19680706 City Council Minutes4 2 own side sewers. A gentleman, not a resident of the city, stated that effluent from septic tanks could be drained and the drainfields relocated. Glen Hill stated he was in favor of sewers, and does not believe this area can survive without them; that a delay could only result in a raise in costs. A woman in the audience asked if the City Council does pass this ordinance with the necessity clause, could the people then have this question placed on the ballot? The answer was no. John Salisbury, 9305 Olympic View Drive, protested the cost of the proposed sewer. Mr. Reid, 1701' P1. S.W., stated he would like to encourage the council to proceed with sewers in Units 5, 6, and 7 as soon as possible, as they were in great need of them. A gentleman asked when the property owners would have to pay, and the payment of assessments over the 10 year period was explained. Mrs. Halvorson protested that the sewer trunk line was shown on the engineer's drawing as going through her property. Harry Robinson, Meadowdale Beach Road, said he thought the surveys should be checked in his area. Mary Marquardt, 9209 Olympic View Drive, inquired if some houses were located too low to be connected to the sewer. A man asked how accurate figures could be obtained without final engineering. A man living at 17109 - 662' P1. W. had a question on zone front feet versus lineal feet. A doctor living on Sealawn Place noted that the pert test in the area was not good, and it would be very easy for an epidemic such as hepatitis to get started, and she urged sewer be installed with haste. A man on 72nd W. questioned how the council could pass on an LID with inadequate engineering. A man living on 1761' S.W. asked that any action be held off until the costs are down. Another gentleman had a question on zone front feet. One gentleman 'stated _he=:could�not_afford-.toflive here in Edmonds with all the taxation. Mr. Small, 1641' S.W., asked what the interest would be on the LID payments. A woman living on 1641' stated that some property was such that the building was 200 ft. from the road where the trunk would be located. Max Gellert, Talbot Road, was definitely in favor of sewers, and commended the Engineering Department for bringing the costs down from last year's original estimate. Mr. Sinclsir, Talbot Road, had a question on the connection fee. Several people mentioned the University property, and wondered why the engineering had omitted this large tract from the assessment roll. The Mayor and some of the councilmen also questioned this, and it was explained by the engineer that this property is zoned residential at this time, but that it was on the comprehensive plan as a park area. . A man at 70271 - 741' S.W. asked if one block of property owners could get together and protest and then be deleted from the LID. With several people in the previously deleted area of Unit 7 present, and all wishing to be included in the LID, Councilman Bennett suggested that Unit 7 be included in its entirety, and the council discuss the storm drainage ne.eded in the area with the engineer before the August 6 meeting. George Roberts asked a question on the payment of the assessments. Michael Chambers, 17129 - 761' W., had a question on the zone front feet and was perturbed about an assessment of $4000.00 for a sidehill. A man on 761' W. had a question on the yearly cost of an assessment with the interest charges. Edgar Hodgson, Frederick Place, asked why the University property had not been included in the LID. A man.living on 67' W. said he lives on a hill and gravity would serve him, but he has to pay part of the total cost of the LID, which includes a pumping station. He wondered why areas not needing the pumping station could not be given considera- tion so as not to have to pay a share of this expense that did not involve them. Before the hearing was closed, a man urged the council to put off any decision for one month. Hearing was then closed. August 6, 1968 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all councilmen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of July 16 as well as the hearing on the Preliminary Assessment Roll for Units 5, 6,' and 7 held on July 30 at the Edmonds Jr. High School Auditorium had been posted and mailed, and since there were no omissions nor corrections, they stood approved as presented. HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - RESOLUTION OF INTENTION #215 Hearing was held on Resolution of Intention No. 215, proposed sewers for Pine, between 2nd and 3rd. City ingineer Leif Larson reported that in regard to this proposed LID #155 the prelimin- ary access report had been received from the State and he recommended that no action be taken by the City Council until after the access hearing in October. It was therefore moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 215 be continued to November 5 Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - PROPOSED LID #168 Hearing was held on the preliminary assessment roll for proposed LID #168, paving of 180k',' 801' and vicinity. This proposed LID had been initiated by the property owners using the petition method rather than that of Resolution of Intention. Engineer Leif Larson gave the estimated cost of the project and explained the zone and termini method of assessment with the aid of a drawing on the blackboard. He then advised that the excessive cost of this project could prevent the city from going ahead without the use of the one-half cent gas tax money, which can be used for improvement of arterials, but not collector streets. Hearing was then opened. O 1 O 1 1 1 Mr. Thompson, 180k' and 80k, asked if the cost was so excessive could they not delete curbs and sidewalks from the proposed LID. The answer to this question was that storm sewers would be involved in the project and this would necessitate curbs and gutters. Larl Bracken, 8001 1841', O 45- • asked if they could find the precentage of the people who signed the petition for the project. The City Engineer stated that over 55% had signed the petition, including the City for the park area. Mr. Bracken was definitely in favor of forming this LID. Mr. Price, 18326 80k W., wanted to know when the project could go in. His question was in relation to the assessed valuation of the property which had seemed low at first in relation to the excessive cost of the proposed LID, and also he inquired about the gas tax availability. The question was also asked as to what was the general type of street put in these areas, and he was told 40 feet was used for collector streets and 36 feet for neighborhood streets, plus parking strip area: Don Long, 18312 81st, asked what alternatives the property owners had besides the gas tax money. He was willing to pay $10.00 per zone front foot, but not too much more. All of the property owners present expressed the desire to proceed qs quickly as possible with the pro- ject in order to alleviate the dust problem. There was no one else present who wished to speak and the hearing was closed. Following discussion, a°motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Kincaid t.,o postpone action on this proposed LID to the meeting of August 20 and in the meantime review the gas tax situation. Motion carried. HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 285 Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution No. 285, recommending a rezone of the Edmonds Cemetery property from Open Space to RS-20. City Planner Merlin Logan read the Planning Commission minutes on this, and the hearing was then opened. There was no one in the audience who wished to comment on the matter and the hearing was therefore closed.1' Following some discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Ordinance #1380 be passed, rezoning the Edmonds Cemetery property from Open Space to RS-20. Motion carried unanimously. PROPOSED ORDINANCE CREATING LID FOR.UNITS,5, 6, & 7 - SEWERING The Preliminary Assessment Roll Hearing for the proposed sewering of Units 5, 6, and 7 was held on Tuesday, July 30 at 8 P.M. in the Edmonds Jr. High School Auditorium. Minutes of the • hearing precedes this meeting and are duly noted in the minute book. There were several property owners from these areas in the audience. Cliff Lawson, 16221 7514 P1- W., stated that prior to this meeting he had submitted a letter which he wished to be read, asking that his area in Unit 7 be included in the LID. A gentle- man, property owner in Unit 7, also wished to hear the reasons why his area had been deleted from the proposed LID. Engineer Larson stated that the reason the area in Unit 7 had been deleted was because of the excessive cost and that the city would try to get some other means of helping with the financing -of this particular trouble spot, and felt that an application for federal aid was indicated here. Owen Williams; 6917 176th S.W., reada letter which he was submitting asking for the delay of sewering Units 5 and 6. Ed Orner stated that he did not need sewers where he lives and that he did not feel his area was ready for sewers at this time. Charles Hanson, 7004 171st P1. S.W., urged the council to proceed with the sewer project. He said that it was desirable and that the improvement was needed badly, and that the City �;ouncil would show foresight in passage of this proposed ordinance tonight. Al McQuade, 7215 176t','wondered if Units 5, 6 and 7 all had to be in one package or could they be taken separately and heard at, separate hearings. He noted that part of Unit 6 was separate in a valley and would have no effect on the other sewering in the vicinity. He asked the council to consider deleting a small portion of Unit 6. Grant Newton, 17210 72nd W., stated that he had a large piece of property located on a hill which he had purchased 20 years ago and that he does not need sewers there at this time. Sam Felton, 8415 Talbot Rd., noted that there was a drainage problem in Units 5, & and 7 and asked if the drainage problem would be a burden to the people who would be paying for the sewer problem. A lady in the audience asked if the letter from the Health Department could be read and this would show that the reasons for installation of sewers was a combination of drainage and sewerage, since the drainage was polluted and that to get rid of one would solve the other problem. Max Gellert, 8525 Talbot Road, noted that the people who stated they did not need sewers because they were living on a hill were contributing to the problem by their drainage polluting the lower areas. Mr. Sti.11ings, 16342 .72nd Ave. W., stated that he lived on a hill and had no problem at this • time, but that he was in favor of sewers becuase he recognized the need to prevent contamina- tion of the beaches for all the people. In regard to the statements made for application for Federal funds on this project, Councilman Haines introduced Mr. Hanson who had earlier spoken in favor of the project. Mr. Hanson is the director of the Metropolitan Division of H.U.D. from the Seattle office. Mr. Hanson explained the grants program and advised that because of the money available in relation to the number of requests, applications for funds of this nature could wait for 4, or 5 years before money would be available. There was much council discussion and a motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the City Attorney prepare a new Resolution of Intention calling for a new Preliminary Assessment Roll Hearing to include all of Units 5, 6 and 7 with the assessment to be figured on Sanitary Sewers only and an immediate application for a Federal Grant be made but that this proposed improvement not be contingent upon receipt of the grant. A roll call vote was taken, with all councilmen voting in favor and the motion carried unanimously. Mr. Stillings in the audience then congratulated the Mayor and Council for taking what he felt was the most equitabke move under the circumstances. PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR LID TO PAVE FORSYTHE LANE FROM 5th TO 6k A proposed Ordinance,was presented by the Attorney for an LID to pave Forsythe Lane from 5k to 614. This matter had been continued from the council meeting of July 16h. As stated at the July 16 meeting, the City Lngineer had discussed with the property owners the pros and cons of the proposed improvement. At this meeting with the City Engineer all of the property owners had been in agreement that the improvement was necessary. Mrs. Gay, a property owner under this proposed LID, was present and asked that a sewer extension be put in when the pav- ing was done to serve her lots. She explained that she would accept the nominal amount offered by the City for her R/W and in exchange for this the sewer could be extended to serve her lots at no cost to her at this time, but that a charge be paid when the lots are built upon and are connected then to the sewer line. This was agreed upon and a motion was then made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Haines that proposed Ordinance #1381 be passed, creating • �- -- LID #167, paving of Forsythe Lane from 5th to 6th. Motion carried unanimously. 404 U ACTION ON REQUEST OF FOOD FAIR CONCESSION FOR STAND AT SUNSET BENCH [7] Council had studied 'the request of Food Fair Concessions to erect and operate a stand at Sunset Beach. As a result of their study of the situation it was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Tuson that permission be given to Food Fair 8oncession to occupy the premises at Sunset Beach with a stand as stated in their application until November 1, 1968 on a trial basis. Motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION A gentleman living on 131� Way was spokesman for several people in the audience who had a problem with tar particles in their water. He showed a piece of cloth which he had used as a filter over the bathroom faucet whijch was quite heavily imbedded with tar particles, and also several dishes which had been in a dishwasher and had become smeared with tar deposits which were very difficult to remove. These people were advised thatthis was a problem in the Olympic View Water District pipes and that the City of Edmonds had notified the Olympic View Water District Com- missioners about this problem as soon as they were aware of it and that the City of Edmonds understood Olympic View was rerouting their water after having found the problem in one of their pipes with the lining flaking off. It was stated that the City of Edmonds would study the possibility of serving the area with its own water pipes rather than using those of Olympic View. This however would not be an immediate solution to the problem and in the meantime Olympic View Water -District was trying to find the problem and correct it. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION o Councilman Nordquist felt that there should be general rules of procedure for Council meetings and he made a motion, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the City Attorney draw a modified version of Roberts Rules of Order for use by the City Council. Motion carried. On another matter regarding unsightly advertising on park benches, Councilman Nordquist made a O motion, seconded by Councilman Haines that the City Planner and Attorney be directed to draw up an ordinance to prohibit any form of bench advertising in the City of Edmonds. Motion carried. Councilman Nordquist stated that the city's progress and growth had an effect on various departments and government and that it was time we appraised what we had, and he recommended the possibility of an internal audit on the basis of jobs;" personnel and equipment analysis. He therefore moved, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the Mayor correspond with four com- panies who do these internal audits and inquire into the possililities of a proposed study of the City of Edmonds and an estimated cost. Mention carried. Councilman Kincaid noted that in order to comply with RCW the City Council must again elect a Mayor Pro-tem. Councilman Kincaid therefore moved, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that Councilman Don Tuson be nominated as Mayor Pro-tem. It was then moved by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Haines that the nominations be closed :.and a unanimous ballot be cast for Councilman Tuson as Mayor Pro-tem. The motions carried unanimously. Councilman Slye brought tip the matter that now that General Telephone had put through their underground lines on Bowdoin Way, a pedestrian walkway should be made along the sidewalk area. Councilman Bennett urged that the City review its contributions on street improvements. He also reported that he had seen two large rats just off 5tih Avenue in Edmonds and thoughtt this should be brought to the attention of Able Pest Control who service the City of Edmonds. In regard to shoring of construction installations, Councilman Bennett asked who assumes the responsibility. He felt the City of Edmonds should make the contractors sign a permit when they dig in our streets and be required to shore below a 4 foot depth or otherwise be fined. He was concerned with the two recent near tragedies when men were buried in ditches because of inadequate shoring. Councilman Tuson reported on a Board of Appeals meeting for the building at 861h and 1961h and stated the Board of Appeals had come to the conclusion that the height should be 35 feet from the mean ground level to the highest point of the building. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Council acknowledged a claim of Thomas J. Wright, 700 Melody Lane, regarding debris in the water system supplied to his Five Corners Norge Laundry & Dry Cleaning Village located at 1673 Main St. This claim was referred to the City Clerk for processing. AUTHORIZATION FOR ACQUISITION OF MAIN STREET SLOPE EASEMENTS City Engineer Larson explained that slope easements required for the improvement of Plain St. under the Urban Arterial Board Project No. 8-1-140 "1" 1-19 were to be paid by the City of Edmonds to the City of Lynnwood, who would in turn pay for the slope easements to the indivi- duals. The -two easements presented were both from Wayne F. Smith and Jean M. Smith; $70.00 and $1,550.00. A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Baines that the slope easements from Wayne F. Smith and Jean M. Smith and the stated payments be author- ized. Motion carried unanimously. AUTHORIZATION FOR FUNDS TO INSTALL LATERAL FROM P.U.D. SEWER ON 2121' BETWEEN 701� & 72nd The City Engineer asked authorization for funds to install a lateral from the P.jU.D. sewer on 2121' between 701h and 72nd. This area where the lateral would be installed is not at present inside the City limits of Edmonds. However it was felt that these laterals should be installed before the paving of 212t' and should the area be annexed to the City, the money would be repaid from sewer connections, or if not annexed to the City the City would still own these laterals and would be repaid by whomever made use of them. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Douncilman Bennett to authorize approximately $1,500.00 in City funds to install a lateral from the P.U.D. sewer line on 2121' between 701� and 72nd e under the circumstances heretofore mentioned. Motion carried. • AUTHORIZATION TO INCREASE SIZE OF STORM SEWER LINE FOR MAIN STREET PROJECT 1 The City Engineer explained that he would like authorization to increase the size of the sewer line for the Main Street project so as to conform to the Comprehensive Storm Sewer Following discussion it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Bennett to authorize the increase in size of the storm sewer line for Main Street to conform to the prehensive Storm Sewer Plan at a cost of approximately $3,500.00. Motion carried. AUTHORIZATION TO REPLACE 1Y2" WATER LINE ON CEDAR STREET - EAST OF 9�tl storm Plan. Com- Council was asked for authorization to replace the 1/2" water line on Cedar Street, east of 91� for approximately 550' in length with 6" cast iron pipe. Following discussion it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye to authorize the replacement of this liz" water line on Cedar Street with 6" cast iron pipe. The motion carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION OF INTENTION FOR'INSTALLATION OF 6" WATER MAINS NORTH OF MEADOWDALE ROAD In regard to the proposed Resolution of Intention for the installation of 6" water mains north of Meadowdale Road, the City Engineer recommended to the Council that this item be discussed at a work meeting before any acti = is taken, and Council accepted this suggestion. PRESENTATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTIONS Planning Commission Resolution #286 was presented to Council recommending the denial to rezone from RS"6 to BC at 514 S. and Holly Drive. No appeal had been received, and the motion was made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Bennett that the recommendation for denial to rezone in Planning Commission Resolution #286 be upheld. Motion carried. Planning Commission Resolution #287 was presented to Council for setting of a hearing date. This resolution recommended a rezone from CG to RML at 2361L east of Highway 99. A motion was • made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Bennett that the hearing date on Planning Commission Resolution A287 be set for August 20t'. Motion carried. AUTHORIZE TREASURER TO ACCEPT REDUCTION IN AREAS ON LID ASSESSMENTS Since some LID assessments are involved in a reduction in area when the right-of-way is acquired for highways, but the assessment remains the same against the remaining porti f 3 a "'t motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nordquist„au orize t e easurer to accept the reduction in areas on LID assessments. Motion carried. LEASE OF MEADOWDALE COUNTRY CLUB SITE City Attorney.James Murphy read a lease for 9 months from August 1, 1968 to April 30, 1969 from the Everett Trust & Savings Bank,Trust Officer to the City of Edmonds in regard to the Meadow - dale Country Club property. The lease notes that the City of Edmonds will maintain the.premises and carry liability insurance, with an option to purchase the property at a price acceptable to both parties. This lease was the result of the City of Edmonds' attempt to hold the Meadowdale Country Club property until such time as a conflict of interest no longer exists between Commissioner McCollum and the County Park system. A.motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the Mayor be authorized to sign the lease for the Meadowdale Country Club site. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Haines advised the Council that the City should notify all funding agencies in regard to the City of Edmonds action on this Meadowdale site and invite participation for funds to purchase this for a county park. Councilman Bennett then added that he recommended a group of Councilmen from the South County cities attending a meeting of the County Commissioners and urging them to look forward to purchase of this area for a County Park site as soon as a conflict of interest no longer exists. PURCHASE OF LOT ADJACENT TO BALLINGER PARK aIt was recommended that the City purchase the Peter Newman lot adjacent to the Ballinger Park, at a price of $4,500.00. The motion was made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Tuson authorizing the expenditure of $4,500.00 for purchase of the Peter Newman lot adjacent to the Ballinger Park. Motion carried. AUTHORIZATION OF LOADING ZONE AT ED14ONDS UPHOLSTERY SHOP A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Haines to allow the Edmonds Upholstery Shop on 51' Avenue to have a loading zone in front of its establishment. Motion carried. PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY COLLEGE STORM SEWER SYSTEM Following explanation by the City Engineer and discussion by Council, a motion was made.by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to authorize the City of Edmonds to parti- cipate in the storm sewer system for the Community College to the amount of $10,000.00. Motion carried. AGREEMENT WITH OLYMPIC VIEW WATER DISTRICT - RELEASING SCHOOL DISTRICT #15 FROM OLD AGREEMENT DATED MAY 29, 1962 Since the rates and sewer service are provided to the Madrona School of..School District #15 by Olympic View Water.District, and since the Madrona School should now pay the Olympic View Water District direct instead of to the City of Edmonds for their water rates and sewer service, and the City of Edmonds would then be reimbursed by the Olympic View Water District, a motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Bennett to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the Olympic View Water District releasing School District #15 from their old agreement dated May 29, 1962 with the City of Edmonds. Motion carried. 456 RESIGNATION FROM PLANNING COMMISSION O A letter of resignation from the Planning Commission was read from Walt Payne which the Mayor accepted with regret. It was then moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the Attorney be instructed to draw a Resolution of Commendation for Walt Payne'.s service on the City of Edmonds Planning Commission. Motion carried. Cr There was no further business to come before the Council and the meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M.°+ City Clerk 117 Mayor *** August 20, 1968 Minutes - Page 478 September 3, 1968 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all councilmen present except Bennett, who is still on authorized leave of absence on an around -thew -world vacation trip. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of August 20th had been posted and mailed, and since there were no omissions nor corrections, they stood approved as written. HEARING: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - LID #160 Hearing was held on the final assessment roll for LID #160, :paving of Pine from 9th•.,:to­lOth.. City Engineer Leif Larson reviewed the preliminary versus final costs of this project, noting that there was no change in the amount of the individual assessments -from the preliminary to the final! Hearing was then opened. A letter had been received from Mr. & Mrs. William B. Jensen, 1009 - 9th Avenue S. They objected to the amount of their assessment as well as to the manner in which the contractor on the project had,'performed his work. _ Mrs.. Jensen was present in the audience and stated that although they wished to inf orm the council of these complaints, they did not wish to file for any damages to their property. Fred Fruend, 9th Avenue S., asked what was included in the LID costs. He was interested in the indirect costs of the LID. He also wished to know if a property owner could pay his assessment without interest costs, and was told of the 30 day period for this. There was no one else in the audience who wished to comment and the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Ordinance #1384 be passed, app roving and confirming.the final assessment roll for LID #160. Motion carried unanimously. RES.OLUTION,OF INTENTION FOR SEWERING NEWLY ANNEXED PORTION OF UNIT 6. Property owners in the newly annexed section'of Unit 6 had presented a petition for a separate sewer LID for their area. Council had instructed the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution of Intention for this proposed project, but the City Engineer at this time advised that'it would be well to wait until a pro- posal could be worked out with the City..of Lynnwood for use of their trunk to sewer this particular unit, and it was therefore moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the matter of the Resolution of Intention for this sewer petition be postponed until the next council meeting, following discussion with Lynnwood. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE CREATING SHUT-OFF CHARGES, ETC. - WATER DEPT. 0 Second reading was held on a proposed ordinance to increase the shut-off charge for termination of water service and increase the charges for new water meter installations. No one in the audience wished to comment on this proposed ordinance, and it was moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Ordinance #1385 be passed, increasing the shut-off charge and charges for new water meter installations for the Water Dept. Motion carried unanimously. ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY FOR SLOPE EASEMENTS Second reading was held on a proposed ordinance providing for the acquisition of -,,property on Main Street for slope easements through condemnation. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Ordinance #1386 be passed, providing for the acquisition of this property through condemnation. Motion carried unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Roy A. Stringer, president of the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce, suggesting that the City of.Edmonds not allow private concessions on city park property. This referred to the 90 day lease given by the. City of Edmonds to a concession located north the ferry terminal at Sunset Beach. Both Councilmen Haines and Kincaid felt that the City should take another long look at this proposal after the 90 day period. Councilman Slye felt that a "wait and see" attitude was advisable at this time. Councilman Nordquist noted that the matter of the request of this concession for a location at Sunset Beach had been on the City Council agenda and these agendas are posted in the Civic Center, and no business people in the City of Edmonds had appeared to protest at that time. Councilman Nordquist added that he felt perhaps City Council agendas should be posted elsewhere besides in the Civic Center, so that the business people could be aware of what was going on at the council meetings and attend if they wished to comment on any item. A letter was read in regard to a petition for deletion of certain property from a proposed sewer project. This was in regard to sewer Units 5, 6,` and 7. All of the property owners of Lots 1, 29 5, 6, 79 8, 9, O