19680716 City Council Minutes44 8 1. July 16, 1968 e ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds. City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all councilmen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of July 2 had been posted and mailed, and there was one correction: Under the Hearing on Planning Commission Resolution #281, the last sentence in the last paragraph, the word "appeal" should be deleted, and it would then read "and the motion failed to carry and the rezone therefore denied." There were no.other omissions nor corrections, and the minutes stood approved as corrected. HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - RESOLUTION OF INTENTION #222 Hearing was held on the preliminary assessment roll for Resolution of Intention #222, proposed paving of Forsythe Lane from 5' to 6111. City Engineer Leif Larson reviewed the estimated cost of the proposed improvement and.explained the zone and termini method of assessment with the aid of a drawing on the blackboard. The increased cost of Local Improvement Districts was discussed, and hearing was then opened. Mr. Charles Cain, 1060 61' Ave. S., complained that he had not been notified regarding any right-of-way to be taken from his property for the street improvement and he felt that this should have been done along with his notice of estimated preliminary assessment. City Attorney Murphy noted that the needed rights -of -ways for Local Improvement Districts were negotiated with the individual property owners after the preliminary assessment roll hearing had been held. It was noted that there were 7 people who would be involved in taking of R/W for this proposed improve- ment and that 10 feet would be taken on the south side; 25 feet on the north. Mrs. Mace Gay, O Pine Street, owner of property on Forsythe Lane, stated that she would lose one of her four building lots if the RIW was taken. There was much discussion between audience and council re- garding notification ,of the amount of RIW needed from each individual property owners, etc., .and it was the consensus of opinion that before this proposed LID propeeded, the property owners would like to have more discussions regarding it. There were no further comments from the audience, and the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that action on this proposed LID be deferred until August 6 in order to give the,property owners an opportunity to get together with the City Engineer to discuss the project more fully. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #284 Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution #284, regarding height limitation. This Resolution had stated 111 feet, and was amended by council action on July 2 to 115 feet. Since the Planning Commission minutes were quite lengthy on this hearing, City Planner Merlin Logan summarized the minutes and noted that since this height limitation had been established for the benefit of the proposed hospital expansion, it should be mentioned that any hospital structure in the future would have to go before the Board of Adjustment. Hearing was then opened. Jon Smiley, administrator for Stevens Memorial Hospital, stated that the hospital needed the passage of this height limitation for future hospital development. No one else in the audience wished to comment and the heari-ng was closed. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Ordinance #1377 be passed, amending the official zoning ordinance by increasing the height limitation of certain hospitals subject to the grant of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Planning Commission e Resolution #284. Motion carried unanimously. SECOND READING: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Council listened to the second reading of a proposed amendment to..the Uniform Building Code, for extending height limitations. Building Official Wally Slabaugh explained the amendment and Attorney James Murphy read the proposed ordinance. At this point, Mr. Jon Smiley, administrator of Stevens Memorial Hospital,, again spoke to the . council urging the need for the expansion of the hospital facilities, which would be affected by this proposed ordinance. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by, Councilman Kincaid that proposed Ordinance #1378 be passed, amending section 11.02.035 of the Building Code, by increasing the height limitation of certain hospitals, subject to the grant of a conditional use permit. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Del Barton, hospital commissioner, at this time thanked the council for the way in which this matter had been handled by the City of Edmonds, and added that the hospital expansion would be a definite asset to the community. PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #271 City Planner Logan reported to the council that the applicant for the rezone, Mr. Saindon, had now delivered the contract to the City of Edmonds, satisfying certain limitations connected with the proposed rezone. It was therefore moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Ordinance #1379 be passed, amending the official zoning map by changing the zoning classification of Lot 1 and the south 15 feet of Lot 2, Block 11, Plat of Edmonds to RD. Motion carried with Councilman Bennett abstaining. PROPOSED RESOLUTION COMMENDING THE EDMONDS ARTS FESTIVAL As instructed by the council at the July 2 meeting, Attorney Murphy presented a proposed Reso- lution commending the Edmonds Arts Festival for its presentation for the year 1968. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Resolution #190 be passed, O t • commending the Edmonds Arts Festival. Motion carried unanimously. Councilman Bennett asked if this Resolution might not be published in the -newspaper as a legal publication. PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR 72 HOUR WAITING PERIOD FOR PURCHASE OF SHORT FIREARMS Attorney Murphy presented a proposed Resolution urging the Snohomish County Commissioners to adopt legislation providing for a 72 hour waiting period on the sale of short firearms. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Resolution #191 be passed, and the motion carried. REQUEST FOR TIME EXTENSION FROM CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH A letter had been received from Fred Meserve, chairman of the.Board of Directors of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Edmonds, requesting the City to grant the Church a continuation of occupancy of the existing church structure and its appurtenances u;itil May 1, 1969. Mr. Meserve and Mr. Jonathan Brooks, representing the Church, were present. Mr. Brooks explained the need for the use of the church and the problems and challenge involved in the progress toward building a new church. Councilman Bennett felt that the City should accomodate the Church, but also the City would need to know when the church is available for use by either the City itself or other groups. There was much discussion on the matter and a motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Tuson that any extension of the lease between the City of Edmonds and the Christian Science Church be left in the'hands of the Mayor, and if it is not necessary for the City to^use the facilities immediately, an extension be allowed to May 1, 1969, but that the Mayor establish a co -use schedule for the building with the Church. Motion carried unanimously. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION FOR EUGENE THORNTON ' As directed by the council at the last regular meeting, Attorney Murphy presented a proposed Resolution commending Eugene Thornton for his service on the Park Boardl A motion was made by • Councilman Slye, seconded by CouncilmanNelson that proposed Resolution #192 be passed, commending Eugene Thornton. Motion carried. AUDITING OF BILLS It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson that*vouchers ##7143 through ##7278 in the total amount of $93,301.31 be approved for payment and the City Clerk be author- ized to issue warrants in payment of these regular monthly bills. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that warrant ##29 to the Great Northern Railway Co. for consideration fee for pipe line permit #75939 for permission to excavate for, construct, maintain and operate a man -hole and 24 inch storm sewer opposite main -line survey station 1152+98, vicinity of Talbot Road and Olympic -View Drive, in the amount of $25.00 be ailowed for payment. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the following LID bills be paid: LID ##153 - Main Street sewers - $233.00 to Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay & Moch for legal services; $100.89 to Norm's Print Shop for printing bonds; and`$31.60 to the Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications-' LID #157 - Paving 25:!� S. - $101.94 to Norm's Print Shop for printing,bonds; and $9.80 to the Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications; LID ##160 - Paving Pine, 94 to 101' - $1,869.01 to Ech's Burner Oils, Inc. for contractor's estimate ##6 (final) and the City clerk be authorized to issue an interest bearing warrant to the City of Edmonds in the same amount to cover this bill; • LID ##161 - Chits 2 and 3 sewers - $14,926.98 to the City of Edmonds for reimbursement for warrants issued prior to sale of warrants and bonds to Grande & Co., Inc.; $63.90 to the Daily Journal of Commerce for legal publications; $35.00 to Donald R. McIntosh for easement for sewer line; and the City Clerk be authorized to issue interest bearing warrants in the amount of $15,025.88 to Grande & Co., Inc. to cover these bills against the LID; LID ##162 - 51' Ave. S. sidewalk - $471.69 to Almer donstruction Co. for contractor's estimate #3 (semi-final) and the City Clerk be authorized to issue an interest bearing warrant in'the same amount tocthe City of Edmonds to cover this bill; LID #167 - Paving Forsythe Lane, 51� to 61' - $25.90 to the Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications, and the City Clerk be authorized to issue an interest bearing warrant to City of Edmonds in the same amount to cover. Motion carried unanimously. An appeal had been received from Almer Co4struction Co., objecting to liquidated damages of $375.00 assessed by the City of Edmonds for not completing work on schedule. The City Engineer, however, recommended to the council that this semi-final estimate be paid to the contractor on LID #162, with the liquidated damages assessed. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from PUD ##1 regarding their future substation at the Ballinger park site, which they stated would leave ample space to accomodate a neighborhood park for the City of Edmonds, and they suggested possible acquisition of an adjoining piece of property. This letter was referred to the Park Board. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION _ `--`' Attorney David Hoff, representing Mr. Bodine, whose hearing on Planning Commission Resolution 450 #281 for a rezone on Paradise Lane from RS-6 to RML had been denied at the July 2 council meeting, O requested that this matter be referred back to the Planning Commission for further study. Councilman Bennett stated that he felt that the subject had been well aired, and that there was no point in going over the matter again. No one else on the council wished to make any comment, and the previous council decision on this matter stood unchanged. SET MINIMUM BID PRICE ON 1965 FORD (POLICE DEPT.) C"7 At the request of Chief Grimstad, a motion was made by Councilman,Bennett, seconded by Councilman Tuson to set the minimum bid price on the wrecked 1965 Ford police car at $250.00. Motion carried. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Bennett noted that many city streets at the present time were being torn up; one area for `sewers, another for paving, and still others for installation of utilities by the telephone company, 'PUD, 'etc. He asked what prIDvisions were being made for this; and perhaps it could be better coordinated. Councilmah Bennett also stated that he felt any zoning contracts should be in writing and submitted in full to the council at the time of a hearing on an appeal from the recommendations of the Planning Commission. The council could then immediately return or refer the proposal to the Planning Commission, and this would no doubt save time. It was moved by Councilman Bennett and seconded by Councilman Kincaid that any request coming before the council relating to contract zoning be received in writing and be automatically referred by the council back to the Planning Commission; that the council not accept contract zoning as a supplemental appeal from rezone applicants. Following council discussion, this motion was withdrawn and it was decided that the matter would be discussed further at a council work meeting. Councilman Nordquist showed the other councilmen a newspaper item dealing with advertisements on park benches. He suggested an amendment to our sign ordinance to prohibit this sort of thing in Edmonds. Councilman Nordquist also brought to the attention of the council that most of the present Planning Commission members were fairly new to the Commission, and he thought perhaps the -council members should help these new Planning Commissioners over their first hurdles. It was suggested that perhaps an informal meeting between the Council and Planning Commission members would be advisable. Councilman Nordquist requested an up-to-date list of all members of Boards and Commissions, and the City Clerk stated she would see that a copy was furnished to all council members. REPORT ON BIDS FOR WATERMAINS AND APPURTENANCES - PHASE II WATERWORKS PROGRAM Bids had been opened on July.15 at 2:00 P.M. in the Mayor's office for watermains and appurten- ances and installation of same under Phase II of the Comprehensive Water aystem. Present were the City Clerk, City Engineer, Ken Thompson representing Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc., and three representatives from bidding companies. The bids were: Items 1 - 27 Alternate Bid Connecting Service Alternate Frank Coluccio $619580.00 $34,580.00 $7,400.00 $5,000.00 J.J.Jackson, Inc. 509442.80 17,673.80 4,700.00 3,268.00 DiOrio Construction 53,542.50 199270.00 3,600.00 3,000.00 Bert Robison 622863.00 No Bid 5,240.00 No Bid It was the recommendation of the City Engineer that the low bidder be awarded the contract and a motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Bennett that J. J. Jackson, Inc. of Renton be awarded the contract for watermains and appurtenances under Phase II of the com- prehensive water system for the amount of $50,442.80 and the Mayor be authorized to enter into contract with them. Motion carried unanimously. RETURN 75' LOT TO PORT DISTRICT FOR BOAT IiARBOR EXPANSION It was requested by the Edmonds Port District that the City return the 75' lot on the water- front to the Port District for the boat harbor expansion. A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the City of Edmonds return the 75' to the Port District for boat harbor expansion, subject to the Port maintaining the restrooms at the location. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENT TO LIBRARY BOARD Mayor Harrison made the appointment of Mrs. Stan Wicklund, 1020 - 6th S., to the Library Board to fill the position vacated by Mrs. Reiss; this term to expire April 7, 1969. A motion was made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the Mayor's appointment of Mrs. Stan Wicklund to the Library Board be confirmed. Motion carried unanimously. APPOINTMENTS TO FAIR HOUSING PRACTICES COMMISSION Mayor Harrison made the following appointments to the Fair Housing Practices Commission: Robert Campbell, Chairman, 915 Olympic Avenue, for a 3 year term ending June 30, 1971. A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that.the Mayor's appointment of Robert Campbell as Chairman of the Fair Housing Practices Commission for the City of Edmonds be confirmed.. Motion carried unanimously. The Mayor then appointed Robert Williamson, 660 - 131� Way, as a member of the Fair Housing Commission for a 2-year term, ending June 30, 1970. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by`Councilman Nordquist to confirm the Mayor's appointment of Robert Williamson to the Fair Housing Practices Commission. Motion carried unanimously,: Mayor Harrison then made the appointment of Mrs. Hazel Mori, 891'1 - 192nd S.W., to a 1-year term on the Fair Housing Practices Commission, ending June 30, 1969. A motion was made by 41 Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman 'Tuson that the Mayor's appointment of Mrs. �:1 fJ�A�p� J`w h.1, a • Hazel Mori to the Fair Housing Commission be confirmed. Motion carried unanimously. CREATION OF URBAN ARTERIAL FUND • 1 • 1 u A proposed Resolution was presented to council to create a special Street Department fund to be designated as "Urban Arterial Funds", and a motion was made by Councilman.Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Resolution #193 be -passed, a Resolution of the City of Edmonds, Washington creating a special Street Department fund to be designated as Urban Arterial Funds. Motion carried unanimously. FOOD FAIR CONCESSION A letter was received from Food Fair Concessions, requesting permission to erect a small building at the City Sunset Beach for selling of hamburgers, hotdogs, soft drinks, popcorn, etc. A proposal for percentage of the gross receipts to be paid to the -City also accom- panied the request, al64g with insurance of;fadavits. There was much discussion on -the matter and it was decided that this request would be reviewed at a council work meeting before any action would be taken. SET HEARING DATE FOR PLANNING-CO1v1MISSION RESOLUTION #285, City Planner Logan presented Planning Commission Resolution #285, recommending rezone of the Edmonds cemetery property from -Open Space to RS-20. A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nelson that August 6 be set as the date for hearing on Planning Commission Resolution #285. Motion carried unanimously. SET HEARING DATE FOR FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - LID #160 A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman -Haines that September 3 be set as the date for hearing on the final assessment roll for LID #160, paving of Pine from 9th to 10k. Motion carried unanimously. There was no further business to come before the council and the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. Ci ty Clerk Mayor HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - UNITS 5, 6, AND 7 JULY 30, 1968 Hearing was held at 8:00 P.M. on July 30 in the Edmonds Junior High School auditorium on the preliminary assessment roll for sewering of Units 5, 6, and 7, in north Edmonds. All councilmen were present. Mayor Harrison -stated that the City had been divided into 7 sewer units and that at the present time 2 were installed, 2 were in the process of being constructed, and Units 5, 6, and 7 were the last 3 which would complete the sewering of the City of Edmonds. He added that the matter would be placed on the August 6 council meeting agenda for action. Mayor' Harrison went on to say that this proposed sewering was the result of a letter from the Snohomish County Health District, which he then read. The letter stated that 8 storm water samples had been taken from specific areas within the boundaries of these three proposed sewer units, and the bacteria counts were listed for each. These samples were taken in the month of February, when it could be assumed that pollution would not be as great as in summer months. However, the bacteria counts in the drainage were reaching extremely high peaks in several widely separated locations. The letter from the Health District went on to urge that sanitary sewers be installed at the earliest possible time in these areas. City Engineer Leif Larson outlined the areas proposed to be served by these sewers and gave a breakdown of the estimated cost and an explanation of the zone and termini method of assessment. Hearing was then opened. A gentleman living on 761� W. asked which portion of this proposed LID had been deleted, and the Engineer answered this question. Another gentleman on 164t4 and 72nd stated that he seemed to be in the deleted area, and asked the reason for this. It was explained that this one Meadowdale area would cost in excess of $250,000.00 because of necessity of drainage for slide protection and the topography, etc. and the Engineer felt that it would be worth a try for application of government funds to help finance the project. Mr. Stillings noted that several property owners in the area deleted were unhappy to be left out of the proposed sewer project, and asked to be included. A petition was then presented, signed by owners of 20 properties, protesting their deletion from the proposed sewer project. Warren Saunders, Soundview Drive, asked how does one go about being deleted if his area does not have a problem. Owen Williams, 6917 - 17614 S.W., inquired if h6useowners pay an assessment, and then the new homes that are built do not have to share in the cost. He was assured that the assessments were figured on land zone front footage, and all property is assessed,.whether built on or not. A gentleman on 7614 W. stated that he had received an assessment notice, and was already connected to sewer. He was advised to contact the City Engineer. A gentleman living on the Meadowdale Beach Road asked a question involving the $100.00 charge for each lateral. Mr. Buckley, representing Mrs. Hunt, asked if he understood correctly that if all councilmen unanimously voted for the sewer, protests from the property owners would not be valid as long as the ordinance contained the necessity clause. fie was told that wascorrect. He then stated that he was protesting Mrs. Hunt's assessment because of the excessive amount. A gentleman living in Talbot Park brought to the attention of the council that the proposed pumping station was to be located at the N.E. corner of his property. He wished a relocation of this pumping station to preserve a natural stream which is now running through the property. • A woman living on 72nd Ave. W. asked a question regarding property owners putting in their