19570827 City Council MinutesAugust 20, 1957 The Council met' -.for its regular session with Mayor Don Tuson, pro tem presiding with the follow- ing Councilmen present: Tuson, Sorensen, Cloud, and Parton. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. A letter from -Mr., E. B. Hubbard regarding 4 in. main on Hemlock Way was referred to Don Lawson and the Water Committee. A letter from Beatrice Cobb, Mgr. Edmonds Sears Roebuck Store, asking fork parking spaces for a period of one day for an advertising campaign was .referred to Don Lawson and Safety Committee to ascertain the date. Hearing on the Emergency Ordinance #702 was opened. It was decided to.continue the hearing until next Tuesday nite because there were not five councilmen present. 1X. Discussion of the changing of street names in the new Westgate annexation was opened. Two property owners requested a change of the name of "C" street to Coronado Place. Sorensen moved and seconded by Purton that the culdesac in Michellie Park running north and south be named Coronado Place. Carried. Sorenson moved that the Council adopt the official names and avenues as on the official map. Purton seconded the motion. Carried. Discussion of closing of streets while digging for lift station, which was referred to Don Lawson and City Engineer., Jim Reid, City Engineer reported the following: Concrete work on digester is complete with the exception of sacking. Form work is about 99% complete for entrance structure. New pipe is to go in in about a week. Lift station to start next Monday. 7th Avenue paving in Cassell Plat was finished this afternoon. Joplin will finish the shoulders in a day or two. Wrote a letter officially stating L.I.D. #79-satisfactory. (2nd Ave. N.) Discussion on L.I.D.,#82 for the sidewalk crossing Shellebarger Creek was heard. Mr. Holte, City Attorney. was instructed to investigate possible need for right-of-way. , Bids were opened on the lavatory building at the City Park. Only one bid from Walter W. Payne was presented. Mayor, pro tem, Don Tuson asked that more bids be called and Mr. Payne to be notified the single bid would not be considered. Mr. Holte; City Attorney, inquired as to what to do about the Riley matter concerning right-of-way acquisition for 10th Avenue at Glen St. Mayor, pro tem, Don Tuson set September 17th to discuss the matter after Mayor Maxwell returns. Steve Severson, Treasurer, read his report to the Council. Don Lawson gave a._report on the Building Code Committee in regard to committee cpnsideration of adopting the King County Plumbing Code and the Uniform Building Code. Letter from the Pollution Control Board was read and Mr. Holte was instructed to write a letter acknowledging receipt of same.. The meeting was recessed at 9:47 until August.�cr 27th. 1 Secret y Mayor -pro tem The Council met for its recessed meeting with -Mayor pro tem, Don Tuson presiding. The follow- ing councilmen were present: Tuson, Sorenson, Cloud, Kincaid and Purton. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. This was the -night set for a hearing for the annexation of the following described property: All of Rowe's Addition, according to plat thereof recorded in vol 15 of plats, page 14, records -of said County: All of Wickstromis Addition, according to plat thereof recorded in vol 13,of plats, page 106, records of said�County; Lots 1, 5 and 6 in Block 4, Alderwood Manor No. 9, said County; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, 16, 17, 18 and that portion of Lot 19 lying 11 westerly of the road,.in Block 5, Alderwood.Manor No. 9, together with the road adjacent thereto, 'said County; 'The West 466�62 feet of the north half of the' southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 30, township 27 north, range 4 East, W.M., said County. No one appeared and objected to the annexation, and after considerable discussion a motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Cloud that Ord., #704 be passed. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Neal discussed the payment of the fee for the installation of five meters before the City would install the water main. Mr. Neal claimed he did not understand he was to pay in advance for these meters and after considerable discussion, the Council left the matter as it was and Mr. Neal said he now understood he had to pay for the meters in advance of the construction. The resolution for•23 ft. for loading zone at 216 - 5th Avenue was tabled until the next regular meeting and a report from the Safety Committee was given. Councilman Tuson read a letter of resolution for controlling dogs. It was referred to City Attorney Holte. Councilman Kincaid asked that consideration be given to renaming streets A, B, C, and 62 St., and that the press publish a statement asking for suggested names for these streets by interested parties. Councilman Kincaid discussed painting the curb yellow to prohibit parking on 3rd Avenue by,the bank from the stop sign south one parking space to give trucks more room to make the turn on Main St. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. • Sectet pro tem < Pryor pro-tem • 'September 3, 1957 The Council met for its regular session with Mayor Maxwell presiding.. The rolllcall showed the following Councilmen present Tuson;_ Sorensen, Kincaid, Cloud and Purton. The water Collectors report for the month of Au gust was read to the'Council. Three bids were received for a dump.truck for the street department, the bids from a' Hopper Chevrolet Company in the amount of $4015.00, William 0. McKay Company for $4175.69, Edmonds Motor Company for $4195.00. After.some consideration of the bids a motion. was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the bid from Hopper Chevrolet Companys be accepted. Delivery, to be made within thirty days. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman. Tuson and s econded by Councilman Cloud that Resolution No.262 establishing a loading Zone on the West Bide of Fifth Avenue, directly in front of the Oak Lake Heating Manufacturing plant, be passed. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that Ord. #705 correcting the legal description &n Ordinance #699, be passed. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Sorensen and seconded by Councilman Kincaid that Wash. Asphalt Company, be paid the final cost frcm the street fluid, in the. amount of $1,161.52, for vom#leting the work on L. I. D. #77. Motion carried. Engineer Reid reported that the work on L. 'I. D. #79 has been satisfactorily completed. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the hearing on Assessment Roll for L. I. D. #61, be set for October 1. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Kincaid that 30 feet on the North and South side of Main street, west of Sixth Avenue be eliminated for parking. Motion carried. A motion was made byr.Councilman Tuson and seconded byhCouncilman Purton that Mr. Hubbard be notified that the City will furnish the four inch pipe and hydrant, if he will install the pipe. 'Installation to be made under the supervision of the street Supt. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid and seconded by Councilman Cloud that the bills as approved by the auditing committee be allowed and warrants be drawn on the proper fund. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Cloud that interest warrant #3 in the amount of $2855.06, be issued to Terry Thompson, for estimate #3, L. I. D. #79. Motion carried. R The meeting recessed until next Tuesday night September 10.