1941-05-27 City Council Minutes.Lfter due consideration the Council ordered a stop sign plased at the north east corner of the intersection of Dayton Street and Sixth Lvenue. The land Cormmitte set the prcie on the following lots at $230,00 per lot; Lots 8-9-10-11-12-13"a-14 and 15 in Block 77r. On motion the Council instructed the City Clerk to notify all those who any of the lots 8-9-10-11-12-13-14 and 15 in Block 77- to put in a bid for on or before June 3ed 1941. The Council reserveing the right to reject any or all bids. The question of a night -patrolman came up for consideration. The ques- tion was considered by the Councilmen and Merchants for some time but no decision was reached. Then the Council on motion laid the question over until the next meetin. There being no further business on motion the Council adjourned. City Cle _ Mayo A :ICY 27th 1941. The.Mayor called the Council in special session for the purpose of considering the question of the extention of the Lateral Sewer on Vialnut Street to Sixth Avenue. The question having been raised by Mrs. &stell. The minutes of the Council showed that on April 16th 1938 the following: "It was 'moved by Chandler and seconded by Astell that a manhole be placed at 6th and .;alnut and that the City furnish the the to extend thejtwtA now being placed on 1tialnut street to the manhole. Carried." The City Engineer stated that the materials were already furnished and charged to L.I.D.48. Onmotion the Council adjourned. Mayor. J EE 3ed 1941. The Council met in regular session. with Mayor Pourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen preseny: H.A. Chandler, W.C.Hanson, C. Savage,W.Clausen W. HAnsen and 10J.T.Jones. The Minutes of the last regular meeting and the special meeting were read and approved. The Treasurers report and the Dater revenue Collectors report for the month of May were read and ordered filed. The following bills were approved by the Finance Committe and on motion the Council ordered them paid out of the proper funds. Trick & Murray, for supplies--- 155 H.C.Hansen, labor----------- 3,00 Geo.M.Leyda, for clerical work- 5,,00 Ralph Osborn, sand---------- 2,50 P.S.Power & Light Co. City Hall Louis Miller, supplies------ 28,62 Light------- 1.00 Pickett Motor Co. supplies-- 1,03 Crow Hardware, for supplies---- Telephone Co. phone calls------ .40 .70 Henry Allen , labor--------- A.11.Yost & Sons, supplies--- 5,00 7,29 R.H.Doty, Police Judge fees---- 4.75 A.M.Yost & Sons, supplies--- 12,74 C.M.Larson, dog tax, & Sewer Puget Sound Power & Light Co. inspections---- 7,50 power �bk pumps---- 63,60 Leo Doty, care of garbage dump- 10.00 Sid Kelly, for labor-------- 4,00 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Tribune -Review, for contracts 15,19 for street lights------- 97,22 Crow Hardware, for supplies-- .26 Crow Hardware, for supplies----- .5C Flational Meter Co. supplies-- 70,07 Midway Iron Works, repairs------ 4,43 Puget Sound News, for Hopper Chevrolet Co. supplies--- 1,03 supplies---- 35,86 Sound Pounder Co. for supplies-- 33,22 Puget Sound Power & Light Co. Chauncys Boat House;, for sand - lighte----------- 3,19 and gravel------ 1;:81