1947-12-09 City Council MinutesWe do not however, find the necessity of restricting parking on the South side of Glen Street and do not recommend that this action be taken. 4 Reference to installation of catch -basin on Front St., Project completed in accordance with action taken 'by council. 5. Reference to Brackett Driveway: Dirt had been hauled in, but drive- way definitely not repaired in manner suitable for use, although the Mayor advises that the Street Supt. had approved the job as being completed. 6. Reference to condition of streets; Streets recently improved appear to be holding up.very well°, but what few chuck holes that are developing are not being repair-ed in accordance with method ordered by the City Engineer. The unimproved streets are in very poor conditions, resulting for the most part, from a definite lack of grading. A motion was made by Councilman McGinness and seconded seconded by°Councilman Maxwell that this report be recorded in the minutes. IViotion carried. A letter was'read from the water Supt. about the amount of water we getting from the wells on Main street. A motion was made byo:.dounc ilman- McGninne' ss and -d-l", Waggoner that this be turned over to the water committee. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman McGibbon and seconded by Councilman Maxwell that Ordinance No. 578, approving and confirming the assessment Roll for L. I. D. 57 be adopted. Moti©n carried. A mbtion was made by Councilman McGibbon and seconded by councilman Waggoner that the contracts for street lighting and for pumps be referred to the com- mittees and reported on at the next meeting. Motion carried. [ A. motion was made by Councilman McGinness and seconded by counoiiman McGibbon that the no parking zone on Daley street be tried out for a period of 30 days and signs be purchased. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman McGibbon and second by Waggoner that the street Supt. purchase a burner for heating the bleoki-top when making repairs on the streets. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. City Clerk r Mayor December 9, 1947 The Council met for a special session with Mayor Pourtner presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present McGibbon, Clausen, McGinness and Tucker. Mr. Horton Brackett presented a letter setting forth his complaints relative to damages caused by actions of Soarcella Bros, in installing a sewer across his property, for which they granted the city an easement. A motion was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman Clausen that $149.25 be paid to Mr. Brackett,'$35 to'be assumed by the contractor and %$114.25 to be ass- umed by the t. I. D. Motion carried. A motion eras made by Councilman Clausen and seconded by Councilman McGibbon that the contractor be notified that he will be held responsible for the expense of reillacing the broken water main to the amount of $92.08, pend- ing the opinion of legality from the attorney. Motion carried. A motion was made by Coun�1- McGinness and seconded by Councilman Tucker that Fern Rittenhouse claicr'tT'allowed. Motion carried. k motion was made by Councilman McGinness and seconded by.Councilman Tucker that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the contract for the construc- tion of the water tank. Motion carried. There being no further business adjourned. a PaAl McGibbon Clerk ro em 1 1 1 1 4��