19660118 City Council Minutes• Committee of the council for 1966. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Bevan that proposed Resolution #123 be passed, reappointing Councilmen Slye, Olds, and Kincaid to the 1966 Auditing Committee. Motion carried. PROPOSED RE-ROUTING OF lOsb AVENUE A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Slye that the Planning Commission be requested to hold hearings on a proposal to amend the comprehensive street plan for re-routing of 10tb Avenue. Motion carried. REPORT ON LID #141 - PROTESTS The Engineer reported that the protests received on LID #141, paving of 81b Avenue., Dayton to Maple amounted to 22.8%. PROPOSED FERRY TRAFFIC RE-ROUTING ' A revised proposal for re-routing of the ferry traffic had been received from the State Highway Dept., and after study it was moved by Councilman Bevan, seconded by Councilman Olds that the proposed route from the State Highway Dept. be approved and the Engineer be authorized to proceed with the program, which would transfer Walnut Street between 3rd and 50 Avenues, and 3rd Avenue between Walnut and Main to the state highway system, with the subsequent return of 5% Avenue between Walnut and Main, and Main between 50 and 3rd Avenues to the city. A roll call vote showed 4 councilmen voting in favor; Slye and Kincaid against, and the motion carried.. REPORT ON WATER SUPPLY PROGRESS A letter was received from the City of Seattle stating that it would be willing to supply the City of Edmonds with water to serve all mains on the old Edmonds system as well as all those areas now being served with Seattle water. It was therefore moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded • by Councilman Slye to authorize Carlton Nau of Foster & Marshall, Inc. to begin preliminary work for the financing of required new supply mains. Motion carried. It was then moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid to authorize the Mayor to proceed with negotiations with Reid, -Middleton & Associates, Inc. as to the cost for engineer- ing on the water supply proposal. Motion carried. A motion was also made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye to instruct the Attorney to proceed with the legal steps necessary to change the Ballinger area water system over to the City of Edmonds system. Motion carried. DRIFTWOOD PLAYERS - CONCERNING PROPERTY FOR NEW PLAYHOUSE Mr. Wade James was present to report to the council that in anticipation of a building grant from PONCHO, the Driftwood Players would need a letter from the city stating its proposal for leasing of land to them. It was moved by Councilman Bevan, seconded by Councilman Kincaid to authorize the Mayor to give the Driftwood Players, Inc. a letter concerning leasing of property.' Motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting w ad ourned. City Clerk M r January 189 1966 ROLL CALL • Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Maxwell with all councilmen present except Kincaid.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the January 4k council meeting had been posted and distributed, and since there were no omissions nor corrections, they stood approved'as presented. HEARING - PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - PROPOSED PAVING OF 1214 S.E. Hearing was held on the preliminary assessment roll for Resolution of Intention #1919 proposed paving of 1214 S.E. from 25th S. to Highway 99. Engineer Wayne Jones.explained the scope and cost of the project, which would be $10.00 per zone front foot with side- walks on both sides. Hearing was then opened. One letter of protest from Robert Bolz was received, and a petition with signatures of 8 property owners. Attorney Donald Senter spoke in opposition to the improvement, representing Mr. Robert Bloz; also voicing protests were F. E. Roberts, F. E. Gibbs, H. B. Nielsen and Arthur Rodine. After hearing from all who wished to speak, the hearing was closed. The Engineer was given the protests, and later reported that they did not amount to a percentage sufficient to stop the project at this time, and it was therefore moved by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Olds that proposed Ordinance #1171 be passed, creating LID '143. A roll call showed'a unanimous vote in favor, and the motion carried. HEARING - PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - PROPOSED RAILROAD AVE. AND VICINITY SEWER Hearing was opened on the preliminary assessment roll for Resolution of Intention #1939 proposed sewering of Railroad Avenue and vicinity. Engineer Jones explained the project and the fact that the city was going to pay the cost of the pumping station to help lower _______ the assessments. There were two written protests - from A. V. Allbery and Howard V. • 27 Anderson. Council also discussed the question of the ferry dock being included in this LID, and it was decided to contact them and see if they would contribute to the project. After hearing from all who wished to speak, the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Council- man Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Ordinance #1172 be passed, creating LID #138. A roll call vote showed all councilmen in favor, and the motion carried unani- mously. HEARING - PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - PROPOSED PAVING OF ALOHA, 71' TO 814 Hearing was held on Resolution of Intention #1920 proposed paving of Aloha, 714 to 8t'. Engineer Wayne Jones explained the scope and cost of the project. There were three written protests received, from Henning, Neal, and Anderson. Hearing was then opened. There was discussion on the number of protests needed, and after hearing from all persons who wished to speak on the project, the hearing was declared closed. A motion was made by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Bevan that proposed Ordinance #1173 be passed, creating LID #144. A roll call vote was taken, and there were 5 councilmen in favor, Harrison against, and the motion carried. AUDITING OF REGULAR MONTHLY BILLS It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Olds that the City Clerk be authorized to issue warrants #2900 through #3025 in payment of the regular monthly bills. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Maxwell acknowledged a note received from Anita Busch thanking the city for the reception given her when she retired. A letter was received from the PUD advising of a new policy in connection with street lighting replacement over a four year period. The program would replace the old incandescent street lights with the new mercury vapor type. At the Mayor's request, the PUD submitted a plan for improving the street lighting in the West- gate and Five Corners areas by immediate replacement with mercury vapor lighting, and that. the cost to the city would be an estimated $15.35 and $30.85 more per month on the present charges, for street lighting. Upon the recommendation of the Mayor, it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the PUD be instructed to proceed with the improved street lighting program as outlined. Motion carried. An answer bras received from the PUD in regard to the city's request for an estimate on under- ground wiring on 9t from Casper to Westgate. The estimate was $265,248.009 of which the PUD would absorb $669685.00. This was held for further study. PETITION FOR LID A petition was received for a sewer LID on Alder from 8k to 91'g and on 8M from Walnut to Maple. This was referred to the Engineer. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Mayor Maxwell confirmed the appointments of the following members of the Civil Service Commission: Meredith Stokes, appointed on June 179 1964 and term ending June 169 1970; Harold Buckling appointed June 17, 1962, and term ending June 16, 1968; and King Bailey, appointed June 17, 1960, term ending June 16, 1966. PROPOSED ORDINANCE PERTAINING TO CLAIMS VOUCHERS A proposed ordinance was introduced for its first reading which would bring the Edmonds City Code into line with the state law regarding the signing of claims vouchers. JIM DAVIS PROPERTY APPRAISAL - REPORT It was reported that the Jim Davis property at Perrinville, known as Tract 89 Block 2, Admiralty Acres, had been appraised at $5,5OO.00. A motion was made by Councilman Olds, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the Mayor be authorized to offer to purchase this property from the owners at the $5,500.00 as appraised. Motion carried. PROPOSED PURCHASE OF OFFICE MACHINE It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Harrison that a call for bids to be opened on January 28 be authorized for an office machine for billing in the Water -Sewer Dept. Motion carried. BRIEFING ON AIR POLLUTION CONTROL It was recommended by Attorney Murphyg who had been instructed to investigate the air pollution control program, that the city should not at this time pass'any ordinances pertaining to this problem, but first schedule a meeting with Mr. Stockman, the state director of air pollution control. It was decided that this would be done. PROPOSED 15k AND PINE TOT -LOT A petition had been received asking for a tot -lot at 151� and Pine. Investigation by the Park Board showed that a play lot was needed in that vicinity. However, it was brought out that this particular piece of property was at one time a rabbit farm, and on advice of the attorney, it was decided to look elsewhere in that vicinity for property for a playlot. • • 1 • H 40 271 • EXTENSION OF RETIREMENT DATE FOR POLICE CHIEF A letter from Statewide City Employees Retirement -System notified the city that the Police Chief's retirement at age 55 would be this year.unless the council decided to extend his length of service. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that Statewide CERS be advised that Police Chief Grimstad's.rre.tirement date would be extended one year. Motion carried. RESOLUTION COMMENDING.ANITA BUSCH A proposed Resolution was brought to council, -commending Anita Busch for her many years of faithful service with the City of Edmonds, and it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman McGinness that proposed Resolution #124 be passed. Motion carried. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TRAFFIC ORDINANCE - FIRST READING A proposed amendment to the traffic ordinance - for restriction of parkingon the west side of 51� Avenue from the 600 block to Elm Street was introduced for its first reading. SET HEARINGS ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS Planning Commission Resolutions #153 and #154 were presented, recommending the amendment of the comprehensive plan and zoning of the newly annexed North Ballinger five acres. It was -moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison that the hearings on Planning Commission Resolutions ,-'#153 and #154 be set for February 1. Motion carried. Planning Commission Resolutions #155,.156, and 157 were presented, recommending a change in the comprehensive plan and rezone of a piece of property, and an amendment to the zoning to allow beauty shops in professional buildings with certain restrictions. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison that hearings on Planning Commission • Resolutions #1559 156, and 157 be set for February 1. Motion carried. Mayor Maxwell reported that he had discussed fees for engineering services with Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. and had come up with an 8% maximum, and other fees on a time basis. It was decided to draw up a notice on underground wiring and the charges connected with it for 9M from Casper to Westgate and distribute it to property owners before the LID hearing for that area, to get an idea of how the people feel about this proposed improvement. There was no further business, and the meeting was ad 1�" City Clerk MINUTES OF HEARING - January 25, 1966 This was the night set for the hearing on the preliminary assessment roll for Unit #1 sewers. Meeting was called to order by Mayor Maxwell with all councilmen present. The Mayor read the Resolution of Intention for this proposed LID and also explained the health problem. Con- sulting Engineer Wayne Jones then explained the scope and cost of the project, which was estimated at $7.37 per zone front foot. He also showed on the blackboard the method of assessment under the zone and termini method. Mayor Maxwell outlined. the method of LID assessment payments. Hearing was then opened. One gentleman asked how many pieces of property were involved in this, and was answered approximately 1300. Mr. Clark asked if the sewer was to be designed with the city's growth in mind. Roger Jones stated that he felt when this amount of money was involved, more than one engineering firm should be consulted. Besides standing room only in the Council Chambers, there were many people in the lobby who could not.hear the proceedings, and it was therefore moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the hearing be continued to Monday, January 31 at 7:30 E.M. in the Edmonds Junior High School auditorium. Motion carried. Janaury 319 1966 Continued hearing on the preliminary assessment roll for Unit #1 sewers was reopened by Mayor Pro Tem Tuson in the Edmonds Junior High School auditorium, with Councilmen Olds, Harrison, McGinness, and Kincaid present. There were approximately 340 people in the audience. Engineer Larson explained the background of the LID: (1) the petitions received, (2) the letter from the health officer stating the health hazard, and (3) the letter from the Snohomish County Health Department recommending severing of the area. It was then stating that a comprehensive sewer plan had been prepared by Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. and Unit #1 was first on the 16riority list. Engineer Wayne Jones then reviewed the preliminary estimate costs and explained again the zone and termini method of assessment with the aid of slides. Michael Howard, 18414 S.W., asked where copies were of the comprehensive sewer plan. Mr. Kenny asked how many lineal feet were in the main truck line. Mr. Henderson stated he had asked where the comprehensive sewer plan was kept, and was sent from the Engineer's office to Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. Helen Powers asked to have the report from the health. officer read, and this -was done. W. B. Ramsey, Sierra Drive, asked what provisions would be made for drainage of areas which formed veritable lakes after a heavy rain. He was told drainage would be taken care of eventually in a unit separate from Unit #1. Frances aampson asked, and found out, that she was excluded from the LID, but would be able to connect to the trunk line on a latecomer agreement . Mr. Graham complained that he had not received an assessment notice. Mr. Cunningham read a letter of protest which he had written to the