19630917 City Council Minutes• increased by $800.00. 4 -: There was also some discussion of an increase of salaries in the Police Department, other than Police Chief. It was brought out that the Edmonds Police Dept. was in the upper bracket for salaries of comparable cities. Councilman Sorensen moved, seconded by Councilman Christensen that the salary schedule for the Police Dept. be left as shown in the budget with the exception of the Chief's salary. Motion carried, with Councilman Slye voting no. Councilman Christensen then moved, seconded by Councilman Smets that the preliminary budget be adopted as amended, and the motion carried. Councilman Christensen then suggested having a work meeting on the budget.,. and this. was set for September 24th. The City Clerk read a letter from the Evergreen Fair, signed by Robert H. Follis, Manager, expressing their appreciation to Edmonds for the publicity on the Fair. The City Clerk also read a Petition for Annexation and Preliminary letter of request for annexation of a portion of tract 146, lying west of Olympic View Drive, together with 1741� SW. lying adjacent thereto, Plat of Meadowdale Beach. Councilman Christensen moved, seconded by Councilman Harrison that the -City Attorney be instructed to draw an ordinance to annex this area as described in the petition submitted by property owners .Wm. J. Miller and L. E. Garner. The question then came up that this property did not wish to assume the bonded indebtedness of the city, as it was a small portion that was left out of the North -End annexation area when the boundaries were drawn. Councilman Christensen then stated that he would withdraw his motion if Councilman Harrison wished to withdraw his second. It was agreed, and the motion was withdrawn. However, it was then pointed out that a portion cf thisproperty in question had been annexed in • the former annexation, and in fact, the boundary line went directly throazgh one house. -With this explanation, Councilman Christensen then reinstated his motion, seconded by Councilman Harrison, and the motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. i September 17, 1963 A (1T.T. O A T.T. Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor McGinness with all councilmen present except Tuson. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING It was moved by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councilman Simpson that the minutes of the Council meeting of September 3rd be approved as printed and the motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE A petition was received regarding a storm water problem in the area back of 19614 - 8og' W. This was referred to the Street Committee and Engineer Moran. A letter from M. N. Dennis, 17121 Talbot Road was received. and read to the council, complaining about the flooding of property in the Talbot Park area due to poor drainage . following the development of "Sea=Lawn Terrace". This was also referred to the Street Committee, who will meet with the Mayor and Engineer Moran. ATTORNEY'S REPORT Attorney Hall reported that to establish Sidewalk Construction Fund #2, an assessment roll would have to be set up with the individual cases involved, and Superintendent of Public Works Moran had advised Attorney Hall that the sidewalk project was progressing nicely, and so far, a list of delinquent property owners was not needed. In connection with the proposed annexation of the strip of land in the plat of Meadowdale Beach, the hearing date on the annexation has been set for October:l. On the acquisition of the Inter -urban R/W, Attorney Hall reported that a title report has been ordered to determine the proper parties with whom to proceed with the acquisition or condemnation. From the Planning Commission, Attorney Hall reported that he would bring to the next Council meeting the recommendations that the Council create an 5-20 zone (20,000 sq. ft.) for the newly annexed north end area, and also the extension of the comprehensive plan into that area with zoning close to that already established by the county. APPROVAL OF FINAL PLATS Engineer Moran presented the final plats of "Leanne Lane" and "Coronado Park", both of which had paid the final filing fee to the City Cleric, and both sent from the Planning Commission for approval by the Council. It was moved by Councilman Sorensen, seconded by Councilman Smets that the final plats of both "Leanne Lane" and "Coronado Park" be approved. Motion carried. 44 • WATERFRONT ZONING NORTH OF FERRY DOCK As shown in the minutes of the Planning Commission, (a copy of which each Councilman had received) it was the recommendation of the Commission that the Council reconsider the '�C? zoning of the waterfront north of the ferry dock to R-W, and in case of approval by the Council, the hearings on this particular area now being held by the Planning Commission to rezone it from M-1 to P-1 would be discontinued.4 Councilman Harrison stated that it - was the feeling of the property owners north of the ferry dock that their property would be devaluated with the proposed P-1 zoning, and that it should be zoned R-W until the city was in a position to purchase the land. Councilman Christensen argued in favor of the P-1 zoning, pointing out that this does not mean an area would become entirely a park, but uses oriented to parks and recreation purposes. The Mayor also pointed out that action has been started to acquire this property - the 1964 budget has been set up with extra funds for park purposes. A motion.was then made by Councilman Sorensen, seconded by Councilman Christensen that the Council do not consider rezoning this area north of the ferry dock to an R-W zone. The matter was then declared open for discussion from the audience. Jack Bevan, spokesman for.the Association of Waterfront Owners, protested the proposed P-1 zone and Mayor McGinness inquired why the owners south of the ferry dock were entering into this matter of zoning north of the ferry dock. Mr. Bevan replied that they had a common interest with the area in that they are both zoned M-1 at present, and if the City rezones the north area, what will prevent them from doing the same to the area south of the dock. Attorney William A. Wilson, representing Mrs. Eathel Thayer, stated rezoning would be unfair to his client and other property owners in that it would lessen the value by restricting its use. H. H. Jacobsen, representing Aqua Sports, also spoke in behalf of the property owners • protesting the proposed P-1 zoning; and Attorney Walter Scott, representing Union Oil Co., questioned the legality of rezoning property from "high to low value uses". Before taking a roll call vote, a five minute recess was requested by Councilman Smets. Following the recess, a roll call vote resulted in Councilman Harrison voting no, and Councilmen Smets, Christensen, Simpson, Slye and Sorensen voting yes, and the motion carried. The Mayor then instructed the City Clerk to advise the Planning Commission of the Council's decision not to consider rezoning the area north of the ferry dock to R-W, and for the Commission to continue with their hearings to rezone the area in question from M-1 to P-1. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES Chief Grimstad reported he had contacted six trucking companies whose trucks had been using 76th, and all have assured the city they.will use this street in the future only when necessary for deliveries. Chief Grimstad also requested bids be called for a new police car. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the City call for bids on a new police car; bids to be opened on October 1,.1963. Motion carried.. The necessity for action on a Stop and Go light at 91h and Edmonds Way was brought up. The Mayor replied that unless the City Attorney advises otherwise, the City will install this light, with the hope that the state will then pay the costa Mayor McGinness also reported to the Council that there had been further discussions with Mountlake Terrace on the sewer gas problem. The problem had not as yet been resolved, but Mr. Reid,will mail copies of a report to all councilmen. • Mr. Val Rupeiks supplied council members with a copy of a brief for a 20 year long range capital improvements program. This would establish a level of service aspiration for the City, including the number of policemen, firemen, etc. needed; what operating annual over- head is likely to be; and separate the operational budget from the capital budget. There would be a six year detailed budget, and two seven year less detailed budgets. The firm would examine income and outgo, and make certain projections. One third total cost to the City of Edmonds would be $5,613.00, with 2/3 matching funds from the state and federal governments. Following some further explanations by Mr. Rupeiks, it was moved by Councilman Smets, seconded by Councilman Simpson that the City accept the proposal of Clerk, Coleman, Rupeiks for a capital improvements program for Edmonds, and authorize the firm to make application for state and federal matching funds. Motion carried. Mayor McGinness reported that Walter Mitchell had requested a meeting with Edmonds and the Olympic View Water District Commissioners. It was felt this meeting should be delayed until the return of Councilman Tuson from his vacation. The Mayor instructed the City Clerk to call Mr. Mitchell to advise him this meeting would be delayed until after the council meeting of October 15th, at which time a date would be set. Meeting was then adjourned at 10.:00 P.M. � City Clerk May r October 1, 1963 Regular meeting was called to order with all councilmen present except Tuson. All Councilmen having received a copy of the minutes of the Council meeting of September 17, 1963, •