03/05/2004 City CouncilEDMONDS CITY COUNCIL RETREAT APPROVED MINUTES March 5-6, 2004 The Edmonds City Council retreat was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Council President Plunkett at the Channel Lodge in La Conner, 205 First Street. ELECTED OFFICIALS PRESENT Gary Haakenson, Mayor Michael Plunkett, Council President Jeff Wilson, Councilmember Mauri Moore, Councilmember Peggy Pritchard Olson, Councilmember Dave Orvis, Councilmember Richard Marin, Councilmember Deanna Dawson, Councilmember PUBLIC PRESENT Bill Sheets, Edmonds Enterprise STAFF PRESENT Duane Bowman, Development Services Director Linda Carl, Senior Executive Assistant Dan Clements, Administrative Services Director Stephen Clifton, Community Services Director Noel Miller, Public Works Director Arvilla Ohlde, Parks Director Scott Snyder, City Attorney Jana Spellman, Senior Executive Council Asst. David Stern, Chief of Police Tom Tomberg, Fire Chief STAFF PRESENT FRIDAY, MARCH 5 Rob Chave, Planning Manager Dave Gebert, City Engineer Don Fiene, Assistant City Engineer Darrell Smith, Traffic Engineer STAFF PRESENT SATURDAY, MARCH 6 Sandy Chase, City Clerk Debi Humann, Human Resources Manager 1. OPENING REMARKS Council President Plunkett opened the retreat with a review of the agenda and a discussion of the expectations and anticipated outcomes. Mayor Haakenson welcomed everyone and thanked the Council for holding the retreat and working together with himself and department heads. 2. STRATEGIC LONG TERM VISION After the opening remarks Council and staff moved on to a discussion of strategic planning. Topics covered included: why strategic planning is important; what mission, vision, and values are and how they fit into the strategic planning model. There was also a brief overview of how individual departmental business plans flow from Council policy statements. The group then moved on to a discussion of corporate values. During the work session, the group identified a number of key City values. These were then put aside to be worked on at the "wrap- up" session and after the retreat. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 5-6, 2004 Page 1 It was the Council's consensus to move into a discussion of drafting a Mission Statement for the City. Copies of the 1998 effort were distributed and reviewed. The seminar was broken into four smaller groups and tasked with drafting a City of Edmonds Mission Statement. After reconvening, the draft Mission Statements were reviewed. It was the consensus of the group to delegate drafting a Mission Statement to Councilmember Dawson for review at the "Wrap -Up" session. Councilmembers then reviewed the Strategic Planning Policy Statement and Policy Implementation Objectives. Councilmembers felt that there should be 1.) A public outreach component; and 2.) Fixed dates for adoption of the final mission statement and strategic plan. With those modifications the Policy Statement and implementing objectives presented below were approved. I. Council Strategic Planning Policy Statement: The Edmonds City Council endorses strategic planning as a primary tool for meeting City goals. The Council requests that the strategic plan is up -dated annually as part of the budget process in order to: 1.) Help provide direction and alignment of City resources; 2.) Increase accountability; and 3.) Help provide citizens with a regular report on what is being done to meet community goals. Objectives• A. Prepare draft preliminary strategic plan. B. Develop and carry out a Public Outreach effort so community can have input into final Plan. C. Approve plan for preparing mission/vision/values for the City. D. Council review and approval of plan. E. Quarterly plan progress reports. 3. STABILIZING OUR FINANCIAL FUTURE City leadership next began a review of the City's financial outlook, and what steps might be taken to help stabilize Edmonds' financial future. Participants reviewed the General Fund's year end, 2003 position. It was noted that last year's budget called for using $811,400 of fund balance. Because of larger than anticipated departmental expenditure under -runs, combined with strong sales and permitting revenue, the General Fund ending balance actually ended $826,100 in the black. Looking forward, the long term projection model showed that, as a result of the strong 2003 ending position, the necessity of either making $750,000 in cuts or additional revenue has been moved from 2005 out to 2006. This assumes existing program levels and no added staff. Following this conversation there was a review of potential revenue options for mitigating future down turns in General Fund balance. Councilmembers moved on to a more detailed discussion of the annexation objective. There was a consensus that annexations need to be approached as a win/win situation for the residents and City, and that public outreach is an important element of the annexation process. Looking at a possible Esperance Annexation, Councilmembers felt that background information should flow through both the Community Services and Finance Committees. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 5-6, 2004 Page 2 Councilmembers then reviewed alternative projection models: one with various revenue alternatives, and another with Initiative 864 property tax roll back provisions. Staff then presented information on street and facilities infrastructure funding. It was noted that, with the loss of motor vehicle excise funding, revenue for street overlay and other transportation projects has declined significantly. Councilmembers were supportive of looking for "new" revenue to support transportation and facilities needs. They also reiterated their previous policy of using BEET funding for parks, recreation, and cultural acquisition purposes. During discussions about City assets, the Council asked staff to review all assets in order to determine which might be surplus to our needs. The Council then approved the following Policy Statement and implementing objectives. Il. Council Financial Stability Policy Statement: The Edmonds City Council supports affirmative actions that will lead to short and long term financial stability, and will help stabilize programs and services offered to the community. Obiectives• A. Aggressively support sales tax sourcing legislation at the State and Federal level. B. Pursue utility franchise agreements with Olympic View Water District. C. Pursue annexations that provide a logical extension of municipal services, and help consolidate the City's tax base. D. Identify a long term funding strategy that will enable the City to maintain its transportation infrastructure. E. Identify a long term funding strategy that will enable the City to maintain its facilities and assets. F. Identify and implement business process changes that will reduce costs of providing services. G. Identify revenue opportunities that Council may use to stabilize future budgets. H. Continue dedicated REET funding to be used for parks, recreation, and cultural acquisition and development purposes. 4. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Staff provided a briefing on current and future economic development activities in the City. Topics reviewed included: hiring an Economic Development Director, support for existing community festivals and celebrations, addition of a more detailed economic development element to the Comprehensive Plan, Highway 99 redevelopment, Fine Arts Center of Edmonds, Edmonds Crossing, Sounder Edmonds Station, and Edmonds Center for the Arts. Councilmembers then discussed how to best position the City to take advantage of future economic development opportunities such as circulator buses, tourist train, Safeway property redevelopment, 2010 Whistler Olympics, aquatics center, Edmonds Marsh, and increasing bed night stays. The final economic development topic discussed was the need to have a balanced regulatory environment that encourages development, yet retains Edmonds community character. Council approved the following Economic Development policy statement and implementing objectives. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 5-6, 2004 Page 3 III. Draft Council Economic Development Policy Statement: The Edmonds City Council supports economic development initiatives that will retain the community's character and charm, while at the same time strengthen the City's tax base and generate more tourism. Objectives: A. Align community's economic development efforts by hiring an Economic Development Director. B. Continue financial and staffing support for existing community festivals and celebrations. C. Develop a new economic development element -within the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan. D. Act as a catalyst to help create a Highway 99 vision that leads to major redevelopment. E. Assist the Fine Arts Center of Edmonds carry out their planned development project. F. Continue supporting major projects that will improve the overall business climate, and increase the local tax base, while maintaining and improving community character. G. Support new and innovative projects that will help establish Edmonds as a destination city. H. Provide a balanced regulatory environment that encourages economic development while retaining Edmonds' community character. 5. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES The Development Services section began with a presentation by Councilmember Marin on modulation and architectural amenities for residential and commercial structures. The Council then moved into a discussion of the "public duty doctrine" led by Councilmember Orvis. Following the "public duty doctrine" discussion staff presented a review of the up -coming Comprehensive Plan up -date. Councilmembers approved the following Development Policy Statement and implementing objectives. IV. Draft Council Development Policy Statement: The Edmonds City Council is committed to pursuing a course of permitting development and redevelopment consistent with community values. Objectives: A. Conduct a statistically valid research project to determine the validity of the need and/or extent of height limits, first floor commercial space ceiling height requirements and the extent of roof modulation in the downtown BC zone desired by the majority of Edmonds citizens. B. Establish Development Policy Statements that reflect the community values of the majority of residents. 6. LEGAL Following the Development Services discussion, City Attorney Scott Snyder led a discussion on several issues, including closed record hearings and public comments on pending cases, advise of appeal, abuse of rules, and inconsistent hearing procedures. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 5-6, 2004 Page 4 RECESS UNTIL 9:00 a.m. SATURDAY, MARCH 6 The retreat was adjourned at 6:00 p.m., and reconvened at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 6. 7. BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES The first topic up for discussion on Saturday morning was Best Business Practices. After an overview of what best business practices means, Councilmember Wilson moved into a discussion of Council agendas and e-mail. After a review of costs associated with the preparation of Council agenda packets, and an examination of the agenda preparation and distribution process in other entities, Councilmembers discussed the pro's and con's of moving to an electronic agenda packet. There was a consensus that electronic packets were the most efficient, least costly, and provided the public with information that they could review two to three days earlier than the existing system. If utilized by the Planning and Architectural Design Boards, savings would be even more significant. Councilmembers approved the concept of moving to electronic packets, provided that individuals who lack computer access retain the option of receiving paper packets. Staff will return with a detailed implementation plan. The next best practice topic was Council e-mail. Staff reported that, in the organizations they had worked previously, Councilmembers had City issued lap top computers and e-mail addresses to conduct City business. This facilitates receipt of communications from the City and other entities, and speeds up responding to constituent concerns. It was also pointed out that the lap top is part of the process of moving to electronic packets. One of the staff concerns raised was appropriate use of City provided equipment, and Council requested that use policies be incorporated into their evaluation of City provided e-mail addresses and lap top computers. The concept of streaming meetings over the Internet so home bound residents, interested parties out of town, and Councilmembers "on the road" could participate remotely. Staff will provide a business case for this concept. Council next moved into a discussion of their role in quasi-judicial decision making. There was a consensus that, under current rules, it is extremely frustrating not to be able to either talk to constituents about specific issues, or physically inspect sites under discussion. Councilmembers voiced their desire for a role that would enable, rather than prohibit, their communicating with individuals about an issue directly. Staff noted that one of the issues complicating a change in quasi-judicial roles is wording in the City Code that needs clarification. Council directed staff to present them with clarified variance wording by June 1 that would enable them to redefine the Council's role in quasi-judicial hearings. Council then moved on to a discussion of whether or not current committees meet the best practice test. It was noted, for example, that one committee was established with a one year sunset, and that was ten years ago. Councilmembers agreed to set up an ad hoc group to review all committees for relevancy and operational efficiency. Councilmember Wilson will chair the committee, with Councilmembers Plunkett and Moore participating. The final best business practice discussed was the incorporation of best business practices into City operations. Areas to examine include: purchase cards, City Hall hours of operation, e- Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 5-6, 2004 Page 5 subscriptions, recording City meetings, biennial budgets, on-line registration, on-line payment, credit card acceptance, and leveraging technology. The Best Business Practice discussion concluded with acceptance of the Policy Statement and implementing objectives listed below. V. Draft Council Best Business Practice Policy Statement: The Edmonds City Council supports the application of best business practice principles as a means of using public finances and resources in as efficient manner as possible. Objectives: A. Develop and implement a Council agenda packet process that is cost effective and provides high quality information to the Council and public. B. Examine the Council's quasi-judicial decision making roles. C. Insure that committees on which Councilmembers sit are relevant and add value to public policy issues. D. The City supports staff development and a continuous education environment. E. Examine and implement business practice changes that will provide dollar savings and increase customer service. 8. COMMUNITY OUTREACH Councilmember Moore opened the session with a discussion of "branding," including current efforts taking place with the Port and local businesses. Discussions then moved to Channel 21 and cable television. There was a discussion of access and use policies. Councilmembers voiced their support for trying to expand community outreach by both expanding Channel 21 offerings, and possibly utilizing another channel. Councilmember Moore was asked to convene a group of interested Council, staff, and the public to research the topic in greater detail and bring back recommendations to the full Council. Following Channel 21 discussions participants viewed a preliminary redesign of the City's web page. Key changes were: translation into other languages for non-English speaking residents and businesses, the ability to conduct business with the City over the web, the ability to pay for services and licenses over the web, and the ability to provide direct input on service concerns. Councilmembers then approved the following Community Outreach Policy Statement and implementing objectives. IV. Draft Council Community Outreach Policy Statement: The Edmonds City Council believes the organization should provide creative and effective methods of listening to, and communicating respectfully with all sectors of our community. Objectives: A. Look for ways of providing more information about City operations and activities over government cable access. B. Expand the use of the Internet as a vehicle for conducting business with the City, reaching out to all communities, and providing information about the City. C. Explore ways in which the City could increase identification and recognition through consistent messaging. D. Provide for a direct dialogue with the public through public outreach meetings. Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 5-6, 2004 Page 6 E. Increase the City's knowledge of community sentiment through the use of surveys. F. Provide citizens with additional information about the City by using media resources such as KSER. 9. COLLECTIVE BARGAINING (EXECUTIVE SESSION) Staff members provided Council with an up -date on labor relations in the City. A discussion of bargaining units and bargaining parameters was carried out. Council approved the following public policy statement, and approved bargaining objectives and parameters in Executive Session. VI. Draft Council Collective Bargaining Policy Statement: The Edmonds City Council supports a negotiating process that respects employees for their contribution to the community, strives for consistent agreements among employee groups, and sets compensation at levels comparable to similar jurisdictions. [Objectives and parameters confidential material] 10. GOAL SETTING/WRAP UP In the final session of the retreat Councilmembers reviewed the revised draft Mission, Vision, and Value statements. These draft statements, as edited after the retreat, are presented below. Our Mission: To provide a high quality of life for current residents and businesses, and a legacy for future generations by preserving and enhancing our historic waterfront community. Our Vision: We see the City of Edmonds as: • A community with a vibrant, self-sustaining economy, while maintaining our small-town atmosphere; • A community that encourages and promotes cultural and artistic activities; • A community that protects its natural resources and waterfront; • A community that fosters a friendly, safe, and diverse atmosphere; • A government that earns public confidence through open, honest, and accountable City leadership and governmental activities. Our Values: In dealing with others, we will strive to: • Include All Who Want to Participate • Provide a Safe and Secure Environment • Be Honest, Credible and Friendly • Be Open to Feedback and Input • Provide Quality Customer Service • Reach Out to the Community • Celebrate and Encourage Diversity • Be Accountable for Our Actions Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 5-6, 2004 Page 7 We will approach development of the City with: • A Desire to Provide a Legacy for Future Generations • Honoring and Retaining our History • A Desire to Retain Small Town Ambiance • A Desire to be a Family Friendly Community • A Respect for Our Waterfront and Natural Resources • Support of Visual, Performing Arts • A Goal of Being a Destination Location • Providing Healthy Community ADJOURNMENT Council President Plunkett thanked all for their active participation in the retreat. He adjourned the 2004 Council retreat at 1:30 p.m. Follow -Up Items The following follow-up items emanated from the retreat. 1. Public Outreach Process for Strategic Plan (Council) 2. Strategic Plan Due Dates: Draft 4/30, Adoption 6/30 (Staff & Council) 3. Esperance Background Material to Community Services & Finance (Staff) 4. Surplus Assets (Staff- Miller) 5. Revised Variance Ordinance (Staff- Bowman) 6. Electronic Council packets (Staff- Clements) 7. Council e-Agenda Business Case (Staff- Clements) 8. Remote Participation Business Case (Staff- Clements) 9. Council Committees (Council- Wilson) 10. Cable TV Expansion (Council- Moore) 11. Web Up -Date (Staff- Clements) GARY�JAKENSON, MAYOR 9ANDRAS. CHASE, CITY CLERK Edmonds City Council Approved Minutes March 5-6, 2004 Page 8 1-1 FRIDAY, March 5, 2004 Time 9:30 — 9:40 Subject Opening Remarks Req. By Presenter Mayor Haakenson Council President Plunkett 9:40 — 12:00 Strategic Long -Term Vision: Introduction Moore/Olson Moore/Olson What Is Strategic Planning? Moore/Olson Clements What Are Mission/Vision/Values? Moore/Olson Clements Alignment And Accountability Tools Moore/Olson Clements Council Policy Statements Council 12:00 — 2:30 Stabilizing Our Financial Future (Working Lunch) Mayor/Wilson General Government Mayor/Wilson Clements Transportation Mayor Bowman/Gebert/Miller Facilities Mayor Miller Council Policy Statements Council 2:30 — 3:00 Break & Check -In 3:00 — 4:00 Economic Development & Priorities Mayor/Wilson Mayor/Bowman/Clifton Current Projects Mayor/Bowman/Clifton Where We Want To Be Mayor/Bowman/Clifton Council Policy Statements Council 4:00 — 5:00 Development Services Marin/Orvis Modulation Marin Marin/Bowman Permits Orvis Orvis/Snyder Council Policy Statements Council 5:00 — 6:00 Legal (Possible Executive Session) Snyder Snyder SATURDAY — March 6, 2004 Time 9:00 —10:30 Subject Best Business Practices Req. By Wilson/Mayor Presenter Council e-mail Wilson Wilson/Clements Council e-Agendas Wilson Wilson/Clements Council Committee Structure Wilson Wilson Opportunities for Efficiencies Mayor Clements Council Policy Statements Council 10:30-11:00 Break and Check -Out 11:00 — 12:00 Community Outreach (Working Lunch) Moore/Olson Channel 21 Mayor Clifton Internet Mayor Clements City Branding Moore/Olson Moore/Olson Council Policy Statements Council 12:00 — 1:00 Collective Bargaining (Executive Session) Mayor Parameter Discussion Humann/Clifton/ Clements Contract Update Directors Council Policy Statements Council 1:00 — 3:00 Goal Setting/Wrap Up Mayor Mayor Council Policy Statements Mayor What Are We Missing? Mayor Draft Business/Strategic Plan Mayor Where Do We Go From Here Mayor 1