1951-02-06 City Council Minutes;January 16, 1951 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Vollan; Tucker, Tuson, McGinness, Engels, Maxwell and Peterson. The Treasurers report was -read. A report was 'read by the Clerk on the amounts expended for the past year, from the different funds. A motion was made by councilman Ma±iell and seconded by councilman Vollar_ that �p Ordinance # 609, granting the Great Northern Railway Co., the right to construct / and maintain and operate a tract over and across Dayton Street, be passed and published. Motion carried. The i,,ragter committee reported that the driller was still on the first test hole, and the prospests of getting water is not too good. A report from the safety committee showed the necessity of new streetsigns. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tucker that the Supt. purchase not to exceed 50 signs. Motion carried.'. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Engels that Mr. 1°dall be paid for his vacation whicc he has coming;; as he is quitting the city employ. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Maxwell `that the street committee recommends that the naming of the new streets in the City, resulting through annexations or newly developed streets within the city, be in conformance with existing system, whereby those streets running North and South are assigned numbers and those' running East and West assigried*names, also the "same name and number should apply on any one street, regardless of whether or not the entire street is developed.' Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman McGinness and seconded by councilman Maxwell that house numbering be carried, through on an entiree street in the same sequence as originally started on that street'or similarly located streets. Motion carried. A motion was made bycouncilman McGinness and secondedby councilman Maxwell that in the interest of encouraging street improvements, the specification regarding curbs and gutters be amended to permit the use of a standard curb with eight inch gutter in the residential areas only: Motion carried. The following women were selected to serve on the election board for the coming city election, Mrs. Daisy Hanse,n,Bert Evans, Charles Boshart and Mrs. Meyring. Therebeing no further business I meeting adjourne . City Cle rk Mayor February. 6, 1951 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Vollan, Tucker, McGinness,I Engels, Maxwell and Peterson. The 111ater Collectors and Treasurers reportsv ere read. A motion was; made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Engels that the bills which were approued by the auditing committee be allowed and warrants bedraiiin on the propel funds., I'lotion carried. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Peterson that a resolution be passed to borrow 3 2000 from the Fire Reserve Fund which is to be paid back from the Current Expense Fund yr200 per month. Motion carried. A letter'was'read from Mrs Clara.Strance, chairman of the Library Board recommending the reappointment of Francis E Anderson. This was made a motion by Councilman Tucker and seconded by councilman McGinness. Motion carried. Attorney Fiolte was asked to write Ablert Johnson in regards to the license for his taxi cabs. A letter was read.rom'A J. Armes in which he states he would like to purchase the 20 foot piece of property south of Howell way between third and fifth avenue. A motion was made by councilman Tucker and seconded,by councilman Maxwellestablishing a. minnimum sale price at one-half the purchase_ price `ti�SA4 rgAet. A letter was read asking to have'Hemlock street between 8th and 9th avenues vacated. This wasreferredto the, street committee. A letter was read from George McLeod opposing the opening of the alley between his property and the Olson property on Seventh. Councilman McGinness reported he had received the final report on the sewers.. A motion.was .made by Councilman Maxwell and seconded b y c ouncilman .Vollan .that a stop sign be placed at Olympic and Sprague street and onP-at Homeland Drive. Motion carried. Supt. Lawson reported that test hole #1.was dug to a depth of.160 feet and No 2 to a � depth of 120 feet with no gamEi prospects .,of Water and test -hole #3 has been.staVl red. Therebei:ng no further business the meeting :adjourned. City Clerk Mayor February 20, 1951 The Council met for its regular session with'Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call`showed"'the following councilman present"Vollan, Tucker, Tuson, McGinness, Engels, Peterson and Maxwell. After a report from the street commit;tee.a motion :was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tuson that'the'vacating of Hemlock street from eighth to ninth avenue be denied, and a letter be written Mrs.. Murdock of the council" action. .Motion carried. Councilman Tucker'chairman"of the water committee'repbrted-that the well driller hadgone down 150 feet for test -hole number 3, and asked -to let driller go down another 100 ' feet' 'to' sea -level with a six inch `pipe" and thane allotired to" proceed to spend an6ther $2000, which includes the surging, of, the wells, this was made a motion by councilman Tucker'and seconded by councilman'Engels. A roll_, call vote showed Vollan no, Tucker yes McGinness yes, Engels yes Maxwell rio and Peterson yes. Mayor McGibbon asked that no purchases'Ve made or extra men be'hired in all depart- ments before getting in touch with him. NaxoMeyring reported Mrs.' Strance hasviOffered the'City a 20 f6ot,)strip of -property between Third and Fourth Avenues, 'iri ,exchange io the City for digging a ditch for drainage. A motion Was made by Councilman McGinness and seconded by Councilman Peterson that we accept the prbpdsal of Mrs Stfance. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Tucker,and�'seconded.by.councilman'Maxwell that the Engineer &-stima:te),th'e tcostiIuf eamap for house numbering. Motion carried. There being no urther burin the'meeting'adjo e ' City Clerk Mayor March 6, 1951 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor McGibbon presiding. The roll call showed the following councilmen present Vollan, Tucker, Tuson, Engels, Maxwell and Peterson. The water collectors and Treqsurers reports were read to the council. A motion was made by councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tuson that the bills which were approved by the auditiDg committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper funds. Motion carried. A motion was made by councilman Tucker'and seconded by councilman Tuson that the -20'foot strip of property at Fourth and Howell way be sold to Mr A. J. Armes for $466 on a contract of $50 down and the balance to be paid -over a period of two years at six per cent interest, the buyer to pay for the title insurance and the cost of the transfer.' Motion carried, with Councilman Maxwell in favor of a cash deal. A letter was read to the Council in regards to the offer made by Mr. and Mrs Strance to'the City of Edmonds, a twenty foot strip of property along the north boundry of their property adjacent to Erben Drive and a sixty foot strip of property located betlrreen fourth and Fifth avenues, A motion was made py Councilman Maxwell and seconded by councilman Tucker that this be referred to the Street Committee with authority to consumate or reject the deal. Motion carried. - Councilman Tucker, chairman of the water committee reported the third test -hole had been dug to within ten feet of sea -level with no success.of obtaining water, and that the pipe was being pulled,up,' and they were starting surging operations of the existing wells.