19700217 City Council Minutes.g6A CORRESPONDENCE A letter had been received from.the State of Washington Urban Arterial Board in regard to the 9th Avenue project, wherein the city had requested a variance in roadway width from Main to Casper from the required 44_feet to 40 feet, curb to curb. The request was approved, as a first stage construction proposal, subject to receipt by the UAB of written assurance from the city council that the second stage construction proposal will be constructed by the city when the traffic volumes warrant, in accordance with the design standard minimum roadway section details, at no cost to the Urban Arterial.Program. It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nelson to authorize the Mayor to write this assurance to the UAB,that the roadway will be constructed according to the standards as described and requested. Motion carried. , It was then moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson to authorize the Mayor to proceed with the acquisition of property needed for the project. Motion carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE ADOPTING 1969 APWA STANDARDS It was moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Ordinance #1466 be passed, adopting the 1969 standard specifications for Municipal Public Works Construction prepared by the Washington State Chapter of the American Public Works Association as amended by modifications of the City Engineer. Motion carried. . AUTHORIZATION FOR ENGINEERING ON 84th AND ON WALNUT FROM 7th TO 9th A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to authorize the engineering for improvements on 84th (17th South) and on Walnut Street from 7th to 9th. Motion carried. DATES FOR OPENING OF BIDS • A motion was made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Slye that the date for opening of bids for LID #167, Forsythe,from 5th to 6th, be set for February 16th and March 2 be set for opening bids on Walnut and Bowdoin from 9th to Five Corners. Motion carried. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION Mayor Harrison noted that.Bob Blackbourn's term on the Board of Adjustment had expired after several years of service, and suggested that a Resolution of Commendation be authorized. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that a Resolution of Commendation be written for Bob BTackbourn for his many years of service on the Board of Adjustment. Motion carried. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Claims for damages were acknowledged from Bert Hardy and from Fred Taucher. These were referred to the City Clerk for processing. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Jim Mueller, representing PRIDE, asked that the council (1) consider the high rise pro- posal coming before the Planning Commission in regard to the Edmonds waterfront. Hec; suggested that information be given to PRIDE as to steps.that can betaken to start acquisition of the waterfront from Dayton to the ferry dock for use as a city park; and (2) that PRIDE requests the council to consider the reappraisal of the comprehensive street plan. He said that Edmonds was becoming a traffic generator and if the citizens • on the streets affected would be allowed to develop a communication with the administrate tion staff and council, it would save time at council meetings. The Mayor suggested that. the PRIDE organization meet with the Park & Recreation Advisory Board in regard to the waterfront. Councilman Tuson noted that he would be on vacation and absent from the council meetings of February 17 and March 3. There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 12:10 P.M. Irene Varney Mor n, City Clerk H. Harrison, Mayor .. February 17, 1970 ROLL CALL Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harrison with all councilmen present except*Tuson,,who is on vacation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of February 3 had been posted and mailed. Councilman Haines noted that under the hearing on Planning Commission Resolution #325, "with council approval" should be added to the motion. The minutes were then approved as -amended. 67 • HEARING: PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL - RESOLUTION OF INTENTION #229 Hearing was held on the preliminary assessment roll for Resolution of Intention #229, UAB ,paving, sidewalks, etc. for 76th W. and vicinity. City Engineer Leif Larson gave an ex- planation of the project, LID boundaries, cost estimates, and the zone and termini method of assessment. He explained also that this project would be in two portions. At,Council- man Nordquist's request, Engineer Larson pointed out on the map the intersection of 76th. and Highway 99 and how the proposed improvement would effect that area in the vicinity of the Putt -Putt golf course and K-Mart. Hearing was then opened. Arthur Gross, 23704 - 76th Ave.W., asked if they'did not have traffic using 76th going north from the freeway, would it be necessary to have a four lane improvement. He added that a rumor was circulated that by being four lanes or 44 feet wide, the 'state absorbs part of the cost. The Urban Arterial Board system was explained to .him, and he was ad- vised that these four lanes would be two lanes for traffic and two for parking. Mr. Gross also stated he felt the proposed improvement was benefiting more people than those being assessed. However, he was told that thazone and termini methoddf assessment was according to state statutes, and it was the best available method at present. Forrest Roff, engineer from Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc., explained in answer to an inquiry that the Mountlake Terrace projectiin the Ballinger area was being held up only temporar- ily, by -the acquisition of right-of-way in certain instances. Lola Barden, 23207 - 76th W., said she was interested in the protection of her property, and asked for a letter from the engineers in regard to her rustic fence and tall fir trees before she would sign a release. Mrs. Strople, 24002 - 76th W., inquired about the completion date of the proposed under -pass and if traffic volume would be less after this was in operation. Jim Mueller, 209 Casper, felt the council should clarify the answer to Mr. Gross' question on the necessity for a four lane highway on 76th; that the UAB will participate when the width is less than 40 feet. Mayor Harrison answered that the city would have to reapply to the UAB for any deviations. Jim Mueller stated that he was a firm believer in keeping as • narrow a street as is possible and still adequately handle the traffic. The City Engineer' replied that the traffic counts on this street justify an arterial of 441. Mr. Carpenter, 239th, asked how some property owners in his culdesac were being assessed and others not, and how did you decide that some were being benefited, but not all. He also asked what the speed limit would be on 76th.::Howard Olds,- 12th N., asked the size of the improvement between 242nd and 244th. Mr. Peterson, 23402 - 76th W., noted that a sidewalk was put in from 230th to 236th for school walkways and this took 5 feet from his property. Now, he added, the city would be taking more of his property for sidewalk area, and this would leave him very little front yard. The City Engineer determined that Mr. Peterson's rockery is built on city R/W, and Mayor Harrison asked Mr..Peterson to drop by the Engineer's office so as to check hi6.:property lines on the project map. A woman in the audience who said she was riot a resident of the proposed LID area and not effected by this project, said she felt 40' streets were enough and the people of Edmonds were not interested in wide expanses of concrete, but wished to keep the city residential.. Mayor Harrison cautioned that the citty must go along with the UAB standards or drop the projects.'Mr. Gross, 76th, asked if the preliminary cost estimate of $4.00 per zone front foot would be the total assessment for this project, and also could the city reapply to the UAB. He asked if all of the culdesac earlier mentioned could be included in the project. Attorney Murphy explained the procedure for changing LID boundaries and further added his personal feeling on the importance of the extra two feet of width should it involve the life of a child. Roy Passi, 22313 - 76th W., said there was a traffic problem now, and a four lane highway encourages more volume. He asked about a proposed assessment for connecting to the Olympic View Water District trunk sewer line that passes his property. The City Engineer explained that laterals will be - installed for these connections to the main line and the sewer assessment will•be on a late comer agreement of $7.50 a zone front foot plus $100.00 for the .lateral charge, and a few properties were involved in -this. There was also a question from Mr. Passi on having paid a sewer service charge on his water bill • with no sewer, and City Supervisor D. C. Lawson explained about the sewer service charge on the water bills having been imposed several ago when the Pollution Control years com- mi%ion.directed the City of Edmonds to install a sewage disposal plant, and this was to benefit everyone living in the community. Paul Chamberlain, 23715 - 77th W., asked when the 60' R/W was established. A gentleman inquired about the proposed traffic light at the entrance to K-Mart. Following this, the hearing was closed. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded b y Councilman Haines that proposed Ordinance #1467 be passed, creating LID #178, and the motion carried with Councilman Nordquist abstaining from all voting on this matter as he is a resident of the area. - More discussion followed, particularly on the width of the sidewalks and whether they should be placed at the edge of the curb or leave a planting strip. Mayor Harrison asked for a show of hands from property owners in the audience in regard to the two choices, and the great majority voted in favor of.curbs with no planting strip. A motion was made by.Councilman Sanborn, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the engineer be directed to install 5 ft. sidewalks instead cf 7 ft., and that the sidewalks go to the edge of the curb. Motion carried with Councilman Slye against and Councilman Nordquist abstaining. RESET.HEARING DATE FOR LID #173 Because of legal publications, it was necessary to change the date for hearing on the final assessment roll for LID #173. All property owners had been notified, and it was moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the hearing on the final assessment roll for LID #173 be set for March 17, 1970. Motion carried. HEARING: (CONTINUED) ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #317 t Continued hearing was -..held on Planning Commission Resolution #317, comprehensive land use and thoroughfare plan for unincorporated areas south of the city limits. At the February 68 3rd councilr.meeting, the Attorney had been instructed to prepare an adinance, incorpor- • ating changes which council-had.suggested. The Mayor opened the hearing. No,one in the audience wished to comment, and the hearing was therefore closed. City Planner Logan gave an explanation of his report to the council as to his ideas for this area, and fol- lowing this a motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that proposed Resolution #219 be passed, making findings and determinations supplementing the narrative portion of the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan, with particular reference to the unincorporated area south of the City limits and west of Highway 99,.pursuant to Planning Commission Resolution #317. Motion carried with Councilman Kincaid voting against. It was then moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that proposed Ordinance #1468 be passed, supplementing the Edmonds Comprehensive Plan by adding thereto the unincorporated area south of the city -limits, west of Highway 99, to become effective upon annexation of said area, or any part thereof. Motion carried. HEARING: ON PLANNNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #327 Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution #327, recommending an amendment to the official zoning map to rezone from RS-8 to RD Lots 1 through 7, Block 1, Park Addition to Edmonds, as described in File R-9-69.- City Planner Logan gave a brief summary of the reasons for the proposal for thi6 area and the zoning surrounding this.parcel. Hearing was opened.- Mr. Melvin Madison, 18999 - 80th W., applicant for the rezone, asked that the council grant the request as recommended. So one else wished to comment, and the hearing was closed. Following discus§ion, it was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Council- man Slye that proposed Ordinance #1469 be passed, amending the -official zoning map by changing this described property from RS-8 to RD pursuant to the recommendation of the Planning Commission in their Resolution #327. A roll call vote showed all"councilmen voting in favor except Sanborn and Kincaid, and the motion carried. HEARING: ON APPEAL FROM RECOMMENDATION IN PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #326 • Hearing was held on an appeal from the recommendation in Planning Commission Resolution #326, recommending denial of a proposed amendment to the official:street map to'remove a proposed 20' widening on the south side of Erben Drive, east of the north -south alley lying east of 4th Avenue, as set forth in File ST-1-69. City Planner Logan reported on the proposal, and read the findings of the Planning Commission. Hearing was then opened. Mr. Gunter Wittek, appellant, is owner of a piece of property south of the Drive, and he stated that with loss of 20' from this property, it would damage his plans for building of an apartment house. He stressed the need for the 20' for adequate setbacks and parking requirements. There was much discussion regarding the future need for a wider street when apartment dwellers begin to use it for access to the buildings, and it was felt the city should retain the necessary R/W. Hearing was then closed. A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Kincaid to uphold the recommendation of the Planning Commission in their Resolution #326 and deny the appeal. Motion carried. . AUDITING OF BILLS A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the following LID bills be approved for payment: LID #164 - $47,822.74 to National Construction Co.,. Inc. for contrac.tor's estimate #9 (semi-final); $13,466.00 to Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. for engineering interim billing No. 3; and the City Clerk be authorized to issue interest bearing warrants to Grande & Co., Inc. in the total amount of $61,288.74 to cover these bills; LID #167 - $51.85 to Daily Journal of Commerce for legal publications and the City Clerk be authorized to issue an interest bearing warrant to City of Edmonds in the same amount to cover this bill; LID #173 - $1,760.94 to Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. for final billing on engineer- • ing, and the City Clerk be authorized to issuei;..an interest bearing warrant to City of Edmonds in the same amount to cover this bill; LID #178 - $56.53 to Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications, and the City Clerk be authorized to issue -an interest bearing warrant to City of Edmonds in the same amount to cover the bill; LID #179 - $812.00 to Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. for engineering interim billing No. 1; $26.60 to Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications; and the City Clerk be authorized to issue an interest bearing warrant in the amount of $838.60 to City of ■ Edmonds to cover these bills; Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that vouchers #10,209 through #10,342 in the amount of $69,972.15 be.approved, and the City Clerk be authorized to issue warrants drawn from the proper funds in payment of these regular monthly.bills. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT OF C.A.O. Mayor Harrison made the appointment of D.C. Lawson as the City of Edmonds Chief Admin- istrative Officer, and a motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that the Mayor's appointment of D.C. Lawson as the City of Edmonds' Chief Administrative Officer be confirmed. Motion carried. REPORTS ON BIDS - MACKIE HOUSE Bids had been opened on February 16 at 2:00 P.M. for sale and removal of the Mackie house at 243.2 - 76th W. Bids were received from Roger Hill, 18303 Second Ave. N.E., Seattle • • 1 1 at $956.00, and from Everett Investment Co., 2400 West Viewmont Way, Seattle, at $2,021.00. A motion was made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by. Councilman Sanborn to accept the highbid of $2,021.00 from Everett Investment Co. for sale of the Mackie house. .:.Motion carried. REPORT ON BIDS - LID #167 Bids had been opened at 2:00.P.M. on February 16 for'LID #167, paving of Forsythe Lane from 5th to 6th. Bids were: Western -Sewer & Construction, Inc. $179805.50 Ed Hewsp+lq Cement Contractor 19,995.50 Kirkland Sand & Gravel, Inc. 21,510.90 J. M. Curtis Co., Inc. 239600.59 Doolittle Construction Co. 24,264.00 Bellevue Bulldozing, Inc. 249284.00 Taylor Utilities Construction Co. 269166.00 Giske Construction Company, Inc. 269213.50 Complementary Bid: $19903.50 29745.00 2,395.00 3,076.00 29996.00 3,425.00 29824.00 29555.00 City Engineer Leif Larson recommended awarding of the contract to the low bidder, and it was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman•Nordquist that the bid of Western Sewer & Construction, Inc. be accepted for the paving of Forsythe Lane and the Mayor be authorized to enter'into contract with them. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Howard A. Olds, adking permission to invite the Washington Regional Housing Federation to make a survey in Edmonds of the housing needs for the elderly. • Mr. Olds had spoken to the council at their last work session. Councilman Kincaid felt the city should not encourage this sort of survey unless prepared to go all the way and implement it with actual building to meet•the need if one exists here. After further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Sanborn to authorize the Mayor to grant permission for a survey to be made by the Washington Regional Housing Federation of housing needs for.the elderly in Edmonds. Motion carried with Councilman Kincaid abstaining as he had not been present at the initial presentation given by Mr. Olds and did not feel he had enough information on the subject at the present time. 1 • 1 A letter was received from the Edmonds Park & Recreation Advisory Board recommending that Sunset Beach not be renamed Brackett's Landing as had been suggested in a letter received by them. It was moed by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Slye that the council uphold the Park Board's recommendation and not rename Sunset Beach. Motion carried with Councilmen Haines and Nordquist voting against. AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH ACQUISITION OF R/W ON 9th SOUTH City Engineer Leif Larson requested that council authorize him to proceed with acquisition of.R/W for the 44' roadway project on 9th Avenue, south of Main. There were several people in the audience who commented on this, and a motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson to authorize proceeding with the R/W acquisition for this project on 9th, south of Main. Motion carried with Councilman Sanborn voting against. Much more discussion took place, and resulted in a motion by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the Engineer be instructed to place the sidewalks immediately adjacent to the curb. This motion carried with Councilmen Slye and Nelson voting against. Following further discussion, Councilman Sanborn moved, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the city install rockeries as required, and in general avoid as much damage as possible within the realm of engineering and economic feasibility. Motion carried with Councilman Slye voting against. Jim Mueller, in the audience, stated that he felt it was important for the council to understand the full meaning of "engineering and economic feasibility". He added that much can be done to save considerable loss of property valuations and with proper con- sideration, loss can•be held at a minimum. 'Councilman Sanborn stressed that the engineer- ing will include relocating slopes and the drawings will be redone for this area to take the changes into consideration and minimize the property damage. PROPOSED R/W DEVELOPMENT.PLANS FOR.9th AVENUE NORTH OF MAIN In regard to the R/W development plans for 9th north of Main, a great deal of discussion took place, and a motion was made by Councilman Slye to authorize the engineer to proceed with R/W development plans on 9th north of Main as outlined by the City Engineer. This motion died for lack of a second. It was then moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that the city U X put in a 40' street, (2) concrete curbs, and (3) asphaltic sidewalks. This motion and second was later withdrawn. Following much discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Kincaid to authorize the engineer to proceed with R/W on 9th north of Main to install concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, 40' street under the UAB, and the city accept all second stage construction cost if and when the roadway is widened in the future. Motion carried with Councilmen Slye and Nelson voting against. FINAL PLATS - EMERALD HILLS AND SHARON HEIGHTS A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the final plat of Emerald Hills be approved and accepted. Motion carried. 70 • It was moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded'by Councilman Nelson that the final plat of Sharon Heights be approved and accepted. ::Motion carried. SET BID DATE FOR GENERATORS ON UNITS 5 & 6 As recommended by the City Engineer, a motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that March 2 be set as the date for opening•bids on the generators for Units 5 & 6. Motion carried. CHANGE'DATE FOR OPENING BIDS ON BOWDOIN WAY Upon recommendation of the City Engineer,'a motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the date'for'opening bids on the Bowdoin Way project be changed from March-2 to February 26. Motion carried.. ORDINANCE CREATING LID #179 At the February 3 hearing on Resolution of Intention #228, for improvement of Walnut and Bowdoin1from 9th 'to Five Corners, the Attorney had been instructed to prepare an ordinance to create the LID. Therefore, it was moved by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Ordinance #1470 be passed, creating LID #179, and the motion carried. ORDINANCE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #325 At the February 3 council -meeting, the Attorney had been instructed to prepare an ordin- ance'in regard to Planning Commission Resolution #325, clarifying the status of petroleum • plants in IP zones. A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nelson that proposed Ordinance #1471 be passed, and the motion carried. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION - BOB BLACKBOURN The Attorney having been instructed to prepare a resolution of commendation for Bob Blackbourn, it was moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Nelson that proposed Resolution #220 be passed, commending Bob Blackbourn for his many years of service on the Board Of Adjustment. Motion carried. ORDINANCE CREATING DISABILITY BOARD A motion was made by Councilman Haines,.seconded by Councilman Nelson that proposed Ordinance #1472 be passed, creating a new chapter in the Edmonds City Code, establish- ing a disability Board with jurisdiction over Police and Firemen. Motion carried. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES A claim for damages was acknowledged from Silver Crest Homes, Inc., and this was referred to the City Clerk for processing. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION A -request from citizens in the form of a petition for a stop sign at the intersection of 218th and.92nd W. was referred to the City Engineer for study and recommendation. CITY POSITION ON WATERFRONT FILL Councilman Sanborn moved, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the Engineer be authorized • to notify the Corps of Engineers that the City of Edmonds opposes granting permission to fill a portion of the Edmonds waterfront. Motion carried. There was no futther business; and the meeting adjourned at 12:25 A.M. Irene Varney Mor , City Clerk H. Harrison, Mayor MARCH 3, 1970 ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all councilmen present. except Tuson and Slye, who are on vacation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of -February 1.7 had' been posted and mailed, and with no omissions nor correction, they were approved as written.' HEARING: ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #321 Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution #321, recommending an amendment to the official zoning ordinance to allow gasoline stations in BN zones, subject to a conditional use permit, in accordance with File ZO-3-69. City Planner Merlin Logan reported that a petition with approximately 25 names had been presented to the Planning Commission request-