1941-02-18 City Council MinutesI�EBRU�,RY 18th. 1941 The Council met in'regular,session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present: H.$. 'Chandler, t�j.G'.Hanson, Cj.Sav- age, 1�.Hansen and W. Clausen. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. , The Sewer Committe.reported.that nothing had been done about the'Baily sewer." The City'Engineer was.instructed to make an estimate of the cost. The question of the proposed sewer.on First Avenue came up as to what had been done. The City Engineer reported that he would make a -preliminary estimate of the cost. It was moved by Chandler and segonded,by Hanson,that the the City Attorney draw up an emergan,ey Ordinance far the amount due in the case of EUU2E AHNdER 'V9. IR6t2RT Vlli �gM CH. R ES Z SON City Marshal and others. Carriked by unanimous vote of the Councilmen present. It was moved.by Chandler and seconded.by Hanson that the Street Commission-. er prorate his over time at 50 ct;s per hour. Carried. There being no.further businedd on motion the Council adjourned. ° City erk Mayor. MATCH 4th, 1941. The Council met 'in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The -roll call showed the folling Councilmen present:'H.A.Chandler, V.C-Hanson, Claude Savage, Walter Hansen The minutes of the last meeting wdre read and approved. The Treasurers report, and the Vlater'-aevnue Collectors report for the month of February were read and ordered filed. The following bills were approved by the Finance Committe and on motion warrants were ordered drawen on the proper funds. ' Tribune -review, printing------- 4,20 Telephone Co...- phone calls----- 1,30 Gateway Cafe,- meals for prison ers-- ,51 Edmonds 'repair ,Service, repairs 1,00 1R.H..Doty, police judge- fees---- 14,25 0.'M.Larson, collecting dog tax- 15,00 Seattle �.Liubber Stamp Co. dog tags 4,34 H. B. Vaurs_,. making arrests- ---- 12,85 Trick &'k4urray, supplies-------° 1,02 Yost Auto Co, storage & supplies 20,36 Fire Department, one fire------ 15,00 Leo Doty, care of garbage dump- 10,00 4000Lngels, oil. fdr furnace---- 34,42 ..S.Power & Light CO, light for City Hall----- 1,93 4.B.Hubbard, license for truck- 1,50 P.J.Larson,_blacksmith work---- ,70 Henry Vaurs, labor on street--- 4.00 ,4.B.Bently, supplies----------- 1,43 Henry Allen., over time on streets 5,00 Stevens Lumber Co._ supplies---- 1,43 Crow.Hardware,. supplies-------- 5,03 Pickett motor Co.repairs and supplies------ 42,99 Hopper Chevrolet Co. repairs and supplies---- 26,60 Diesel Oil Sales Co, supplies---- 4,14 Howerd Cooper Corp. supplies----- 14,57 Yost .Auto Co. supplies and repairs48,65 P;.S.Power & Light CO. street ` lingts----'--- 96, 3.7 YI.J.Larson, labor---------------- 16,45 Theoddre Vlomer,labor---=--------- 1,50 Asbestos Supply Co. supplies----- 2,69 Fedral Pipe &Tank Co. supplies-- 4,28 Pickett Motor Co:repairs supplies 1,51 Yost .Auto Co., supplies---------- 2,01 AI. M. Yost & .'Sons , supplies-------- 248 4I.S.Power & Light Co. power------ 76,84 a.N.13drensen post Box 'rent-- 1.00 Diamond lOct Stores, supplies---- 1,22 Lowman &'Hanford, supplies------- 1,65 California Ink Co. supplies------- 3,88 National Geographic Society.supplie3,00 Tribune -Review, cards------------ 8,77 Gaylord Bros. supplies----------- 9,25 P!.S.Power & Light Co. lights----- 10,90 Crow Hardware, supplies---------- 1,43 Edmonds°repair Service, supplies- 1050 Arthur Knutzen, labor------------ 5,50 ]�.S.Power & Light Co. lights----- 1,98 0,.B:rtae, labor man and team------ 13,50 A -A:- Yost & ;!Sons, supplies-------- 2,86 1 1 1 1