1946-06-18 City Council MinutesHe also stated that both companies were to use these zones., A motion was made by-McGinness and seconded by Siefert that the Council ad:gept the recommendation' as submitted by the Committee. Motion carried. The meeting was postponed until Wednesday evening. June'"5, 1946 The Council met for the postponed meeting. The roll call vote showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGinness, McGibbon and Siefert. The Council decided on forming three Local Improvement Districts for the following work, with the City paying 4076 of the cost of the paving, the property owners to pay 6Wo and the cost of the curb and gutter where they do not exist. Project #1:'. grading and black -top and curb and gutters: Front street from Main to North City Limits, Second street from Main to Edmonds, Fifth street from Bell to Edmonds, Bell street from Front to kifth, Edmonds street .from Front td Sixth, Daley Street from Third to Seventh, Glenn street from Sixth to Seventh. Project #2. Black -top on Main Street from'Fifth to Sixth Street. Project #3. Grading and surfacing Bell street from seventh to Ninth Streets, Seventh Street from Main to Edmonds, Eighth from Dayton to Edmonds. A motion was made by McGibb-on and seconded by Chandler that the Council accept these three projects and resolution of Intentions be drawn up for them. Aotbll eallivdte showed Chandler yes, McGinness yes, McGibbon yes and Siefert yes. Amotion was made by Chandler and seconded by Siefert that the Mayor be given the authority to employ the County to black -top to .tenth:.`ori V ln'ut ?st,�;.Walnut'_i-street to Maple on tenth, from tenth to ninth St. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, McGinness yes and, 2731bf eras yes. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by McGinness that the stores be allowed to sell small fire Workay� to b$, sold en- the'�.third and fourth. Motion carried. Mayor rourtner appointed Ross Waggoner as Councilman for the First Ward to take the place of Council McDonell, for the remainder oftthe year. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by McGibbon that the Council approve this appointment. Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner appointed W. W. Womer as City Treasurer for the remainder of the year. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by McGinness that the appointment be approved. Motion carried. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by McGinness that the water and street committees have a meeting once a month for each committee. Motion carried. ' A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by McGibbon that the rat pdison be purchased. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor June 18, 1946 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, MoGibbon, Waggoner Siefert, McGinness and Clausen. A petition was read to the Council for the licensing of taxi -cabs, from 47 business men in the City. A motion w4s made by McGibbon and seconded by Chandler that the Attorney draw up an Ordinance to license taxi -cabs for �25 per cab. The council decided to let the three companies now in operation to two cabs apiece, uhtil the popouation increases so that one cab will be allowed for every 500 in population. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, Waggoner yes, Siefert yes, McGinness yes and Ulausen yes. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by McGibbon that resolution of Intention #114 be adopted and published. Motion carried. Resolution of Intention #114 A Resolution declaring the intention of the City Council of the City of Edmonds to improve Front Street from Main Street north to the City limits; to 6mprove Second Street from Main Street to Edmonds Street; to improve Fifth Street from Bell Street to Edmonds Street; to impjRove Bell Street from Front Street to Sixth Street; to improve Daley Street from Third Street to Seventh and to improve Glen Street from Sixth Street to Seventh Street by grading and leveling the above described Streets and paving said reets with a bituminous road type paving mix together with the instal on, along said streets, of standard curbs and gutters where such do not resently exist, 0 and such other work as may be necessary to make a complete improvement; providing that the payment for said improvement be made by special assess- ment on the property in said improvement district under the mode of payment by bonds for material used, fixed estimate, and all other expenses, except that forty per cent of the cost of paving, including the preparation for paving, shall be paid by the City of Edmonds frozg the General Fund. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMO1TDS: t 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Edmonds, Washington, to improve Yront Street from Main Street North to the City Limits; to improve Second Street from Main Street to Edmonds Street; to improve Fifth Street from Bell Street to Edmonds Street; to improve Bell Street from Front'Street to Fifth Street; to improve Edmonds Street from Front Street to Sixth Street; to.improve Daley Street from Third Street to Seventh Street and to improve Glen Street from -Sixth Street to Seventh Street by ` grading.and leveling the above described streets and paving said Streets with a bituminous road type paving mix together with the installation, along said Streets., of standard curbs and gutters where such.do not presently exist,.and such other work as may be necessary to make a complete improvement. 2. That the cost and expense of all materials required fro make a complete improvement, the fixed estimate and'all other expenses of every kind, shall be made by special assessment; a Local Improvement District shall be estab- lished embracing as near as may be all the property specially benefited by such improvement, and such specially benefited property shall be assessed to pay for the entire cost of such improvement, except that forty per cent of the cost of paving only, including the cost of 13,reparation•for paving, shall be paid by the City of Edmonds from the General Fund. 3. All persons who may desire to object to the improvment herein mentioned are hereby notified to appear at the Council.Chambers in the City Hall, in the City of Edmonds, tVlashington, at a meeting of the said Council on the 16th day of July, 1946, at the hour of eight o'clock P. M. of said day, then and there to present their objections thereto, if any'they have. 4. The City Engineer of said City of Edmonds, is hereby directed to submit to the City Council, at or prior to said 16th day of July 1946, the estimated obst and expense of the improvement, in this resolution mentioned, and a statement of the proportionate amount thereof which'shall be borne by.the property within the proposed Improvement District; and a statement of the aggregate assessed valuation of the real estate, exclusive of improvement,. within said proposed Improvement District according to the valuation last placed upon it for General taxation, together with a diagram or print show- ing thereon -the lots, tracts or parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to bey borne by each lot, tract, .parcel of land, or tther property. Passed by the City Council of the..City of Edmonds this 18th day of June 1946, and approved the same'date. Attest: Anita Gust City Gle rk r,. -L'. .61ourtner Mayor A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by McGinness that Resolution of Intention #115 be adopted and published. Motion carried. Resolution of Intention N0, 115 A Resolution declaring the intention of the City Council of the City of Edmonds to improve Main Street from Fifth Street to Sixth Street by paving the center strip of said street with hot plant -mixed asphaltic concrete together with such other work as is necessary to make a complete improvement; providing that the payment for said improvembnt be made by'special assessment on the property in said District under the mode of payment by bonds for materials used, fixed estimate, and all other expenses, except that forth (40%) per cent of the cost of paving and the preparation for paving shall be paid by the City of Edmonds from the General Fund. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS: 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Edmonds, State of Washington, to improve Main Street from Pifth Street to Sixth street by paving the center strip of said street with hot plant -mixed asphaltic con- crete together with such other work as is necessary to make a complete impro- vement. 2 That the cost and expense of all materials required to make a complete improvement, the fixed estimate and u.11 other expenses of every kind shall be established embracing as near as may be all the property specially ben- efited by.such improvement, and such specially benefited property shall be allessed to pay for the entire cost of such improvement, except forth (40j) 1 1 1 1 per -cent of the cost of paying and the preparation for paving shall be paid by the City 'of Edmonds from the General Fund. 3. All per who may desire to object to the improvement herein mentioned are hereby notified to appear at the Council Chambers.in the City Hall in the City of Edmonds, Washington, at a meeting of the said Council on the 16th day July 1946, at the hour of eight o'clock P. M. of sL_id day, then and there to present.their objections thereto, if any they have. 4. The City Engineer of said City of Edmonds is hereby dire.cted to submit to the City Council, at or prior to said 16th day of July, 1946, the estim- ated cost and expense of the improvement, in this Resolution mentioned, and a statement of the proportionate amount there of which whall be borne by the property within the proposed Improvement District; and a statement of the aggregate assessed valutaion of the real estate, exclusive of improvement, within said proposed Improvement District according to the valuation last placed upon it for general taxation, togehter with a diagram or print show9 ing thereon the lots, tracts or parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby, and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot., tract, parcel of land, or bther property. Passed by the City Council of the.0ity of Edmonds this 18th.day of June 1946, and approved the same date. Ld. A. -L'ourtner Mayor Attest: Anita Gust City Clerk A. motion was made by Chandler and seconded by McGibbon that Resolution of Intention 74 116 be admpted and published. Motion carried. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION r 116 A Resolution declaring the in-gention of the City Council of the City of Edmonds to improve Bell Street from Seventh Street to Ninth Street; to improve Seventh Street from Main Street to Edmonds Street and to improve Eighth Street from Dayton Street to Edmonds Street by the grading, surfac- ing and graveling of said Streets and such other work as may be necessary to make a complete improvement; providing that the payment for said im- provement be made by Special Assessment on the property in said District under the mode of payment by bonds for materials used,.fixed estimate- and all other expenses. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 02 THE CITY 01' EDMONDS: 1.. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Edmonds, State of Washington, to improve Bell Street from Seventh Street to Ninth Street, to improve Seventh Street from Main Street to Edmonds Street and to improve Eighth Street from D. yton Street to Edmonds Street by the grading, surfacing and graveling of said Streets and such other work as may be necessary to make a complete improvement. 2. That the cost and expense of all materials required to make a complete improvement, the fixed estimate and all other expenses of every kind shall be me.de by special assessment; a Local,Improvement District shall be es- tablis4ed embracing as near as may be all the property specially benefited bysuch improvement, and%such henefitted property shall be assessed to,pay for the entire cost of such improvement. 3. ill persons who may desire to object toethe improvement herein m ntion- ed are hereby notified to appear at•the Council Chambers in the City Hall. in the City of Edmonds,.Washington, at a meeting of the said Council on the 16 day of July 1946, at the hour of eight o'clock P.M., of said day, then and there to present their.objections.thereto, if any they have. 4. The City Engineer of.said City of Edmonds is hereby directed to submit to the City Council, at or prior to said 16th day of July 1946, the estim- ated -,cost and expense of the improvement, in this Resolution mentioned, and a statement of the proportionate amount thereof which shall be borne by the property within the proposed Improvement District; and a. statement of the aggregate assessed valuation of the. real estate, exclusive of improvements, within said proposed Improvement District, according to the valuation last placed upon_ it for general taxation, together with a diagram or print §b9wing thereon the lots, tracts or parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby, and the estimted.amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to b r borne by each lot, tract, parcel of land, or other property. Passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds this 18th day of June, 1946, and approved the same date. F`. A. i'ourtn.er Mayor Attest • Anita Gust City Clerk A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Waggoner that a list of the City property be made up and be sold to the highest bidder and the.City have the right to reject any or all bids. AwrolLicalli, tote showed. Chandler yes, McGibbon- yes, Waggoner yes, Siefert yes, McGinness yes. and Clausen yes. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by.Siefert that that -Library Board be given the authority to have the. Library room decorated. Motion oarried. Supt. R. H. Doty reported that the laying of the six inch water pipe on Main street from �Iifth ,to Sixth Street had been completed. A motion was' made, by McGibbon and seconded McGinness-that the. property owners on Main; Street from tenth to eleventh be refunded the cost of pipe -and labor in water. The pipe to be laid under the supervision of the Supt. Motion carried. A' motion was made by McGibbon' and seconded by Chandler that ,Clinton Gray be refunded in water the cost of pipe and labor for the pipe line to* his property. Motion'.carrie'd,. a = Mayor Fourtner appointed Councilman Waggoner on the park committee. A'motion was'made by Chandler and seconded by Clausen the appointment be approved. Motion carried. MayoriRpurtner appointed MoGinness. and Siefert on t#e land, committee. A'motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Waggoner that the appointment be approved. Motion carried. " The City Engineer reported that the City of Edmonds was to receive $12,221 Federal money which can be used for sewer and street work. Councilman Siefert suggested that the swings -at the City' park be repaired also suggested an emergency hospital and a ladies andchildren and men waiting room. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. City Clerk Mayor Jule 2, .1946 The Council met in regular,session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, Waggoner, Siefert, McGinness, Hansen and Clausen. The water collectors report wessreadl A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded .by Chandler that the bill for $5 from the Yost Auto co. for wrecker service be allowed. Motion carried. J1 motion was made by S e-fbttn and seconded by McGibbon that the following bills which were approved by the finance committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried.. Swanson Pharmacy, supplies--------- 5.15 Crow Hardware, paint for streets-30.28 A. B. Bently, repair stove --------- 36.63 Yost Auto Co. gas--------------- 23.58- Crow Hardware, supplies------------ 1.85 P. S. Power & Light,------------ 99992 P. S. Power & Light, lights-------- 2.48 0, N. Sorensen, supplies-------- 4.75 C. J. Bartlett, labor -------------- 35.00 Tribune Review, supplies for clerk6.95' Wilbur Ogle, labor on water -------- 76.00 Telephone Service, phone------- 3.45 Earl Coulter, labor on water ------- 32.00 'Frick & Murray, supplies------- 14.97 Westinghou&e Electric, repair motor78.78 P. S. Power & Light------------ 2.69- Marekmann & Williams, supplies ---- 167.20 Ray H.'Doty, sewer---- --------- 6.44 Edmonds Auto.Freight,.freight ------ 1.00 George Jones, garbage---------- 10.00 A. B. Bently, supplies------------- .79 Mrs. Anna Parker,,cleaning----- 5.00 Crow Hardware, supplies------------ :86 it. E. Wolff-------------------- 30.00 Edmonds Lumber Co. supplies -------- 17.28 Crow Hardware, supplies police- 3.50 Yost Auto Co. gas------------------ 9.14 Pantry Lunch, meals------------ 4.91 P. S. Power & Light, power for pumps V. E. Holmquist, mileage,dog--- 46.13 185.76Triek & Murray, supplies------- 16.10 Martin Blake, mowing streets------- 40.OoRobert: A. Casper, witness fees 2.00 Wilbur 0 le, labor----------------- 96.00Yost Auto Co. storage & wrecker. 14.50 Mark J. ervey, purchase of property for water Department, to be transferred from water department -------------- 650.Op A motion was madee by McGinness and seconded by McGibcon,that the mayor and Clerk be authorized to employ a C. P. A. to audit the treasurers books. luotion carried. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Hansen that Charles .sienz be reimbursed in water the cost of pipe and labor to install the pipe ihne to ' his property. Motion carried. 1 1 1 J