1946-05-21 City Council MinutesMay 21, 1946 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following couijcilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, Siefert, McGinness, Hansen and Clausen. MpyoulEoMcG.inness wss sworn in for Councilman of second ward by Mayor Fourtner. A motion was made bjy Siefert and seconded by Clausen that Ordinance No 556 be adopted. A roll call vote showed chandler yes, McGibbon yes, Siefert yes, McGinness yes, Hansen yes and Clausen yes. Councilman Clausen reported to the Council and the people interested in having Edmonds water, that we will have sufficient water this year. The cost for the installing of water in North and South Edmonds was submitted by the water superintendent Ray Doty. For North Edmonds 1850 feet of 4 inch cast iron pipe would cost §1500 with labor of �300, two inch cast iron pipe and labor 41040, two inch Galv. steel pipe and.labor at a cost of §762. For South Edmonds, 3150 feet of four inch cast iron pipe would cost 42551, and the cost for labor was estimated at �500. It was suggested by the Council that the property owners pay ',60 % of the cost and the City would pay 40%. Mr. Pike asked for permission to furnish and lay 22 inch water pipe in`the north Ed nds itist ct. motion was made by aiefert and seconded by Chandler is oposi i n in writing if it meets the approval of the Supt. Engineer and the Attorney. After some discussion Councilman Siefert withdrew his motion. Mayor Fourtner referred this to the Supt and the water committee for investigation. A motion was made by McGibbon and.seconded by Hansen that the Yost Auto Co. be granted legal distance for a taxi Zone. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, Siefert yes,, McGinness yes,, Hansen yes.and Clausen yes. The Clerk was asked to notify Yost.Auto Co. that the alley must be kept.t)open. A petition.was read to gr€:de and blacktop Fifth Ave. north from Bell to Edmonds street, also for Curb and gutters. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Hansen that the Attorney be instructed. to draw up a resolution od intentionnfor- the grading,. black -top and curb and gutters on F irtli Ave. North from Bell to Edmonds,Streets. Motion carried. Mr. Nasland and Waggoner came before the Council in regards to the` speeding along Fourth Ave. North. After some discussion a -motion .was made by McGibbon and seconded by Hansen that Fourth avenue North be made an Arterial, Highway from Main ,street_to the intersection of Third Avenue and 4 way stop signs be placed on Fourth and Bell streets. Motion;carried.. " A party asked for space for two taxi,stands one atdthe Saililn Tavern on Main Street and the Grill. A motion was, made, by .KdGibb6naaAdsseo.ondedbby Siefert that this be referred to the Street Committee for investigation. Motion carried. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Clausen that the sprinkling rates will be ten cents per hundred cubic feet over the minimum charge for a period of four months, from meter reading time in May until meter reading time in September. Motion carried. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Clausen that lots 23 and 24 in Block 40 be sold to George Anderson for $40 per lot. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, Siefert yes, McGinness yes, Hansen yes and Clausen yes. A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Chandler that lots 28 to. inclusive be sold to Lloyd Engelbretsen for $40 per lot. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, MCGibcon yes, Siefert yes, McGinness yes, Hansen yes and Clausen.yes. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Clausen that the Street Supt. have the grass mowed in the City. Motion carried., It was recommended that find out the cost of a mower: Councilman Hansen suggested getting the parking lot ready for•the parking of cars. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Siefert -that the Street Supt. get the plans and the price for the fixing of the parking lot: Motion carried. Amotion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Siefert that the Attorney be instructed to draw up a resolution of intention for the sewer and grading of Bell street and the grading of Eighth street from Main to Bell street. Motion carried. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by McGibbon to reeind the motion for the installing of parking -meters. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes McGibbon yes, Siefert no, McGinness no, Hansen yes and Clausen yes. A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Chandler that one hour parking be stenciled on the curbs and be inforced. Motion carried. Mayor F'ourtner appointed.Chief or Police Holmquist and Councilmen Siefert and Hansen to revise the proposed traffic code. There being no further business City Clark the Mebting adjourned. Mayor June 4, 1946 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following Councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, Siefert, McGinness, and Clausen. The water collectors report was read, also a report -from the State Health Department which shows that the water sample conforms with the water Standards for drinking water. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Clausen that the following bills which were approved by the finance committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. Puget Sound P. & Light,--------- 2.11 Wilbur Ogle, labor--------- 97.00 I. 0. 0. F. Hall, hose -------- 6.50 Richfield Service, gas----- 15.36 Carl J. Erickson, labor--------- 10.00 Leyda Electric & Radio, Ed. Woodfield, tool shed-------- 10.00 supplies & labor to connect Bay MoZeever, labor------------- 2.00 wells--------------------- 112,10 Puget Sound R. .& Light Ca. , ----- 2.64 Midway Iron 10. 25 Wilbur Ogle, labor on street---- 96.00 Crow Hardware. supplies-- 25.68 Wash. Azphalt, 6 tone mix------- 33.99 Rockwell Man. -.Co ----------- 54.59 Western Auto Supply, tire & tube 25.02 Caseade•Mach. Co. 2 pomona Edmonds Lumber, sappplies-------- 2.69 pumps --------------------- 1689.20 Richfield'Serviee, gas & repair r Marckmann & Williams, pipe tire--------------------- 16.46 as per contract------------ 873.29 Crow Hardware, supplies--------- 19.97 Cascade Machinery, cleaning P. S. Power & Light ------------- 100.16 motor and supplies-------- 118.66 Mrs. Anna Parker, cleaning------ 5.00 Harold 0. Meyer, final pay. P. S. Power & Light, lights------ 2.30 of well contract----------- 539.09 George Jones, covering garbage ---10.00 R. E. Wolff, ehgA.Aeer------ 112.50 V. E. Holmquist, mileage,meals--- 40.98 Long Motor & Welding------- 1.60 Edmonds Dry Cleaners, cleaning--- 4.12 P. S. P. & Light ,--------- 154. 00 Fire Department, fire calls ------ 90.00 Crow Hardware, supplies---- 2.36 Yost Auto Co. , storage ----------- 12.16 Leyda Electric & Ra dio---- 2.80 a* E. Wolff, engineer------ 80.00 Fern Rittenhouse asked for permission.to place a ticket stand on the street so that tickets may be sold for the Fourth of July celebration. A motion was made by Clausen and seconded by McGinness that he be granted this permission under the superivision of the St. Supt* and the Chief of Police. Motion carried. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by McGinness that four,boxes be ordered for waste paper to be placed by the St. Supt. and the Chief.of Police. motion carried. A motion was made by McGibbon that the Ferry pay §50 a month during the summer months and this money be used for mileage for the police. Amotion was made that the City Clerk the Ferry Co. and inquire if they are willing to pay50 a month the summer months. A motion was made by M�I� ajn� ABPC96t@At�y q&@fert that the Cityypur- chase 6 lots for 650^ o pro e t e we er we 1, from Mark J. Servey, Lots 12, 13, 14, 27, 28 and 29 in Block 38. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes,, McGibbon yes, Siefert yes, McGinness yes and Clausen yes. THE City Engineer reported on the sanitary conditions in the City. He stated that there were a number of places that did not have aseptic tanks installed. A motion was made by McGinness and seconded by Chandler that all persons known to be within 200 feet of the sewer, and any person who is not now connected to the sewer, must connect to the sewer, according 0 the Ordinance. Motion carried. Councilman Siefert reporte hwuxostreets, hb zones. He suggested a two car zone on the south side of also the N=t& ei4e of ;rogedt�Bh, and Main streets on Fifth, and to abIlish the zone at the l 1 1 1 1 Up and Up Tavern, and a fee of $25 per cab be charged for a license.