1941-12-16 City Council MinutesThis is the most popular type of small sized"east iron pipe in use in the territory and it is quit general.to use a gland type pipe for expansion about every 150 feet. We 'oan furnish whatever quantity you desire along -with the threded type pipe including all necessary followers, bolts and for o33.per foot. We recommend for the 3000 feet in question- 180 pieces of threaded pipe and 20 pieces of gland type pipe. We can make immediate delivery of the above pipe from Seattle stocks. We also wish to quote you on 4" Class 150 Bell and Spigot, cast iron pipe in 18 foot lenghts foo.b. Edmonds as follows: For immediat delivery from Seattle stock .75 per foot. For factory shipment with delivery in aproximately 120 days, subject to Gov- -ernment regulations in regard to priorities and allocations o60 per foot, Tristing that'the above will meet with your approval and that we may re- -eeive your order for same, we remain Yours very truly, HUGH G.PERCELL CO. ill Wo0ook10 It was moved by WoOlausen and seconded by W.CoHanson that we accept the bid HUGH GoPUHCELL CO-o, for 2700 feet of oversi4ed male and female threaded ends pipe at o32 ate per foot and 300 feet of 2", gland expansion type pipr at .33 ots per foot. The vote was as follows; Chandler yes, Roscoe yes, Hanson yes ,Savage yes, Hansen yes Clausen yes. Carried by unanimous vote of tho Cou{noilmgn present. The Street Superintendent reported that there should be a catch basin at Third and Main, also one at Seventh and Main. On motion the Coucil instru- -ted the Superintendent to put them in. The street Superintendent was instructed to purchase 2 tires for the stre4t truck. Complaint was made that the Library steps were in very bad condition. on motion the City Clerk Was instructed to have them repaired. There being no further business on motion the Council -adjourned. 74 City C e Mayor. DECEMBER 16th, 1941. The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The Moll call showed the following Councilmen present: RoA.Ghandler, Ro,ToBOSCoE W.C.Hanson, W.HANSEN, WoClausen and W.T.Jones. . The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The City Clerk reported that he had employed GeooMoBlough to repair the step on the Library enteranee, then he came saAd he could not do itgthat left it as it was. Finaly I got Mro Bently tom off my hands. He said he would get some one to make the repair. .The proper heating of the Library has been a problum for along time. The.City Clerk suggested that a radiator be plased in the floor over the furnace room to take up some of the excess heat in the furnace room that was going to waste. Mr.°bently said he would put in a radiator 12":i18" for §8000. On motion the Council instructed him to put one in. Fred Pickett and other members of the American Ligon and a represent- tative of the County Defence Program, gave -an outline of the proposed work to be done. The appointment of offiaers and the setting up of oommittes to see that the work was being properly carried on. And that we would have an organization that would function when called upon in time of trouble, if it came. The Mayor appointed Fred Pickett, of American Ligon,as chairman of the eommitte on Defense. The Mayor and Pickett to appoint the other members of the oommittes. The Chief of Police requested that a light be plased at the door of the furnace room, so he could see to unlock the door at night. On motion the City Clerk was instruoted to have the light plased George Bacon offered the City $lOo00 for an old truck body that the city owner. On motion the City accepted the offer. The Fire Chief said the City should have six pump cans for protection case of ineendary bowing. Om motion the Coneil instructed the Fire Chief the purchase Gix pump cans. The Street Committe recommended that a catch basin be placed at Seventh and Main and at Third and Main, also that na 8 inch tile be laid from Maple Street on Ninth to shell creek. On motion the Council approved tha recom- mendation. Ordinance No. 537 9 Wereating a municipal commission, was read and on motion was adopted. 04 The Council adjourned-untill 8pomoFriday December 19th, 1941 ra Rm m-00'e/ MAN!. Mayor