19640218 City Council Minutes170 February 189 1964 • ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tuson, and in the absence of both the City Clerk and Assistant City Clerk due to illness, he appointed Councilman Christensen City Clerk Pro Tem. Councilman Christensen moved that Mrs. Charlotte Leise be appointed Acting City Clerk; seconded by Councilman Sorensen, and the motion carried.., Roll Call showed all councilmen present: Harrison, Smets, Christensen, Slye and Sorensen. APPROVAL OF MINUTES All councilmen having received a copy of the minutes of the council meeting of .February 414, the Mayor asked if there were any corrections or additions. Councilman Christensen mentioned the wording in the minutes wherein City Attorney Murphy reported on Aurora Village partici- pating in the cost of taking care of the runoff. The wording made it sound as though they were participating in the runoff, not the cost.. However, this was not suffieient to ask for a correction in the minutes, and it was moved by Councilman Smets that the minutes of .the meeting of February 4k be accepted; seconded by Councilman Slye, and -the motion carried. HEARING ON PRELIMINARY PETITION FOR ANNEXATION Hearing was held on the preliminary petition for annexation of the area in the neighborhood of 841t W. and 216M S.W. City Attorney Murphy stated that Engineer Wayne Jones had prepared a map of the proposed area for annexation, which he handed to the council. The question for consideration, he stated, was whether or not all property within the territory should be as- sessed and taxed as property in the City of Edmonds, for any outstanding indebtedness.. The preliminary petition was accepted, and Councilman Slye made the motion sec.onded.by.Councilman Smets that all property within the territory hereby sought to be annexed shall be assessedaand taxed at the same rate and -on tixe same basis as property within the, City of Edmonds for any • now outstanding indebtedness of said City, including assessments or taxeb in payment of any bonds issued or debts contracted, prior to or existing at the date of annexation. Motion carried. OFFICIAL CANVASS OF PRIMARY ELECTION The official canvass of the Primary Election of February 119 1964 was read and accepted, and the original issattached to the Minute Book. ATTORNEY'S REPORT Attorney Murphy read a Resolution commending past Councilman Alfred G. Simpson for his good and faithful work as Councilman. It was moved by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councilman Smets that Resolution #919 commending Mr. Simpson be adopted. Motion carried. The Attorney read a Resolution commending past Mayor Sproule McGinness. It was then moved by Councilman Sorensen, seconded by Councilman Slye that Resolution #929 commending Mr. McGinness be adopted, and the motion carried. Attorney Murphy reported that the Planning Commission,during a work meeting, had had brought to their attention through James Astell, Fire Chief, that if the city permits more than one or two more apartment buildings, there is a good chance the fire insurance rates for the entire city will be raised for lack of sufficient ladder truck to service the buildings. They re- quested an Ordinance be drafted limiting the height of buildings to three stories, and to 35 ft. Upon their recommendation, the Attorney had drawn an ordinance. Mr. Lawson reported he had checked with the Rating Bureau and talked with Mr. Braun, who stated where the city has five or more buildings three stories or more high, they must have a ladder truck; four stories, and they must have a mechanical ladder truck that will reach 65 feet up. However, Mr. Braun stated that a survey would be made of the city, and after it is handed to the City, there is one year in which to restore the deficiency and get the necessary truck, before the residents would be penalized and rates increased. Following some discussion, it was decided the Council would take no action on the ordinance at this time. The Attorney stated that Albertson's had made a request for a rezone of an area in the Westgate area near the cemetery'i before the Planning Commission. This was denied by the Planning Commission, and Albertson's had sent a petition to the council appealing the Planning Commissidn's decision. The representative from Albertson's is from Portland, and not present at this council meeting. The City Clerk had advised the gentlemen their matter would not be taken up without someone representing Albertson's being present; therefore, action on this matter will be taken up at the next council meeting. Since the council, members may wish to study the petition in the meantime, Mr. Lawson was asked to see that all councilmen have a copy of the Albertson petition. NORTH END STREET LIGHTS Mayor Tuson reported having received the plan for lighting of the North End area. The money had been budgeted, and we should go ahead with lighting the streets where there is the most pressing need. Mr. Lawson stated this plan provides lighting comparable to that in the Laks Ballinger area, .with new vapor type lights. There is no capital outlay.involved; P.U.D. will supply all the equipment necessary. It was moved -by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison to authorize the P.U.D. to go ahead with lighting the north annexed area, and the motion carried, Mr, Lawson was asked to so notify the P.U.D. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL COMMITTEES Councilman Sorensen, Street Committee, reported they are studying a new plan of LID's, but are not ready to report as yet. 0 Mayor Tuson, for the Water Committee, reported on a meeting in Seattle, wherein Seattle s.' ready to talk to Edmonds about permanent water supply if and when the south area is annexed. i Engineer Wayrie;Jones presented the Final Plat of Highlands Park, approved by the Planning ! Commissi.on., and reported the bond for public improvements had been posted. -,4,, t.er checking the plat.92it,was moved by Councilman Slye and seconded by Councilman Harrieon`t+ at the plat be acc6`'ted.- Motion carried. ! Lawe'on! reported in connection with the capital improvement plan th"e�4c`ounci�; had voted Mr upon-'in September and accepted, wherein the City provides 1/3 and state=4fe`d&ral funds 2/3. ! The•City has sent their share, and the matter is going forward. In reply t�oaa question asked as to what this is for, Mr. Lawson stated this is the .._fiscal study: It`was reported there was a need for reflectors for bad spots on the streets At Sunset and Casper in particular. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE ! Mayor Tuson asked for any comments from the audience. Mr. Shields, 18730 - 94k W. mentioned the need for grading or something on 192nd2 west of 88k, along the side. He also asked -- about lights in the north end area, and was assured the PUD.would.follow their past -pattern, and do the installing as fast as possible. PROPOSAL REGARDING REFUND 1953 AND 1957 BOND ISSUES ' The results of an .investigation .by D. C. Lawson brought forth the following suggestions from. Mr. Carlton L. Nau of the firm of Foster & Marshall, Inc., who had made,a study of the city's' bonded indebtedness: Mr. Nauss suggestion was to refund the $2169000.00 1953 and 1957 Water & Sewer Revenue -Bond issues, which would result in a net saving to the City of Edmonds of $7,023.33, :plus a reduction of one $1000.00 bond, making an overall saving of $89023.33- After a full explanation of the proposal by Mr. Nau, and after due council consideration, it was moved by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councfan Slye to accept the offer of Foster & Marshallq Inc. of their proposal to refinance the bonds, which should show a net saving to Edmonds of roughly $79000- Motion carried. ! j Prior to the motion, Mayor Tuson asked City Treasurer Severson his opinion, and Mr. Severson ! stated if the rates go down, of course it would be better to wait; but we can save money now, actually over $8,0009 as included in the net savings is a $1000. bond; and he felt if ! we can save money now, why not do so. Councilman Sorensen -asked for a meeting of the Street Committee at 7:30 P-M-, on Monday, March ?nd. He asked on the 6 year arterial program, if we have to review this with the j state every so oftenV,and Mr. Lawson said he would look this up. It was reported that a call to Mr. McKay of the State Highway Department revealed that they expect to have the light at 91h and Edmonds Way installed during April. Councilman Harrison stated it was irought up at the Legislative District meeting of the - Association of Washington Cities re#arding the advisability .of financing street. improvements...., with state funds (the Y4 gas tax) with G. 0. bonds in preference to revenue bonds because they are cheaper; and he asked Mr. Nau concerning this. Councilman Sorensen stated such a plan-k4s being considered by the Street Committee and would be discussed at their next meeting. REPORT ON FEED BARN Mrs. Finnigan reported from the audience she had earnest money on the purchase of this property, but since the purchaser planned a condominium there, plans were being somewhat delayed. Howevez19 the people living in that area could feel assured that something would be done soon with this building. Councilman Sorensen -stated he would like to meet with council members and the City Treasurer,. upon the adjournment of this meeting. ;3 Harry Wagner, Presidant of Edmonds Chamber of Commerce, stated from the audience he felt the newspapers were not used enough to.publicize anything new that comes up and he would dike to see the public kept aware of things to a greater degree - the action on the light at Westgate, for instance,. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Mayor_ City Clerk f, r - ;, " 964 Maroh ROLLCMLL` Regular me}e`eng was called to order by Mayor Tuson with Councilmen Harrison, Smte'Es, Christens Slye and Sorensen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES All Councilmen having received a copy of the minutes of the meeting of February 18, Mayor Tuson asked for any corrections or additions. Mr. Lawson mentioned a correction in his report of a talk with Mr. Paul Braun concerning requirement of fire truck ladder reaching 65 ft instead of 85 ft as stated in the minutes sent out. The minute book