19631203 City Council Minutes155 November 21, 1963 A special meeting of the Edmonds City Council, called by Mayor. Sproule McGinne'sa,-was held at 7:30 P.M. at the Civic Center for the pApose of discussing the passage of a Resolution authorizing the filing of an application with the Housing and..Home.Finance Agency for a grant to acquire open space land, and -requesting a letter of consent to proceed. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilman Tuson and.seconded by Councilman Smets that Resolution #88 be passed, authorizing the filing of the application and requesting the letter of consent to proceed. The motion carried unanimously with all councilmen present, and the meeting -was -then adjourned. City Clerk Mayor December 3; 1963 ROLL CALL The regular'meeting was called to order by Mayor McGinness with all councilmen present except Smets, who arrived at 9:30 P.M. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meetings of November 19 and the special on November 21 having been sent to each councilman, it was moved by Councilman,Tuson, seconded by Councilman Harrison that th6 minutes of the meetings of November 1914 and 21st be approved. Motion carried. • OPEN BIDS: G. 0. BONDS Bids were opened on'the $669000400 General Obligation bonds. One bid was received: The National Bank of Commerce of Seattle $669067.00 for the bonds. & McLean & Co., -Inc., Tacoma: Net interest cost $13,770.50 Effective rate of 3058658 3 ' .3/8% The bid was accompanied'by a certified check in the amount of $3400.00. A motion was made by Councilman Simpson and seconded by Councilman Christensen that the bid of the N.- B. of C. be referred to our financial advisor and the attorney for a report back at the next council meeting. However, later in the meeting Mr.`Severson, City Treasurer, spoke to the council on the favorable rate of the bid and added that with the bond market changing from day to day, if this bid was not accepted tonight, the bid would have to be withdrawn. Therefore, after discussion it was then moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the City of Edmonds accept the bid of the National Bank of Commerce as outlined in their proposal of December 3rd, and the motion carried. OPEN BIDS: LID #124 Bids were opened on LID #1249 paving of Laurel west from 109 to the culdesac. The bids were: Ech's Burner Oils, Inc., Lynnwood Total bid $3027.00 Joplin Paving Co. 3,410.50 Almer Co., Edmonds 3,866.75 Washington Asphalt Co. 3,484.2o Bids were referred to the engineers for checking. Later in the meeting, Councilman • Sorensen reported on the check of bids., stating there had been an extension error on the bid from Ech's Burner Oils, Inc. and that the correct bid was $3,297.00, A motion was made by Councilman Sorensen, seconded by Councilman Slye that Ech's Burner Oils, Inc. be awarded the contract on LID #124, paving of Laurel, in the amount of $3,297.00, representing the low bid received. MoAon carried. OPEN BIDS: POLICE CAR Bids were then opened on the new police car. They were: Bill Blume Chevrolet $2010.99 Less trade of 162 Chevrolet 19150.00 $1,1 0.99 plus sales tax Edmonds Motor Company $2,34o.30 Less trade-in 1,150.00 $1,190:30 (No mention of sales tax) Bids were referred to Police Chief Grimstad, and he later reported that the bids were both in order as far as specifications were concerned, and that the bid of Bill Blume Chevrolet was the low one. It was therefore moved by Councilman Simpson and seconded by Councilman Harrison to accept the bid of Bill Blume Chevrolet for the new police car at a cost of $1,160.99, plus sales tax. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENDE The City Clerk read a Preliminary Letter on an annexation request, representing not less than 10% of the population of Lots 6,798 and the south h of Lot 9, Block 5, Seattle Heights Division #41 being signed -by the Sno Line YMCA, by Mal Wilson. Also a petition for annexation signed by 75% of the assessed valuation (Sno Line YMCA by Malcolm 4ilson)9 • agreeing to assume the bonded indebtedness of the City of Edmonds. It was moved by i 156 Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Christensen that the City accept the Petition for Annexation signed by more than.75% of the assessed valuation of the property described as Lots 6, 79. 8 and the south h of Lot 9, Block .5, Seattle Heights Division ##4, and set a public hearing for the neat council meeting on December 17th, 1963 on the petition. Motion carried. EMERGENCY ORDINANCE HEARING Hearing was held on Emergency Ordinance #1029 in the totalamount of $51074.75. No person in the audience had any comment, and it.was moved by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councilman Simpson^.that Emergency Ordinance #1029 be passed. A roll call vote showed all councilmen. excep-t..Sme:ts.. present and voting,_and the motion carried unanimously. A petition was read protesting the placement .of a Telephone Co:;. cable along 9+h Ave-. south. Since the City of Edmonds has no jurisdiction over this, the matter was referred to Mr. Shane of the West Coast Telephone Company, and he has advised he will contact the people listed on the petition to try to work something out to their satisfaction. OFFICIAL CANVASS OF SPECIAL ELECTION The official canvass of the special election held on November 269 was presented. The total vote, including 14 absentee ballots that were 2 for and 12 against, was 387 for and 1017 against adopting the Council -Manager form of government in Edmonds. AUDITING OF BILLS It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the regular monthly bills be approved and the City Clerk,be authorized to issue warrants against the proper dunds. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye and seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the bill to the Edmonds Tribune -Review against LID #114 in the amount of $32.66 be paid. Motion carried. A motion wgs.made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the bill against LID #117 in.the.amount of $24.43 be paid to the Edmonds Tribune -Review. Motion carried. Councilman Slye moved, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the bill against LID #118 in the amount of $25.45 be paid to the Tribune -Review.. Motion carried.. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Simpson that contractor's estimate #3 from A & M Construction Equipment .Col on LID #119, in the sum of $35,633.93 be paid and the City Clerk be authorized to issue interest bearing warrants in this same amount to Southwick, Campbell, Waterman Company.. Motion carried. Wayne Jones.reported the work on this LID was about 75% completed. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by..Counci.lman Sorensen that the final estimate . on LID #120 in the amount of $2,612.25 be paid to Joplin Paving Co., and the motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Simpson that the bill for final engineering to Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. in the amount of $916.06 be paid. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorenseri that the bill to the Edmonds Tribune Review be paid in the amount of $47.68 against..'LID #123. Motion carried. - A motion was made by'Couricilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the bill against LID #124 be paid in the amount of $31.87 to the Edmonds Tribune Review. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF FINAL PLATS Three plats were presented from the Planning Commission for approval by the council. After looking over the plats and questioning Engineer Moran in regard to them, it was moved by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councilman Slye. to accept the final.plat of Olympic Heights #1. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Simpson, seconded by Councilman Christensen to accept the final plat of Payne Addition, and the motion carried. It was then moved by Councilman Slye,.seconded by Councilman Sorensen to accept the final plat of Hinds Park. Motion carried. Mr. Lawson reported on findings on the south end area requesting permission to petition for annexati do to the city. The area has approximately 240 acres; an estimated population of 1453; assessed valuation of $1,093,500.00; assessed valuation per capita $753..00; density of 6 persons per acre; approximately 405 homes." It could be served with sewer by gravity flow into the Edmonds Way trunk. A letter to the Mayor from the Police Chief reported no trouble contemplated in policing the area with the present force.' Supt. Moran reported by letter to the Mayor and stated among other things that many homes are served by the Olympic View•Water System; the majority of the streets are in good repair, with some recent paving having been done by the county. The Fire Chief reported no basic problem, except for not sufficient hydrants. Therefore, Mr. Lawson stated he could see no particular problems of any import that would be to the city's detriment in taking in this area. Councilman Tuson asked if water mains were large enough to take hydrants. The answer was that if -we changed the zoning, we might have to change the size of the mai nsl. 1 .0. Mayor McGinness stated that council must decide on what advice to give Mr. Carley in his request to circulate a petition in this area, since the law states at least 10% of the `property owners must first request annexation. Councilmen Tuson and Slye said they would • 157 • look favorabl� on such an annexation; Harrison felt if annexed .they should•assume•the indebtedness. Councilman Christensen stated he thought we should accept the area even though they refuse to pay their share of debt; that the sooner we get these areas in,' the better the city is. Mr. Carley was in the audience, and agreed to meet with the City Attorney following adjournment of the meeting so as to have the proper -forms and, information to begin, the circulation 'of petitions. RESOLUTIONS FROM PLANNING COMMISSION The City Attorney presented Resolution •#91 of the Planning Commission recommending amending the comprehensive plan and rezoning of certain..prop.erty north of the Jr. High school from R-6 to R-6A. It was moved by Councilman Christensen and seconded by Councilman Harrison! to accept Resolution #91 from the Planning Commission and instruct the City'Attorney to draw an ordinance encompassing the -recommendations included therein. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Harrison, seconded by Councilman Slye to accept the Planning Commission's Resolution #92, recommending the rezoning on 76A W., southerly from Merry Max and across from the Putt Putt Golf Course from R-8•.to RC, and instructing the Attorney to draw an ordinance encompassing this change in the comprehensive plan. Motion carried. RESOLUTION #88 TO HHFA.FOR COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN, Mr. Jim Reid spoke in connection with the proposed application to the Housing and Home Finance Agency for funds for the comprehensive sewer plan of the greater Edmonds area, expansion of the treatment plant, separgtion.of storm water from sanitary sewer, and the resolution needed to file this. It wgs moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Harrison that Resolution #88 be passed, authorizing the filing of the application to the HHFA for the federal funds :for the comprehensive sewer study of the greater Edmonds area. Motion carried. • REPORTS OF COMMITTEES PARK BOARD: Councilman Christensen called on Ron Taylor to report. Mr. Taylor gave each councilman a copy of a report on park sites, etc. Following this, Mr. Christensen suggested the council meet with the Park Board next Tuesday, December 10 at 7:30 at the Civic Center for a work meeting to review the report and discuss a proposed bond issue. WATER COMMITTEE: Councilman Tuson reported on the letter received in answer to the sewer service charge inquiry, stating•the.Attorney General's opinion on this charge as being legal when a city has combined the water and sewer departments such as has Edmonds.. Mr. Shields spoke from the audience concerning this charge, and Mayor McGinness read a portion of the attorney's letter. Mr. Lawson again called attention to the pamphlet that was distributed at meetings prior to the annexation election, and to publicity in both the Edmonds Tribune Review and The Enterprise concerning the $1.40 per month charge. A copy of this pamphlet was handed to Mr. Shields and he stated this was the first time he had seen it. Councilman Tuson requesteda Water Committee meeting following the Park Board meeting next Tuesday night, December 109, for all members of the council. ASSIGNMENT OF NUMBERS FOR COUNCIL POSITIONS According to state law, incumbent councilmen whose offices are subject to the 1964 city election must be assigned position numbers. Numbers were drawn as follows: Councilman Tuson, Position #1; Councilman Harrison, Position #2; Councilman Sorensen, Position #3. Councilman Simpson, being the unexpired term for 2 years was automatically given #+. The position held by Councilman Smets, being the position -of Councilman - at -Large assigned the statutory two year term is not assigned a position number. SET DATE FOR FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL HEARING Wayne Jones recommended January 149, 1964 as the date for hearing the final assessment roll on LID #120. It was moved by Councilman Sorensen, seconded by Councilman Slye that the date of January 14 be set for the hearing on this. Motion carried. LID #119 Mr. Jones also reported in connection with LID #119. He said he had a letter from A & M Construction Equipment Co. requesting an extension of time of 13 working days, explaining the cause of delay was in starting time mn the Highway at 9:30 A. M. and quitting time of 2:30 P.M. They claimed this delay caused loss -of time. They also requested a 30.day P extension due to weather. 1 Mr. Jones recommended the 13 day extension be granted, but to hold off consideration of the extension of time due to weather. With a little.extra effort he felt they might still make up the delay on account of weather. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Christensen that the A & M Constructi.on..Equipment..Co...be. granted.. a 13 day extension of time as requested. Motion cared. The Mayor questioned whether work would be far enough along for the opening of .the Stevens Memorial Hospital on December 22nd, so they would.be connected to the sewer. Mr. Jones thought it would be. pry' Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. �� ��'p�d� • Mr'�-` . x�7" �,- ; �v;, �r v:+:: d:�:r D `.'+F, a a 4e�'" �, r;?F�` '!4 City Clerk