1940-05-21 City Council Minutescould obtain water -at John Reese's corner to supply those requests for water on Olympic Avenue. - - On motion the Council desided to lay a 41 from the Highway at John. Reese's corner to Olympic Avenue and the.south along Olympic Avenue as far as to, supply_ those requesting water.' The hearing on the Resolution declaring the Councils intention. to lay.a sever in Third Avenue from Dayton Street suuth .to Erbin Drive came up for consideration. The Resolution was protested out:, but. after consieration by the property owners the Council instructed the City Attorney to,darw up a resplution declaring the Coucils intention to install a sewer form Dayton Street south alon the east side.of Third Avenue to Erbin Drive; thence east along Walnut Street ,to_.the alley between Third And forth Aveig,&V�s andf' hen`C �na�th along s:aid.ly alley,- as". _ � �, far" a.sY• �i��' �e�c�8s�ar'y= ��e'ric'e �s-outh=• fr'o�n Wal.iiut st're:et= 'in `ss.i`cl� a-1`le-y-�as= fad as is T s( ou it opened the hid for the cast` ir$anpipe for the .c pleteion, of the h orth Trunk Sewer were opened. �. Hugh G..Purcell being the only bidder. Purcells bid.was as. follows., 360 L.b'. 161, Class 100' Cast Iron Pipe 03,25 --- $1170, 00 ' Materials are to'be delivered by;barge or scow and unloaded on the tide flats raer the northerly City Limits. .All unit prices'as shown in the proposal shall include all costs of delivey by barge or scow and unloadstff of the material or..the site of the,job. Y On motion. the Council accepted the bid Hugh G.Purcell Co. ,On motion the Council approved the Contract made by the Water Committee with the General paint Removing Co., of 526 -6th Ave. forth, Seattle, for the removal of the paint and rust from the large steel water tack. There being no further business on motion the Cour_cil adcijourned. Y JAayor Y Y Y Y May 21st.. 1940 SThe Council met -in regular sessioxi with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the.fo,llowing Councilmen presents Chandler, Hanson, Callahan, Clausen, and Jones. The minutes of the last'meeting were read and approved. On motion the Coucil ordered 2050 ft more or less of 4" cast iron pipe for more or less Olympic Avenue and 450 ft of, 4" ca,st iron. pip.e for the .extension on. Fourth A Aver`ue water maim. The AUTOMOBILE, CLUB OF ASHILGTOI. presented the City o•f Edmonds a CERTIFICATE OF MERIT :.-.as an award for having 365 deathles days in TRAFFIC SAFTY, I1V 1939..1Jtyp = gtated' '-hat there were only TE1:<. CITIES in the State of Washington that had such a record during 1939. RESOLUTIOL Lo.107 was read, and disgusted by the Council . On motion the Coucil adopted RESOLUTIOL 1o. 107. The vote was -as follows: Chandler yes, Hanson yes, Callahan yes, Clausen, yes Jones yes, carried by Y unanimous vote of the Councilmen present. RESOLUTI01. 'rj0F ;.Ili TII TIOi: 110. 107. A Resolution declaring the intention of the City,Co:uncil of the City of Edmonds to improve the easterly side of Thired Street, in said city, by the construction of a 12 inch combined sanitay and storm sewer beginning at the intersection of the center line of Dayton Street and Third $tree; thenceYSouth along the Easterly side ofThird.Street to Walnut Street; also by.the construct- ion of a 10 inch combined sanitary and storm lateral sewer along the Eastrely side of Third Street from.Walnut Street South to Erbin Drive; also to improve the alley between Third Street and Fourth Street; in said city, from a point 364.25 feet South of the center line of Dayton Street, thence South to the South line of Section 23, Township 27 h.orth, Range 3, East W.M., by the construction of an­8 inch combined sanitary and storm lateral sewer; also to improve Walnut Street, in said city, by the construction, along the center line thereof, from the alley between Third Street and Fourth Street West to Third Street of a 1 1 1 9 combired 8 inch sar.itary'ard storm lateral sewer; together with all necessary manholes, catch basins and other apperterances necessary to make a complete improvement; providing that the payment for said improvement be made by spec- ial assessment or, the property in said District under the mode of payment by bor_ds for materials used, fixed estimate, and all other expenses, except the cots of labor to be furnished by Federal fur_ids under the W.2.11. plan of the Federal Government. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUI,;CIL Oi' THE CITY OF EDL,10I.DS: 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Edr«onds, State of Washington, to improve the easterly side of Third Street, in said city, by the construction of a 12 inch combined sanitary and storm lateral sewer begir_r-ir.:g at the irtrrsection of the center line of Dayton Street an -id ` Third Street; thence South alor.;g the Eastrely side of Third Street to Walnut Street; also by the cor:structior of a 10 inch combined sanitary and storm lateral sewer along the Easterly side of Third Street from Walnut Street aouth to. Erbir Drive; also to improve the alley between Third Street and Fourth Street., it said city, from a point 364,25 feet South of the center line of Dayton Street; therce South to the South line of Section. 23, Township 27, 1,orth, Range 3, East W.M., by the construction: of ar 8 ir_ch combired sanitary arid storm lateral sewer; also to improve Walnut Street,in said city, by the construction, along the center lire thereof,f-rom the alley between Third Street and Fourth Street West to Third Street of a combined 8 inch sanitary and storm lateral sewer; together with all necessary manholes, catch basirs and other appertenances necessary to make a complete improvemert. 2. Taht the cost and expense of all materials required to make a complete improvement, the fixed estimat and all other expenses of every kind, except cost of labor contributed by the iedral Government order WPA, shall be made by special assessment; a Local Improvement District shall be established embreacirg as rear as may be all he property §Pedi61ly benefited property shall be assessed to pay for the entire cost of such improvement, except the cost of labor furnished by the Federal Government under WPA. . 3. All persons who may desire to object to the improvement herein men- tiored are hereby notified to appear at the Council.Chambers in the City Hall, in the City of Edmonds, Washington, at a meetiorg of said Council on the 18th. day -of June, 1940, at the hour of eight o'clock P.P., o:f said day, then and there to preser..t their objections thereto,• if any they have. 4. The City Engineer of said City o,f Edmonds is hereby directed to sub- mit,- to the City Council, at or prior to. said 18th day of June, 1940, the-, estimated cost and expense of the improvement, in this Resolution m@ptioned, ard-a statement of the proportiorat amount thereog which shall br borne by the property within the propeoed Improvement District; and a statement of the ag- gregate assessed valuation of the real setate, exclusive of improvements,. within said proposed Improvement District• according to the valuation last placed upor it for general taxation, together with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts or parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be barre by each lot, tract, parcel of lard, or other property. . Passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds this 21st day of May, 1940, and approved the same date. Councilman Chandler brought up the question of the City purchasing Lots 21 and 34 inclusive in Block 68 for the protection of the Water shed around well L o.2 or. Main Street. It was moved by Chandler and seconded by Hanson the the City purchase Lots 21 ar_d 34 inclusive in Block 68 for the protection of the water shed around well Lo.2. The vote was as follows: -Chandler yes, Hanson yes Callahan yes, Clauer r_o, Jones no. Carried. Or motion the Council instructed the City Engineer to draw up a WPA. pro- ject fox clearing and fencing Lots 21 and 34 irclusive in Block'68; also the painting of the roof, and doors and windows of the Library building the City Garages and the Corner house or, Maple Street. On motion the Council decided to remove the trees from Lots 28 and 29, Block "D". These lots are ovired by the City. The General Pairt Removirg Co., of Seattle, presented his bill for remov- ing the paint and rust from the lame steel water tank, situated at the cor- ner of Maple and Tenth Street. The bill was refured to the Water Superintendelt for checking. The question of repair_�tir. the STREET SIG1.3 came up for consid-eration. The matter was refured to Mr. 1Vomere James Astell asked permission to remove the brush and rubbish J:eom the east side of Eight Arvenue between_ Main Street and the alley in Block 78. Permission was granted. Co.,t_­acts log: u.1G of fuel oil for the CIty Hail furl:aee for the comii�, year were prreserted by 1VI•C. Ergels, Louis i1iller ai..d t11e Diesel Oil Sales Co. After due eorsideratior, the Council decided to give the contract to M.C. Er.gels - the price being the same b ;- all parties interested. l.C• Engels re,,uested the Council to place a matt or: the East side r of 3rd Ave. between the curb and the present matt a strip about 2 fcet / (t wide and about 150 long ii- front of his place ai-d Le._rrons. The property owners to pay for the oil. Or,, i:iotior. the Council accepted his proposition. There being ro further business on motion the Council adjourned. (r iUl