556.89; AND APPROVAL OF PAYROLL WARRANTS #15136 THRU Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 18, 1997 Page 1 #15329 FOR THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 16 THRU FEBRUARY 28, 1997, IN THE INAMOUNT OF $416,036.47 (E) AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (F) AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR EMPLOYEES' UNIFORM CLEANING SERVICE (G) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH EDMONDS—SOUTH Market SNOHOMISH COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR EDMONDS SUMMER MARKET (H) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SYSTEM INTERFACE, INC. FOR THE WATER/SEWER TELEMETRY UPGRADE PROJECT (I) AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE SHOP EQUIPMENT FOR TREATMENT PLANT FROM TOOL TOWN ($4,977.00) (K) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH R.W. BECK & ASSOCIATES FOR THE MEADOWDALE DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION (L) AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE COMPUTER SOFTWARE TO SUPPORT THE HUMAN RESOURCES PLAN (N) AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR CITY PARK IMPROVEMENTS (0) REVISION TO CITY POLICY REGARDING REQUIREMENT FOR NEW BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATION AND FEE FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS (P) RESOLUTION NO. 865 AMENDING THE FEES ADOPTED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 15.00 OF THE EDMONDS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE AND RESOLUTION NO. 852 TO INCREASE FEES RELATING TO APPLICATIONS AND PERMITS FOR BUILDING, PLUMBING AND OTHER RELATING PERMITS (Q) RESOLUTION NO. 866 ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE ON APRIL 15, 1997, FOR A REQUEST TO VACATE TRIANGULAR PIECE OF UNDEVELOPED RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO THE WEST SIDE OF FIRDALE AVENUE WITH APPROXIMATELY 210 LINEAR FEET OF FRONTAGE ON FIRDALE AVENUE, LYING NORTH OF THE VACATED PORTION OF THE 240TH STREET SOUTHWEST RIGHT-OF-WAY (Applicant: Secure Capital, Inc. / File No. ST -97-8) (R) RESOLUTION NO. 867 TO AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 851 BY ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR FEE REFUNDS, PROVIDING FOR INCREASED FEES TO COVER THE COSTS OF PROCESSING PERMITS FILED AS A RESULT OF A VIOLATION OF CITY CODE, AND ESTABLISHING A FEE AND PROCESS FOR THE COST OF TRANSCRIPT PREPARATION AND ULTIMATE FEE RECOVERY Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 18, 1997 Page 2 Item J: Authorization for Mayor to Sign Interlocal Agreement with Edmonds School District 15 for Ballfield Maintenance and Scheduling Councilmember Myers said he pulled this item to point out how well the school district and the City can work together to provide better ballfields. COUNCILMEMBER MYERS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WHITE, FOR APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM J. MOTION CARRIED. The item approved is as follows: (J) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT 15 FOR BALLFIELD MAINTENANCE AND SCHEDULING Item M: Authorization for Out-of-State Travel for Specialized School Councilmember White said this item was reviewed by the Public Safety Committee after it was pulled from a previous Consent Agenda. Staff requests out-of-state travel for the Fire Department Mechanic for specialized school for repair and maintenance of a high pressure air compressor. The Public Safety Committee confirmed the cost to bring in an out-of-state technician for repairs is exorbitant and recommended an employee be certified in maintenance and repair which conforms to the requirements of the warranty. Councilmember White pointed out certifying an employee would result in substantial savings to the City. COUNCILMEMBER WHITE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER MYERS, FOR APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEM M. MOTION CARRIED. The item approved is as follows: (M) AUTHORIZATION FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR SPECIALIZED SCHOOL Item S: Proposed Ordinance Enacting No Re -Parking in the Same 100 Block on a Permanent Basis Council President Earling stated he pulled this item in order to vote against the ordinance. This is consistent with previous votes related to this matter. COUNCILMEMBER MYERS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE, FOR PASSAGE OF ITEM S. MOTION CARRIED, COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING OPPOSED. The item approved is as follows: (S) ORDINANCE NO. 3138 ENACTING NO RE -PARKING IN THE SAME 100 BLOCK ON A PERMANENT BASIS. The Ordinance reads as follows: ORDINANCE 3138 ADDING NEW SECTION 8.48.162 TO THE EDMONDS CITY CODE IN ORDER TO CREATE A NEW PARKING INFRACTION TO PROHIBIT THE MOVING OF A VEHICLE FROM ONE SPACE TO ANOTHER WITHIN A CITY BLOCK IN ORDER TO AVOID A PARKING TIME LIMIT 3. AUDIENCE Mayor Fahey explained that while she respects the public's freedom of speech and right to express their views, she would no longer allow vitriolic attacks on herself or the Council. She indicated a speaker would be asked to leave the podium if their testimony was presented in an inappropriate manner. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 18, 1997 Page 3 Ray Albano, 20916 76th Ave W, Edmonds, suggested the City consider a City Manager form of government rather than hiring an assistant for the Mayor. He said this issue will likely be on the ballot at the next mayoral election as a result of a strong initiative effort. Further, he felt if the City could fund an assistant for the Mayor, it should be able to fund Emergency Medical Services. He commented the Financial Center renovation would eliminate the need for out-of-town Council retreats, the expense of hotel rooms, and allow citizens to attend. He questioned why all Councilmembers submitted the same mileage for the Council retreat when each live in different areas of Edmonds. Al Rutledge, 7101 Lake Ballinger Way, Edmonds, submitted written comments for Council's review. He suggested citizens be allowed to have input on the Telecommunications Officer. He also suggested the City contact the Port of Edmonds regarding a boat owner who was unable to cash a check written by his insurance company. In response to comments, Mayor Fahey advised the transport fees for EMS service are being charged by Medic 7; concerns should be expressed directly to the Medic 7 Board. The City of Edmonds does not assess transport fees for Basic Life Support transport. 11. CLOSED RECORD APPEAL OF THE DECISION BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD TO APPROVE AN APPLICATION BY THE PORT OF EDMONDS TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW COVERED MOORAGE STRUCTURES AND FLOATS TO REPLACE DAMAGED STRUCTURES IN THE PORT MARINA WHICH IS GENERALLY LOCATED AT 336 ADMIRAL WAY. (Appellant: Robert Van Citters Jr. & Roy NcCorchuck / Applicant: Port of Edmonds. File Nos. ADB -97-6 and AP -97-15.) Mr. Snyder explained that in his review of the transcript received by the Council, and in comparison to the minutes, it has been determined that the Council has received only a partial record. He explained the closed record appeal allowed the Council to review only the record of the prior proceeding. Therefore, the Council cannot hear and decide this matter as the full evidence is not available to the Council. He suggested the appeal be continued to the next available hearing date in order to allow preparation of a full transcript. COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON, TO SCHEDULE AGENDA ITEM 11 (CLOSED RECORD APPEAL OF THE DECISION BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD BY THE PORT OF EDMONDS) ON THE COUNCIL WORK MEETING AGENDA ON MARCH 25, 1997. At the request of Councilmember Myers, Mayor Fahey asked the appellants if continuing this hearing would be convenient for them. Mr. Van Citters answered yes, provided it was at 7:00 p.m. MOTION CARRIED. 4. INTRODUCTION OF CAROL PIDDUCK, CIVIL SERVICE BOARD, AND BEVERLY KAUFMAN, LIBRARY BOARD Mayor Fahey explained several citizens applied for this position and it was a difficult decision. Personnel Manager Brent Hunter introduced Carol Pidduck and described her background and qualifications. Ms. Pidduck expressed pleasure for the opportunity to serve the City. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 18, 1997 Page 4 Council President Earling congratulated the Pidduck family who recently received the Puget Sound Basin Boy Scout Family of the Year Award. Ms. Pidduck pointed out Councilmember Miller also recently received several awards from the Boy Scouts. Fred Gautschi, Chair of the Library Board, introduced Beverly Kaufrnan and described her background and the function of the Library Board. Ms. Kaufman thanked the Library Board for appointing her to this position. 5. REPORT ON COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS Public Safety Committee. Committee Member White reported Assistant Fire Chief Tim Whitman presented figures that demonstrated the need for the City to be involved in the hazardous materials response team. Due to significant costs, Assistant Fire Chief Whitman was asked to determine revenue sources for continuing certification of firefighters for the hazardous materials response team. The committee discussed the fire/dive boat and requested Police Chief Hickok and Parks and Recreation Manager Ohlde examine the type of response the City needs. The committee discussed future technology needs of the Police Department; Chief Hickok will develop a five-year plan due to the significant costs involved. Discussion of the two exercise rooms in the planned Public Safety complex explained they would both be used by fire and police as neither is big enough for both departments. The committee discussed out-of-state travel for specialized school; this item was approved on tonight's Consent Agenda. Finance Committee Committee Member Miller reported Parks and Recreation Manager Ohlde and Park Maintenance Supervisor Rogers described a proposal to purchase an automatic irrigation system for parks which would regulate water usage in all City parks and ultimately result in a $6,000 - $7,000 cost savings to the City. The committee recommended this item be placed on the regular Council agenda in order for the full City Council to hear the presentation. The committee also discussed the current requirement for a new business license application and fee for change of address that arose as a result of hair stylists in the City who relocate. it was recommended only a renewal fee be charged for individual stylists who have an existing business and only their address changes. This item was approved on tonight's Consent Agenda. The committee reviewed the recommendation to purchase two police vehicles and one public works vehicle to replace older vehicles with high mileage and recommended approval and placement on the Council Consent Agenda when bids are received. Following a presentation regarding computer software to support the Human Resource Plan, the committee recommended this item be placed on the Council Consent Agenda. A Home Occupancy B & O Tax was discussed (survey material was forwarded to Councilmembers); this issue is under consideration at this time. Petty Cash expenditures for the month of February were also approved. Community Services Committee Committee Member Haakenson reported on the ballfield improvements Interlocal Agreement; proposed Committee upgrades will be made to the Madrona School and the Old Woodway Elementary School ballfields at a low cost and fees for field use will cover all expenses. The committee discussed miscellaneous planning fees, including a method for refunding fees when necessary and determining appeals fees. This was approved on tonight's Consent Agenda. Following the committee's discussion of the remaining annexations (Esperance, Norma Beach/Picnic Point, and Perrinville), staff was directed to bring the Esperance annexation workplan to the Council for review and provide an updated status report on the . Perrinville situation. The committee discussed stormwater "equity" on large parcels, street Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 18, 1997 Page 5 overlay/treatment programs, and the need for a roadway striping program. New federal regulatory mandates are anticipated that would no _longer allow the currently used solvent -based paint for street striping because of environmental coricerns. The committee directed staff to gather more definite regulatory mandate information and bring this matter to the full Council for discussion and possible action. 6. REPORT ON BIDS OPENED MARCH 17, 1997, FOR THE CARPETING FOR THE NEW CITY HALL BUILDING Community Services Director Paul Mar explained the five bids were opened March 17 and the low bidders were within 10%. He thanked Public Works Superintendent Noel Miller, City Engineer Jim Walker, and their staff for assembling this package during the last two days. The apparent low bidder is Sterling Contract Flooring; staff has completed their reference check. For Councilmember Van Hollebeke, Mr. Mar advised staff recommended approval of both the base bid and alternate. Mr. Mar clarified the expenditure required was $57,100—the budgeted amount of $51,903.80 plus a 10% contingency. COUNCILMEMBER MILLER MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE, TO AWARD A CONTRACT TO STERLING CONTRACT FLOORING IN THE AMOUNT OF $51,903.80 FOR THE PURCHASE AND INSTALLATION OF CARPETING FOR THE NEW CITY HALL BUILDING. MOTION CARRIED. 7. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS TO PURCHASE AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR THE PARKS Parks and Recreation Manager Arvilla Ohlde introduced Scott Rogers, Grounds Supervisor in the Park Maintenance Division. She explained the City currently has 41 individually controlled, manually operated irrigation systems in City parks. if a change to the controllers is necessary, it is not physically possible to change all of them in a short period of time. The proposed automatic irrigation system is integrated via a computer system which reads a weather report indicating the amount of precipitation in the region and moisture in the Edmonds area to determine the amount of water needed for that site on a given day. This will result in an estimated 25% cost savings for water consumption. She pointed out the 1997 budget did not include this cost savings as it was not known if the irrigation system would be approved by the Council. For Councilmember Myers, Mr. Rogers explained there are several weather stations in the region (Bothell, Redmond, Bellevue) whose data, coupled with a gauge in Edmonds, determines how much water is in the soil and the amount of irrigation needed. For Councilmember Haakenson, Mr. Rogers explained the system can control anything electrical, including the fountain at 5th and Main, field lights, or any future water features in the City. COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER MYERS, TO APPROVE CALL FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR PARKS. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 18, 1997 Page 6 Council President Earling recommended the "Previous Council Action" section on the Agenda Memo include the action recommended by the Council Committee. MOTION CARRIED. 8. 1997 SALARY ORDINANCE FOR NON -REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES Personnel Manager Brent Hunter explained the Ordinance authorizes a 2.9% salary adjustment for all non -represented employees, effective January 1, 1997. If approved, authorization to transfer funds from the Council Contingency Fund to the appropriate departments .in the General Fund is also requested. City Attorney Scott Snyder explained the Washington State Constitution prohibits the retroactive payment of funds to employees for work already done unless there is some additional consideration. He noted the Ordinance refers to "continued employment"; there have been cases in the State of Washington where retroactive payments are permitted if the agreement of the employees is to remain for some additional period of time. He recommended Section 3 be amended to read, "Amendments to the prior annual salary ordinance provided herein shall be effective January 1, 1997 for any employee who is employed by the City on such date and remains with the City on May 1, 1997." He recommended Section 4 be amended to read, "Edmonds Ordinance 3064 and 3069, relating to non -represented exempt employees, are hereby repealed." Mr. Hunter suggested the amendment read April 1 rather than May 1. Mr. Snyder said he discussed how long is "enough" for continued employment with the State Auditor due to a question raised in the audit regarding a two week period. Mr. Hunter pointed out this would delay the pay increase until May 1, 1997. Councilmember Myers pointed out this recommendation came from the Long Range Financial Task Force who is in the process of reviewing the Human Resource Plan. He stressed this item was not part of the Human Resources Plan. COUNCIL PRESIDENT EARLING MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE, TO APPROVE THE 1997 SALARY ORDINANCE (ORDINANCE NO. 3139) AS AMENDED BY MR. SNYDER FOR THE NON -REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES AND ASK THAT AUTHORIZATION BE GIVEN TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM THE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUND TO THE APPROPRIATE DEPARTMENTS IN THE GENERAL FUND AS REQUESTED. MOTION CARRIED. The Ordinance reads as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 3139 ESTABLISHING THE SALARY RANGES FOR NON-REPRESENTED EXEMPT PERSONNEL; REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBERS 3064 AND 3069 , THE 1996 SALARY ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR INSURANCE BENEFITS, INCLUDING LIFE AND DISABILITY INSURANCE 9. HEARING ON THE INTERIM ZONING MORATORIUM ON CURB CUTS IN THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA Current Planing Supervisor Jeff Wilson explained on February 18 the Council adopted an emergency ordinance to amend portions of Chapter 18 to provide a moratorium on curb cuts in the downtown business area. Also on February 18, the Council adopted Ordinance 3132 which provided permanent amendments to Chapter 18 regarding how curb cuts are allocated and permits issued for curb cuts in the downtown business area. The moratorium was only for the time period between adoption of the Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 18, 1997 Page 7 J L emergency ordinance on February 18 until the effective date of Ordinance 3132. Ordinance 3132 has become effective, therefore, emergency Ordinance 3131 may be repealed. He explained the adoption of an emergency ordinance requires the Council to hold a hearing within 60 days. Staff recommends Council consider any public testimony and adopt the proposed ordinance to repeal Ordinance 3131. Mayor Fahey opened the public comment portion of the hearing. No members of the audience wished to address the Council, therefore, Mayor Fahey closed the public comment portion and remanded the matter to Council. COUNCILMEMBER MYERS MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER WHITE, TO ADOPT PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 3140 AND REPEAL ORDINANCE 3131. MOTION CARRIED. The Ordinance reads as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 3140 REPEALING EDMONDS ORDINANCE NO. 3131, AN ORDINANCE Ord. 3131 ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM ZONING MORATORIUM ON CURB CUTS IN THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA 10. HEARING ON THE ADOPTION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN MANUAL AND THE CRITERIA FORMERLY SET FORTH IN REPEALED CHAPTER 15.15 ECDC AS PART OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS AN INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE Current Planing Supervisor Jeff Wilson explained prior to the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, the Council adopted the Urban Design Manual for the Architectural Design Board (ADB) to base its decisions on. The adoption of the new Comprehensive Plan inadvertently repealed the Design Manual, eliminating the legal basis for the ADB's decisions. On February 25, Council adopted an Interim Zoning ordinance readopting the Design Manual. The Council is required to hold a public hearing within 60 days of the adoption of an interim ordinance to take testimony on the ordinance and determine if it should become effective for a period of time. He noted it was anticipated the Interim Zoning ordinance would be in place for six months as the upcoming Comprehensive Plan update will include an Urban Design element. Mayor Fahey opened the public comment portion of the hearing. Roger Hertrich, 1020 Puget Drive, Edmonds, asked if any changes had been made to the original Chapter document. City Attorney Scott Snyder advised the Chapter was being readopted as it previously existed. Any changes would be done via the Comprehensive Plan process. Mr. Hertrich questioned the addition of "Community Culture". Mr. Wilson advised Community Culture is only a new title. Mr. Snyder clarified Community Culture is a heading, not a document. Mayor Fahey closed the public comment portion of the hearing and remanded the matter to Council. For Councilmember Miller, Mr. Snyder explained Chapter 15.05 previously was the introduction to a series of chapters that contained various elements of the Comprehensive Plan. Chapter 15.05 now adopts various documents by reference. COUNCILMEMBER HAAKENSON MOVED, SECONDED BY COUNCILMEMBER VAN HOLLEBEKE, TO DIRECT THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE THE APPROPRIATE FINDINGS OF FACT TO SUPPORT THE ADOPTED INTERIM ORDINANCE NO. 3131 FOR APPROVAL BY THE COUNCIL ON THE APRIL 1ST COUNCIL CONSENT AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 18, 1997 Page 8 12. MAYOR Mayor Fahey reported in addition to attending legislative conferences and serving on the Transportation League of Policy Committee at the National League of Cities meeting, she met with elected officials regarding Cities Conf possible amendments to the Fair Housing Act. Legislation has again been introduced in the House to address Edmonds' concerns; unfortunately, the proposed Senate Bill does not address the City's concerns but only freedom of speech issues. She urged citizens to encourage Washington State Senators to sponsor a companion bill and to locate sponsors. Mayor Fahey remarked she learned a great deal regarding train safety including the existing requirement that each container must be clearly labeled and a manifest of containers be maintained in the engine. She advised the highest priority of the Transportation Policy Committee is to develop proactive policies regarding at -grade separation and to address other safety issues arising from vehicular/pedestrian traffic and train movement. She also learned of new stormwater regulations, lobbied to retain ISTEA funding, and spoke with Legislators regarding funding for the Edmonds multimodal site. Mayor Fahey reported the Washington Department of Ecology and the U.S. Coast Guard will conduct a joint spill response exercise on March 19 and 20. Mayor Fahey further announced citizens are invited to a Citizen's Advisory Committee meeting on Wednesday, March 19 at 7:30 p.m. at the Edmonds School District Educational Service Center to meet with representatives of Community Transit to discuss improvements to transit service in the region. 13. COUNCIL RTA Council President Earling reported he met with the Senate Appropriation Committee staff on behalf of the RTA. The RTA is seeking $500 million over the next ten years; there is a high level of interest in the project due to the 80% match in local taxes. He pointed out his trip was funded by the RTA. Councilmember Haakenson commented that the proposed Assistant to the Mayor position (mentioned during public comments) was one of many recommendations made by the Human Resources Consultant. However, that position has not been approved; it and other recommendations will not be approved until adequate funds are identified. He referred to the comment regarding Council mileage to the retreat and stated his understanding was mileage was reimbursable from one's place of employment to their destination. He then thanked the Park Department for trimming two huge Maple trees at 5th and Main which made the clock visible on one of the buildings. Councilmember Myers advised Student Representative Cuningham would miss several meetings due to conflicts with the Edmonds-Woodway Varsity Soccer team. Councilmember White reported he participated on the Public Safety and Crime Prevention Committee; discussion included police and fire communication congestion during emergencies, public safety and Committee J technology training and funding, and juvenile offender issues. Councilmember White said he has asked City Attorney Snyder to look into what incentives the City can legally offer in contract bidding with City businesses. He noted the bid for purchase and installation of carpet for the new City Hall building included four Seattle companies and one Edmonds company; the Edmonds company was the second highest bidder and did not get the contract. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 18, 1997 Page 9 Public Councilmember Miller reported on the Edmonds School District Public Education Foundation fund Education raising effort and recognized Councilmembers Van Hollebeke and Haakerison and Mayor Fahey who oundation also attended. He explained this voluntary program assists in raising funds for the community as well as funding significant grants. With no further business, Mayor Fahey adjourned the meeting at 8:43 p.m. BARBARA S. FAHEY, MAYOR SANDRA S. CHASE, CITY CLERK Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 18, 1997 Page 10 AGENDA EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL Plaza Meeting Room - Library Building 650 Main Street 7:00 -10:00 p.m. MARCH 18, 1997 CALL TO ORDER - 7:00 P.M. FLAG SALUTE 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA 2. CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS (A) ROLL CALL (B) APPROVAL OF SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21 AND 22, 1997 (C) APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 4, 1997 (D) APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS #15168 THRU #16097 FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 3, 1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $432,432.57; APPROVAL OF CLAIM WARRANTS #15170 THRU #16226 FOR THE WEEK OF MARCH 10, 1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $189,556.89; AND APPROVAL OF PAYROLL WARRANTS #15136 THRU #15329 FOR THE PERIOD FEBRUARY 16 THRU FEBRUARY 28, 1997, IN THE AMOUNT OF $416,036.47. (E) AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF SELF CONTAINED BREATHING APPARATUS (F) AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS FOR EMPLOYEES' UNIFORM CLEANING SERVICE (G) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH EDMONDS-SOUTH SNOHOMISH COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY FOR EDMONDS SUMMER MARKET (H) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH SYSTEMS INTERFACE, INC. FOR THE WATER/SEWER TELEMETRY UPGRADE PROJECT (1) AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE SHOP EQUIPMENT FOR TREATMENT PLANT FROM TOOL TOWN ($4,977.00) (J) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH EDMONDS SCHOOL DISTRICT 15 FOR BALLFIELD MAINTENANCE AND SCHEDULING (K) AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO SIGN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH R. W. BECK & ASSOCIATES FOR THE MEADOWDALE DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION (L) AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE COMPUTER SOFTWARE TO SUPPORT THE HUMAN RESOURCES PLAN (M) AUTHORIZATION FOR OUT-OF-STATE TRAVEL FOR SPECIALIZED SCHOOL (N) AUTHORIZATION FOR STAFF TO ADVERTISE FOR REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR CITY PARK IMPROVEMENTS (0) REVISION TO CITY POLICY REGARDING REQUIREMENT FOR NEW BUSINESS LICENSE APPLICATIO AND FEE FOR CHANGE OF ADDRESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MARCH 18, 1997 PAGE 2 (P) PROPOSED RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FEES ADOPTED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 15.00 OF THE EDMONDS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE AND RESOLUTION NO: 852 TO INCREASE FEES RELATING TO APPLICATIONS AND PERMITS FOR BUILDING, PLUMBING AND OTHER RELATED PERMITS (Q) PROPOSED RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A PUBLIC HEARING DATE ON APRIL 15, 1997, FOR A REQUEST TO VACATE A TRIANGULAR PIECE OF UNDEVELOPED RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT TO THE WEST SIDE OF FIRDALE AVENUE WITH APPROXIMATELY 210 LINEAR FEET OF FRONTAGE ON FIRDALE AVENUE, LYING NORTH OF THE VACATED PORTION OF THE 240TH STREET SOUTHWEST RIGHT-OF-WAY (Applicant: Secure Capital, Inc. / File No. ST -97-8) (R) PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 851 BY ADOPTING PROCEDURES FOR FEE REFUNDS, PROVIDING FOR INCREASED FEES TO COVER THE COSTS OF PROCESSING PERMITS FILED AS A RESULT OF A VIOLATION OF CITY CODE, AND ESTABLISHING A FEE AND PROCESS FOR THE COST OF TRANSCRIPT PREPARATION AND ULTIMATE FEE RECOVERY PROPOSED ORDINANCE ENACTING NO RE -PARKING IN THE SAME 100 BLOCK ON A PERMANENT BASIS AUDIENCE (3 minute limit per person) INTRODUCTION OF CAROL PIDDOCK, CIVIL SERVICE BOARD, AND BEVERLY KAUFMAN, LIBRARY BOARD 5. (15 Min.) REPORT ON COUNCIL COMMITTEE MEETINGS 6. (15 Min.) REPORT ON BIDS OPENED MARCH 17, 1997, FOR THE CARPETING FOR THE NEW CITY HALL BUILDING 7. (10 Min.) AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS TO PURCHASE AN AUTOMATIC IRRIGATION SYSTEM FOR THE PARKS 8. (10 Min.) - 1997 SALARY ORDINANCE FOR NON -REPRESENTED EMPLOYEES 9. (15 Min.) HEARING ON THE INTERIM ZONING MORATORIUM ON CURB CUTS IN THE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS AREA 10. (15 Min.) HEARING ON THE ADOPTION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN MANUAL AND THE CRITERIA FORMERLY SET FORTH IN REPEALED CHAPTER 15.15 ECDC AS PART OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS AN INTERIM ZONING ORDINANCE 11. (45 Min.) CLOSED RECORD APPEAL OF THE DECISION BY THE ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN BOARD TO APPROVE AN APPLICATION BY THE PORT OF EDMONDS TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF NEW COVERED MOORAGE STRUCTURES AND FLOATS TO REPLACE DAMAGED STRUCTURES IN THE PORT MARINA WHICH IS GENERALLY LOCATED AT 336 ADMIRAL WAY. (Appellant: Robert Van Citters Jr. & Roy NcCorchuck / Applicant: Port of Edmonds. File Nos. ADB -97-6 and AP -97-15.) 12. (5 Min.) MAYOR 13. (15 Min.) COUNCIL Parking and meeting rooms are accessible for persons with disabilities. Contact the City Clerk at 771-0245 with 24 hours advance notice for special accommodations. The Council Agenda appears on Chambers Cable, Channel 32. Delayed telecast of this meeting appears the following Wednesday, Friday and Monday at noon on Channel 32.