1948-10-05 City Council MinutesAlso -the request of Mr.`Hubbard that the north road at the oity park be made a public street .was referred t o , the park and .street 6QPMttteetby a motion made by councilman Clausen and seconded by councilman Tucker. Motion carried. 0. P. Hovde.asked for permission to use 12 feet of the street at second and Bell for three months as a place to store materials while building. A,motion was made by councilman Seifert -and seconded •by councilman Waggoner that he be allowed the use of the street and he must be responsible for any damage done to the street, and hutting but lighta-1atcmighta for protection. Motion carried. Morse Burdett came before.the council in regards to the power lines being so low.. making �lt interferrwith the moving of buildings. This -was referred to the street and safety committee to QSIW k the ordinance in regards to the moving of buildings and the requirements for the heighth of the wires. A -motion was made by councilman McGibbon and aeconded-b y councilman Clausen that a fire hydrant be installed at North ninth for fire protection. Lotion carried. A -motion was made by councilman McGibbon and seconded by council Tucker that the water department proceed with the laying of the water pipe on forth Ninth. Motion oarried City Treasurer Mr. Womer recommended using the money left over from the Dayton Street Sewer for the seal-ooating of streets. A,motion was made by council man Waggoner and seoon ded by councilman McGinness that this money be used if the state approves the action. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. y Maer ayor October 4, 1948 The Council met for the special session for the Final Budget. After several hours spent in adjusting and cutting the preliminary budget a motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Clausen that the Budget Ordinance No. 585 be adopted. Motion carried. October 5, 1948 The Council met for the regular session with Mayor Fourtner presiding. The roll call showed all councilmen present. The water collector and treas- urers reports were read. A motion was made by councilman Siefert and sec- onddd by councilman McGibbon that the bills which were approved by the fin- anee committee be allowed and warrants drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. A petition, with the signatures of ten property owners on Fourth Avenue So, protesting a pole yard and transformer station in the vicinity of 4th ave. and Alder street, to be used by the Puget Sound Poorer & Light Co., A .motion was made by.councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Waggoner that this be ref erred'A t-0' tt4i'e 'btreet, committee. A roll call vote showed. 1.McGibbon yes, Waggoner yes, Tueket­ es, McGinness no, Siefert no, Clausen, yes and Maxwell no. A motion was made by councilman Waggoner and seoonded.by councilman McGibbon that the Clerk write the Puget Sound Power & light Uo., that the council would like to be advised when they are starting to make installation of the lights ordered a year ago. Motion carried. Mr. Brandt asked to have the approach to the alley paved. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Tucker that he be given permission to do this, and the City pay the cost of same, under the supervision of the street Supt. and street committee. Motion carried. Mr. Sleater, from the Hughes Memorial Church, came before the council about the drainage in the alley. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman McGibbon that this be referred to the street committ- ee. Motion carried. Councilman McGinness, Chairman of the street committee reported that if a street should be opened along the north boundary of the city park, an equal amount of property should be deeded for the street by the adjoining property to make a 604L-*oot street. Mayor Fourtner reported that the sidewalk on Dayton street by the school property has about two feet of dirt on it from the ehildDen playing on the grounds, causing the dirt to go on the sideway. The clerk was asked to notify the school board that the City expects the school to keep the side- walks clean and the paving across Dayton should be repairdd, by a motion made by Councilman MoGibb.on.and seconded by councilman McGinngss, Motion carried. Councilman Waggoner reported that water was.running acrose.the street on the west side of the High school making it a hazard. A motion was made by councilman McGibbon and seconded by councilman Waggoner that this be referred to the street sommittee. Motion earrried. A motion was made by Councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Wagg- oner that the clerk notify the Health officer to investigate the property at the corner of Main and Olympic Ave. in regards to the unsanitary condit- ion that vsassreported. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman MoGinness and seconded by councilman Waggoner that the sewer inspections be a part of the street Supt. duty and no extra pay will be allowed after this date. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman McGibbon that the street.Supt be appointed custodian of the gasoline supply and a record be kept by him of the amount used by each department and equipment Motion carried. Councilman McGibbon suggested putting the parking strip under cover in the city garage, which would cost approx. 1200 or 1300. Mr. Womer reported the state money was available for it. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Tucker that the testing station be referred to the safbty committee for definite recommendation with the power to act. Motion carried. There being no furthere business the meeting adjournede yClerk/ Mayor October 19, 1948 The Council met in regular session with Mayor Fourtne r presiding. The roll call showed &11 councilmen prevent. A letter was read from the Health Officer Dr. Benny in which he states a very unsanitary condition exists on George Anderson property, the house toilet is not connected to the septic tank, and garbage and wash water is being dumped over the south embankment. He recommended that the toilet be connect- ed to the septic tank and the disposing of garbage and wash water over the south embankment be stopped: A motion was made by councilman McGibbon and seconded by councilman Maxwell that George Anderson be notified by letter to connect to the septicr��1600rdfng to the city ordinance, within 30 days. Motion carried. A letter was read from the State Finance Committee in which they state it will be necessary for the council to adopt a resolution to transfer the bat-' ante from the Dayton street sewer outfall fund to repairing and improving the garage and storage space for the water department. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman McGibbon that the attorney draw up a resolution to transfer money to be used for this project. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Clausen and seconded by councilman Waggoner that any previous action to use the money on the seal -coating job be reeinded. Motion carried. ' . Waggoner A motion was made by councilman 3W and seconded by councilman Mcg.inness that a letter be sent, to the Puget Sound Power &; Light Co. asking them to have a representative at the next councilmeeting to discuss the installing of the streets lights which were ordered some time ago. Motion carried. Chief of :Police Rolmquist - was asked to get in touch with Mr. Long in regards to parking of cars along First avenue North. A motion was made -by councilman -Tucker and seconded Vy councilman McGinness tha.t.the street committee make a survey of the curbs and sidewalks which need repairing in the city. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGibbon and seconded by councilman Waggoner 'that the clerk make a check of the Sixth Avenue North and Maple street sewers in regards to the sewer connections and to notify thosespeople who have not connected to the sewer to do so at once. Motion carried. Councilman McGianess chairman of the st. committee reported on several- .tems, the complaints of water running on property, was suggested to putting curbs and gutters. The paving of the alley approach on Edmonds street is to cost $65,,and the contractor was told to go ahead with the work, and theequ'l the alley behind the Church to be taken of with a catch basin. The Wi e- walk along Fourth-ave. north,west of the High,sehool should be cleaned out by a motion made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman McGibbon the clerk to notify the High School Supt. of this. 1 1 1 I.