1941-08-19 City Council MinutesIT IS FURTHER.RESOLVZ;D that the cost of said work is hereby estimated, as nearly as may be, to be as follows: Estimated 0ost- -------------------- 0900000 Location Engineering------ ------------------ , 15,00 C,ons.truction Engineering------------ 30,00 Louis R.Milton offered the City Council $672,06 for Lots 25-%Z6 and.97 in Block 969 and that he woilld pay the interest and on the principal to the total amount of $25,00 per month untill payment of the principal sum is paid. On motion the Council accepted Louis R.Miltons proposal: that he pay $672,06 _for Lots 25-26- and 27, in Block 96, in.monthly installments of interds�cand prin::c ipal to the amount of $25, 00. The City Engineer presented the Assessment Roll of Local.Improvement District No. 52. , < On notion the Council instructed the City Clerk to,give proper notioe of hearing. The question of a right-of-way for the sewer on First Avenue was brought up again. , On motion the City Attorney was, instructed to try and negotate with the Union Oil Company for the continuation,of First Avenue south to Dayton Street, and that he should offer V0150,0,0 for the right-of-way. If'it could not be obtained to,proceed with.condemnation proceedings. ,On motion the Chief of Police was instructed to have the State Patrol pace'the speeders on the streets of Edmonds. There being no further business.onmotion the Council adjourned. --� Ma oro. AUGUST 19th, 1941. c The onncil.net in regular session with Mayor p ourtner persiding. The ,611 Cc.l rollcall showed the following Councilmen paesent:,H.A. Chandler, VI.C.Hanson, W&lter Hansen., W?Clausen and 17.T.Jones, The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Strance and Miss FM-Ges Anderson, representing the Library Board, reported that the roof of the Library Building and tl buld be repaired. The Council on motion instructed A.B.1aently tor6"- 1all:necessgry.,.repa xs. C.R.Watts presented an other claim for damages caused by his running into an old hydrant out side of the city limits. On motion the Council instructed the City Clerk to notify C.R.Watts that the city does kot assume any responsibilty and that.the claim be rejected. Molrion carried. The Cit Clerk reported that he had soled Lots 21`-22­23-and. 24 Blocl- 67 to R. J.Sullvan for149, 64 And Lots,. .26-'26-38-39- and 40 Block 67 to .u1.S Spurling for 0237,32 also 29 Block 123 to E.L.Yost for On motion the Council approved the -sales and instructed the City -Attorney draw up the necessary deeds of transfer._ The Mayor reported that the cracks in the pavements should be refilled with aspholt. On motion the Street Committe was instructed to have the necessary repairs made. The Chief of Police reported -that there were no speed limit signs on Main Street from Ninth Avenue to the city limits. On motion the Street Committe was instructed to have proper signs placed. There being no fupth.er business on motion ;ihe Council adjourned. yC Mayr. 1 n 1 r�