19690204 City Council Minutesis ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS BY CONDEMNATION A proposed ordinance was presented providing for the acquisition of easements for sanitary sewer purposes of certain parcels of land in the Main Street sewer area, authorizing the City Attorney to initiate proceedings for condemnation and providing for payment thereof. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Ordinance #1412 be passed, and this motion carried unanimously. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Council acknowledged claims for damages from Robert L. Turcott, Mrs. Del H. Barton, Jerry and Beverly Hughes, Angelo J. Citoli, Rena McLean, and Fredric H. Kaul. These were all referred to the City Clerk for processing. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH DESIGN OF CLARIFIERS AND EXTENSION OF OUTFALL. A motion was made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Kincaid to authorize the engineering firm of Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. to proceed with the design of clarifiers and extension of outfall. Motion carried unanimously. SET HEARING DATE FOR FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL HEARING - MAIN STREET SIDEWALKS A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nelson that March 4 be set as the date for hearing on the final assessment roll on the Main Street sidewalk improvement project. Motion carried with Councilman Kincaid voting against as he felt the hearing should be held only after the project was completd.y finished. There was no further business to come before council, and the meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. • City Clerk February 4, 1969 ROLL CALL Mayor Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison. Six councilmen were present,;with Councilman Tuson on vacation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of January 21 had been posted and mailed. Councilman Nelson asked that the minutes show the following correction. In the matter of the passage of Ordinance #1411, to amend the official street map by projecting a public R/W approximately midway between 9th S. and 10th S., extending northerly, pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution #292, he voted against the passage of the ordinance for the following reasons: Councilman Nelson believes that passage of this ordinance encourages further requests of this sort. He said he thought the people involved want this only for access and he feels that a Utility Alley is sufficient for this purpose. He believes it is a premature move by the City of Edmonds and will force property owners to do all improvements of property. Minutes were then approved as corrected. Mayor Harrison announced at this point for a large number of people in the audience, that Item 12 on the agenda was only for the purpose of setting hearing dates for the Planning Commission Resolutions regarding 88th, Olympic Avenue and Olympic View Drive, and would not be heard at this meeting. HEARING: ON PROPOSED STREET NAME CHANGES City Planner Logan explained that a committee of citizens with Don Nelson, Postmaster, as Chairman, had • met last year to try and arrive at a sensible solution to our street name problems. It was the recommendation of the committee to change the area east of 11th Avenue back to County numbers, also several other small areas involved in changes. Logan said that some minor changes had been made in their plan to eliminate con- flict in some areas. He said that you need a major arterial to change from one system to the other and Edmonds does not have such a street. He stated that a man had been sent to four newpapers with the pro- posed changes and that it had been printed by the Edmonds Tribune Review and the Western Sun. Hearing was then opened for disucssion. A gentleman -;in the.audience asked why the City was proposing to change Pine St. from 9th to 11th. It was explained that Pine St. from 9th Avenue east to 10th Ave. jogs and then jogs back again. It has been pro- posed that between 9th and 10th where it first jogs it be changed to the County number of 216th. Mayor Harrison stated that the hearings were to analyze the proposed plan and that it was of such critical importance that there were to be three hearings. He said that the proposed plan may not be the final plan but that help and suggestions would be appreciated. Robert B. Warren, 1234 9th P1. W. said that their street is one proposed for County numbering. He stated that he and the other residents of the street opposed the change on the grounds that it is not a thru street and has been 9th P1. W. since it was started 10 years ago. He said the benefits of name change would not balance the drawbacks. Two other gentlemen from his street were also in the audience and were opposed to the change. Edward Bartells, 751 12th Ave. S. said he had been travelling the City streets for many years and could not see any difference in trying to find numbers whether County or City. He said the streets are so cut up that numbers don't make that much difference. Mayor Harrison stated that he had received a letter from Suzanne Lindsay asking to have the name Lindsay Place remain. Mayor Harrison stated that by Council action the name was set as Lindsay Place at the request of Suzanne Lindsay to honor her parents, and that he was sure it would remain the same. • Walter McPherson, 1025 Pine said that the names and numbers created an impossible situation, but would u we:�gain in doing this. Captain Shields, 18730 94th Avenue W. said that Los Angeles had the same situation and in order to solve it the County of Los Angeles started through and named all the streets straight through the County. He thought that perhaps this would be the answer to the problems in Edmonds, redoing all streets to coincide D with Snohomish County. Councilman Slye said he thought the Council should look to an ultimate answer, even if it takes a year or more. Councilman Nelson said he thought the suggestion of Captain Shields was a good and valid one. Mrs. Robert Sorenson, 19529 Olympic View Drive asked if there were more county or city numbers in Edmonds and was told that there were more county numbers. Mr. McPherson asked why the committee members were not in attendance and was told by the Mayor that he would suggest the committee be in attendance at the next meeting. Mayor Harrison closed the hearing at this point, to resume February 18, 1969. HEARING: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #298 - TO DENY REZONE FROM RS-8 to RML AT 1602 MAIN STREET - FILE R-17-68. (APPEAL WITHDRAWN) A letter was read by Mayor Harrison from Bennett Box, attorney for Dr. Richard Goodhope, asking that the original letter from him stating they would not appeal be withdrawn and requesting their appeal be tabled for two months. He stated that Dr. Goodhope was making plans for a Planned Unit Development with possible , partial rezone for the land covered by the original rezone request. Attorney Murphy read the ordinance covering this and found it read the rezone request on land or portion thereof must wait for 180 days to be refiled. He said the Council or Planning Commission could order a public hearing but that the property owner could not. Councilman Haines moved, seconded by Councilman Slye that the application of Dr. Goodhope be referred back e to the Planning Commission for their action. Following discussion Councilman Slye withdrew his second and the motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Bennett moved that the hearing on Planning Commission Resolution #298 - to deny rezone from RS-8 to RML at 1602 Main Street - File R-17-68 be tabled until the Council Meeting of April 1, 1969. This motion also died for lack of a second. A motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the recommendation to deny the rezone from RS-8 to RML as contained in Planning Commission R-17 be approved. Motion carried with Coun- cilman Bennett voting no. He stated he believed the attorney's request to table the appeal should be granted because of their change of plans. HEARING: ON APPEAL FROM RECOMMENDATION IN PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #299 - TO DENY REZONE FROM RS-8 TO RML PROPERTY IN FIVE CORNERS AREA AS DESCRIBED IN FILE R-18-68. City Planner Logan explained the Planning Commission reasons for denial were mainly due to the street and traffic condition, the need for additional apartment zoning around the Five Corners Intersection has not been proven, and many residents opposed the proposal. Mr. Dave Vanderburg, owner of the above property displayed drawings of his proposed apartments. He said he had made a careful study before this request for rezone, and had decided with the building of the Edmonds Community College int-the area and the addition to Stevens Memorial Hospital the growth justified the need for townhouse type apartments. The street is 36' wide and improved to,within 150' of the property and he would go ahead and finish the street to his property. Sewers will now be available and he has a $3,200.00 assessment against the property and -needs to put the property to work. The property is bounded on the north by the City Park property, to the west by a pond, to the south by RML zoned property, and on the east by the street and single family residences. He said with the 25% slope of the property the residences across the street would be approximately 50' higher and 150' away. A gentleman from 19th Avenue S. said he was in favor of the apartment complex. He said he believed some e property owners around who could not get rezones would have to go to low income housing in order to get their investments back. He said he hoped this would not happen to Edmonds because most people moved here to better themselves. Roger Bidell, Richmond Beach, a partner of Mr. Vanderburg stated that they had tried to keep in mind what was good for the /490 City, that they understood the City problems and hoped the City of Edmonds understood theirs. Dave Larson 16th P1. S. said the economics of the area had + changed with the LIDS 9 and suggested ested the Council review the zoning of the entire Five Corners area. John Roski, 101 18th Avenue S. said that the petition submitted with 80 signatures was more directly con- cerned with this rezone than with Environmental Properties. He showed pictures of the existing street and said that it was used for a drag strip and that the police department had done nothing about it. George Fouch, 261 18th Avenue S. said he hoped the Council would reach the same conclusion as the Planning Commission. Councilman Bennett said he thought the Council should reconsider the zoning of the entire Five Corners area. A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Kincaid to affirm the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny the rezone from RS-8 to RML, Planning Commission Resolution #299, as described in File R-18-68, and to review the zoning not only in the Five Corners area, but other areas as well. Motion carried, with Councilman Nelson voting no. Councilman Nelson stated that he thought the residents should have some voice in the matter, but what attraction would be in 2 apartment complexes with trees and park -like grounds as opposed to possibly seven low income houses with no trees. He said he thought the rezone was a logical one and that the terrain makes it feasible to develop without any impairment of sight for people across the street. Councilman Slye said he agreed with Nelson to a certain extent, but thought the Council should first take an overall look. Councilman Nordquist said the presentation was of very fine units against what could be done. AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO ENTER INTO PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH LYNNWOOD PROPERTY OWNERS FOR A PROPOSED O 485`k , • PUBLIC ACCESS STREET BY LID PETITION AT ABOUT 198th AND 77th AVENUE W. A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the Council authorize the Mayor to enter into purchase agreement with Lynnwood property owners for a proposed public access street by LID petition at about 198th and 77th Avenue W.. Motion carried unanimously. 11 CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Willis D. Tucker, Editor and General Manager of the Western Sun asking the City of Edmonds to consider the Western Sun as their legal publication paper. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Jack V. Bigford, 612 9th Ave. North, was read asking the Council to consider the burying of utility lines on 9th North at the time of the proposed street improvements. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Haines reported that at the Councilvwork meeting held on Thursday, January 30, it was generally decided that now would be thetime for the Mayor and Council to name a committee to investigate the feasi- bility of a full-time administrator for the City. It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nelson, that the Mayor and Council appoint a Blue Ribbon committee of approximately 11 members to explore and investigate the feasibility of an executive administrator for the City of Edmonds, and the committee to report their findings and make their recommendation to the Mayor and Council. Discussion followed. Councilman Kincaid said that because there were only three councilmen at the meeting he thought that this matter should be referred back to the next -work meeting and no decision made at this time. Councilman Nelson said he believed that a delay would not be advantageous and that the only purpose of the committee would be to recommend whether or not there should be a full-time executive administrator for the City of Edmonds. Councilman Kincaid said that the City Supervisor should take some of the load off the shoulders of the Mayor and that we should take a look into what we now have. Councilman Slye said the election several years ago defeated the proposed City Manager form of government. Councilman Haines said he be- lieved the City of Edmonds has grown past a part-time Mayor. Mayor Harrison said he wanted to make it clear that this was in no way a criticism of the administrative personnel, but believed it was time to analyze the present form of government, and perhaps it would be recommended to stay as it is. Council- man Bennett said if the matter was returned to a Council work meeting it should not be delayed more than two weeks. A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the matter of appointing a Blue Ribbon committee of approximately 11 members to explore and investigate the feasibility of an execu- tive administrator for the City of Edmonds be tabled. Motion carried with Councilman Nordquist voting no. Councilman Bennett suggested that the Council should take a new look on Open Space and multiple dwellings but specifically at several locations, with Planner Logan to assist in this overall look. Dave Larson, 490 16th P1. S. said he appreciated the feeling of the Council, and asked if a moratorium could be placed on rezones in the Five Corners area until study is done. Richard Dickson, Chairman of the Planning Commission said he thought that it was the proper time for the Planning Commission to study the matter. Mayor Harrison introduced Margaret Lerfald, the new Chairman of the Park Board. Councilman Haines asked for consideration of the possibility of filling vacant spots in sidewalks and curbs in downtown areas. City Supervisor Lawson stated that the City should investigate the financial feasibility of establishing a Sidewalk Construction Fund to make a new sidewalk program operate smoothly and complete. Councilman Bennett asked when the Council would expect the Capital Improvement program and was told by • Engineer Larson it would be ready the end of March. Councilman Nelson, Traffic and Safety Committee reported there were two locations for revised traffic street signs, the first north and south of High Street on Olympic View Drive and the second at corner of 187th and 92nd W. The second -,sign should be placed at the intersection for.north traffic on 92nd to indicate road closed. SALE OF ALOHA STREET AND ELM STREET LOTS. City Supervisor Lawson reported the City had purchased the property in R/W on Aloha Street, and that the land had been redesigned. The Street Department owns the property and is desirous to sell this land and had obtained an appraisal from Mr. Earl Stay for $7,000.00. The property on Elm Street must have=an appraisal and Mr. Stay will be contacted for this. Councilman Bennett moved, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that it is in -he public interest to sell the property on Aloha Street and bids be called for March 17, 1969, 2:00 P.M. in the Mayor's Office with a minimum bid of $7,000.00 to be accepted. Motion -carried. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION - WILLIAM HAMILTON It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Haines that Resolution 4200 be passed commending William Hamilton for his services to the City of Edmonds as a member of the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS FROM PLANNING COMMISSION Resolutions from the Planning Commission were presented to Council and due to two of the Resolutions being for the same area it was moved by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nelson that hearings on Resolution #301 and Resolution #302 be set for March 18, 1969. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that hearing on Planning 486 Commission Resolution #303 be set for March 4, 1969. Motion carried. FINAL PLAT - SEAWOOD ADDITION 0 City Planner Logan stated that the final plat of Seawood Addition has not been finalized so there would be no adtdon. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES A claim for damage was acknowledged from W. Gary Hintz, 806 9th S.. These were referred to the City Clerk for processing. CANCELLATION OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE ON CONFIRMATION OF ASSESSMENT ROLL OF SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT ON MAIN STREET. It was moved by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the hearing date for the con- firmation of assessment roll be deferred because the sidewalk improvement work on Main Street was not complete as yet. Motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF CHASE LAKE SCHOOL STREET PROBLEM Councilman Bennett stated that the Safety Committee had studied the problem at the Chase Lake School and felt that the simplest answer to their problem was to use a sign to be placed in the middle of the street closing the street to traffic during specific hours. Councilman Bennett moved, seconded by Councilman Haines to authorize the Safety Committee to tell the principal and Mr. Peterson, President of the Chase Lake P.T.A. to institute the use of a sign on the street during specific periods ,to close the street to traffic. Motion carried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. _e _-, - �� 3 City.Clerk Mayor February 18, 1969 ROLL CALL Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison, with all councilmen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of February 4 had been posted and mailed. Councilman Slye stated that the motion to appoint a Blue Ribbon committee to investigate the feasibility of an executive administrator for the City of Edmonds was to be tabled for two weeks, and that he, not Councilman Nordquist, had voted in opposition to the motion. Councilman Nelson stated that his corrections on the passage of Ordinance #1411 were not entirely correct. He had meant that it would force the property owner or owners south of the designated street to connect the designated street as established in Ordinance #1411 to a developed public street entirely at his own expense. Minutes were then approved as corrected. HEARING: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 4296 - RECOMMENDING AN AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING ORDI- NANCE TO DEFINE "RESTAURANT" AND "TAVERN", IN ACCORDANCE WITH PLANNING COMMISSION FILE NO. ZO-8-68. Merlin Logan, City Planner, explained the incomplete definitions,.in the zoning ordinance and stated that this proposed ordinance was only to define "restaurant" and "tavern". It was the findings of the Planning Commission to amend the sections of the zoning ordinance to provide definitions of restaurant and tavern, but that the proposed amendment to provide a definition for Cocktail Lounge and to permit Cocktail Lounges in Neighborhood Business zones should not be made. Bob Boyd, 24023 - 76th Avenue W., said he was opposed to the proposed ordinance which to him was only a change to accomodate a reason, and two months from now change it back. He stated that he believed Neighborhood Business was not compatible with a cocktail lounge, and that if one area was approved for cocktail lounges then other areas would soon be approved. Attorney Murphy stated that in the State of Washington there was no such thing as a cocktail lounge, only restaurants which may contain a cocktail lounge. Councilman Bennett said there seemed to be considerable room for doubt as to what can operate in certain locations. Bill Wilson, attorney for Chopsticks Restaurant, said that it was in the interest of his clients that the definitions be established. He said that they had recently extensively remodeled the restaurant portion of their restaurant, and had done a small amount of remodeling to the Cocktail Lounge, increasing the capacity by 12 to 15 people. He asked that the Council .not hold their action in abeyance, but act on this matter at this time. Councilman Slye moved, seconded by Councilman Tuson that this hearing should be considered as a first reading of the Ordinance amending the zoning ordinance in accordance with Planning Commission File No. ZO-8-68. Councilman Bennett said he could see no point in continuing the passage of the ordinance as there would be no new views. Councilman Tuson said he was of the opinion that it was the policy of the Council to have two readings of proposed Ordinances. Attorney Murphy said when a matter is set for a public hearing then there is no first or second reading.. Councilman Tuson then withdrew his second to the motion. Councilman Nordquist seconded the motion made by Councilman Slye that this hearing should be considered a first reading of the ordinance amending the zoning ordinance in accordance with Planning 0