1949-12-20 City Council MinutesA letter was read from Don Phillips'in which he makes a requesi to have lots 1 & 2 Block J, changed to a commercial zone. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Maxwell that the hearing for rezoning be set for Dec. 20 Motion (carried. A letter was read from the Crescent Laundry about drainage water running under their building and damaging same., A motion was made by councilman Maxwell that this be turned rover to the Street committee for investigation. The recommendation by the Finance Committee was read to the Council, for the borrowing of $60,000 for the water department. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Maxwell that the Attorneylbe ordered'to draw up an ordinance for the purchase of $60,000 for water bonds. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell, ,, an seconded by councilman Tucker that the Attorney order the issuance of $60,000 water bong NPIthe improvement of the water system. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tucker that the Mayor proceed with changing of the City.Hall. Motion carried. The request for the Legimn to put a Xmas tree at Fifth and Main street was granted by a motion made by cogneilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tucker. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman McGinness that the street lights be installed as soon as possible, as outlined by co-jncilman Maxwell. Motion carried. There being no further buSines the meeting adjou»_6 �_,/ iied , r � City Clerk Mayor December `20. 1949 The Council met in regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll callshowed the following Councilmen present Vollan, Tucker, Waggoner, McGinness, Maxwell and Savage. The Treasurers report was reAd. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman Maxwell the the bill from the United Paving Co. for the 15% which was withheld on the contract for the Fourth Avenue job be paid. Motion carried. This being the date set for the hearing on assessment Roll for L. I. D. 62, a letter was read from Mr. Gerdon in which he protests the amount he is being assessed, and claims he is be ng`;a§sestbd twice fortthes5eweroJ7h!6h _runsealpxzg the North and East side of his property.' After some discussion a motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Tucker that January 17 be the date set for the hearing on the re -assessment roll. Motion carried. This was also the night for the hearing on assessemtn Roll for L.I. D. 63. A number of protests were read protesting theamount they were assessed. After some discussion'a motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman Maxwell_ that the Council approve the assessment roll and an ordinance be drawn up by the Attorney. Motion carried. Mr. Bradbury asked to have a stop sign placed at Fourth and Dayton street. Bob McGinness asked about a water line on Daley Street between seventh and eighth avenue. This was turned over tb the water committee for consideration. This was the night for the re -zoning of Lots 1 and 2 in Block J from a residential zone to a commercial Zone, this was made a -motion by councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman Maxwell. Motion carried. Attorney Holte reported he was having difficUty in getting approval of the Ordinance for the water bonds, from the bond buyers Attorneys. He stated he would take in a complete transcript of the council proceedings before having their attorneys draw up the ordinance which will cost the city $150. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tucker that our attorney try to satisfy the bond buyer attorneys and if he cannot do so to let them draw the ordinance.' Motionccarried. Attorney adked for the approval to re -codify the city ordiances, which was made a motion by Councilman Waggoner and ssconded by councilman Maxwell. Motion carried. The request from the Great Northern Railroad Co.,,efor the city to erect a guard rail along their tracks from Main to Bell street t�ren t Z1-1• give us an easement to the roadway West to the tracks. A motion Tiras made by councilman Tucker that this be tabled. The street committee 6tated that the attorney write them to drop the matter. Councilman Tucker reported on the progress, to the well. He also named the triorities for the laying of water maines. He asked for the Hannah park addition to be foie first extention replaced. He made a motion to call for bids for the necessary materials to complete this project not to exceed $5000, and we use our own labor. A motion was made by councilman Waggoner and seconded by councilman Maxwell that this extention b.el. approved .no:t ;to ekceed.:$5000 .pro.vi.din'g,the, loan�,WillL be . granted., Motion carried. There-.-b eing no .further::' business,41le .meeting adjour- ed ! City Clerk Mayorn,. January 33 1950.• The Council met for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call _ showed .the., following , councilmen .present..Vollan, Tucker, .Waggoner_,...McGinness, Engels, ( Maxwell and Savage. = I 1._.' The Water Collector report was read. A motion was made by Councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman'Tucker that=th'e-bills which were approved by the auditing committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. A motion was,.made byj'Conncilman- Maxwell aria'"s"econded by councilman Savage that Ord- ,arw, -A�P9 inance No. 598 approving the assessment roll for L. I. D. #63, be passed and published.- Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Waggoner that the Suburban Tra.rispartation .Co.',3,be .'notifi:ed ;that -due to the-d s'satificatibn- of the property oweners, the bus -Zone will.:be discon"tinued at -its present-locatio_n within 30-days: Motion carried, Councilman Tucker reported that on December 22the contractor had abondoned the site fordrilling-.at-tlie•'city park.; ''He also-•stat,ed-that')Mr VV'oodruff asked•-$4000 for -one acre . of his .property, c.and-Mr.- Kugler assked`' or' $2000 fbr''one' 'acre --of property:` A motion was -made --by Councilman- Tucker-,and'-'•se'conded- by- Councilman Maxwell that -the Attorney draw up a lease to conform with the oral statement of Mr. Kugler for a 96 day lease for $5 wroth the option to buy -the 'property Onot t'o exceea`'$=2000. ''Motion' 'carried. Councilman -Tucker reported oh. • the'cost=,of several projects for- the' replacing of mains Project #1 Hannah Park and Front street tie in; 350,'fe'et "of-4 'inch pipe' _ `350' 00 . Labor (machine.) 1a'<)2.-35000 Fittings., 212..45 M.45 Front and Third St. --tie in'c 1000 ft. 6 inch pipe' 'r 1500.00 Labor (machine ditching) 1000:00 Fittings 2740-55 27,74-55 Total of Project•#1 $3687.00 Project #2 Sprague street from 9th t0 10 street •600"feet 6 inch pipe $-goo.-00 Labor (Machine -ditching) 600000 Fittings 239.55 ._....,a Total Project #2 1739. 5 ._A motion was made .by councilman Tucket and -seconded Py- Coiincilma.n Waggoner' that the Supt. be authorized to -rent' a ditch- digging•-Machine-,on'these projects, 'the c ost to be within $5000. Motion carried:'_ -Councilman-Tucker-'iilsb reported' it' u4s­ndb--necessary' to' iris'ta11 fore'pipe--on Daley street c'3�t this$' tlmei'•'., .... .. ,.._.. . _.1... v..,•.. . .. '- -.;a,,. ,.._ , -• _• - - - - .. Max-'Meyring asked to have three' monuments' in 8t4Tl`ba� in th'e'`s�treet's ;for. "surveyors marks which would 6ost-45=a piece: Noactsori_was"taken.' Attorney Holte reported the Ordinance for had been $tepar6d-by'the Attorney?§ and'was ready for its adoption. A moti©n was made by Councilman Tucker and seconded by Councilman. Maxwell' that 'Ordinance -No..• 97 be ado ted and p ublished. Passed .b' ' 5, p ,, p y .unaminous vote of the # q i 1x Council. Moton��"carried; • � ' - �" ' � - - od. •' There being no further busi ess the meeting adjourned.. �? January 11, 1950 ' The Council met or a special meeting with Mayor McGibbon and the folowing Councilmen present Vollan, Tucker, Waggoner, Engels, Maxwell and Savage. i I