19710119 City Council Minutesj13S on the Law & Justice Planning Committee. This will be taken up at a council work meeting. REAPPOINTMENT TO BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Mayor Harrison reappointed George Grant to Position 6 on the Board of Adjust- ment, term to expire 12/31/74. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the Mayor's reappointment of George Grant be confirmed. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT TO PARK BOARD. The Mayor made the appointment of Dick Hankinson to Position 8 on the Park & Recreation Advisory Board, this being a term to expire 9/19/73. A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the Mayor's appointment of Dick Hankinson be confirmed. Motion carried. , CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Claims for damages were acknowledged from Emmett E. Palm, Lynne R. Maynock, and Cliffore M. Gooby. These.were referred to the City Clerk for processing. APPOINTMENTS OF BUILDING,OFFICIAL AND DEPUTY TREASURER Mayor Harrison appointed Harry Whitcutt as Building Official and Lila Crosby. as Deputy Treasurer, and it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Coun- cilman Tuson that these appointments be confirmed. Motion carried. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION 234 A motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Haines that Resolution of Intention 234 be passed, to improve 9th Avenue N. from Casper Street to Daley Street by conversion of all overhead electric and communica- tion facilities to underground facilities, with hearing on the preliminary assessment roll to be set for February 169 1971. Motion carried. RESOLUTION OF INTENTION 235 It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson that Resolu- tion 6f Intention 235 be passed, to improve 9th Avenue (a/k/a 100th Ave. W.) from Casper to 232nd Street S.W. with the construction of curba, gutters, sidewalks, and all necessary appurtenances for a complete improvement, with hearing on the preliminary assessment roll to be set for February 16, 1971. Motion carried. RESOLUTION 235 It was moved by Councilman Slye,,seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Resolution 235 be passed, declaring the intention of the City to annex by ordinance portions of a county road contiguous to the existing city limits, namely that portion of 98th Ave. S. between the northerly R/W line of Edmonds Way (Secondary State Highway No. 1-W) and�the south boundary line of plat of Olympic View Estates No. 1, extended, and hearing on the annexation to be held on February 169 1971. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that council postpone to,the next regular meeting the matter of the sewer agree- ment with Mountlake Terrace. Motion carried. There was,no further business and the meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. Irene Varney Mor , City Clerk s� January 19, 1971 ROLL CALL zula.tce�../ H. Harrison, Mayor The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harrison with all councilmen present except Nordquist, who arrived at 8:20. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meetings of both December 15 and January 5 had been posted and mailed, and with no omissions nor corrections they were approved'as written. HEARING: ON APPEAL OF L.T. HOOD - PLANNING COMMISSION'FILE P-4-70 Hearing was held on the appeal of L. T. Hood from the decision of the Planning Commission to deny his request for a preliminary plat. City Planner Merlin Logan showed council a map of the plat design, stretching northward from Bowdoin way, and gave a brief description and summary of the 1 1 • 1 • 1 1 0 �J hearings and reasons for denial by the Planning Commission. These included an extremely steep grade for the proposed street, inadequate.access for the future residents, and the long narrow shape of the property inappropriate for good,development. Mr. Hood had been encouraged to seek the participation.of his neighbor in order to enable better design, but his neighbor had declined. The City Planner noted that as a result of this plat, the Planning Commission will discuss development of a street system in this area to allow future de- velopment. Following council questions and discussion, the hearing was opened. Mr. L.T. Hood spoke in defense of his appeal, stating that the steep grade mentioned had not prevented him from driving both his .car and.truck into his garage during the heavy snow last week. He added that if he should turn out to be the developer of the property himself, he would certainly be in favor of keeping as many of the trees as possible, as required of platters. He then read a history of the plat, written by Jerry Lovell of Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc., regarding the problems, hearing, proceedings, etc. and citing other examples in Edmonds for comparison purposes. Mayor Harrison felt that.Mr. Hood should wait before investing heavily and then perhaps find that his lots would not sell readily. Mr. Hood answered that he did not wish to develop the plat himself, but sell the.raw land, already platted, to another developer. He added he would be willing to wait for a�,comprehensive plan of the area from the City if he was given a definite projection date. Dave Larson, member of the Edmonds Planning Commission, told council that setting of a hearing date for a preliminary street layout for this area would be on the Planning Commission agenda tomorrow night. It was suggested that this hearing be continued for a period of 120 days until completion of • the street plan in the area. Capt. Shields asked if the city could stop tree cutting on private property when a developer will certainly pass on the cost of saving the trees to the buyer, who in turn doesn't even want the trees on his property. No one else wished to cogment, and the hearing was closed. Following dis- cussion, it was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Sanborn to continue the hearing on the L. T. Hood plat to the Council meeting of June 1, 1971. Motion carried. POSTPONE HEARING: FINAL ASSESSMENT..ROLL - LID #177 Because of unavoidable circumstances, a motion was made by Councilman Nord- quist, seconded by Councilman Sanborn to postpone the hearing on the final assessment roll for LID #177 to March 2, 1971 and the motion carried. FIRST READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 333. AS AMENDED First reading was held on a proposed ordinance on Planning Commission Reso- lution 333 as amended. Mayor Harrison read a letter dated January 8, 1971 from the South Snohomish County Board of Realtors wherein they stated that after meetings with builders, developers, and property owners,'they were of the opinion that no valid reasons have been brought out at three recent public hearings,:that would benefit the public as to health, welfare and safety factors contained within the Resolution, and they believed that the existing comprehensive zoning codes now in effect set excellent workable criteria for the development of apartment sites in Edmonds. They further stated that if dissatisfaction is felt with portions of the zoning code, that a complete new • comprehensive study be made of the code in its entirety. There followed discussion and questions from the council directed to the City Planner, and suggestions especially on the recreation area requirements for the proposed ordinance. 1 It was moved by Councilman Sanborn to amend page 7, section 7 of the proposed ordinance to read "35 feet, not to exceed A stories or dwelling units above finished grade", but this motion died for la ck of a second. It was then moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nelson to delete the words " or 3 stories " from the proposed ordinance on page 7, section 7. A roll call vote was taken, with Councilmen Haines, Slye, and Nelson in favor; Sanborn, Tuson, Nordquist, and Kincaid against, and the amendment failed to carry. A motion was made by Councilman Sanborn, seconded by Councilman Kincaid to amend page 7, section 7 to read "35 feet, but not to exceed 3 stories of living quarters." A roll call vote on this amendment showed Councilmen Sanborn, Tuson, Nordquist and Kincaid in favor; Nelson, Slye and Haines against, and this amendment carried. Councilman Kincaid then moved that a 100 square foot recreation area be pro- vided for each unit. This motion died for lack of a second. Second reading of the proposed ordinance, as amended, will be held at the next. council .meeting. -: 0 40 • SECOND READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON CRIMINAL TRESPASS ON SCHOOL GROUNDS Second reading was held on a proposed ordinance dealing with criminal trespass on school grounds, and it was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Council- man Kincaid that proposed Ordinance #1530 be passed. Motion carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR ANNEXATION FOR STREET PURPOSES IN CONNECTION WITH LID 176 A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson that pro- posed Resolution #236 be passed, expressing Edmonds' desire to the City of Lynnwood to annex a proposed roadway presently within the City of Lynnwood. contiguous to the City of Edmonds, for street purposes in connection with LID #176. Motion carried. AUDITING OF BILLS A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Tuson that Water -Sewer Revenue Bond bills #1 throught #7 in the total amount of $559067.63 be paid from the 1970 Water -Sewer $10000,000.00 Bond Issue. Motion carried. 1 It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the following LID bills be approved for payment: LID #164 - $70.65 to the Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications;. LID #167 - $10.00 to Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications, and $114.19 to Norm's Print Shop for printing bonds; • LID #177.- $18.20 to Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications, and the City Clerk be authorized to issue an interest bearing warrant to Edmonds City Treasurer in the same amount to cover this bill; LID #179 - $28.00 to Edmonds Trubune Review for legal publications, and the City Clerk be authorized to issue an interest bearing warrant to Edmonds City Treasurer in the same amount'to cover this bill. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Hainesi seconded by Councilman Kincaid that warrants #12026 through #12189 in the total amount of $263,800.94 be approved and the City Clerk be authorized to issue warrants in payment of these regular monthly bills. Motion carried. REPORT ON BIDS FOR SALE OF ANIMAL CONTROL VEHICLE Bids had been opened at 2:00 P.M. in the Mayor's office on January 15 for sale of an animal control vehicle. Present at bid opening were Ron Whaley, Director of Maintenance and Operation; Art Zerbach, Finance Director; Irene Varney Moran, City Clerk; and Mr. Bob Sigvartsen, Assistant Director of'Public Works for the City of Lynnwood. There was one bid; City of Lynnwood - $1675.00 Since the minimum bid, as advertised, was $1500.00, it was recommended that this bid be accepted. Therefore, it was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the City of Edmonds accept the bid of $1675.00 from the City of Lynnwood for sale of the"animal control vehicle. Motion carried. • SEWER AGREEMENT WITH MOUNTLAKE TERRACE In regard to the sewer agreement with Mountlake Terrace, Councilman Tuson requested that the eleven properties east of Lake Ballinger be incorporated in the agreement at a $1.00 per unit connection charge, and the City Engineer accept the agreement with this provision. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the City accept the sewer agreement with Mountlake Terrace with the aforementioned provisions. Motion carried. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION A gentleman in the audience inquired about the garbage study; and if the council had considered a compulsory garbage ordinance for the City of Edmonds. Mayor Harrison answered that the problem at present was finding a location for a transfer station and/or stationary land fill location in the area. It was decided to discuss this subject at the next council work meeting, and councilmen would have opportunity to look over.the Mountlake Terrace ordinance on garbage collection. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Haines asked that a discussion be held at a council work meeting on low income housing for the elderly. Councilman Tuson stated,that more was needed for the Auditing Committee to go -over the monthly bills, and he suggested perhaps spending one hour on • • 141 the Monday evening preceding the second regular council meeting each month. It was decided, however, that the Auditing Committee would try meeting at 7:00 P,M. on the Tuesday evening before the.8:00 P.M. council meeting, and use an office so as to have an hour to go over the bills without interruption. GARBAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES DISCUSSION Mayor Harrison reported that meetings with the garbage industry and with other cities in the area had resulted in,the owners of a gravel pit in the Norma Beach area asking the Snohomish County Board;of Adjustment for a sanitary land fill facility at the site. They had then asked the three South County cities for a letter of support for this site, which when filled after several years, would then become a park. Much discussion followed, and a motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the City of Edmonds lend support to a land fill site near Edmonds to serve the needs of the city. It was then moved by Councilman Sanborn, seconded by Councilman Haines to amend the motion by striking "land fill" and substituting the need for a "garbage disposal facility". More discussion, resulting in a motion by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Sanborn for a second amendment to strike the word "near" from the original motion. A roll call vote was taken on the second amendment, which carried with Councilmen Sanborn, Nelson, Tuson, Nordquist and Haines in favor; Slye and Kincaid voting against. The amendment to.strike "land•fill" also carried with all councilmen voting in favor except Slye and Tuson. The original• motion, as amended, that the City of Edmonds lend support to a garbage dis- posal facility to serve the needs of the city, then carried. CORRESPONDENCE Mayor Harrison read an invitation from the PUD for three representatives from the City of Edmonds to attend a meeting in the PUD Auditorium in Everett on Thursday, January 21 at 7:30 P.M. to be given the results of a survey carried' out by the PUD in the Northwest in connection with determining priorities of improvements desired by the county residents in order to better serve the customers. Both the Mayor and City Engineer expressed the intention of attending. t The Mayor read a resume' from Public Works in connection with the sanding and snow removal and control problems from January 10 - 15, listing a breakdown of the man hours spent, both regular and overtime. He also read -two letters of commendation.on the recent sanding of the streets during the bad weather. One letter'was from Stevens Memorial Hospital, thanking the city crews for keeping, the access road to the hospital in good condition. PRESENTATION OF RESOLUTIONS FROM PLANNING COMMISSION TO BE SET FOR HEARINGS Planning Commission Resolutions were presented to council as follows: #346 - Recommending amendment to the City Code, increasing service charges for applications re Planning, Zoning. -and Platting request. #347 - Recommending approval of a proposed rezone from RML to CG property north of 234th S.W. between 76th and'Highway 99. • #348 - Recommending approval of proposed rezone from RML to RS-8 on north side of 234th S.W. between 76th W. and Highway 99. A motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Haines that March 2 be set as the date for hearing on Planning Commission Resolutions #347 and #348. Motion carried. Councilman Nelson then moved, seconded by Councilman Slye that Planning Com- mission Resolution #346 be set for hearing before councilmon March 16. Motion carried. RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION - ED SCOTT A motion was made by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that Resolution #237 be passed, commending Ed Scott for his services to the City of Edmonds as member of the Board of Adjustment. Motion carried. APPLICATION FOR AMBULANCE LICENSE BY GUARDIAN It was reported that Guardian Ambulance Company had applied and met the re- quirements necessary for an ambulance license in the City of Edmonds as set forth in Ordinances #1476 and #1524, and it was therefore moved by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the City of Edmonds accept the application from Guardian Ambulance to operate in the city. Motion carried.. AUTHORIZE ENGINEERING FOR UNDERGROUNDING UTILITIES ON 9th, DALEY TO CASPER In regard to the proposed undergrounding of utilities on 9th, Daley to Casper, 0 142 0 a motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Sanborn to authorize the PUD to do preliminary engineering up to the amount of $500.00. for undergrounding on 9th from Daley to Casper, with a report from the PUD and the Telephone Company ;to..,be submitted to the City Engineer stipulating the total amount of the branch plant cost, less depreciation expense on the existing aerials, less the net salvage incurred, less plant betterment, and the resulting net amount for the total undergrounding project to be divided three ways among- the PUD, the City of Edmonds, and the abutting property owners. Motions carried. INTERSECTION OF 76th WEST AND HIGHWAY 99 The City Engineer presented the drawing of the plan for the intersection of 76th W. and Highway 99 as decided by Council at prior meetings. It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that the city submit the" revised plan for the intersection at 76th W. and Highway 99 to the Highway Dept. for allocation of available funds. There was discussion led.by Councilman Nordquist, who felt that -the Police ; Chief had'not had chance to look over the revised plan and should be given the opportunity. It was therefore moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to amend the motion to add "subject to approval of the Chief of Police prior to submitting the plan." A roll call vote on this amendment resulted in Councilmen Tuson, Slye, Nordquist and Kincaid voting in -favor; Sanborn, Nelson and Haines against, and the amendment carried. The original motion as amended then went to a roll call vote, and this failed with Councilmen Sanborn , Tuson and Kincaid voting in favor; Nelson, Slye, Nordquist and Haines against. • Councilman Haines then moved, seconded by Councilman Sanborn to authorize the City Engineer to forward the revised proposal to the Highway Dept. A roll call vote had Councilmen Haines and Sanborn voting in'favor; Nelson, Tuson, Slye, Nordquist and Kincaid against, and this motion failed to carry. Councilman Sanborn then moved, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the matter be tabled two weeks and the Department Heads be invited to attend the council work session in order to look over the revised plan. This motion carried. REAPPOINTMENT OF KEN WELLING TO'LIBRARY BOARD The Mayor made the reappointment of Ken Welling to the Library Board, and it was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that the Mayor's reappointment of Ken Welling be confirmed. Motion carried. REQUEST FROM PARK ADVISORY BOARD TO PURCHASE ADDITION TO HUMMINGBIRD PARK..; A request had been received from the Park & Recreation Advisory Board for approval and authorization to purchase an addition to Hummingbird Park. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that authori- zation and approval be given to the Park & Recreation Advisory Board for this request. Motion carried. STATE HIGHWAY AGREEMENT - SIGN ROUTE 104 (5th AVENUE TO 236th) ` It was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement with the State Highway for Sign' • Route 104, and the motion carried. WATER INSTALLATION POLICY It was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to postpone the agenda item on water installation policy to the next regular council meeting. Motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M. Irene Varney Mor , City Clerk H. Harrison, Mayor February 29 1971 ROLL CALL Regular ®eetiti&--of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison. All councilmen were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of January 19 had been posted and mailed, and with no ommissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. 0