19690415 City Council Minutes• 1 1 J�Z� City Clerk April 15, 1969 ROLL CALL Mayor Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called.to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all council- men present: APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of April 1 had been posted and mailed, and since there were no omissions nor correc- tions, they stood approved as presented. INTRODUCTION OF COUNCILMAN FROM LYNNWOOD 0 Mayor Harrison introduced Councilman Thomas Perry from the City of Lynnwood, who was present in the audience. HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION -RESOLUTION 4308 Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution #308, recommending an amendment to the official street map, establishing a public right-of-way, the centerline of which lies along a line 200 feet north of and parallel to the south line of the southwest 1/4 of the northeast 1/4 of the southwest 1/4 of section 25, township 27 north, range 3 east, W. M., said centerline to extend 310 feet west from the west margin of 8th Ave. South and have a right of way width of 50 feet, as set forth in Planning Commission File ST-7-68. • City Planner Merlin Logan furnished maps of the proposal to council members and explained the Commission's reasons for the recommendation, adding that the proposed street is needed to provide an adequate public access to surrounding land areas which could be developed with numerous building sites. Hearing was opened, but there was no one in the audience who wished to comment, and the hearing was declared closed. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Ordinance #1420 be passed, amending the official street map pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution #308. Motion carried. HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #309 Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution #309, recommending an amendment to the official zoning ordinance relating to outdoor advertising structures and signs in the Community Business zone as set forth in Planning Commission File No. ZO-9-68. The City Planner explained that the proposed sign size regulations based on site or building dimensions are far more equitable for the businessmen than the existing regulations with a fixed maximum sign size for all buildings regardless of building size. He added that when the non -conforming signs were replaced in from 3 to 5 years, it would encourage an improved appearance in the downtown Edmonds business area. Hearing was opened. John Hanson, National Bank of Commerce, asked if this would mean a change in the signs erected from now on or did it mean to pull down all the present ones that did not conform. The answer to his question was that existing non -conforming signs would come down in a 3 to 5 year period, according to the recommendation. Mr. Hanson stated that the N B of C sign had been put up about 13 years ago at great expense and he was against having to take it down. Harry Fredericksen, speaking in behalf of the Edmonds Chamber of Commerce, stated that the Chamber members would go along with the proposed ordinance, as they felt a need for some orderly • manner as regards erecting of signs; however, he suggested that a change in the proposed ordinance be made so that a non -conforming sign should be allowed to remain indefinitely as long as it was properly maintained .and repaired. Tony Phein, connected with sign installation, approved of sign controls,rather than a con- glomeration of such being erected, but he felt size was no criteria of a bad sign. He also complained of loss of signs now existing on Highway 99, but City Attorney Murphy explained that this proposed ordinance applied only to the BC zone and did not have anything to do with signs on Highway 99. Mr. Phein was also dissatisfied with the proposed allowed wattage for illumination of signs, and was against the proposed pro- hibition of all moving signs in the downtown area. He offered suggestions for signs to meet the needs of the merchants in the area. Harry Fredericksen noted that of the written responses received by the Chamber from the businessmen, it showed that most were in favor of the proposed ordinance in general, but felt as . he had stated before that of the present existing signs which were properly installed with city permits, the businessmen would prefer they be allowed to be retained indefinitely if properly maintained. In answer to a statement made by Mr. Phein that signs at Parker Plaza under the new ordinance would be non- conforming, City Planner Logan pointed out that under the proposed ordinance Parker Plaza would comply and re- main under size criteria; he also added that there would be no limitation on indirect wattage of signs, only a 15 watt limit on exposed bulbs; and that the size criteria had been takeni.in part from a model code and from the American Institute of Architects. At this point, Mayor Harrison announced that he had to leave the meeting to keep a speaking engagement before the Meadowdale Community Club, and that later in the evening architects present in the audience would present drawings of a proposed mall for downtown Edmonds. He then turned the meeting over to Councilman Don Tuson, Mayor Pro-Tem. Continuing with the sign size recommendation, John Hanson asked why it was to be proposed for the community business zone only, and not for all of Edmonds. Mr. Jack Winter felt a pole sign should be allowed to pro- ject as far as a sign on a building. Tom Berry, sign shop operator, said he had put up some of the signs in Edmonds, and he was against restrictions on pole signs, although he was in favor of 15 watts for illum- ination, but against signs having to come down in 3 to 5 years if non -conforming. Dick Dickson, Chairman of the Planning Commission, was present in the audience and he thanked Mr. Berry for his participation and • help given to the Planning Commission on this matter. Frank Haynes, Woodway, who said he was with Epcon, Inc. as advertising consultant, was in favor of keeping all the old signs up as long as they were maintained in good repair, and he offered his services to council as advisor on this subject. No one else wished to comment on this hearing and it was therefore closed. Councilman Haines stated that he thought there were too many loose ends to this problem to take any action tonight, and following discussion it was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nordquist than action on this proposed ordinance be tabled to the meeting of June 3, with -he suggestion that the City Planner meet with the several interested men who spoke from the audience, along with members of the Planning Commission, so as to try to come up with a suitable plan which would be acceptable to all parties. Motion carried. SECOND READING PROPOSED ORDINANCE TWO-WAY TRAFFIC ON MAIN FROM 5th to 6th Second reading was held,on the proposed ordinance amending the traffic ordinance by eliminating the one-way traffic restriction on Main Street from 5th to 6th. There was no one in the audience who wished to comment on this. It was moved by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Ordinance #1421 be passed, and the motion carried with Councilman Haines abstaining from voting because of an interest in the property in the area. SECOND READING PROPOSED ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING HOLIDAYS, SICK LEAVE, ETC. Second reading was held on a proposed ordinance prescribinh holidays, vacation time, sick leave, etc. for non -union employees of the City of Edmonds. A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Ordinance #1422 be passed, and the motion carried. AUDITING OF BILLS A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson that vouchers #8528 through #8708 in the total amount of $109,978.11 be approved and the City Clerk be authorized to issue warrants in payment of these regular monthly bills. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the following LID bills be approved for payment: LID #161 - $1027053.85 to National Construction Co., Inc. for contractor's estimate #3; $167.72 to Pioneer National Title Insurance Co. for 3 limited liability reports; $8.10 to Treasurer's Office, City of Edmonds for filing fees,for 4 utility easements; and the City Clerk be authorized to issue interest bearing warrants to Grande & Co., Inc.in the amount of $102,229.67 to cover these bills. Motion carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION TO PROHIBIT PARKING ALONG PORTIONS OF STATE ROUTE 104 City Engineer Leif Larson explained the request of the State Dept.. of Highways in -heir letter tothe City of Edmonds to have a resolution passed to prohibit and enforce the prohibition of on -street parking along SR 104 during certain times, and a motion was therefore made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nelson, that proposed Resolution 4202 be passed, pursuant to the request of the Washington State Highway Commission. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from the First Church of Christ, Scientist requesting extension of time for the use of the former Church property and the City Council Chambers for Sunday School through the month of June 1969. Council agreed to grant the request, but Councilman Kincaid brought to their attention that the Edmonds Arts Festival would be using most of the Civic Center starting June 13 through 23, and it was moved by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the City allow the extension of time for use of the facilities by the First Church of Christ, Scientist, except fot the Council Chambers for Sunday School on June 15 and 22. Mo- tion carried. VV AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mr. Tom Perry, presented a petition signed by residents and owners of property located on Edmonds Street between 8th and 9th for vacation of a 10 to 15 foot portion ofthe north side of Edmonds Street. The request noted that the primary purpose of the action was to facilitate the engineering and construction of a new residence on Lots 30, 31, 32 of Block 80 by Mr. Leroy Jeffrey of 313 Casper Street. This petition for vacation was referred to the City Engineer for study and a report to council. Mr. John Hanson, National Bank of Commerce, presented a petition signed by several business people in Edmonds for abolishing all the one-way streets in the downtown business district. Peggy Harris, of Peggy Harris Gifts in Edmonds, then presented a petition signed by several business people in Edmonds opposing the move to restore two-way traffic on the downtown streets. Councilman Bennett suggested that in view of the receipt of -two opposing petitions, the City of Edmonds Street Committee should study the situation and come to council with a report. A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Slye that a hear- ing be set for May 6 on the proposal for one-way or two-way traffic in the -downtown area. Motion carried. Later it was.noted that the agenda for May 6 included a hearing on improving Casper Street area, and it was therefore moved by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the hearing date on the one-way versus two-way traffic in downtown Edmonds be changed to May 20. Motion carried. A gentleman in the aud- ience stated that he hoped any member of the council with a conflict of interest would abstain from voting on the street question at the hearing, and he*was assured that members of the council always abstain from voting under these conditions. Capt. Shields asked what has been done in regard to the question of fluoridation of Edmonds water. He was told that this question would be before Council in the future. At this point, Dr. Joe Leach in the audience read a portion from articles opposing fluoridation of water without giving each individual a choice in the matter. Marvin Smith asked the council to thank the PUD for their planting of trees in the Yost Park area where • • the power line had been installed. He also asked if he might be notified of the time when council would take up the street matter in committee so that he could attend, and was advised to contact the Mayor on this. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION ' ' Councilman Haines asked if the.Mayor had sent a letter or made a phone call to Ketchikan in regard to the study discussed some time ago. He also asked that the proposed appointment of a Blue Ribbon Committee be put on the work meeting agenda for discussion. It was also asked if Harry J. Prior & Associates, Management Consultants in Seattle, had been contacted, and this was also to be brought up at the next Council work — meeting. Councilman Nordquist noted that Prior & Associates would be prepared to come to the next work meeting to discuss with the councilmen what they could do in regard to a study of the city administration and personnel. Councilman Bennett recommended that minutes be kept at the work meetings in the future, to help with follow- up on discussions held. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES A claim for damages was acknowledged from Mrs. Don H. Phillips, 202 - 9th S., and this was referred to the City Clerk for processing. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS - PARK DEPT. TRACTOR Bids had been opened on April 10 at 2:00 P.M. in the Mayor's office for a tractor for the Park Dept. Present at bid opening were the City Clerk, Deputy City Clerk, Director of Parks and Recreation, Park Dept. Superin- tendent, and three representatives from two of the companies submitting bids. The bids were (all including sales tax) Craig Taylor Equipment Inc. John Deere $7,210.50 Cascade Tractor Co. Ford $6,688.76 • International Harvester Co. International Harvester $61562.60 A memorandum from Al Henderson, Director of Parks and Recreation, recommended acceptance of the second lowest bid, from Cascade Tractor Co., with all specifications met and a delivery date within 10 days. The low bidder, International Harvester Co., failed to meet two important specifications as required, namely substitution of dry disc brakes instead of the called -for wet disc brakes, and differential lock was not available as specified. In addition to not meeting these two specs, the delivery date was to be 60 days after receipt of purchase order. The $126.16 difference in the low and next lowest bid was therefore justi- fied in the recommendation. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that Cascade Tractor Co. be awarded the contract to supply the City of Edmonds Park Department with the tractor for the amount of $6,688.76. Motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Bids had been opened on April 14 at 2:00 P.M. in the Mayor's office for a backhoe, a van -type vehicle, 3/4 ton pickup, 1/2 ton pickup, brass and copper materials, water meters, and a billing machine for the Water Dept.; and a 5-6 yard dump truck and a 1/2 ton pickup for the Street Dept. Present at bid openings were the City Supervisor, City Clerk, Director of Public Works and several representatives from companies submitting bids. The bids were as follows: 5 Vehicles for Street and Water Departments - One bid was received, from Brooks Biddle Chevrolet. 1/2 Ton Pickup $2,134.10 5 yard box dump truck 57628.40 1/2 Ton Pickup $27134.10 3/4 Ton Pickup 2,313.34 3/4 Ton V-8 Van 2,502.61 • It was the recommendation of the Director of Public Works to accept the bids from Brooks Biddle Chevro- let, as the specifications were met and even exceeded in some cases, and the total cost '-was below the estimates made from the last purchase prices. Councilmen seemed in agreement that one bid on all these vehicles was not satisfactory and perhaps due to not side enough publication. However, following dis- cussion on the prices, a motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the bid of Brooks Biddle Chevrolet be accepted for all five vehicles. Motion carried with Councilman Bennett _ voting against. All councilmen then expressed the wish that wider advertising of bids be given in the future. Water Dept. Brass Goods - Two bids had been received: Pacific Waterworks Supply, Inc. $ 13,297.36 total including tax H. D. Fowler Company, Inc. - 12,846.46 if it if No bid bond nor certified check had accompanied the bid from Pacific Water Works Supply, Inc. It was moved by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that H. D. Fowler Company Inc. be awarded the bid for brass and copper materials for the Water Dept. for 1969 and the motion carried. Water Dept. Billing Machine - One bid was received, from Burroughs Corporation in the amount of $6,143.72, including tax. Following discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the bid of the Burroughs Corporation in the amount of $6,143.72 for a billing machine for Water Dept. be accepted, and the motion carried. Water Meters - Three bids were received: 5/8" x 3/4" 1" 1-1/2" • Rockwell Mfg. Co. $33.04 $72.64 $136.17 �00 5/81lx3/411 1tt Hersey-Sparling Meter Co. 33.23 72.95 136.46 Neptune Meter Company 34.00 74.80 140.25 A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Slye that the bid for water meters for ¢...1 the City of Edmonds for 1969 be awarded to Rockwell Mfg. Co. for the unit prices as quoted. Motion! carried. C� Water Dept. Backhoe Two bids were received: Cascade Tractor Company $8,947.12 including tax -_ Tool Crib Company, Inc. 9,244.07 " " 1. Cascade Tractor Company did not meet the specifications, and both companies bid price exceeded the money budgeted for this item, so it was recommended that both bids be rejected and the City continue ona lease -purchase plan currently being used. It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Slye that the City reject both bids for the backhoe for the Water Dept. and continue on the lease agreement as is currently being used. Motion carried: It was reported that six Water Dept. employees had completed a course with certification given by Everett Junior College. PROPOSED ADDITIONAL SERGEANT FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT This item on the agenda was continued to the next council work meeting for discussion. SET DATE FOR SALE OF USED POLICE CARS Council having been appraised of the condition and appraisal price of the two police vehicles it was moved by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nelson that a public auction be held on May 10 at 10:00 a.m. for sale of two used police cars, with a minimum price to be accepted of $750.00 each. Motion carried. ALOHA STREET LOT Opening of bids for purchase of the Aloha Street lot was held on April.3 at 2:00 P.M. in the Mayor's Office. Present were the Mayor, City Supervisor, Deputy City Clerk, Assistant Deputy Treasurer, and Charles Aweaka from the Seattle Times. No bids were received. The City Supervisor reported that since the bid opening, an offer had been made by a city employee to pur- chase this property by payment of $1000.00 down and the balance of $6,000.00 in 6 months with interest. After discussion, during which time it was decided that the city should not commit itself to time payments such as this offer would involve, a motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by.Councilman Kincaid that the city hold the lot open for sale, but recall for bids in 6 months with a review at that time of the appraisal price; and if in the meantime a cash buyer offers the existing appraised $7,000.00, the City be authorized to sell the property. Motion carried. PROPOSED VACATION OF ALLEY IN BLOCK 46, PLAT OF NORTH EDMONDS A petition was received from three abutting property owners of vacation of the alley in Block 46, Plat of North Edmonds. Engineer Larson ex plained that this alley is 10 feet wide and 124 feet in length, and felt if the council wished to vacate it they should keep an easement for utilities. He added that vacation of alleys was not according to usual city policy, and hoped if this alley became an exception, the policy of not vacating alleys would remain. Councilman Kincaid felt that the city could grant use of the alley to the abutting property owners, but not go so far as to vacate it.. Engineer Larson could notify the peti- tioners how to have use of the property without vacation. Councilman Bennett stated he was opposed to any vacation in the city. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Council- man Bennett that the city not vacate the alley in Block 46, Plat of North Edmonds, but notify the peti- tioners in regard to the use of the alley. Motion carried. SET DATE FOR HEARING ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #310 A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that May 20 be set as the date for the hearing oft Planning Commission Resolution #310, File R-1-69, to rezone from RML to BN an area at Westgate. Motion carried. AUTHORIZATION TO PREPARE AN ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR PROPERTY ON 196th City Planner Logan asked for council action on the petition from RMH property owners for improvement of a new street between 196th and 199th S. W., a 20' pavement on a 30' wide lane or alley along the south border of the RMH zoned properties near the intersection of 196th and 76th W. It was moved by Council- man Bennett, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the Engineer be authorized to prepare an assessment roll for this property on 196th, and the motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 10:47 P.M. City Clerk r Mayor 1 • •