1941-09-02 City Council MinutesSEKEMBEA 2nd , 1941. The Council met in regular session with Mayor J U-iourtner presiding. r The rail calll showed the following Councilmen present: H.A.Chandler, W.C. Henson, C.Savage,W.Clausen an& W,T.Jones. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurers report for the month of august and the Later Revenue Col- lectors report were read and ordered file. The following bills were approved by the 2inance Committe and on motion warrants were ordered drawn on the proper funds. Telephone Co. for phone calls---- 1940 Crow Hardware, supplies---- 3,61 R.H*Doty, Police Judge Fees------ 2,00 L.G.rry, care of City hall C.M.Larson, sewer inspections---- 4900 grounds--------- 5,00 Crow Hardware, for supplies------ ,82 2 0.2ower & Light CO.,Mds-- 1,84 Yost Nato Co. storage & supplies- 11,86 Dick Cjauncey, gravel------ 2,06 !.C.Engels, expense to convention 24,90 Pickett Motor Co. repairs C.M.Larson, labor---------------- 18,60 on grader--------- 21,49 Edmonds auto freight, freight---- 2,36 Yost Auto Co. supplies----- ,41 Star Machinery Co. rental-------- 25,00 Durbins Store, supplies---- $90 iational Meter Co. meters-------- 59,12 Howard Cooper Corp -supplies 8,85 Trick & Murray, supplies--------- 1,55 Crow Hardware, supplies---- 26,10 Olympic Foundry Co. supplies----- 35,19 Hopper Chevrolt Co. sap; li,L 38,53 Leyda Electric & Radio, supplies- 2,48 G-6-10ses, labor----------- ,50 A•M•Yost & Sons, supplies-------- 1,03 Healy illen, labor--------- 12,00 Mhett motor Co. supplies------- 4143 H.C.Hansen, labor---------- 48,25 Yost. Nato Co, freight------------ ,20 4ilfred Hansen, labor------ 25,25 Crow Hardware, supplies---------- 6,51 a-ho uoty, labor------------ 14,00 A-B-Bently, sapplies------------- 6,98 Awlph Osborn, haalinQ gravel 61,50 onohowish Co. Ad. Lo.2 for gravel 138,40 Q•k-Leyda for clerical work 5,00 Liesel Oil Sales Co, for .0.2--- 486,29 Uhwonds water weprt, repairs 10,50 Tribune-heview, notice----------- 8,58 Sievers-& Luecy, engineering----- 395,00 The Assessment moll of Local Improvement DistrictJo. 52 came up for consideration in accordance with the notice of the hearing. There being nO objections to the roll as made by the City.nngineer, the Council on motion passed Ordinance Lo.535 approving the roll. QVDILA NO .N0.535. An ordinance approving and confirming the assessment and assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 52, for the improvement of the east- erly side of Third Avenue in the City of Edmonds, by the construction of a 12" combined sanitary and storm lateral sewer along the Easterly side of Third Avenue from Walnut Street south to 2ebin Drive; also to improve the alley between Third.Avenue and fourth Avenue, in said city, from a. point 364.25 feet south of the center line of Dayton Street; thence south to the south line of Section 23, Township 27 north, ,Kange 3, Last a*M.. , by the construction of an 8" combined sanitary and storm lateral sewer; also to improve Walnut Street, in said city, by the construction, along the center line thereof, from the alley between Third Avenue and iourth.Avenue West to Third Avenue of a combined 8" sanitary and storm lateral sewer, together with the necessary manholes, -catch basins and other appertenances necessary to make a complete improvement, all in accordance with aesolution 108 Of the City of Ldmonds, levying an assessment on account thereof against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land shown on said roll, providing for the issuance of bonds therefore and fixing the date of the issueance thereof. TRE. CITY 02 10DOODDS 'LOTS QKD" Tv . Section 1: That the assessment and assessment roll of Local.Improvement District ho. 52, for the improvement of the easterly side of Third Avenue, in the City of Edmonds, by the construction of a. 12" combined sanitary and storm lateral sewer along the Easterly side of Third Avenue from Walnut 'Street south to Erbin Drive; also to improved the alley between Third -Avenue and 2ourth Avenue, in said city, from a point 364.25 feet south of the center line of Dayton'Street; thence south to the south line of Section 239 Township 27 North, Range 3"last ii.iai. , by the consruction of an 8" combined sanitary and storm lateral sewer; also to improve Walnut Street, -in said city, by the construction, along the center line thereof, from the alley between Third Avenue and fourth Avenue ;lest of Third Avenue of a - combined 8" sanitary and storm lateral sewer,together with the necessary manholes, catedh basins and other appertenances necessary to make a complete improvement,all in accordance with Aesolgtion No.108of the City of'Umonds, as the same now stands, be and the same is hereby in all things approved and confirmed. Section 2: That each of the olots, tracts and parcels of land or other property shown on said roll is hereby declared to be specially benefited by improvement in at least the amount charged against the same and that the assessment appearing against the same is in proportion to the several assessments appearing upon said roll and there is hereby levied an assessinent against each lot, tract and parcel of land and other property appearing upon saic roll the amount iir.ully charged the same thereon. Section 3: That the 3ed day of November, 1941, is hereby fixed as the date of the issuance of the. bonds required to be issed on account of Maid improvement. Section 4: the City of Ldmonds may sell said bonds and make payment in cash in the manner provided by the Ordinances of said city. gassed this 2nd day of September 1941. 0.2.Hovdy requested permission to use the north side of the pavement on luain Street in front of the Safeway,;atore for building material. . On motion the request was granted, provided he keeps the place proprly protected for trafic. On motion the City.Clerk was instructed to purchase 35 meters for the eater Department. i'-R-;LIMIil,jaY. BUliGLrT-. Cerrent -Expense r;und Totals. A4ayors salary------------------------ �r WzJ-00,00 Councilj92,ens salary----------,--------- 840,00 City Clerks salary------------------- 600,00 Assistant City.Clerxs salary--------- 240,00 Printing, postage and supplies------- 80,00 :bond------------ Elections-------------------;-------- 150,00 �2227,00 City Treasurers salary--------------- 480,00 -- 30,00 Bond--------------------------------- 30,00 540,00 City attorney.$ salary-------,--------- 360,00 Expemses----------------------------- 100,00 ilembership .tee in dssn of Wash. Cities 50,0Q 510,00 Health Officers salary--------------- 75,00 Expemses----------------------------- 50,00 Care of Garbage Bump----------------- 120,00 State Inspection--------------------- 200,00 445,00 .20LIC.Vi i7 yr;T"iT: Chief of Police, salary-------------- 1500,00 xtra Bolieemens wages--------------- 100,00 Expemse of the Department------------ 75,00 Indusrtial Insurance and led. aid---- 30,00 Phone calls-------------------------- 15,00 Bonds-------------------------------- 15,00 Night Fatrolmans salary-------------- 1200,00 3055,00 CITY H.&LL: City Hall.Lights--------------------- 25,00 2uel Oil for Vurnace----------------- 105,00 rRepairs------------------------------ 75,00 Care of grounds---------------------- 30,00 235,00 r'IHE . D I;iiTat;XT : ` Volunteer Piremens wages------------- , 600900 Supplies and repairs----------------- 500.00 Storage------------------------------ 96,00 Firemens Insurance------------------- 45,00 Hydrant rental----------------------- 2400900 TaIaterials---------------------------- 100,00 3741.,00 1'or Labor---------------------------- 120,00 Improvements------------------------- 250,00 370,00 LIBrR&�RY :►�LPnrRTrrIuT�Il: Librarinas salary-------------------- 480,00 Supplies----------------------------- 300,00 iRepairs------------------------------ 150,00 fuel and lights ---------------------- Insurance ----------------------------- 45,89 1110,00 Superintendents salary--------------- 1500,00 17ages for extra men------------------ 400,00 Street lights------------------------ 1200,00 Supplies and repairs----------------- 450,00 liew construction--------------------- 2000,00 Industrial Insurance and Med. Aid---- 36,00 Materials6--------------------------- 200,00 5786,00 1 1 1' 1 1 1 I 1 C TOT.iL CURii ',UT 'E PEIISE i+:XBEPDITU :S :------- V018,019,00 ESTIiJlITED CUzdi.LN ,Az;01,I.2T:�I'0it 1942. Estimated cash on hand at end of year- $6300,00 Fines and Licenses--------------------- 300,00 Liquor revenues------------------------ 3800,00 Gas tax revenues-------------------- -- 3194,41 .mount to be raised for Current'Expense by 8.34/100 mills tax on$''530,552,00 estimated valuation.------------------- 4424,59 4424,59 Total estimated receipts ------- §18,019.00 4XI? zDITUi3ES eaz", 301IDS id "'D IiITLII,L iJT : h.I-D-Guarantee Bonds---------------- $2000,00 Trunk Sewer Bonds and Interest------- 1496,00 Genreal Obligation Bonds and Interest 2500900 Zmount to be raised by 11.3/10 mills on 01530,552,.00 estimated valuation---_`--_- 5995,00 5995� 00 Grand -Total -to -be raised by 19,64 mills Taxation on $530,552,00 estimated valuation--------- $16,419,59 WA'T :.� DE2EiM'Ic;UTTALM) i BCi�IB1'S: EXPENDITU E,3. Vaater revenue Collectors salary----- 960,00 Superintendents salary-------------- 1200500 Extra mens wages-------------------- 300,00 Supplies and repairs---------------- 500,00 Materials--------------------------- 2500,00 Power for pumps--------------------- 12g0(,00 Bond Interest----------------------- 5885,00 Bond Redemption--------------------- 18,767,18 RC%IPT3: Hydrant Rental from Current Lxpense- $�2,400,00 Water Revenue, estimated------------ 15,886,70 Cash in Bond Redemption Fund-------- 10,018,22 Cash in Operating Fund-------------- 31307,26 Total receipts-------- $31,612,18 a., $31,612,18 On motion the Council adopted the foregoing Preliminary Budget, and instructed the City Clerk to give proper notice of its adoption. There being no further business on motion the Council adjourned. it r r Mayor, SE2TEMBER 16th, 1941. The Council met in ,regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The rol. call shoved the following Councilmen present: H....Chandler, W.C.Hanson, 0. Savage and >>alter Hansen. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion the Mayor was instructed to have a temporary phone plased in C.L.Baileys home. The question of a building ordinance was brought up by the Mayor. On.. motion the Mayor was instructed to appoint a committe. to draw up a building Ordinance. M•C.En els.rep6rted that the Fire Department was in need of 200 feet of 22" _.fire_hose and a 21- inch fog nozel. On motion the Council instructed M.C.Engels, the "`ire Chief to purchas 200 feet of 2-i'F inch fire hose and a 22 rich fog nozel. The question of fenceing the lots between the two city garages vas brought up by the Mayor. On Lotion the Street Superintendent was instructed to have the lots fe,:,ced.