1941-09-16 City Council Minutes1 1 I 1 C TOT.iL CURii ',UT 'E PEIISE i+:XBEPDITU :S :------- V018,019,00 ESTIiJlITED CUzdi.LN ,Az;01,I.2T:�I'0it 1942. Estimated cash on hand at end of year- $6300,00 Fines and Licenses--------------------- 300,00 Liquor revenues------------------------ 3800,00 Gas tax revenues-------------------- -- 3194,41 .mount to be raised for Current'Expense by 8.34/100 mills tax on$''530,552,00 estimated valuation.------------------- 4424,59 4424,59 Total estimated receipts ------- §18,019.00 4XI? zDITUi3ES eaz", 301IDS id "'D IiITLII,L iJT : h.I-D-Guarantee Bonds---------------- $2000,00 Trunk Sewer Bonds and Interest------- 1496,00 Genreal Obligation Bonds and Interest 2500900 Zmount to be raised by 11.3/10 mills on 01530,552,.00 estimated valuation---_`--_- 5995,00 5995� 00 Grand -Total -to -be raised by 19,64 mills Taxation on $530,552,00 estimated valuation--------- $16,419,59 WA'T :.� DE2EiM'Ic;UTTALM) i BCi�IB1'S: EXPENDITU E,3. Vaater revenue Collectors salary----- 960,00 Superintendents salary-------------- 1200500 Extra mens wages-------------------- 300,00 Supplies and repairs---------------- 500,00 Materials--------------------------- 2500,00 Power for pumps--------------------- 12g0(,00 Bond Interest----------------------- 5885,00 Bond Redemption--------------------- 18,767,18 RC%IPT3: Hydrant Rental from Current Lxpense- $�2,400,00 Water Revenue, estimated------------ 15,886,70 Cash in Bond Redemption Fund-------- 10,018,22 Cash in Operating Fund-------------- 31307,26 Total receipts-------- $31,612,18 a., $31,612,18 On motion the Council adopted the foregoing Preliminary Budget, and instructed the City Clerk to give proper notice of its adoption. There being no further business on motion the Council adjourned. it r r Mayor, SE2TEMBER 16th, 1941. The Council met in ,regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The rol. call shoved the following Councilmen present: H....Chandler, W.C.Hanson, 0. Savage and >>alter Hansen. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. On motion the Mayor was instructed to have a temporary phone plased in C.L.Baileys home. The question of a building ordinance was brought up by the Mayor. On.. motion the Mayor was instructed to appoint a committe. to draw up a building Ordinance. M•C.En els.rep6rted that the Fire Department was in need of 200 feet of 22" _.fire_hose and a 21- inch fog nozel. On motion the Council instructed M.C.Engels, the "`ire Chief to purchas 200 feet of 2-i'F inch fire hose and a 22 rich fog nozel. The question of fenceing the lots between the two city garages vas brought up by the Mayor. On Lotion the Street Superintendent was instructed to have the lots fe,:,ced. The following petition wao--porscnted to the City Co.znci.l. :?LTETIOY. Ec nonds , Wash. Sept. 16, 1941. Ve the undersigned respectfully a.s:i the City 9buncil.to recognize our petition for a 6 inch, sewer fronting on our property between 6th &. 7th on Dailey Street in the,City of'Edmonds, on the north side of Block 101. The work to be performed,by ;a.P.A., and we to pay cash for the materials and :engineering. Chas.F,.Cosman----------- Loots 12 and 13 Block 101 Chas. Lrrtowood--------- Lots 1:-2-3-4 Block 101 J.17-Brooks--- ,---------- Lots 5-6-7-8-9-10-11 Block 101 H.G.Vahlbusch---------- Lots 14-15a16-17=i8-i9-2- Block 101. The question of the; City paying for the lighting of the sign ,F,EDMONDS" at the-Jintersection of the Vashington State Highway and the Government Highway the the Sno-Zing Garage, the light being metered in the City of Edmonds: Om motion the question was refured to the City Attorney for his of approval or disapproval. There being no furter business on motion the Council adjourned. 1 y C Mayor. OCTOBER 6th, 1941 The Council met in session in acordance with the Statutes of the State of Washington for the adoption of the ,Bud.git far the year 1942.The Mayor and the following Councilmen being present: H.A.Chandler, R.T,Roscoe, W.'O.Hanson, 15'.Hansen, W.Clausen and W.T.Jones. After due consideration of.the several items in the Preliminary Budget and hearing from those present, the.Counoil fixed the amounts in the 1942 Budget and on motion adopted an Ordinance fixing the several amount. p�DIIIANGE NO.536. AN UDINANCE adopting and levying.the general taxes for the City of Edmonds, Washington, for the fiscal year commencing January let,1942, on all Property, bo,th real.and personal, in said City subject to taxation for the purpose of raising sufficient revenue to, carryon the several departments of said City for the ensuing year as required by law: appropriating the same to the several funds for said fiscal year, and providing for the collection thereof. WHEREAS the City Council of the.City of Edmonds, State of V+ashington,having heard all persons asking to be heard for and against the preliminary budget, heretofore adopted for the ehsing year, due notice having been given as req- uired by law and now this 6th day ad October, 1941,final budget having been termined the amount necessary to be paid on adopted and the Council having de the current assessment roll as general taxes for the ensuing year and appro- priating the same as in this Ordinance described therefore; THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 01 'LDMONDS DOE BRDAIN 'AS FOLLOWS: S'EQTION-I. That.there be and there is hereby levied on all real and personal property of the City of Edmonds, subject to taxation therein, a general tax for municipal purposes for the ensuing year commencing January 1st, 1942, the sum of $9313.59. CURRENT !EXPENSE MAYOR'S salary ---------------------- $240.00• COUniCILIvEN'.S salary----------------- 420.00• CITY CLERV S salary----------------- 600.00 ASSISTANT CITY CLEZ salary--------- 240.00 Printing, postage and supplies------ 80.00 Phone calls------------------------- 12.00 Bond-------------------------------- 5.00- Elections ---------------------------- 150.00 4a1747.00 CITY TREASURE'S salary-------------- 480.00 Treasurers expenses----------------- 30.00 Bond-------------------------------- 30.00 540.00 CITY ATTORNEYS) salary-------------- 360.00 Attorney's expenses----------------- 100.00 Bond-------------------------------- 5.00 4?515.00 Membership in Asso. of Wash. Cities- 50.00 J1EALTH OPPICER'S salary------------- 75.00 Expenses---------------------------- 50.00 Case of Garbage Dump---------------- 120.00 Sevier Inspections------------------- - ----- 30.00 200.00 475.00 ` STAT:� TIiSPL+'C`iTO.i!--------------- 1 1 1