1941-04-01 City Council MinutesMaude Friese, subject to the Councils approval. On motion the Council approved the sale and instructed the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the deed. Ordinance No 533 was read the second time. ORDINANCE NO.533 An Ordinance providing for the issyanee-of.emergency warrants in pay- ment of legal expenses in connection with litigation necessarily incurred by the City of Edmonds and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS: Sectionl; That the City of Edmonds issue emergency warrants in the amount of $150,00, being the estimated expenditure required to meet the ooft of legal expenses necessarily incurred in the defense of litigation by said City. Section 2: An emergency is hereby declared to exist, with referance to said expenses, which could not reasonably have been foreseem.at the time of making the last annual budget. Section 3: this Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication as provided by law. PASSED : March 18th, 1941. Mr. Vorihee offered $75,00 for the old Ford Grader. On motion the Council accepted the offer of $75,00 for the old Ford Grader -as is. J A complaint was made that Foster & Cliser had erected a sign on the west side of Fifth Avenue south of Howell Way, and that it obstructed their view. On motion the City Attorney was instructed't`o take the question up with Foster & Cliser. The City Clerk instructed to request Dr. Xretzler make an investiga- tion of the 501TARY COT:NDITION of the property at First Avenue North and Main Street, as to the advisability of'installing a sewer to take care of the situation, and report at the next meeting of the Council, April lst. There being no further business on motion the Councio adjourned. Ci y 01rk AS12- ayor April lst. 1941. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present: CM{andler, Savage, Vdalter Hansen, Clausen and Jones. The minutes of th.e last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurers report and the Water revenue Collectors report were read and ordered filed. The following bills were approved by the Finance Committe: Trick & Murray--------------- .92 Tribune -Review--------------- 12,44 State Bank of Edoonds-------- 3,35 Henry Vaurs------------------ 2,00 R-H.Doty--------------------- 2100 C.M.Larson------------------- 5,50 C ivi. Larsor-------------------- 14,00 Yirie'Department-------------� 90,00 Leo'Doty--------------------- 10,00 Stevens Lumber Co.----------- 3,31 A.M.Yost'&.Sons--------------- 6 882 Caspers Service Station------ 28,60 Henry Allen------------------ 8100 Pickett Motor Co.------------ 4108 Crow Hardware---------------- ,59 O.N..'3orensen P"61 -------------- 1,00 Leyda 'Electric !&.J.Liadio------ ,31 Hallie 4.iAriderson----------- 56,25 National '.;UiL Co.---------- 58,55 Olympic Foundry Co ---------- 39,25 Crow Hardware--------------- 4,90 Stevens Lumber Co.---------- 1,00 ldahlum Iron Works ----------- 59,36 Caspers Service Station----- 1,15 H.C.Hanse'n------------------ 18,50 Pickett Motor Co.----------- 1,00 O.F.Soensen 21411.---------- -- .75 Crow Hardware--------------- .60 E.S.Denslow----------------- 9,79 4.G.Vry--------------------- 23,50 Oscar Reiner---------------- 20000 John S'..Anderson------------ 40,00 S.J.Pr6eby------------------ 31,14 5 Stevens Lumber Co. -------------- 52.,05 Geo.,�.Leyda--------- -------- 5,00 Edmonds Water D.epartment-------- 1,50 Edna L.Moses------ ----- ------ 2,73 Tribune -Review------------------ 12,85 The General Casualty Co. requested the City give them prmission to canele the Bond they have issued taethe City for. the Edmonds Builders Supply, because it has run an unreasonable time. The request was laid.over untill the.next.meetin.g of the Council. The Attorney for Foster` & Cliserappeared.in respose from a letter from the City Attorney,, requested that the City give them 60.days to remeve the sign that was objectionable to;residents if the Coucil considered it so. The mayor and some of the Council 'considered to unsightl:y-4hd that .it should; be removed with in 60 days. bo further action was taken The Council instructed the City. Clrk to notify Oscar Smith to ,pay, up the back rent he owes on the house he is occupies or move out by the 1st of May. The Washington State.Imployment Service requested permission to use the City Council Chambers 'for one day a week to make settlement witlPt'hat come under Labor relations act of the State of Washington. On motion the Council granted the request. In compliance with' Resolution X;o.109 seting the hearing on the same as of this date., the Asked if there were any one present who objected to the proposed improvement as set forth in the Resolution. The following comunieation was received from the Department of Health of the City of Edmonds " lurch 31, 1041. The City Council`, Edmonds, Wash. "Gentlemen: - In accordance with your wishes, as conveyed by City Clerk, Mr. Leyda, i investigated the server service of the Carrie dinsey property and the Cresent Laundry. For several years this has been a menace to the public health because of an overflow from the sewer serving the.Fussel hotel. It has required the eonstamt attention of Mr. Allen to keep it open and draining properly. The outlet of this sewer is at extreme high water at the side of the dock of the Pu.git Sound Navigation Co..This is at least 150 feet above low water mark. This is a bad situation and should be remedied. Our beaches are being used more and more each year, And the great impetus that fishing has received makes it imperative that we keep the beaches as,elean as possible. To remedy the present condition would require the extension of the sewer outlet. to a p.oit below the low water mark. An alternate and more sanitary procedure would be to construct an adequate lateral to join with the main sewer, and thus afford proper disposal for the properties at the lower end of Main Street. I would strongly recommend and even urge that t this latter course be followed. It would not only he beneficial to the properties in question, but wo `would materially lessen the chances of pollution of the beaches and shallow water adjacent thereto." Very truly yours, Harry H. Kretzler ✓ M.D. Citv.Health Officer." P In rely to the request from the Mayor, the Attorney for the Uoion Oil Co. filed a protest.fH:e said verbally that their main reason for filing the protest was.the they considered the amount to be assessed against their property was excessive and out -af proportion according to the leniol footage. After further consideration of.the question the Council on motion adjourned utti11,7,30 p.m:, April 8th, 1941. - r ---� t Cler May r. .. C C t