1940-08-20 City Council Minuteslie, the undersigned property owners on the north and south side of bell Street between Fifth and Sixth Avenue, in the. city of Edmonds,County of Snohomish, State of Washington,hereby petition the City of .Edmonds, Otate -. of Washington, hereby petition the City of Edmonds to sponoer the oon- :-_ struotion of a curb and gutter on the following property situated on the 5: North and South side of Bell street between Fifth and Sixth Avenues, For and in consideration of_ the City of Edmonds sponsoring this projeot, the undersigned petitioners request and agree that said construction be upon the following terms and conditions: that the labor shall be furnished by the W-P.1o; that the only expense to said petitioners shall be the cost of materials and engineering, which cost shall not exceed 44 per foot. Block D. Lot 5 & 6 Melvin Jo Tuson------ $27,00 Block B Dot 9 Mrs Greo.Hall-------------- 13.50 Block D Lot 10 & 11 WoBoyd Williams--- 27900 Block D.Lot 12 Frank E.Deiner----------- 13050 Block D Dot 7 & 8 Maude Friese---------- 27000 Block D Dot 13 & 14 Frank L goulet------ 27900 Block D Lot 15 WQToaones T------------- 13,50 Block E. Lot _..2 Hallie Bo Anderson-------- BlockE Lot 13'& 14 H.C.Hanson---------- 31,50 Block D Lot3 & 4 C.L.Usher-------------- 27000 On motion the Council approved the petition. The City Clerk reported that the Scoot Board of District NO.15 had agred to have the sidewalk and curb and.gutter put in on. Sixth Avenue North in front of the Play Field grounds, provded that the -expense would not exceed 0600,00. On motionthe City Clerk was instructed to request the School board to,include the fixing of the alley that is on the south side of the Play.Field so people can get in and out of the Field Grand Stand. The City Treasurer brought up the.question of useing some of'the money that is in L.IoDoGuarantee Fund to pay olff 01500000 of the Bonds; he reported that they could by redeemed with out interest. On motion they were ordered paid. There h6ing no'furt.her business on`motion the Council adjourned. . Y a or. AUGUST 20th, 1940 The Counoil met in regular session with Mayor Po,urtner persiding. The roll oall.showed the following Councilmen present: Chandler, Hareid, Hanson, Cal- lahan and Martin. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Council received the folloing offer for,some. lots owned by the City* "Gentlemen: I wish to purchase lots No. 3.7-38-39-40,Block 91, at your listed price of $57,50 per lot* Find chech attached for $230,00. dish deed made to ALICE U. GARTER." "Gentlemen: I wish to purchase Lots 34-35-36 Block 91 at 55,00 each and lot 33, Block 91 at $30,00. Find chech attached for 0135,00, and make deed to Robert E. and Margaret Nelsen-" On motion the Council aocepe.td the offer, procided the taxes do::'not exceed the offer. The City Engineer presented the following for the SOUTH .T t(t1yH 6hWER. ESTIMATE FOR SOUTH THIRD STREET TRUNK SEWER. Description 6f Yvork:1511 Trunk Sewer, eginn ng a ex sting manhole on Dayton Street.in.alley between.Second and. Third Streets; thence Southerly 885 feet`; thence Easterly 180 feet to the Eae.t side of Third Street,said paint being on Walnut Street produced. 1050 LoF. Concrete Sewer Pipe (154 Q00.90 . 945000 3 Manholef)Rings & Covers - 4, 18950 55050 8 151lx6" Y's (0 3,60 28,80 Shoring Lumber - 5 M.B.M. @ 24900 12.0,00 Hardware a 10900 10000 12 barrels of Cement a 3,00 56900 8 yarda of Sand & Gravel 1050 12,00 12 Galvanized Ladder Rungs a 10,75 9000 252 Manhole Blooks._ifl d 63900 18 Manhole Blocks F"4 10625 J 0075 13,50 18 Manhole Blocks #5 a 0975 13950 Trestle.Treated Timber - 19106 K.B.M 75900 Galvanized Hardware 251,00 Engineering _ 125�0 30 Rote: No Right -of Way cost inaluede in Estimate* The Engineer estimated that there -would'' be about' $13000600­ left over from --the .7or."th TttLnk "`Sealer "F uld which � might, 'be 'used" if- the", people: so ordered, it this fall eleotion-and that.$250,00 might be put in the Budget. t The qugstion . og making. posts *to hold the new. Street Signs,' Dame up ..for oonsider- ation-. It was ,finaly desided to have' the. W.P.6..make ,Conorete `Posts, and •on motion the .Council ,instruoted the, Engineer.to have tha making of them .in one of the 9.P.A , street jobs.-' There being no further business .on motion, the Coucil dajourned. City Clerk Mayor. t SEPTEMBER 3ed, 1940. 4 The Council met in regular session with'Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll showed the following Councilmen present; Chandler, Callahan, Clausen, Martin and Jones. The minutes of the 1aast meeting Were read.and an, The Treasurers report and the Water,Revenue Colleotore.report for the. month of August were read and ordered filed. The following•bills were approved by the Finance Committe.and on motion warrants were ordered drawn on the proper funds. Diamond Stores; -aupp3 ies-=------ $, . .10 ,�j.°Ni. Yost & 1;�ons ,for, supplies- - ,86 Trick & Murray,-supplie.s-------- 14,04. jaay Woodfield, ,--labor------ , 4950 C.M.Larson-,for doge, stamps,,,arr- StarUa.chinery i0o. ,supplies- -7,73 -set-------------- 5, 70 pJ�.4Y:Womer, labor---------- 11,20 H.B.Vaurs,.for arrest ------ ----- 2,00 Teheodor.'Womer,.labor------- , 16,00 Charles Vaurs,for arrest's and Viggo gHoberts, labor------- 20900 polieeeing dances-------- 29,20 tQ.;B:Bently, supplies------- 3,31 R.H.Doty, Polie.e Judge fees----- 10,25 Pickett i lMotor 'Co. , . supplies- 129,29 The Grill, meals for .prisoners-- .30 Crow liardware, supplies"--- �65083 Gateway Cafe, . �!." " """"""'""'" s— 2, 60' �Sj. J.Pr.iebe, supplies-------- -7915 . C.M.Larson,.for-sewer inspections 14,00 Durbins,fstore, supplies----- 1,00 Diesel Oil Sales.Co., supplies-- 4,00 Gaylord;Zros., supplies----- 403,84 Leyda Electric &-,Radio,.supplies 942 Ralph Rodman,;rental--- ----- 18,-00 Chanoeys Boat,Huose, gravel------ 3,06 40M.Yost &iWons, supplies--- 61040 Midway Iron Works, smith work--- 3,83 Rental:.f+Machinery,00.,rental- •16,80 H.C.Hanson, labo.r--------------- . 781,25 A.B.Rae, man 8c team--------- 27,00 Edmonds Builders Supply, supplies 12,14 Crow'Hardware, supplies----- -66,01 Louis.Valoia, labor------------- 3,00 Qakl4dj8,gPgle-Go.,rental .H.B.Vaurs, labor---------------- 12,00 ----------------- i77900 �,: cpperC hearral:etC©o� supplies---. 40,90 Hogh ,fiq. JPyroell �Ca, supplies1209,98 Pickett Motor Go., .supplies----- . 7,12 'Crow Hardware, supplies----- 2; 45 Washington State. Penitetary, CaspereA�ervioe 'Station, for Street signs------------- 31950 supplies----- 41,00 Associated Sand.& Gravel Co., M•C.Enge7ls, supplies-------- 15,70 for sand & gravel------------- 223938 Edmonds'1Builder.s;SupplY, :?.n:M: Yost & Zone,, for supplies--- 19, 26-; for supplies------- 439:04 :G�• Leyda, for .clerical work---- , - 5, 00 'A'•'B.B.ently,. supplies------- 4,20 1L G:Fry, eaara og ,Park grounds--- ,A.!M 5.900 1#9.W#Womer, labor----------- :3000 Yost & Oons, paint---------- '9,49 Ray,Jj;�oodfilld, labor-------- 1,00 On motion the Council continued the sprinkling rate during September untill 'meter reading time. P'i�, ''T I T I 0 N1.. "We the undersignedproperty owners of ,Fourth 'Street from 'Dayton,;Street to Walnut Street, in the City of Edmonds,. County of Snohomish, State of Washington,. hereby petition the City of. Edmonds, to sponsor the grading of the following property situated on Fourth Street between Dayton Street and Walnut Street. For and in oonsiderat.ion of, the. City of Edmonds ,sponsoring this projeot, the undersigned petitioners request•and agree that said construction be upon the following terms and oonditions;,that the labor shall be furnished by the W*P.6-,. ; that the, only ®zpense to th,e petitioners shall be. the cost materials and engineering." " J.,P. Bohnert , -Qbarles B:oshart G e`argge demp H.A.$eeton J.P.Johnson $•VonBsohen J •'J. Gre enl:eaf Ray Carpenter G.B.Swanson D.M.Parker H.Boshart W.F.Sheets" . e 1 1 1