19640303 City Council MinutesMayor Tuson, for the Water Committee, reported on a meeting in Seattle, wherein Seattle s.' ready to talk to Edmonds about permanent water supply if and when the south area is annexed. i Engineer Wayrie;Jones presented the Final Plat of Highlands Park, approved by the Planning ! Commissi.on., and reported the bond for public improvements had been posted. -,4,, t.er checking the plat.92it,was moved by Councilman Slye and seconded by Councilman Harrieon`t+ at the plat be acc6`'ted.- Motion carried. ! Lawe'on! reported in connection with the capital improvement plan th"e�4c`ounci�; had voted Mr upon-'in September and accepted, wherein the City provides 1/3 and state=4fe`d&ral funds 2/3. ! The•City has sent their share, and the matter is going forward. In reply t�oaa question asked as to what this is for, Mr. Lawson stated this is the .._fiscal study: It`was reported there was a need for reflectors for bad spots on the streets At Sunset and Casper in particular. COMMENTS FROM AUDIENCE ! Mayor Tuson asked for any comments from the audience. Mr. Shields, 18730 - 94k W. mentioned the need for grading or something on 192nd2 west of 88k, along the side. He also asked -- about lights in the north end area, and was assured the PUD.would.follow their past -pattern, and do the installing as fast as possible. PROPOSAL REGARDING REFUND 1953 AND 1957 BOND ISSUES ' The results of an .investigation .by D. C. Lawson brought forth the following suggestions from. Mr. Carlton L. Nau of the firm of Foster & Marshall, Inc., who had made,a study of the city's' bonded indebtedness: Mr. Nauss suggestion was to refund the $2169000.00 1953 and 1957 Water & Sewer Revenue -Bond issues, which would result in a net saving to the City of Edmonds of $7,023.33, :plus a reduction of one $1000.00 bond, making an overall saving of $89023.33- After a full explanation of the proposal by Mr. Nau, and after due council consideration, it was moved by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councfan Slye to accept the offer of Foster & Marshallq Inc. of their proposal to refinance the bonds, which should show a net saving to Edmonds of roughly $79000- Motion carried. ! j Prior to the motion, Mayor Tuson asked City Treasurer Severson his opinion, and Mr. Severson ! stated if the rates go down, of course it would be better to wait; but we can save money now, actually over $8,0009 as included in the net savings is a $1000. bond; and he felt if ! we can save money now, why not do so. Councilman Sorensen -asked for a meeting of the Street Committee at 7:30 P-M-, on Monday, March ?nd. He asked on the 6 year arterial program, if we have to review this with the j state every so oftenV,and Mr. Lawson said he would look this up. It was reported that a call to Mr. McKay of the State Highway Department revealed that they expect to have the light at 91h and Edmonds Way installed during April. Councilman Harrison stated it was irought up at the Legislative District meeting of the - Association of Washington Cities re#arding the advisability .of financing street. improvements...., with state funds (the Y4 gas tax) with G. 0. bonds in preference to revenue bonds because they are cheaper; and he asked Mr. Nau concerning this. Councilman Sorensen stated such a plan-k4s being considered by the Street Committee and would be discussed at their next meeting. REPORT ON FEED BARN Mrs. Finnigan reported from the audience she had earnest money on the purchase of this property, but since the purchaser planned a condominium there, plans were being somewhat delayed. Howevez19 the people living in that area could feel assured that something would be done soon with this building. Councilman Sorensen -stated he would like to meet with council members and the City Treasurer,. upon the adjournment of this meeting. ;3 Harry Wagner, Presidant of Edmonds Chamber of Commerce, stated from the audience he felt the newspapers were not used enough to.publicize anything new that comes up and he would dike to see the public kept aware of things to a greater degree - the action on the light at Westgate, for instance,. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Mayor_ City Clerk f, r - ;, " 964 Maroh ROLLCMLL` Regular me}e`eng was called to order by Mayor Tuson with Councilmen Harrison, Smte'Es, Christens Slye and Sorensen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES All Councilmen having received a copy of the minutes of the meeting of February 18, Mayor Tuson asked for any corrections or additions. Mr. Lawson mentioned a correction in his report of a talk with Mr. Paul Braun concerning requirement of fire truck ladder reaching 65 ft instead of 85 ft as stated in the minutes sent out. The minute book isstated the corf'ect 65 ft., however. It was moved by Councilman Christensen and seconded by councilman Harrison that the minutes be approved as corrected. Motion carried. OPEN BIDS ON SEWER RODDING EQUIPMENT v Bids were opened on sewer rodding equipment for the Water -Sewer Department: Air Mac, Inc., Seattle. $4,467.40 including sales tax. The August Agency, Seattle $39832.05 to Bids were given to Supt. Moran and Supv. Lawson to check, and later in the meeting they recommended acceptance of the low bid. A motion was made by Councklman Sorensen and seconded by Councilman Slye that the bid of the August Agency for sewer rodding equipment in the amount of $3,832.05 including tax be accepted, and the motion carried. OPEN BIDS ON h TON PICK-UP TRUCK Three bids were submitted on the 36 ton Pick Up truck. They were: Bill Blume Chevrolet $2,389.94 plus sales tax Edmonds Motor Co. ' $2,445.17 with excise tax deducted. Motor Trucks, Inc., Everett $2,666.35 including sales tax. These bids, after being given to the Supt. of Public Works for checking, were krought back with the recommendation that the low bid be accepted, and that all met the requirements on the specifications. Therefore, it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison that the City accept the low bid of Bill Blume Chevrolet in the amount of $2389.94 plus tax for the 16 ton Pick Up truck. Motion carried. OPEN BIDS ON LOADER BACK HOE COMBINATION • Bids on a loader back hoe combination were opened as follows: N C Machinery Co., Seattle $229990.24 including tax Air Mac, Inc., Seattle $179560.00 plus tax Evans Engine & Equipment Co., Inc. $14,820.00 including tax Howard Cooper Corporation, Seattle $16,645.20 including tax Star Machinery Co., Seattle $149576.64 including tax After checking of the bids by Supt. Moran and Su.Vv. Lawson, it.was recommended to the council to accept the low bid, as it met with the specifications. A motion was made by Councilman Christensen,.seconded by Councilman Harrison thatthe bid of Star Machinery Co. for a Trojan Loader Back Hoe combination be acceptedfor the amount of $149576.64 including tax. Motion carried. AUDITING OF BILLS Councilman Slye reported that all the regular monthly bills had been audited, and he moved these bills be paid. Seconded by Councilman Sorensen, and the motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that the bills against LID #119 be paid: A & M Construction Co., contractor's final estimate in the amount of $23,837.85; Jerald C. Hall, last half attorney's fee, $1863.45; Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc., final engineering fee, $3,334.43; and that the City Clerk be authorized to issue interest bearing warrants in the amount of $2.9,035.73 to Southwick, Campbell, Waterman Co. to cover these bills. Motion carried. The City Clerk reported that she had a check from A & M Construction Co. for asphalt . work on LID #119 in the amount of $19509.17. Councilman Slye moved, seconded by Councilman Sorensen.that the bill to Edmonds Tribune Review for printing on LID #120 be paid in the amount of $23.68. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE The City Clerk read a letter sent to Mayor Tuson from the Edmonds Arts Festival, Harold E. Kloes, President, requesting that the City Council and Mayor consider the possible use of the new Civic Center for the Art Festival this year on June 12, 139 14. Mr. Al Kincaid spoke on behalf of this reauest, advising it was difficult to display the art objects in'the old City Hall where the Festival kas held last year. After some dis- cussion, it was moved by Councilman Slye and seconded by Councilman Christensen that the Council go on record as approving the request of the Edmonds Arts Festival and that the Committee be notified that they are welcome to use the Civic Center facilities this year. Motion carried. A letter from 0. S. Jones, D. C., requesting permitting the residents fronting on Edmonds Way to connect to the sewer where property owners desire it was referred to the Water Committee and given to Mr. Lawson to answer. A letter from Mr. Klang of Albertson's Store stated he would appreciate it i2 the hearing on their appeal could be held over until the next regular council meeting. A letter was read from A. F. Frederickson to the Water Dept., concerning a request for establishment of grade on Bell Street, east of 91� N. This w4s given to Supt.-,Moran., Another latter from A. F. Frederickson concerning extending of the water main to the same area was referred to Supt. Moran and the Water Committee. A copy of a letter written by Alfred 0. Holte to Mr. Val Rupeiks was read to council, • regarding the cost of drafting, printing, and meeting with the Planning Commission, for which the firm of Clark, Coleman, Rupeiks had earned $2,731.30, and recommending to the Mayor and Council that this was faii-ly earned. There followed some discussion on this. It is understood this covers work done on zoning, inaddition to that done under the original contract for the Comprehensive Plan; that Mr. Rupeiks had contributed 41% and Cr the bill for $2,731.30 was for 59%. No action was taken, but before this is paid from Planning Commission funds, Councilman Christensen suggested that Mr. Lawson investigate and report on this at the next meeting. , It was mated by Councilman Sorensen, seconded by Councilman Slye that April 7th be set as the date for hearing on the final assessment roll on LID #119. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Sorensen and seconded by CounciMan Slye that April 71 be set as the date for opening bids on paying under LID #123 (Fir, Pine, 814 & "B" Sts.) ATTORNEY'S REPORT Attorney Murphy presented a preliminary letter of annexation request from Edmonds School District #15 for the area where Chase Lake School is to be built. It was accompanied by a Petition for Annexation with map. Attorney Murphy stated there is no minute entry required for this annexation saying they will assume the bonded indebtedness as the school does not pay this. Therefore, it was moved by Councilman Slye and seconded by Councilman Smets that the council accept the Preliminary Letter of Request, and set March 17k as the date for Hearing on the Annexation. Motion carried. The School District also submitted a petition for vacation of a street, together with map of the vacation. Attorney Murphy had prepared a Resoltuion for action on April7V�g as it is required to give 16 to 20 days notice of Hearing for vacation of a street. It was therefore mo ved by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councilman Slye to adopt Resolution #93 on vacating the street, if the annexation is approved on April M Motion • carried. The City Attorney then presented an Ordinance proididing for a new license fee on pinball machines, and repealing Ordinance'#864. At present, the fee is $25.00 per machine per month. The new ordinance would establish a fee of.$40.00 permmachine per month; prohibit any payoff; and prohibit placing the machines in any place where minors are allowed. Councilman Christensen stated he feels the increase in fee is not the answer; he reminded the council when these machines were allowed in several years ago, it was decided if the law was violated, "out they go". It was reported that Edmonds Tavern was caught giving a payoff on a machine, and the two men playing the machine are now in the City Jail. They are not from Edmond*s,. and were found with equipment of the type used in causing the machines to tot4l up high scores. Chief of Police Grimstad reported this was the first violation of the ordinance in four years. The Mayor then asked the owner of the Tavern, Mr. Arnold Moore, if he wished to speak. He explained that an empl-oyee had been forced into the payoff; that it was the first violation, to his knowledge; also that the two machines in his Tavern did help his business. It was then moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sorensen that Ordinance #1041 be passed, and the motion carried. Councilman Christensen then requested the appointment by the Mayor of,a committee of three to study the legal and policy questions of the City with reppect to whether we should permit any pinball machines. Mayor Tuson appointed Councilmen Christensen and Slye and stated they could pick a third member from the new council at the next meeting, when it would be known who had been elected to office. Attorney Murphy then presented an ordinance prepared by Mr. James Gay, regarding the refinancing of Water -Sewer bonds by Foster & Marshall.- It was moved by Councilman Slye and seconded by Councilman Harrison that Ordinance#1042 be passed. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION . Mayor Tuson appointed Mrs. Ava M. Patterson of the Lake Ballinger area to the Planning Commission. It was moved by Councilman Christensen, seconded by Councilman Smets that this appointment be confirmed. Motion carried. REPORTS FROM COUNCIL COMMITTEES Councilman Sorensen of the Street Committee reported that a meeting held March 2nd was to discuss LID procedures and also the vacation of the street for the school. Councilman Christensen for the Park Board reported as a matter of information, the consideration of co -sponsoring a Junior Yacht Club sailing program for youth, under the Recreation Director and Junior Yacht Club. He also mentioned plans to present the matter of the Bond Issue to be on the November ballot for Park site acquisition; they will need a little money to organizd materials and make proper presentation, and are considering asking for voluntary contributions from the people. The Park Board is studying possible development of waterfront,, also existing parks - some within the budget, some beyond the budget, to see what the need is, and to move ahead this year as much as possible on existing parks. He reported there is apparently a problem scheduling use of City Park fields. Ron Taylor is working out a schedule for this, and will have a recommendation. All the available sites could be used for Little League, but the Park Board feels the City Parks should be made available to other groups also. Councilman Harrison reported on the Southwest Joint Planning Council voting to postpone any action as far as Plan 701 funds until the new city councils have taken office. In the meantime, the part-time Planning Director will make himself busy working with the various Planning Commissions on their problems. Mayor Tuson reported on a meeting of the Building Code Committee with contractors in the area. 0 AUDIENCE I L_J • 1 11 1 1 Mr. H. B. Cunningham, 18721 - 84�m W. spoke from the audience, stating he had spent time and money making his property a credit to the area, with authentic oriental gardens and planting of grass. He had posted signs to please not walk on the grass, and reported these signs, as well as a reflector on a rockery had been removed by the City. Mr. Lawson stated he was somewhat familiar with.this situation, and explained the signs were in the walkway, not on Mr. Cunningham's property; and if the children walking to and from school did not walk on his grass, which was in the public right of way, they would be having to walk in the street. Mayor Tuson agreed that Mr. Cunningham should have been notified by the city before the removal of the signs, but he explained the signs could not prevent people from walking on the grasst:under the circumstances. It was agreed there would be no objection to Mr. Cunningham's placing his signs on his fence, as long as they were not on public property. Mr. Lawson reported the North End Edmonds Annexation Committee had $5.81 left in its checking account, and wished to give this to the City. The Council agreed to donate this to the Library Fund, and the check was given to the City Clerk to see that this was done. Meeting was then adjourned. or March 17, 1964 ROLL CALL Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Tuson with Councilmen Harrison, Christensen, Slye and Sorensen present. Absent: Councilman Smets. APPROVAL OF MINUTES All councilmen having received a copy of the minutes of the council meeting of March 3rd, the Mayor asked for any corrections or additions. City Attorney Murphy reported an error on Page 3, top line; that it should read 20 to 60 days notice of vacation of street. It -was then moved by Councilman Slye and seconded by Councilman Harrison that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as corrected,•and the motion carried. OFFICIAL ELECTION RETURNS The Mayor asked the City Clerk to read the official canvass of the election held on March 101'. The certified results are attached to the minute book and become a part of the minutes of this meeting. A motion was made by Counci:lman._Christe.nsen,. seconded by Councilman Slye to accept the canvass of the election as official. Motion carried. OATH OF OFFICE - UNEXPIRED COUNCIL TERM Councilman -elect Howard A. Olds was sworn into office to fill the unexpired term of Council Position #+. Judge Wm. Goulder administered the oath to Mr. Olds. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from L. K. Wilder, 1010 Carol Way, concerning permission for the removal of gravel from the harbor in two stages over a two year period - approximately 60 days at a time - with the surplus sand to be hauled back and deposited on the Edmonds City Beach. City Attorney Murphy reported he and Supt. of Public Works Moran had met with Mr. Wilder, and informed him they had no authority to grant permission for this; that it must be brought before the council. Mayor Tuson stated he would prefer to hold action on this matter until the first meeting when the new Mayor and council would be present. HEARING ON PETITION FOR ANNEXATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT #15 CHASE LAKE PROPERTY Hearing was held on the petition for annexation of the property to be used for the building of the school at Chase Lake. There were no objections, and it was moved by Councilman Harrison, seconded by Councilman Slye that Ordinance #1043 be passed, annexing this property to the City of Edmonds. Motion carried. COMMITTEE TO STUDY PINBALL PROBLHM The Mayor stated it was planned to appoint at this meeting a third member of the council to serve on the committee to study legal and policy questions on pinball machines; however, he would prefer to wait until the next meeting when the new Mayor would preside. REPORT ON ZONING WORK DONE BY RUPEIKS The Mayor called on Don Lawson for a report on zoning work done by Mr. Rupeiks for the Planning Commission, at a charge of $2,731.30. Supv. Lawson stated this was for work done in excess of the amount contracted for in the Comprehensive Plan. He said he had contacted Mr. Holte and Mr. Rupeiks' office, and found that the work had been authorized 0