19680116 City Council Minutes403 • Adjustment, term to expire December 31, 1971. It was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Slye that the Mayor's appointment of Mr. Felton be confirmed. Motion carried. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS OF PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Harrison appointed Councilmen Nordquist and Nelson to serve as ex-officio members of the Planning Commission, and it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that the Mayor's appointments of these councilmen be confirmed. Motion carried. COUNCIL STATEMENT ON MEADO DALE COUNTRY CLUB PROPERTY . Councilman Haines made a :notion, seconded by Councilman Benr7ett, that the Edmonds City Council go on record with the Snohomish County CommiSSioners as endorsing their purchase of the Meadowdale Country Club property for a salt water park site. Motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned. City Clerk Mayor January 16, 1968 ROLL CALL Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Harrison with all councilmen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES isMinutes of the council meeting of January 2 had been posted and mailed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they stood approved as presented. BOY SCOUTS IN ATTENDANCE Mayor Harrison gave recognition to a group of Boy Scouts in the audience, who introl"ed themselves as Boy Scout Troop 333, working presently on their citizneship badges. HEARING: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL LID #159 Hearing was held on the final assessment roll for LID #159, sewers for 16!h S. Engineer Wayne Jones gave the comparison of the preliminary and final costs for the project, which were $8.03 per zone front foot for the final, as compared to $9.11 per z.f.f. for the preliminary estimate. Hearing was then opened. There was no one in the audience who wished to comment on this, and the hearing was therefore closed. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Ordinance #1342 be passed, confirming the final assessment roll for LID #159. Motion carried. HEARING: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #251 Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution #251, recommending amendment to the zoning map by designating as 12,000 single-family residence, low density waterfront zone (RSW-12) property described in Planning Commission File No. R-15-67. City Planner Logan projected a map of the area on the screen for explanation.to the council, and also read the minutes of the Planning Commission hearing on this. Hearing was then opened. Robert Boye, lot 21, Lake Ballinger, who was spokesman for the Lake Ballinger Action Group which had requested this rezone, also projected a colored map showing the properties in favor of the rezone, those opposing, and those properties whose owners had not been contacted. The majority were in favor. Mr. Healey,, 23615- 74th W., felt the rezone would preserve • the neighborhood as is and prevent subdivisions in the area, which the people living there did not want. Jack Jones, 205th, was opposed to the rezone. Of those present in the audience who were interested in this hearing, a show of hands resulted in a majority in favor, with one person opposed. Councilman Bennett asked Mr. Jones why he opposed this.proposed rezone, and would it create a hard- ship. No one else wished to be heard , and the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Ordinance #1343 be passed, amending the zoning map by rezoning this Ballinger area in accordance with Planning Commission Resolution #251. Motion carried. HEARING: ON APPEAL FROM RECOMMENDATION IN PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS #252 AND #253 Hearing was held on the appeal of the Sierra Village Committee from the recommendations in Planning Commission"Resolutions #252 and #253, to deny an amendment to the comprehensive plan and a rezone from multi -family to single properties lying along both sides of 196th S. W. between the east city limits and 86th Ave. W. as extended. Mr. Logan projected a map of the area and explained the zoning request. He also read the minutes of the Planning Commission hearing on this. Mr. Logan re-emphasized his idea that although some areas are good for apartment buildings from an urban design standpoint, he cannot agree with strip zoning, and with 11 blocks involved here, he recommended retaining single dwellings between 80th and 84th and using the cluster zoning at ,the ends. Hearing was then opened. Jim Krider, 19708 - 82nd Pl. W., was spokesman representing the Sierra Village Committee, being both an attorney and a resident of the area. He stated that the major concern was to preserve the character of single family neighborhood and suburban atmosphere from 80th to 84th, and suggested deleting this from current zoning and revert back to single family as the Planner recommends. Mrs. Audrey McGinness, 7819 - 192nd P1. W., stated that she was a teacher and -a mother, aid had moved here from an apartment area in the University district. She was definitely in favor of single family dwellings in her area, and did not want it to become an,"asphalt jungle". She added that 600 apartment units would result in too many cars and transient people who would have children to add to • our school system, but who would not be in favor of paying their way as far as school bonds were considered 8315 Bob Robinson, - 194th S. W., projected a picture on the screen of Mr. Helson's view, and added 404 that he did not want apartments. Mr. Powell, 7916 - 192nd pl. S. W., was in favor of keep- ing single dwellings. Mr. Asia, 7318 - 51st N. E., Seattle, stated that 196th is a secondary state highway and zoning downward is not reasonable. He added the comprehen- sive plan should be followed and not tampered with without caution because of the pres- sures of the day, which could have serious consequences. Don Tory, 80th W., a teacher at Shoreline High, noted that children are our most important commodity, and anything we can do to protect them should be done. He noted evidence that apartment houses would not support education and a high concentration of rental units shows they vote against school issues, yet do have at least one child per unit for the schools to serve. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Grimmert, 7814 - 196th, were represented by a gentleman who stated that in- stead of limiting zoning, restrictive covenants should be considered. A rezone could create hardship or potential loss for some owners of property. Jim Krider again spoke in rebuttal. He noted that people like Mr. Asia who said the recommendation from the Planning Commission to rezone was a vote of 5 to 2, felt the council was just a rubber stamp for the Commission, and that he himself felt the council should take the recommen- dation of the City Planner and retain the character of single family along the center and cluster zone at the ends. Mr. Asia replied that he did not feel the council was merely a rubber stamp, or elst the hearing would not be held tonight on this appeal. He added, however, that they should take into consideration the Planning Commission re- commendation. No one else wished to comment further, and the hearing was closed. Following some discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Council- man Kincaid that the matter of this appeal be referred back to the Planning Commission and the proposal of City Planner Logan be given further consideration by them and be documented as it effects the comprehensive plan as a whole. Councilman Kincaid noted that he seconded the motion because he felt the matter needed more study. Councilman Tuson also agreed that Mr. Logan's plan should be considered by the Planning Commis- sion. Councilman Bennett said he felt there was no reason to table this; that he was elected to make decisions and not run a popularity contest. He added that people come into the city and are aware of the comprehensive plan, and he was therefore against the motion to refer it back. Councilman Nordquist said he had voted no while on the Planning Commission because City Planner Logan was cut short that evening, and he now wished this turned back for further study by the Commission and also give the council a chance to meet with them. He was therefore in favor of the motion at this time and for these reasons. Councilman Nelson spoke against the motion. He stated that further study would bring no more facts than had been presented here tonight, and a decision should be made tonight. Councilman Slye noted that the area proposed for rezone to the Planning Commission was smaller than that noted by Mr. Logan in his recommendation. Councilman Tuson said that Edmonds.was a nice place to live and if we don't watch out, there would be an apartment house.on every corner. Councilman Haines said that cluster zoning should start with the Planning Commission and come from there to council. A roll call vote was called for on the motion, and resulted in 5 for, Bennett and Nelson against, and the matter was referred back to the Planning Commission. PROPOSED RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO SEWER UNIT 5 AND PORTION OF UNIT 6 WEST OF 76+h A proposed Resolution of Intention to sewer Unit 5 and a portion of Unit 6 west of 76th had been tabled from the council meeting of December 21. The Engineer reported that at this time, the zone front foot cost for Unit 5 would be $17.00, and for Unit 6, $10.00. He recommended that the entire area of.Units 5, 6, and 7 be sewered at once and in order to get the figure down, financial assistance could and should be requested from HUD for the pumping stations, pressure lines, etc. which would be needed. He recommended that a new Resolution of .Intention be drawn to encompass this entire area. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded.by Councilman Tuson that the City Council authorize the City Engineer to make application to the federal agencies for aid to sewer the entire area of Units 5, 6, and 7. At this point, Max Gellert in the audience stated that he had submitted the original petition for sewering in this area, and he wished the council to pass a Resolution of Intention to back up the Engineer's request for federal aid. Councilman Slye then amended his motion to state that a Resolution of Intention be drawn, not to include the health hazard clause. Councilman Tuson again seconded this motion. From the audience, Mr. Glenn Hill, 1704 - 76th W:., said that the conditions since the heavy rain had become more acute, and the area was in desperate need of sewering. John Fisher, 17101 Sealawn Drive, said the need for sewers was immediate. Councilman Bennett said that he would like to have a resolution supporting the Engineer passed, but not a Resolution of Intention, which might tend to create problems. Mrs. Ramsey, 1722 Talbot Park, said that her home had no sewer problem, but that they were nevertheless definitely in favor of sewers. Question was then asked on the motion, and a vote on the amendment that a Resolution of Intention be drawn passed with all councilmen voting in favor except Bennett. A vote on the original motion as amended, to draw a Resolution of Intention to support the request of the Engineer for federal funds, carried unanimously. CONSIDERATION OF UNITS 2 AND 3 SEWER PROJECT Consideration of Units 2 and 3 January 2. Questionnaires had returns had been_as follows: sewer project had been tabled from the meeting of been sent out to property owners in the area, and the FOR sewers: 14.5% AGAINST sewers 27. % Undecided: 5. % NO REPLY: 44.5% CITY OWNED: 9. % A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Ordinance #13j44Abe passed, with the inclusion of a health, clause. Before this motion was voted upon, Attorney John Ehrlichman, representing property owners Larson, Teal, and Millichamp, said that special benefits must be decided before a blanket LID can be passed assessing everyone. He stated that the topography of the area shows it does not benefit some properties, especially that of his three clients, who are O Fal 1 O O 1 U 4- • assessed out of proportion to the benefits to be derived. He also referred to the preliminary'assessment notice sent out without a listing of special benefits to each individual property spelled out in dollar amounts. Following much discussion, Councilman Tuson moved, seconded by Councilman Bennett that the motion to pass the ordinance be amended to pass it without the health clause, thus allowing protests. At this time -Mayor Harrison read the Units 2 and 3 health hazard letters from the Snohomish Health District. Following the reading of these letters,"and after dis- cussion, a roll call vote was taken on the amendment, to omit the health clause. Councilmen Bennett, Tuson, Nordquist and Haines voted in favor; Nelson, Slye and Kincaid against, and the motion for the amendment carried. Passage of Ordinance #134LOas amended, without the health clause, was then voted upon and a roll call showed all councilmen in favor except Slye. Motion carried. AUDITING OF BILLS • 11 • 1 1 A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that vouchers #6149 through #6293 be approved in the total amount.of $93,189.45 and the City Clerk be authorized to pay these regular monthly bills. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by,Councilman Nordquist that vouchers #16 through #18 in the amount of $17,209.79 be paid from the 1967 Water -Sewer Revenue Bond Issue in payment of these bills. Motion,carried. A.motion was made by Councilman Stye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the following LID bills be approved for payment: LID #140i, $141.75 to Hammond Construction Company for contractor's estimate #3, semi-final; LID #150: $22.00 to the Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications; and LID #154: $669.60 to Hammond Construction Co. for contractor's estimate #2 (final) and the City Clerk be authorized to issue an interest bearing warrant to the City of Edmonds in the same amount to cover this bill. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Harrison noted that the report from the State Auditor'for the audit of the year 1966 showed the City to be in sound financial condition. It was reported that the approval for the expansion of the sewage treatment plant had been received from the Puget Sound Governmental Conference. A letter was read from Councilman Tuson, requesting permission to be absent from the council meetings of February 20, March 5, and March 19 because of vacation. Per- mission was granted. A letter from Harland E. Wilson was read, asking for -vacation of a strip of land 20' x 334.38' adjacent to the south boundary of Tract 107, Edmonds Sea View Tracts, This was referred to the City Engineer. A letter was read from Glenn Granger, requesting that all of the alley in Block 18, lst Addition to the City of Edmonds be vacated and the 10 feet be made a part of the lots which he subdivided in the east half of said Block 18. This was also referred to the City Engineer. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Acknowledgement was made of the Claims for Damages from Mrs. Anna Mueller, Mrs. Henry A. Lindell, and William and Maxine Jesmer. These were referred to the City Clerk for processing. R/W ACQUISITION - Casper Street - 9'^ AVENUE - PUGET DRIVE - BALLINGER PARK It was determined that authorization had been given by council to acquire the R/W necessary for a street LID on Casper, 91h,and Puget Drive, and also for the Ballinger Park. Therefore, a motion made to direct the City Attorney to repeal proposed LID #158 and prepare a new Resolution of Intention for a new LID was withdrawn, as was a motion to authorize the Mayor to acquire the Ballinger lots at a price not to exceed $4000. per lot. APPOINTMENTS. Mayor Harrison made the appointment of Jim Shields to Position #1 on the Civil Service Commission, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Harold Bucklin. This position expires 6/16/68. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that the Mayor's appointment of Jim Shields to the Civil Service Commission be confirmed. Motion- carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson that Resolutions of Commendation.be prepared for former Mayor Gordon Maxwell, Harold Bucklin, and all the former councilmen. Motion carried. Mayor Harrison made the appointment of Malden Jacobson, 925 - 100 Ave., to a four year term on the Board of Adjustment, Position #1, to expire 12/31/71, to fill the vacancy created by the expiration of the term of George Luschen, and that a letter of appreciation be sent to George Luschen for his work on the Board. It was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Slye that the Mayor's appointment of Malden Jacobson be confirmed. Motion carried. 0 406 The Mayor appointed Harry Skinner to a 4 year term on the Board of Appeals, to expire 12/31/71, O to fill the vacancy created by Mayor Harrison. It was moved by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Slye that this appointment be confirmed. Motion carried. Mayor Harrison appointed Dick Swanby to a 4 year term on the Building Code Committee, to ex- pire 12/31/71. This is a new position to make this a four -member committee. A motion was made by.Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the Mayor's appointment be con- firmed. Motion carried. AUTHORIZATION TO CALL FOR BIDS A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that authorization be given to open bids on February 51 for a motor cycle for the Police Dept., and a Street Sweeper, 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck, and a Dump Truck for Public Works. Motion carried. SET HEARING DATE ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #257 A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the date for hearing on Planning Commission Resolution #257 be set for February 6. Motion carried. RENEWAL AGREEMENT WITH EVERETT ANIMAL SHELTER It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the agreement with the Everett Animal Shelter be renewed at the same costs. Motion carried. QUIT CLAIM DEED TO LINDSAY'S A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the City give a Quit Claim Deed to the Lindsay's to correct the boundaries of the parcel of land deeded to the city previously. Motion carried. There was no furth6rbusiness, and the meeting adjourned. O 1 Irene Verney Moran, Cit Jerk Harve Harrison, Mayor February 6, 1968 ROLL CALL Regular meeting was called to order by Mayor Harrison with all councilmen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES II Minutes of the meeting of January 16 had been mailed and posted. Councilman Slye noted that in Page 2, paragraph 2, it stated that he had mentioned the area proposed for rezone was larger than noted by Mr. Logan in his recommendation, and the minutes said "smaller" rather than"larger". There were no other corrections nor omissions,and the minutes stood approved as corrected. Keith LaBelle of the Edmonds J.C.'s introduced Alana Robinson, winner of the Edmonds Jr. Miss pageant. She spoke to the council and audience on the qualifications for being a candidate for Jr. Miss, and on her personal experiences after having been chosen. HEARING: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #255 Hearing was held.on Planning Commission Resolution #255, tabled from the council meeting of O January 2, recommending.approval of a proposed amendment to the comprehensive street plan by establishing an access street from 76th Avenue W. to the rear of the RMH zoned properties abutting on 196th St. S..W. as set forth in Planning Commission File CP-10-67. City Planner Merlin Logan presented copies of a map of the area to council, showing route proposals. He explained that the purpose of the proposed access street was to give future residents of this apartment zone an alternative access to a street and to provide fire access. Mr. Rowe, a property owner, was to be asked to dedicate a strip of his property for this service street in exchange for its being improved by the other property owners using it. Hearing was opened. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nelson that council accept the recommendation of the City Planner on Route'D of his proposal for ingress and egress, and authorize him to go ahead with a survey of the lots at the city's expense. It was then moved by Councilman Slye that this motion be amended to state that the city's participation not exceed $150.00. There was no second to this motion. Councilman Bennett then moved, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the motion be amended to place a limit on city participation, to be decided by the Planner, and authorize the survey contingent on property owner Rowe's signature to guarantee certain points, and that the city of Lynnwood also be contacted as to whether or not it would accept a 30' service street. It was then moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the amendment be amended to state that a survey of the area be made subject to the city of Edmonds having in writing not only an agreement with Mr. Rowe, but also signatures of the other interested property owners that they are in agreement with this proposed plan. There was no one in the audience who wished to add anything to the discussion, and the hearing was closed. Vote was taken on the amendment to the amendment, and resulted in 6 councilmen in favor: O Kincaid against, and the motion to amend the amendment carried.