19660621 City Council Minutes294 • pipe joints and water heating appliances; and (3) Amendment to the Traffic Ordinance concerning parking restrictions for the rerouting of state highway #104. There were two Edmonds businessmen present to discuss the parking restrictions ih the proposed amendment, and council heard their views on this subject. AUTHORIZE CALL FOR BIDS ON 16 TON PICKUP TRUCK FOR WATER DEPT. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilmah Slye that the City authorize a call for bids on a y2 ton pickup truck for the Water Dept., bids to be opened on Friday, July 1 at 2:00 P.M. in the Mayor's office. Motion carried. CHANGE IN PRELIMINARY HEARING DATE FOR UNIT # 4 SEWERS Because of the size of the assessment roll, and the resulting large audience expected, it was decided to hold the hearing on the preliminary assessment roll for Unit # 4 sewers in the Junior High school auditorium on a night other than that of a regular council meeting. It was therefore moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution of Intention amending the hearing date on Unit # 4 sewers to read September 13 instead of September 6. Motion carried. REAPPOINTMENT TO CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Mayor Maxwell reappointed Kingman Bailey as member of the Civil Service Commission, 6 year term to expire June 16, 1972. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman McGinness that the Mayor's reappointment of Kingman Bailey to the Civil Service Commission be confirmed. Motion carried. MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE Councilman McGinness stated that he had attended the service at the Junior High school on Memorial Day and was very impressed with the entire program, and he therefore made a motion, seconded by Councilman Bevan that the City of Edmonds go on record as giving due recognition to the ceremonies and so advise and congratulate the people responsible for the occasion. Motion carried. There was no further business, -and the meeting was declared adjourned. City Clerk June 21, 1966 ROLL CALL Mayor Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Maxwell with all councilmen present except Olds. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1t The minutes of the council meeting of June 7 had been posted and mailed, and since there were no omissions nor corrections, they stood approved as presented. HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - PROPOSED PAVING OF 51� S.E. TO HIGHWAY 99 Hearing was held on Resolution of Intention #200, proposed paving of 51� S.E. to Highway 99• Attorney Murphy was asked by the Mayor to explain the state statutes that provide for improve- ments done by the City outside the city limits, since this proposed LID would encompass a part of the county, with some county residents being assessed. Engineer Larson explained the scope and cost of the project, and the zone and termini method of assessment. Attorney Murphy then advised that arterial funds used ' outside city limits on this project would be a proper expenditure in his judgment. Hearing was then opened. Calvin Schnell, 2661 - 5k S.E., questioned putting in paving before sewers, and was told that if the project should go ahead, sewers would be put in first, and an additional $5.50 per zone front foot would be charged city residents to connect. Mr. St. Pierre, 7209 - 2121' S.W., a kennel owner, felt the county residents should be intitled to share sewer privileges if they were included in the street paving project, without having to annex'to the city. He stated he did not wish to annex unless the zoning would be commercial instead of the multiple zoning which shows on Edmonds' comprehensive plan for the area. Gordon Hoyt, a county resident, asked how the county portion came to be included in this proposed project, and this was explained to him. Another gentleman on 212k said that everyone living in the area is satisfied with the present county zoning and wouldn't care to change. Most of the interest in the county was for sewers and water mains to be installed before the paving, and this was assured so the street would not have to be torn up in the future for these utilities. No one else in the audience wished to comment, and the hearing was closed. The Mayor explained the 30 day protest period from the date of passage of the ordinance creating an LID, but in this dase, no ordinance was passed at this meeting as further study was to be given the project due to the county inclusion. A county resident asked about annexation, and the various methods were explained. HEARING: PROPOSED VACATION OF FRONT STREET The Engineer gave an explanation of the proposed vacation, and hearing was opened. Tom Dunstone, representing Parker Plaza, stated that the deed had been submitted to the City as part of the exchange for the revised street alignment. No one else wished to speak on the matter, and the hearing was closed. It was moved by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Ordinance #1213 be passed, and the motion carried unanimously. 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 • HEARING: PETITION FOR VACATION OF ALLEY 89' TO 9M BETWEEN DAYTON & MAPLE A petition had been received for vacation of the f,lley from 81' to 9k between Dayton and Maple. The City Engineer recommended that this alley be retained by the City for possible future installation of utilities or other public uses. Hearing was then opened. Floyd E. Smith, 814 Dayton, did not agree with the Engineer as he stated that all utilities are in except for possible underground burial of wires, which is stated in the petition as being allowed as required. Mr. Osgood, 842 Dayton, agreed the alley should be vacated and said he -did not want traffic in the alley. Bill Wilson, 857 Maple, stated he did not want the alley vacated as he for one did not want ahy eJttra footage added to his property because of the extra taxes he would be charged.' After discussion, it was moved by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Bevan that since two of the property owners using this alley were not in favor of the vacation, the council would deny the request for vacation. Motion carried unanimously. PROPOSED ORDINANCE: CONDEMNATION OF STRICKLAND WATERFRONT PROPERTY This proposed ordinance had been tabled _from the council meeting of May 3. A letter from James E. Webster, Parks and Recreation Consultant for the Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission, was read wherein he recommended purchase and development of the Edmonds waterfront west of the railroad tracks north to, and including, the Strickland property, with access at Ocean Ave. and at the Strickland property-;: which would give the public approximately 1/ miles of waterfront recreation area. He further recommended the Meadowdale Country Club property as. a regional park site to be purchase possibly with Lynnwood and the County so as to be used as a -county facility. Three letters of protest against purchase of the Strickland property for a park site were read from Mr. and Mrs. Russell Cornish, Norman A. Eckert, Jr., and June C. Shultz. There were several interested property owners from the area in the audience. Mr. Harold Dudley stated that when the tide is in, there is very little, if any, beach. Fremont Case said that policing on the beach now that it is private property is a problem, and what would it be if it were public. Also he mentioned the problem of crossing the tracks. Mr. Nelson, 741 Melbdy Lane, was concerned about the parking if there were an access at Ocean Avenue, and he felt a public • beach in the vicinity would ruin valuable property. Horace Propst stated he had studied the area and felt. that the State Parks and Recreation Consultant was looking at this matter rather superficially because he felt there was not enough room for the number of people mentioned in the report. He added that policing of the area would be a problem and the people of Edmonds would be paying for this service while the facilities would be used by non -Edmonds residents. Also he mentioned that the poor access to the area was a bad feature. Jerry Robbins, 81 N., told the council that Mrs. Hunter had for years been trying to get access over the railroad tracks and couldn't, so how could the City expect to do better. Captain Petter Sater said he owned beach land and tries to police his property, but that it is a difficult job. He suggested that the City could purchase all the property along the beach from the ferry dock to the north limits and build a breakwater with docks jutting out from it for fishing. He felt people would be happy to pay a small fee for fishing from these docks. He mentioned the same thing having been done in Texas and it was a marvelous source of revenue. Although there were bound to be some problems, he added the police could patrol the area as they do all present public parts of the City. Florence Hodges, Cary Road, stated that she was against the acquiring of the Strickland property. Everyone who wished having had a chance to speak from the audience, council was then asked for their opinions. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Bevan that the proposed ordinance be taken off the table from the May 3 meeting. A roll call vote showed Councilmen Tuson, Slye, McGinness and Bevan voting in favor; Councilmen Harrison and Kincaid voting against, and the matter was taken off the table for action. Councilman Harrison then spoke against the condemnation of the property, stating that he Felt it was better at this time to spend city money for purchase of tidelands, not parking areas, and the city should purchase the tidelands from the ferry dock as far north as it could go. Councilman Bevan did not feel that the State recommehdation was a complete report. Councilman Kincaid believed that there were other areas that could be developed at less expense, and the area south of the boat harbor seemed to be very popular with most people using the waterfront. Councilman McGinness said the report from the State was incomplete on park sites, and nothing had changed his mind that the Strickland property was not desirable for a public park site; the access was poor; and the primary objective of the City was to acquire tidelands. The -pending motion, having been made and seconded at the May 3'meeting, was to pass the proposed ordinance, condemning the Strickland waterfront property for a park site. A roll call vote was taken, with all councilmen voting against except Slye, and the motion failed to carry. AUDITING OF REGULAR MONTHLY BILLS A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the City Clerk be authorized to issue warrants -#3590 through #3744 in the total amount of $115,399.83 to pay the regular monthly bills. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Harrison that estimate #3 as per contract agreement for the installation of the 12" water main in the amount of $12,363.66 be paid to Taylor Utilities Construction Co. with an interest warrant against the Water -Sewer Revenue Bond issue. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE A request for 8 fireworks stands was submitted, approved by the Fire Chief after all require- ments had been met, and it was moved by -Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison that the 8 fireworks stands be authorized at the following locations: Amaranth #56 at 141 Dayton Street and 828 Edmonds Way; American Legion Post #66 at 61� and Dayton and 620 Edmonds Way; Edmonds Jr. Chamber of Commerce at Andy's Boat House parking lot and Robin Hood Lanes parking lot; Job's Daughters, Bethel #50 at 1677 Main Street; and Shor&line Jr. Chamber of Commerce at the vacant lot adjoining 24200 - 7614 W. Motion carried. A request was received from the Planning Commission that action be initiated to revise the sub -division code, and that Rod Gilchrist and a city staff be authorized to proceed with study for recommendations. Council was in favor of this, and the Mayor will so authorize. CJ 296 A letter was read from Wally Nelskog, Televue of Edmonds, stating that a contract to construct the Edmonds cable system for a September 1 use had been let. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION A letter of request for approval of a petition for annexation was received from Yngve Ehglen, 7703 - 2241' S.W. The area was described as bounded by 76:' Ave. W. on the west, the west side of 781' Ave. W. on the east, the present city limits at approximately 2262' S.W. on the south, 4nd both sides of 2241' S.W. on the north. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Harrison to authorize the Engineer to study the area and then give a mpa showing the area of logical service to the Attorney for drawing of a petition for 75% signatures, with assumption of the --.City of Edmonds indebtedness on the petition. Motion carried. REPORT ON BID OPENINGS: LID #145 AND #146 Bids had been opened on LID #145, sewers on 81' from Maple to Alder in the office of the Mayor on Monday, June 20 at 2:00 P.M. Present at bid opening were the Mayor, City Clerk, City Supervisor, City Engineer and representatives from companies submitting bids. There was one bid on LID #145: Taylor Ptilities Construction Co. $ 99248.00 This was above the Engineer's estimate, and council decided to check with the people on the assessment roll before accepting the bid, as the project will cost them more than anticipated: It was therefore moved by Councilman Bevan, seconded by Councilman Harrison to authorize acceptance of the bid on LID 7#145 of Taylor Utilities Construction Co. in the amount of $9,248.00 subject to a check of the property owners to see if they are agreeable to the extra cost of approximately 15/. Motion carried. Bids had been opened on LID #146, watermains for 1641� S.W. (Meadowdale area) at the same time and place as for LID #145. Bids for the waterworks materials were: Pacific Water Works Supply Co., Inc. $ 5,920.40 Pacific States C. I. Pipe Co. 59695.69 with no bid on some items N.W. Supply Co. 5,694.67 Bids for the construction were: Taylor Utilities Construction Co. $ 3,540.00 Lynnwood Construction 2,814.00 It was recommended that the low bids in both cases be accepted, and a motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Harrison that Lynnwood Construction Co. be awarded the bid for the construction on LID #146 for $2,814.00 and N. W. Supply Co. be awarded the contract to supply the.materials for $5,694.67. Motion carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCES FOR SECOND READING: ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, TRAFFIC The ordinances having come before the council for their second reading, it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Ordinance #1214 be passed, adopting the National Electrical Code, 1965 Edition. Motion carried unanimously. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Ordinance #1215 be passed, amending the Plumbing Code in regard to water heating appliances and cast iron Pape joints. Motion carried unanimously. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Bevan that proposed Ordinance #1216 be passed, amending the Traffic ordinance regarding rerouting of ferry traffic. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AMENDING HEARING DATE ON UNIT # 4 SEWERS • It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Resolution of Intention #204 be passed, repealing Resolution of Intention #201, setting the date of hearing on the preliminary assessment roll for Unit ## 4 sewers to September 13 at the Edmonds Junior High School auditorium. Motioh carried. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION AMENDING HEARING DATE ON MAIN STREET SEWERS A motion was made by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Resolution of Intention 7�205 be passed, repealing Resolution of Intention #2039 setting the date of hearing on the preliminary assessment roll for Main Street sewers to August 2. Motion carried. CITY OF BRIER REQUEST FOR SEWERS _ Regarding the request from Brier for sewering, a report from Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. was read wherein extra gallonage and sludge figures were estimated, and after consideration it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that in answer to Brier's request for information on the availability of sewage disposal, Edmonds does not wish to extend its service area at this time. Motion carried unanimously. ACTION ON OLYMPIC VIEW WATER DISTRICT COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN The Engineer's -report was read regarding the request from the Olympic View Water District, and the Attorney's report was read in the form of a letter to the O.V.W.District's Commissioners in which he stated that the proposed plan would duplicate facilities as well as put a financial burdbn on some property owners should they in the future annex to the City of Edmonds. There- fore, he recommended that the City of Edmonds reject the proposal of the Olympic View Water District, and suggested a simultaneous election where the people to be involved would have chance to vote on both the sewer district plan and annexation to the City of Edmonds. Following these reports, it was moved by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Harrison that the Attorney's letter as read be sent to Olympic View Water District in reply to their 40 1 97'� • request for approval of their comprehensive sewer plan. Motion carried unanimously. PROPOSED CHANGES IN WOODWAY FIRE AGREEMENT .Having determined that payment for fire protection would be greater for the citizens of Edmonds than f oiF citizens of Woodway being protected by Edmonds Fire Dept:, it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the City of Edmonds advise the Town of Woodway that the cost of fire protection for 1967 will be 4.25 mills. Motion carried unanimously. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS #169, #170, AND #171 Resolutions from the Planning Commission were presented, and it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that Planning Commission Resolution 7r169, denying an application to amend the comprehensive plan in their file CP 7-66, be confirmed. Motion carried. An Appeal was received by the Council from the Planning Commission decision in their Resolutions #170 and ##171, and it was moved by Councilman McGinness, seconded by Councilman Harrison that a hearing on the Appeal from the decision of the Planning Commission in their Resolutions #170 and 1171 be set for July 5. Motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned. City Clerk yor July 5, 1966 • ROLL CALL • 1 Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Maxwell. All councilmen were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the council meeting of June 21 had been posted and mailed, and since there were no omissions nor corrections, they stood approved as presented — HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - PROPOSED FRUI.TDALE-ON-THE-SOUND WATERMAINS Hearing was held on the preliminary assessment roll for Resolution of Intention #202, proposed watermains for Fruitdale-on-the-Sound. Engineer Wayne Jones explained the scope and cost of the project, and the zone and termini method of assessment. It was then explained that the project had been started by a complaint from one of the users of the present water system in that area, as well as by letters from the State Lept. of Health and the Snohomish County Health Dept. Leaking wooden water mains were allowing plant matter to enter the lines, and it was necessary to highly chlorinate the water for safety. The Health Dept. recommended discontin- uance of this privately owned water system. Hearing was then opened. Mr. L. J. Matthews asked three uestions: (1) Would the cost of the assessment include the water meters? Answer was no, and a 3/4 inch service would cost $100.00. (2) Will the Edmonds sewer service charge be included on the future water bill? Answer was yes, at $1.40 per month. (3) Will the service be brought to the property line? Answer - yes: Harold Shawver, Soundview Place, asked if the 6 inch pipe would be ample for fire protection. Andwer - yes. Mr. Lindsay, owner of the present water system, was present and said he had installed meters that are approved by the City of Edmonds, so the meters were the same as used by the City system. A charge for these meters would have to be determined. Louis May inquired as to which side of Sound View Place the mains would be placed. • This was not definitely known at this time. A gentleman on Sound View Place asked a question on the footage of his property. This was explained. Another gentleman asked if he could designate where his hookup was to be, and was told yes. Mrs. C. P. King, owner of property with no building, had written a letter, which was read. She questioned if lots 6 and 7 on Olympic View Drive should be included in this LID, since there was a water line running in front of that property at the present time. Heldn McClaskey, Wharf Street, mentioned that she had been drinking the water there for 35 years, and was very healthy. She also was interested in how far west the line would go on Wharf Street. Wm. Goulder asked about the hydrants on Wharf Street and the end of Sound View Place, and if they would be on a grid. The answer was yes. A young girl in the audience inquired why people nearer the improvement have to pay more than those far away from the improvement, when both are. being served with the same water. She could see the reason for this difference in sewering and paving, but not for watermains. It was explained that aside from its being the way the law reads, the house in front would be paying less to run the line to the dwelling, whereas the. house far away would have to pay for a longer pipeline to reach the dwelling, so it would pretty much even up on cost. There was no one else in the audience who wished to speak, and the hearing was closed. It was then moved by Councilman Bevan, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Ordinance #1217 be passed, creating LID #152, watermains for Fruitdale=on-the-Sound. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried unanimously. HEARINGzRESET FOR APPEAL ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS #170 AND #171 Hearing on the Appeal from Planning Commission recommendations in their Resolutions #170 and #171 was continued to August 16 since no one connected with the appeal was present. AUDITING LID BILLS It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the following bills against LID #136 be paid: Tribune Review, $9.66 for legal advertising; City of Edmonds, $51.77.for reimbursement for payments made hefore bonds and warrants were sold; Reid, Middleton &