19691021 City Council Minutes40 have been renegotiated and refigured, resulting in Edmonds' portion amounting to $12,225.00, which the Engineer considers fair and thus requested entering into an agreement for the storm sewer project with the Community College, Edmonds School District, City of Lynnwood, and Snohomish County. • A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to author- ize the Mayor to sign the Joint Participation agreement for the Storm Sewer Project in the amount of $12,225.00. Motion carried. There was no fufther business to come before council and the meeting adjorned at 11:20 P.M. v Irene Varney Moran, Cig Clerk OCTOBER 21, 1969 ROLL CALL - Harve Harrison, Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all councilman Present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the council meeting of October 7 had been posted and mailed, and since there were no.;omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. HEARING: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #314 Hearing on Planning Commission Resolution #314, General Requirements for Planned Unit Developments, had been continued from the meeting of August 5. City Planner Merlin Logan had at'the previous meeting given a summary review and copies of the draft of the proposed ordinance had been furnished the councilmen. It was the general feeling of council that more study and discussion should be given to this matter, and a motion was therefore made by Councilman Nelson,seconded by Councilman Slye that the hearing on this Resolution #314 be continued to the council meeting of December 16, with a council work meeting �evoted to this revised PUD concept prior to that time. Motion carried. \ 1 • HEARING: ON RESOLUTION #A2 - PROPOSED ANNEXATION OF PORTIONS OF EDMONDS WAY AND PRIMARY STATE HIGHWAY NO. 1 Hearing was held on City 6f Edmonds Resolution #212, proposed annexation of portions of Edmonds Way and Primary State Highway No. 1. City Engineer Leif Larson explained the purpose was to acquire the roadway for control of drainage, utilities, etc. Hearing was opened. No one in the audience wished to comment, and the hearing was therefore closed. Councilman Nordquist asked the Engineer why the city was not taking the portion of Highway 99 on both sides, and the answer was that this would necessitate assuming drainage and utility problems which we would rather control on the one side only at this time. Chief Grimstad noted that he would rather have all of the street to patrol. However, following discussion, it was felt that the benefits of this par- ticular annexation outweighed the liabilities, giving a proper control of development to city standards. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to continue this annexation hearing to the November 40 meeting, but following more discussion, this motion and second were withdrawn. It was then moved by Council- man Bennett, seconded by Councilman Haines that proposed Ordinance #1445 be passed, annexing for municipal purposes these certain portions of streets on highways contig- uous to the existing city limits. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: ON APPEAL FROM RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION TO DENY REZONE An appeal from the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny a rezone application in File R-6-69 had been received, and hearing date had been set for this evening. How- ever, a second letter was received from Robert B. and Joyce A. Reavill, withdrawing their appeal. It was moved by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be upheld on their File R-6-69, and the rezone request be denied. Motion carried. REPORT ON DRAINAGE PROBLEM - 7400 BLOCK OF 218:h S.W. A letter had been read at the council?meeting of October 7 regarding a drainage problem in the 7400 block of 218th S.W., and this had been referred to the City Engineer. He reported that this area was included in the comprehensive plan for drainage problem sites, and that as a temporary measure the city crews had made repairs to the street to help alleviate the problem. However, he stated that until the city can come up with a financial plan for a permanent solution to the storm water drainage, these temporary ■ measures will have to suffice. PRESENTATION OF STUDY ON MULTIPLE DWELLINGS IN CITY City Planner Logan reported on a survey conducted by the Planning Dept. on multiple dwellings in the City of Edmonds. The study was done because of council concern on :the multiple dwelling development in the city. The summary was that there are 1,946 apart- ment units in the city at the present time; about 8% of our land area is used for apartments and 16% of our population is residing in apartments. This study and report was declared a valuable tool for council use in future determinations regarding this type of development. • • CORRESPONDENCE 1 1 i 1 A request was read from Sylvia Drawsky, asking permission to have dancing in the down- stairs area of Sylvia's Restaurant. A letter of recommendation that the permission be granted for dancing on the premises was also read from Police Chief Grimstad. Approval had been given by the Washington State Liquor Control Board and also by the City of Edmonds Fire and Building Depts. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that permission be granted to Sylvia's Restaurant for dancing in the-d-ownstairs area. Motion carried. A petition was received, signed by property owners on Northstream Lane, objecting to the possibility of being assessed for proposed underground wiring, since they already have this improvement on this street. They asked to be exempt from such payments should the city elect to follow this course to finance underground wiring. This request was taken under advisement. A letter was read from Patricia.Welling,.,Chairmah of_;the Beautification Committee, suggesting that the city hire a landscape architect. A letter was read from Agnes Nelson, President of Algoma Garden Club, also suggesting the hiring of a landscape architect by the City of Edmonds. Both letters were taken under advisement. A letter was received from Mrs. Irene J. Spivey, 9121 - 1960 S.W., regarding the hazardous intersection at 1961b and 88th. This problem is at present under study by both the Engineer and Police Dept., and a letter has been sent to the State requesting a traffic control study by them. AUDITING OF BILLS A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that vouchers #9592 through #9760 totaling $140,138.81 be approved, and the City Clerk be authorized to draw warrants against the proper funds in payment of these regular monthly bills. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman_Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the following LID bills be approved for payment: LID #161 - $1,398.60 to National Construction Co., Inc. for contractor's estimate #9 (semi-final); $8.10 to Edmonds City Treasurer for recording fees for deeds; and the City Clerk be authorized to issue interest bearing warrants in the amount of $1,406.70 to Grande & Co., Inc. in payment of these bills; LID #164 - $54,282.22 to National Construction Co., Inc. for contractor's estimate #5,; $308.31 to Pioneer National Title Insurance Co. for 8 limited liability reports for easement condemnations; $5.00 to Edmonds City Treasurer for a recording fee; $112.20 to Snohomish County Auditor for recording fees for easements; $62.40 to Edmonds Tribune - Review for legal publications; $500.00 to Samuel E. K. and Marcia V. Marsh for easement; $300.00 to Delbert and Maureen V. Dern for easement; $400.00 to Sherman H. and Sylvia N. Osborn for easement; $150.00 to Eugene B. and Alvina E. Gibson for easement; $100.00 to Paul A. and Sylvia Reithaar for easement; $100.00 to Peter L. and Mary M. Hemp for ease- ment; $50.00 to Mark B. and Elta M. Lewis for easement; and the City Clerk be authorized to issue interest bearing warrants in the amount of $56,370.13 to Grande & Co., Inc. in payment of these bills; LID #176 - $3,651.03 to Pacific Northwest Escrow Corp. for R/W acquisition (Rowe); $3.00 • to Edmonds City Treasurer for recording fee; and the City Clerk be authorized to issue an interest bearing warrant in the &mount of 03,654.03 to City of Edmonds in payment of these bills. Motion carried. RESIGNATION FROM CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Mayor Harrison read a letter of resignation from Kingman Bailey, Civil Service Commission, and remarked that Mr. Bailey had faithfully served on the Commission for the past 12 years. The resignation was accepted with regret, and a motion was made by Councilman Kincaid, sedonded by Councilman Tuson that the Attorney prepare a Resolution of Commendation to thank Kingman Bailey for his many years of service to the City of Edmonds. Motion carried unanimously. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Mr. Tom Berry, co-chairman of the Citizen's Golf Course Committee, reported to council on the work done by this committee in regard to the University of Washington property in north Edmonds. An offer had been received by the City from Bert Cole, Dept. of Natural Resources, giving the appraised price of the land as one million dollars and offering it to the city for 10% down and the balance over a ten year period at 6% interest, or on a lease agreement. Mr Berry also commented on the fact that Dirk Jongejan had recommended an executive size golf course on the land, with other city recreation facilities using the extra space. The Golf Committee reported also that they felt the city should use the services of a certified golf architect for a design of a proposed executive course, and after interviewing several prospects, they had selected Mr. Ted Robinson, whom they felt would be most qualified to perform this task for the city. The Committee therefore requested the city council to authorize the sum of $1,200.00 for this design plan. Mr. Berry added that nothing but favorable comments had been received from several golf clubs who had used the serviced of Mr. Robinson. 42 Mr. Richard Dickson, Planning Commission Chairman, spoke in favor of the request for a golf couse investment, and he made a presentation to council with the aid of charts to support his views. His charts noted the Golf Committee, after 10 months of study, came up with 3 alternatives; (1) continue study with professional advice, (2) continue study as amateurs, or (3) disband. For council action, Mr. Dickson's chart stated (1) render funding decision, (2) provide policy direction. Following this presen- tation, discussion was held by council, and a motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Haines that the City allocate funds in the amount of $1,200.00 for a professional feasibility study on a golf course, and the motion carried. After further discussion, Councilman Haines moved, seconded by Councilman Kincaid.that the $1,200.00 expenditure be charged to the Park Acquisition fund. This motion, after more council discussion, was withdrawn. Mr. Bert Hardy, owner of the Evergreen Apartments at 20901 W. 76tb, brought before council his problem of septic tanks no longer working to serve his apartments, and he is faced with putting in a new drainfield. Mr. Hardy's apartment isj.st outside city limits of Edmonds in the county, but he :,,asked permission to connect to the Edmonds sewer that runs along the street in front of his apartment house, stating that he would pay any reasonable charges. He also added that he had investigated the tax rate, and found that there was very little difference between the county and the City of Edmonds,,so he would be interested in annexing to the city. Since it has for years been the policy of the City of Edmonds not to furnish sewer service to anyone outside city limits.except in the case of public buildings, Mr. Hardy was advised that unless he could petition to annex and become part of the city, connection to the city sewer system would not be allowed. The City Attorney advised him that to annex by petition method requires 75196 of the assessed valuation of the property to'be annexed. Councilman Bennett suggested that Mr. Hardy contact the City Engineer and City Attorney for help on the possibility of annexing, and Mayor Harrison invited Mr. Hardy to drop by the Mayor's office the following day to discuss his problem. Ralph Potts, Seattle Attorney representing Mr. Trygve Fiksdal, spoke to council regarding the City of Edmonds' request for Mr. Fiksdal to increase the size of the water main which is now necessary to adequately serve his new condominium. Mr. Potts stated that Mr. Fiksdal had not been invited to attend the meeting when this council decision had been made, and that it was the duty and obligation of the city to provide large enough mains to service and protect from fire all the landowners within the city limits. He felt all the property in the area should have to share in the cost of the larger main. Miles Yanick, architect for the condominium, stated that a variance had been granted for the condominium and no mention of a larger size.water line had been made at.that time. However, when he read the minutes of the Board of Adjustment it was noted that the variance had been given for 2 additional apartment units in the building, and that when the building permit was issued, the Building Dept. advised the.builder of inade- quate water to serve a condominium with 50 units. Mr. Potts noted that the City would be liable for damages from the date Mr. Fiksdal was refused connection to the present water main to..the present time. Mr. Yanick inquired if the city would allow the con'= dominium to put'in a private water main to serve themselves only. This was to be evaluated by the City Engineer and would in any case be subject to city standards and specifications. Gordon Dowrey, 702 - 9t N., asked council if a letter had been sent to Olympia for 90 Ave. reclassification. He asked if he might be furnished a copy. A teat minute recess followed. CITY OF EDMONDS FLAG CONTEST WINNER ANNOUNCED 0 1 • 1 The Edmonds Jaycees had given the five final entries in the flag contest to the city council for their decision on a winner. The five final entries were submitted by: • Dan Miller, Westgate, 50 grade; TomKlempel, Edmonds Senior High student; Mrs. Audrey M. Hirst, 960 - 5!b S.; Debra Bannister, Edmonds Senior High student and Geraldine Jones, 8126 - 215n S.W. The winning entry was a drawing of the Sound with a seagull in flight and was submitted by Geraldine Jones. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Bennett reported that he was contacted by Mrs. Grader in the Maplewood #1 area regarding cars speeding on her street and he suggested the Mayor and Traffic Engineer investigate this problem. Councilman Kincaid reported that Mr. Jack Carbines, 9% Ave., told him that he had seen a man in a city pickup truck installing political signs on poles during working hours one morning. It was noted that the city pickup trucks were out removing political signs from the public right-of-way. However, since this had been reported by a„citizen, it will be investigated. Discussion on these political signs in the city followed, with a motion being made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the council reaffirm their policy of removing all signs from the public right-of- way. Motion carried. Councilman Nelson added that it was also a gentleman's agreement that candidates romove their own signs after the applicable time expires. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES A claim for damages was acknowledged from Ronald B. McLeod, and this was referred to the City Clerk for processing. 0 • 43 �� 1 u •, 1 • 1 FIRST READING ORDINANCES First readings were held on ordinances for underground wiring, for water service suspen- sion procedures, and for separate water :peter for single family homes. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE: STREET NAME MAP A motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nelson that proposed Ordinance #1446 be passed, amending the street name map to change the name of certain streets back to their original names of Hillcrest Place and Laurel Lane. Motion carried. REPORT ON R/W OBTAINED TO DATE ON 9!b AVENUE City Engineer Leif Larson reported on the number and percentage of easements obtained to date for the proposed 90 Avenue paving project. It totaled 34% for both north and south of Main on 9n. After discussion on the right-of-way needed, a motion was made by Councilman Bennett, secondsdc',by Councilman Slye that since the required R/W will be the same regardless of the final width of the street, the city should proceed with acquisition. Councilman Kincaid felt that the city should wait until December as stated at a previous council meeting, but the councilmen discussed the possibility of pro- ceeding with acquisition in the area from the cemetary south to the county line for the future holding lanes, since there did not seem to be any controversy over this. Councilman Bennett then suggested amending his wttion to state acquisition from the cemetary south to the county line only.; More council discussion followed, and Gordon Dowrey, representing the signers of the original petition against 9!h being widened to arterila standards, stated that he would not argue with a 60' R/W south of Main, but did wish that the city would ask for a variance in the needed R/W as well as for the reclassification of 9n More discussion, and councilman Bennett then withdrew his motion; Slye his second, and no further action was taken. .SET DATES AND LOCATIONS FOR INFORMAL HEARINGS ON FINANCING IMPROVEMENTS City Supervisor Lawson reported on the availability of locations and dates for the pro- posed informal hearings on financing improvements in the)City of Edmonds for.Water, Streets, Storm Drainage, and Underground Wiring. Since the majority of the council was in agreement, a motion was made by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the informal hearings for financing these improvements be held on November 12' at 8:00 p.m. in the Edmonds Jr. High School Auditoriuu), and on November 20 at 8:00 p.m. at the Senior High School Little Theatre. Motion carried with Councilman Slye and Kincaid voting against as they were opposed to the hearing at this point. FIST READING: OVERNIGHT PARKING ORDINANCE First reading was held on an overnight parking ordinance, and this was also referred to the council work meeting. DATE SET FOR FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL HEARING - LID #161 A motion was made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the hearing on the final assessment roll for LID #161, Units 2 and 3 sewers, be set for December 2. Motion carried. ' DATE SET FOR HEARING ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #317 It was moved by Councilman Bennett, seconded by Councilman Nelson that December 16 be set as the date for the hearing on Planning Commission Resolution #317, File CP-1-69, recommending amendment to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and Thoroughfare Plan by establishing designations in the unincorporated area of Snohomish County south of city limits. Motion carried. There was no further business to come before the council, and the meeting adjourned at 11:45 P.M. Irene Varney Moran, y Clerk November 4, 1969 ROLL CALL bz2iz: ijd , d. d: 2 Harve Harrison, Mayor Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all councilmen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the meeting held Oc!.ober 21 had been posted and mailed, and with no ommissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. AMOUNCE14ENTS OF MEETINGS Mayor Harrison announced that on Thursday evening at 7:30 the council would meet for a work session to hear a report on the progress being made on labor negotiations for the city. It was also again brought to the attention of council that the informal public hearings on the proposal to increase utility taxes to",raise funds for the purposes of financing • improvements in'the City of Edmonds for water), streets, drainage and underground wiring I