19701201 City Council Minutes12S December 1, 1970 • ROLL CALL The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council, in conjunction with Hearing on the Final Budget for the City of Edmonds for the year 1971, was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all councilmen present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Attorney Murphy asked that the last paragraph on page 2 in regard to the representatives from the Realtor's Board being included in the review of development standards for duplexes and apartments at a work'meeting, be changed by the adding of the sentence "The City Attorney stated that this could not be done at a -work meeting." Also, under the First Reading of a Proposed Ordinance for the Optional Municipal Code, it should state that the 90 day period has expired. Minutes were then approved as corrected. BOY SCOUT TROOP IN AUDIENCE Mayor Harrison introduced the leaders and members of Boy Scout Troop 310 as guestsin the audience. HEARING: FINAL BUDGET FOR 1971 In accordance with State Statutes, hearing was held on the Final Budget for the City of Edmonds for the year 1971. Chief Administrative Officer D. C. Lawson gave a brief report on the mathe- matically balanced budget for 1971, explaining the reasons for some of the larger departmental increases over 1970. He then proceeded to review each department's budget individually. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Council- man Sanborn to delete the words "with matching funds" on page 51 of the 1971 budget under Park Acquisition. Motion carried. Mayor Harrison then opened the hearing. Councilman Nelson questioned account number 12.304 as not providing monies for buildings in the 1971 budget, and he inquired about the acquisition of the Meadowdale Community Club, etc. CAO Lawson replied that other provisions had been made in the budget to take care of these items. Councilman Nelson also asked for a clarification of accounting services under 19.222 and 20.222, and it was explained that this -would be a transfer from these depts. to the Finance and Accounting to take care of salaries for the bookkeeping which has now been centralized. Councilman Sanborn questioned the small amount of in- crease shown for Reserve salaries in the Police Dept., and was concerned that the Street Dept. was hiring two additional people and yet only increasing by $3,000.00 the amount for materials for maintenance. Councilman Haines asked if it might be more economical to rent equipment rather than purchase it for the Street Dept. He commented that with an approximate 25% increase in income for 1971, perhaps the Utility tax could now be reduced. He also disagreed with the expenditure of $4,000.00 for an Annual Report, and followed this by making a motion, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the item of $4,000.00 on page 41 of the 1971 budget for an annual report was needless and that it be deleted. At this point, the Mayor explained the value of this annual report to the citizens and what it would con- tain. A vote taken on the motion to delete the report resulted in a defeat, and the work on the annual report will proceed. There were several questions raised by'councilmen in regard to the street and water expenditures, and some discussion was given to the extra 2% utility tax levied on water during 1970, with some thought given to its possible reduction. The Chief Administrative Officer explained why he felt this should not be done at this particular time. The City Engineer, in answer to questions regarding Water -Sewer charges to people outside city limits and City of Edmonds' citizens, answered that the city's financial advisors had suggested that these contracts be reviewed early in 1971. Chet Bennett gave a report to council on his efforts to this date to raise money and obtain citizen approval for a municipal swimming pool for Edmonds. He felt this should be considered at this time during budget hearing. He added that he would be soon visiting 25 to 30 Washington cities which have municipal pools in order to gather as much information as possible for Edmonds. It was thought, however, that probable construction might not take place, because of many reasons including financing, until the summer of 1972. Capt. Shields asked for the totals of both the 1970 and 1971 budgets for com- parison, and finding it to be in vicinity of $700,000.00 difference, he .stated that he felt this was a high percentage of raise in operation. He was concerned with the effect'on the taxpayer, especially those on fixed incomes. No one else in the audience wished to comment and the hearing was closed. 1 • 1 • P 1 129 C E fl 1 A motion was made by'Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Ordinance #1511 be passed, adopting the final budget for the City of Edmonds for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1971. Motion carried with Councilman Haines voting against. PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR REZONE TO ALLOW CLINIC ON EDMONDS WAY The proposed ordinance for rezone'to allow a clinic on Edmonds Way, continued from the council meeting of November 17, had been prepared by the City Attorney. Attorney Murphy reported that he had received a properly executed agreement from Attorney Wes Hodge, with all the conditions included as stated by the city council. Discussion followed, and Mr. Smith, son-in-law of Mrs. Gay whose property is being excluded from the proposed rezone, gave a presentation stating his reasons for either including the Gay property or denying the entire rezone. After further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Sanborn, -seconded by Coun- cilman Haines that proposed Ordinance #1512 be passed, rezoning the area in the appeal, excluding the Gay property, and authorizing the Mayor to execute a con- tract relating thereto. A roll call vote was taken, with Councilmen Sanborn, Nelson, Slye and Haines voting in favor; Tuson,'Nordquist and Kincaid against, and the motion carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR OPTIONAL MUNICIPAL CODE Second reading was held on the proposed ordinance for adoption of the Optional Municipal Code, and a motion was made by Councilman*Nelson, seconded by Council- man Nordquist that proposed Ordinance #1513 be passed, adopting for the City of Edmonds the classification of noncharter code city, without reorganization, to be governed by the provisions of Chapter 35A.12 of the RCW under the Mayor - Council plan of government by creating new chapter 1.01 of the Edmonds City Code. Motion carried. BUDGET TRANSFERS FOR 1970 Second reading was held on a proposed ordinance listing budget transfers for 1970, and a motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded.'by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Ordinance #1514 be passed, amending the 1970 budget in the Water -Sewer Department and Current Expense fund from items of unanticipated income and creating a new fund for the "TOPICS" street study program. Motion carried. UPDATING PORTIONS OF CITY A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that pro-! posed Ordinance #1515 be passed, adopting the 1970 edition of the uniform build- ing code; portions of same as stated in the ordinance. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson that proposed Ordinance #1516.be passed, adopting portions of the "housing code", 1970 edition. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Slye that pro- posed Ordinance #1517 be passed, adopting volume IV of the Uniform Building Code, 1970 edition, on repair, vacation or demolition of dangerous buildings. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded!by Councilman Nelson that pro- posed Ordinance #1518,be passed, adopting the 1970 edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code, Volume II of the Uniform Building Code, and repealing sections of the Edmonds City Code. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that proposed Ordinance #1519 be passed, adopting portions of the 1970 edition of the Uniform Plumbing Code. Motion carried. A motion was tpadei-.by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson that pro posed Ordinance #1520 be passed, amending the City of Edmonds electrical code. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Slyp, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Ordinance #1521 be passed, amending the Sign Code of the City of Edmonds, and the motion carried. It;'.was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson that proposed Ordinance #1522 be passed, amending the Swimming Pool Code of the City of Edmonds by adopting the Uniform Swimming Pool Code, 1970 edition, with certain additions and modifications. Motion carried. OPEN SPACE TAXATION APPLICATION ORDINANCE Second reading was held on a proposed ordinance setting the application fee for applications for open space taxation of land, and it was movedc.,by Council- man Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Ordinance #1523 be passed,'creating this new chapter in the Edmonds City Code. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from L. T. Hood, requesting a hearing before council on an • appeal from the decision of the Planning Commission, denying a preliminary plat. A motion was made by Councilman Sanborn, seconded by councilman Nelson.that a 130 hearing on this appeal be set for January 19, 1971, and the motion carried with • Councilman Nordquist voting against. In regard to the letter from Mr. Hood, Councilman Haines suggested that the procedure be instituted wherein preliminary plats are reviewed by the council at work meetings so that councilmen will be aware of conditions and can suggest changes before the final plat is received. Discussion followed, and a motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Tuson that it be a policy for the city council to review all preliminary plats in the future. The sug- gestion was also made that a Planning Commission representative attend the council work sessions in order to discuss these plats in their preliminary stages. 'It was�then moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Nelson to table the above motion. A roll call vote resulted in Councilmen Nelson, Slye and Kincaid voting in favor; Sanborn, Tuson, Nordquist and Haines against, and the motion to table failed to carry. At this point, Councilman Sanborn made a motion, seconded by :Councilman Haines to amend the first motion by instructing the City Attorney to prepare and bring to the council a proposal for a policy for the process of council review of preliminary plats. This amendment carried. The original motion as amended also carried. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION In -regard to City of Edmonds Resolution No. 195 and Ordinance #1387 pertaining to the underground installation of electric and communication facilities, a motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Haines to instruct the City Engineer and City Clerk to advise the property owners along 9th Avenue of the total undergrounding cost figures and provide these property owners with the vehicle for signatures in order to participate in such an LID.. Motion carried. Councilman Nordquist inquired about on 76th, and was advised by the City expiration deadline on December 8. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION the penalty procedure against the contractor Engineer that this contract would meet its As instructed at the last council meeting, the Attorney presented a Resolution of Commendation for Marge Whiteman, and it was moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that proposed Resolution #234 be passed, com- mending Marge Whiteman for her services as member of the Park and Recreation Advisory Board. Motion carried. FIRST READING: AMENDMENT TO AMBULANCE ORDINANCE First reading was held on an amendment to Ordinance #1476 dealing with stan- dards for obtaining an ambulance license in the City of Edmonds. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Claims for damages were acknowledged from Dennis Fahey and from Phil H. & Marion A. Allen.. These were referred -Ito the City'Clerk for processing. FIRST READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE - CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS AUTHORIZED I ­ First reading was held on a proposed ordinance authorizing institution of condemnation proceedings on 76th Avenue W. - Phase III - from 196th S.W. to Perrinville Corner. REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO SUBMIT TOPICS PROGRAM PROJECT PROSPECTUS. • The City Engineer had submitted a request for authorization to submit a TOPICS program project prospectus for 76th Avenue W. and Highway 99 inter- section under plan Alternate A. It was moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Slye to give this authorization to submit the TOPICS program project prospectus for 76th and Highway 99 intersection under the Alternate A.plan. Discussion followed, with Councilman Sanborn then making a motion, seconded by Councilman Haines that this matter be tabled until the next meeting so that a public hearing might be held on the intersection design. A roll call vote showed Councilman Sanborn, Nelson, Tusori and Haines in favor; Slye, Nordquist and Kincaid against, and'.the motion carried. Councilman Sanborn then gave two reasons for his motion: (1) This report would involve the expenditure of public funds, and although he had missed the work session when this particular project had been discussed, he nonetheless had not re- ceived a copy of the report to study neither in the mail nor in his basket at the Civic Center; and (2) the citizens of Edmonds had paid for this participa- tion in TOPICS and they were entitled to see what this intersection will look like prior to its being put in and have chance to comment on it, if they wished. APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY CITY ATTORNEY Mayor Harrison made the appointment of Gerald Knight as a deputy city attorney, and it was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the Mayor's appointment of Gerald Knight as Deputy City Attorney be confirmed. Motion carried unanimously. There was no further bu iness, and the meeting adjourned at 11:45 V.M. =L7 Q, .4, � '7 , J _,.eJ �� L&�� IAA�� / Irene Varney Moran, Xity Clerk H. Harrison, Mayor