1941-12-19 City Council MinutesDECEMBER'l9th, 1941. $p.m. The Council met in adjourned -session with kayor,Fourtner pre- siding. Tie roll call.showed the followingriCounailmer. present:.H.A.Chandler, R.T.Roseoe, W.C.Hanson., CHansen, w Clausen and W,.T.Jonee. Ordinance No. 538, relating to National Defense and ".Black -Outs" was read and on.motion was adopted by the nanimous vote of ,the Councilmen present. There being no further business on motion the Council adjourned. Pity Gler Mayor. JAN:UARY 6th. 1942. The Council met in regular session with Mayor rourtner presiding. The roll call`showed the following Councilmen present:H.A.Chandler, H.T.Rosooe, W.C.Hanson, Claude Savage, W.Hansen. WoClausen and W.T.Jones. ' The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The Treasurers report and'the Water Revenue Collectors report were read and ordered filed. The following bills were approved by the.Finance Committe and on motion the Council ordered warrants drawn on ,the proper funds. Trick & Murray,,. for,supplies--.- 1.029 yiak Chaueey for supplies---- 2,06 Tribune -Review, . pub_, Orde. ------ . 31. 87 Midway Iron Works , for smith A.B.Bently, for o.fficesupplies- 20,60 work------ ,93 V'�•5•Daley &, Co.., for siren----- 16,57 uiesel Oil Sales Co. for supplies4,25 U.H.Y�aurs,. arresting fees------ 4,20 Pickett Motor Co. for supplies 106.18 M.U.Hanson.,. °Police Judge fees-- 28,75 P.S.Power , & Light CO. 'for Gateway Cafe, meals for prisoneral,80 street lights-7 ----- 205,85 Mill Sc Dine Supplie Co.for pump P.S.Power & Light Co. for cans -------- =78,8Q. power for pumps------- 193,86 M,., .Engels, for furnace oil---- 34,76 Crow Hardware, for supplies-- 21,94 P*S..PPwer & Light Co. for 2 mo. A.B.Bently, for supplies----- 10.17 lights.for hall---------- 5071 u.V-36rensen.2.M., for P.O.Box Geo.Bacon for of garbage .rent------- .75 ,care dump ------ 10.00,2ickett Motor Co. for supplies .20 n.H.Doty, for sewer inspection- 2,00 liay 'Woodfield, for laboer---- 8975 Henry Allen, for labor--------- 9,15.'Prick & Murray., for supplies- 1,13 Sievers &,Duecy, for engineering iiugh G.Pureeoo Co. for supplies 24 93 work on 6th Ave..N.or.---- 32,50 ]rational Meter C.o. for supplies 4,02 Geo.M.Zeyda for clerical work-- 5.00 P,S.Power &Light Co,. lights H.C.Hansen for labor---------- - 849,05 , for Park----------- 4,66 Crow„Hardware, for.supplies---- 4,05 Crow Hardware, for supplies---- ,36. Stevens Lumber Co. for supplies 80,70 A.B.Bentlt,for labor & materials 18,85 Bayside Iron.Yiorks,.supplies--- 48,41 H.WoWilson .Co. for supplies---- 2.65 Hopper Chevrolt Co. labor------ 11,85 The MacMillian Co. supplies- --- 18,13 M.C.Engels for supplies-------- 3,74 O.N:Sorensen P.M. P.O.Box rent- 1.00 G.A.Carlstedt, for supplies-- 94,40 P.S.Power & Light Co. lights for Tribuneliieviw, printing bonds-- 20,09 Library,---------- 8,98 Edmonds dater Department,labor- 7,25 The.Mayor appointed Anita Gust.Assistant City Glerk. On motion the Coun- oil approved the appointment. W.W.Womer tendered his resignation as Superintendent of the ttiater.System. On mtion the Council.accepte.d the resignation. The Mayor appointed x.V.McClenahan, Superintendent of the Water System. On motion the Council approved the appointment. The Mayor brought up the question of enlarging the City Clerks office. On motion the question was continued for further consideration. Chiei' The appointed C.L.Bailey night patrolman. On motion the Council approved the appointment. The City Engineer reported that the city would have tot' request the County ..Commissioners to put up'_for sale that certain piece of land that the city wants to: continue First. Avenue to Dayton Street. On motion the Council instructed the City kngin:eer to make proper appli- cation. There being no further business on motion the Council adjourned. I r City Cler Mayor 1 1 1 1 H