19680730 City Council MinutesfJ�A�p� J`w h.1, a • Hazel Mori to the Fair Housing Commission be confirmed. Motion carried unanimously. CREATION OF URBAN ARTERIAL FUND • 1 • 1 u A proposed Resolution was presented to council to create a special Street Department fund to be designated as "Urban Arterial Funds", and a motion was made by Councilman.Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Resolution #193 be -passed, a Resolution of the City of Edmonds, Washington creating a special Street Department fund to be designated as Urban Arterial Funds. Motion carried unanimously. FOOD FAIR CONCESSION A letter was received from Food Fair Concessions, requesting permission to erect a small building at the City Sunset Beach for selling of hamburgers, hotdogs, soft drinks, popcorn, etc. A proposal for percentage of the gross receipts to be paid to the -City also accom- panied the request, al64g with insurance of;fadavits. There was much discussion on -the matter and it was decided that this request would be reviewed at a council work meeting before any action would be taken. SET HEARING DATE FOR PLANNING-CO1v1MISSION RESOLUTION #285, City Planner Logan presented Planning Commission Resolution #285, recommending rezone of the Edmonds cemetery property from -Open Space to RS-20. A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nelson that August 6 be set as the date for hearing on Planning Commission Resolution #285. Motion carried unanimously. SET HEARING DATE FOR FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - LID #160 A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman -Haines that September 3 be set as the date for hearing on the final assessment roll for LID #160, paving of Pine from 9th to 10k. Motion carried unanimously. There was no further business to come before the council and the meeting was adjourned at 10:40 P.M. Ci ty Clerk Mayor HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - UNITS 5, 6, AND 7 JULY 30, 1968 Hearing was held at 8:00 P.M. on July 30 in the Edmonds Junior High School auditorium on the preliminary assessment roll for sewering of Units 5, 6, and 7, in north Edmonds. All councilmen were present. Mayor Harrison -stated that the City had been divided into 7 sewer units and that at the present time 2 were installed, 2 were in the process of being constructed, and Units 5, 6, and 7 were the last 3 which would complete the sewering of the City of Edmonds. He added that the matter would be placed on the August 6 council meeting agenda for action. Mayor' Harrison went on to say that this proposed sewering was the result of a letter from the Snohomish County Health District, which he then read. The letter stated that 8 storm water samples had been taken from specific areas within the boundaries of these three proposed sewer units, and the bacteria counts were listed for each. These samples were taken in the month of February, when it could be assumed that pollution would not be as great as in summer months. However, the bacteria counts in the drainage were reaching extremely high peaks in several widely separated locations. The letter from the Health District went on to urge that sanitary sewers be installed at the earliest possible time in these areas. City Engineer Leif Larson outlined the areas proposed to be served by these sewers and gave a breakdown of the estimated cost and an explanation of the zone and termini method of assessment. Hearing was then opened. A gentleman living on 761� W. asked which portion of this proposed LID had been deleted, and the Engineer answered this question. Another gentleman on 164t4 and 72nd stated that he seemed to be in the deleted area, and asked the reason for this. It was explained that this one Meadowdale area would cost in excess of $250,000.00 because of necessity of drainage for slide protection and the topography, etc. and the Engineer felt that it would be worth a try for application of government funds to help finance the project. Mr. Stillings noted that several property owners in the area deleted were unhappy to be left out of the proposed sewer project, and asked to be included. A petition was then presented, signed by owners of 20 properties, protesting their deletion from the proposed sewer project. Warren Saunders, Soundview Drive, asked how does one go about being deleted if his area does not have a problem. Owen Williams, 6917 - 17614 S.W., inquired if h6useowners pay an assessment, and then the new homes that are built do not have to share in the cost. He was assured that the assessments were figured on land zone front footage, and all property is assessed,.whether built on or not. A gentleman on 7614 W. stated that he had received an assessment notice, and was already connected to sewer. He was advised to contact the City Engineer. A gentleman living on the Meadowdale Beach Road asked a question involving the $100.00 charge for each lateral. Mr. Buckley, representing Mrs. Hunt, asked if he understood correctly that if all councilmen unanimously voted for the sewer, protests from the property owners would not be valid as long as the ordinance contained the necessity clause. fie was told that wascorrect. He then stated that he was protesting Mrs. Hunt's assessment because of the excessive amount. A gentleman living in Talbot Park brought to the attention of the council that the proposed pumping station was to be located at the N.E. corner of his property. He wished a relocation of this pumping station to preserve a natural stream which is now running through the property. • A woman living on 72nd Ave. W. asked a question regarding property owners putting in their 4 2 own side sewers. A gentleman, not a resident of the city, stated that effluent from septic tanks could be drained and the drainfields relocated. Glen Hill stated he was in favor of sewers, and does not believe this area can survive without them; that a delay could only result in a raise in costs. A woman in the audience asked if the City Council does pass this ordinance with the necessity clause, could the people then have this question placed on the ballot? The answer was no. John Salisbury, 9305 Olympic View Drive, protested the cost of the proposed sewer. Mr. Reid, 1701' P1. S.W., stated he would like to encourage the council to proceed with sewers in Units 5, 6, and 7 as soon as possible, as they were in great need of them. A gentleman asked when the property owners would have to pay, and the payment of assessments over the 10 year period was explained. Mrs. Halvorson protested that the sewer trunk line was shown on the engineer's drawing as going through her property. Harry Robinson, Meadowdale Beach Road, said he thought the surveys should be checked in his area. Mary Marquardt, 9209 Olympic View Drive, inquired if some houses were located too low to be connected to the sewer. A man asked how accurate figures could be obtained without final engineering. A man living at 17109 - 662' P1. W. had a question on zone front feet versus lineal feet. A doctor living on Sealawn Place noted that the pert test in the area was not good, and it would be very easy for an epidemic such as hepatitis to get started, and she urged sewer be installed with haste. A man on 72nd W. questioned how the council could pass on an LID with inadequate engineering. A man living on 1761' S.W. asked that any action be held off until the costs are down. Another gentleman had a question on zone front feet. One gentleman 'stated _he=:could�not_afford-.toflive here in Edmonds with all the taxation. Mr. Small, 1641' S.W., asked what the interest would be on the LID payments. A woman living on 1641' stated that some property was such that the building was 200 ft. from the road where the trunk would be located. Max Gellert, Talbot Road, was definitely in favor of sewers, and commended the Engineering Department for bringing the costs down from last year's original estimate. Mr. Sinclsir, Talbot Road, had a question on the connection fee. Several people mentioned the University property, and wondered why the engineering had omitted this large tract from the assessment roll. The Mayor and some of the councilmen also questioned this, and it was explained by the engineer that this property is zoned residential at this time, but that it was on the comprehensive plan as a park area. . A man at 70271 - 741' S.W. asked if one block of property owners could get together and protest and then be deleted from the LID. With several people in the previously deleted area of Unit 7 present, and all wishing to be included in the LID, Councilman Bennett suggested that Unit 7 be included in its entirety, and the council discuss the storm drainage ne.eded in the area with the engineer before the August 6 meeting. George Roberts asked a question on the payment of the assessments. Michael Chambers, 17129 - 761' W., had a question on the zone front feet and was perturbed about an assessment of $4000.00 for a sidehill. A man on 761' W. had a question on the yearly cost of an assessment with the interest charges. Edgar Hodgson, Frederick Place, asked why the University property had not been included in the LID. A man.living on 67' W. said he lives on a hill and gravity would serve him, but he has to pay part of the total cost of the LID, which includes a pumping station. He wondered why areas not needing the pumping station could not be given considera- tion so as not to have to pay a share of this expense that did not involve them. Before the hearing was closed, a man urged the council to put off any decision for one month. Hearing was then closed. August 6, 1968 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all councilmen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of July 16 as well as the hearing on the Preliminary Assessment Roll for Units 5, 6,' and 7 held on July 30 at the Edmonds Jr. High School Auditorium had been posted and mailed, and since there were no omissions nor corrections, they stood approved as presented. HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - RESOLUTION OF INTENTION #215 Hearing was held on Resolution of Intention No. 215, proposed sewers for Pine, between 2nd and 3rd. City ingineer Leif Larson reported that in regard to this proposed LID #155 the prelimin- ary access report had been received from the State and he recommended that no action be taken by the City Council until after the access hearing in October. It was therefore moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the hearing on Resolution of Intention No. 215 be continued to November 5 Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - PROPOSED LID #168 Hearing was held on the preliminary assessment roll for proposed LID #168, paving of 180k',' 801' and vicinity. This proposed LID had been initiated by the property owners using the petition method rather than that of Resolution of Intention. Engineer Leif Larson gave the estimated cost of the project and explained the zone and termini method of assessment with the aid of a drawing on the blackboard. He then advised that the excessive cost of this project could prevent the city from going ahead without the use of the one-half cent gas tax money, which can be used for improvement of arterials, but not collector streets. Hearing was then opened. O 1 O 1 1 1 Mr. Thompson, 180k' and 80k, asked if the cost was so excessive could they not delete curbs and sidewalks from the proposed LID. The answer to this question was that storm sewers would be involved in the project and this would necessitate curbs and gutters. Larl Bracken, 8001 1841', O