1946-08-20 City Council Minutes1 L_J 1 1 1 Section 3: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon its passage and,publication as provided by law. Attest: Anita Gust ity Clerk Published: August 14, 1946 F. A. Fourtner Mayor r Mr. Naughten asked that the parking time be raised on fourth avenue . A motion was made by Waggoner and seconded by McGibbon that this be referred to the street Supt, and street committee and be reported on at the next council meeting. Motion carried.. The Council selected the following persons to serve on the election board for the City Election September 10. First ward Mrs McGinness, Allen and Meyring. Second ward Mrs. Doty, Johnson and Morgan. Third Ward Mrs. Astell, ,Hansen and dingdon. Victor Long asked for permission to put a septic tank in the alley between first and second avenue. A motion was made by Waggonerand seconded by Siefert tbEt he be permitted to_install a septic tank in the alley under the supervision of the street superintendent. Motion carried. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Waggoner that the l;lerk call for bids for the three street improvements. A roll call vote showed all councilmen in favor of the calling for bids. A motion was made by Chandler and seconded by Waggoner that the clerk call for bids for the seal coating of Fifth and Sixth streets. A roll call vote showed all councilmen in favor of this work. Councilman Chandler appointed an auditing committee. Clausen, McGibbon and Waggoner. A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Chandler that these appointments be approved. Motion carried. A letter was read that Rhy H. Doty resigns as Water and street Supt. on the first of September. A motion was made by chandler and seconded by Siefert that the rate of inter- est be changed from fib to five per cent on the L. I. D.s. Motion carried. Several property owners along seventh street asked fbrtaawator,rline fromg Bell to Daley streets'. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Waggoner that we install a four inch cast iron pipe line from Bell to Daley street on seventh.' The clerk to call for bids for 945 feet of pipe. A roll call vote showed all councilmen in favor. There oeing no further business the meeting adjourned. City Clerk- Mayor' August 50, 1946 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, 1aggoner, Siefert, McGinness and Clausen. The Council proceeded with the opening of the bids for the street improve- ment's. Two bids were received for L. I. D. NO. 57. Associated Sand & Gravel total bid'$37,622.99, Northwest Precote Inc. $37,773.95. A motion was made by -Chandler and seconded by Siefert that the bid be awarded,to Associated Sand and Gravel. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, Waggoner yes, Siefert yew, McGinness yes a d lausen yes. Two bids were received for L. I. D. No 58,/the paving of Main street fvom Fifth to Sixth Street. The bid from Associated Sand & Gravel for 41428.27,, and one from Northwest Precote Inc. for �1305.45.A motion was made by Mc- Gibbon and seconded by McGinness that this work be given to the lowest bidder North West Precote Inc. A roll call vote.showecl all councilmen in favor.. Three bids were received for the seal coating of Fifth And Sixth Streets. The bid of Associated Sand & Gravel for $1143.30, Diesel Oil Sales for 2057.94, and from Northwest Precote Inc for 1562.51. A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Chandler that we accept the bid of Associated Sand and gravel. A roll call vote showed all councilmen in favor. There being a protect against the improvement Dittrict No. 59 a motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Siefert that this improvement be checked by the Engineer and a meeting be held Wednesday night in regards to it. Motion carried. ' A petition was read from the property owners in Block 121 to have the alley ppened which is now blocked by the Edmonds Motor Co., A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by McGinness that it is the intention of the city to improve the alley and that the Edmonds Motor Co. be given two weeks notice to remove their equipment.- A roll call vote showed Chandler.yes, McGibbon no, Waggoner yes, Siefert yes, McGinness yes and Clausen no. A letter was read from A. B. Miller Sect. of the Edmonds Harbor and Break - Water Improvement Club. A motion wa:: made by Siefert and seconded by McGibbon that the City Coa.ncil go on record.as favoring a bondptssue.abfbteh perucent of the cost of the project. Motion carried. Mr. Johnson adke.d for permission to have the taxi -cab zone on Fifth Street changed to Bifth street in front of Eligels tavern, A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Chandler that he be allowed to move his taxi -stand in front of Engels Tavern. A roll call vote showed Chandllr yes, McGibbon no vote, Waggoner no vote, Siefert yes, McGinness no and. -Clausen no. There being 2 nos and 2 yes, the Mayor voted yes. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Waggoner That Ordinance #561 be adopted. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, Waggoner .yes, Siefert yes, McGinness yes and Clausen. yes. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by McGinness that the Engineer get in touch with the State Health department and find out how much property sho4ld be acquired to protect our water system. Motion carried. A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by McGinness that the clerk notify the State highway department about the filling of the cracks in the pavement Motion carried. Mayor Fourtner and.Councilman Clausen of the,water committee expressed their appreciation to Sup.t`. Hay H, Doty for the work he has done for the City the past four years. A motion was made by Clausen and seconded by McGibbon that an emergency -Ordinance be drawn up to cover the deficiency for the water and street depp. A roll call vote showed Chandler yes, McGibbon yes, Waggoner yes,Siefert yes, McGinness yes and, Clausen yes. A motion was made_ by Siefert' and seconded by Waggoner that Mr. :hemp be given permission to.put in a lawn on the city property, the council reserv- ing the right to make a change at any time. Motion carried. d A motion was made by Siefert and seconded by Waggoner that the 15 minute parking of Fourth street be changed to one,hour parking. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned until Wednesday evening. August 21, 1946 The Council met for the postponed meeting with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The Councilmen present were Chandler, Waggoner Siefert and McGibbon. The Engineer Mr. Wolff reported on the check of names for the Bell Street improvement. He reported that the signatures on the protest petition required to stop the improvement was less than 60 It was moved by Siefert and seconded by Waggoner that the bid be let. A vote showed Chandler yes, Wagg- oner yes, Siefert yes and McGibbon yes. A motion was made by McGibbon and seconded by Waggoner that the bid Gf �/� y�•�3� P. J. Anderson & Sonstbe accepted. A vote showed Chandler yes, Waggoner yes, Siefert yes and McGibbon yes.* There being no.further business the meeting adjourned. _ litxo'"_1'° city C-Mr Mayor September 3, 1946 /T�heCouncil met in.regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll showed the following councilmen present Chandler, McGibbon, Viaggoner, Siefert,, McGinness and Clausen. The water collectors report. was read. A motion was made by V`Jaggoner anu seconded by Siefert -that the Clerk make copies of letters and purchase a file for the same. Motion carried.