19710202 City Council Minutes142 0 a motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Sanborn to authorize the PUD to do preliminary engineering up to the amount of $500.00. for undergrounding on 9th from Daley to Casper, with a report from the PUD and the Telephone Company ;to..,be submitted to the City Engineer stipulating the total amount of the branch plant cost, less depreciation expense on the existing aerials, less the net salvage incurred, less plant betterment, and the resulting net amount for the total undergrounding project to be divided three ways among- the PUD, the City of Edmonds, and the abutting property owners. Motions carried. INTERSECTION OF 76th WEST AND HIGHWAY 99 The City Engineer presented the drawing of the plan for the intersection of 76th W. and Highway 99 as decided by Council at prior meetings. It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that the city submit the" revised plan for the intersection at 76th W. and Highway 99 to the Highway Dept. for allocation of available funds. There was discussion led.by Councilman Nordquist, who felt that -the Police ; Chief had'not had chance to look over the revised plan and should be given the opportunity. It was therefore moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to amend the motion to add "subject to approval of the Chief of Police prior to submitting the plan." A roll call vote on this amendment resulted in Councilmen Tuson, Slye, Nordquist and Kincaid voting in -favor; Sanborn, Nelson and Haines against, and the amendment carried. The original motion as amended then went to a roll call vote, and this failed with Councilmen Sanborn , Tuson and Kincaid voting in favor; Nelson, Slye, Nordquist and Haines against. • Councilman Haines then moved, seconded by Councilman Sanborn to authorize the City Engineer to forward the revised proposal to the Highway Dept. A roll call vote had Councilmen Haines and Sanborn voting in'favor; Nelson, Tuson, Slye, Nordquist and Kincaid against, and this motion failed to carry. Councilman Sanborn then moved, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the matter be tabled two weeks and the Department Heads be invited to attend the council work session in order to look over the revised plan. This motion carried. REAPPOINTMENT OF KEN WELLING TO'LIBRARY BOARD The Mayor made the reappointment of Ken Welling to the Library Board, and it was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that the Mayor's reappointment of Ken Welling be confirmed. Motion carried. REQUEST FROM PARK ADVISORY BOARD TO PURCHASE ADDITION TO HUMMINGBIRD PARK..; A request had been received from the Park & Recreation Advisory Board for approval and authorization to purchase an addition to Hummingbird Park. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that authori- zation and approval be given to the Park & Recreation Advisory Board for this request. Motion carried. STATE HIGHWAY AGREEMENT - SIGN ROUTE 104 (5th AVENUE TO 236th) ` It was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement with the State Highway for Sign' • Route 104, and the motion carried. WATER INSTALLATION POLICY It was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to postpone the agenda item on water installation policy to the next regular council meeting. Motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting was adjourned at 11:10 P.M. Irene Varney Mor , City Clerk H. Harrison, Mayor February 29 1971 ROLL CALL Regular ®eetiti&--of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison. All councilmen were present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of January 19 had been posted and mailed, and with no ommissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. 0 • �. 4 3' HEARING: ON APPEAL FROM RECOMMENDATION IN PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 344 Hearing was held on an appeal from the recommendation in Planning Commission Resolution 3449 to deny the Wagner rezone request - File.R-6-70. City Planner Merlin Logan projected a map on the screen showing the zoning of the surrounding areas. He•noted that's, petition signed by 19 property owners had been submitted to the Planning Commission in objection to this rezone re- quest. Mr. Logan also gave his recommendations rggarding denial, which in- cluded the fact that since:.1the city has established about 28.5 acres of apartment zoning in this area of the community, and at present only 4.7 acres have actually been developed with apartments, with 14.7 acres still vacant, it would appear that generous provision had been made for apartment development without expansion of this zoning. Hearing was opened. Gerry Lovell, with Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc., acted as agent for Mr. Wagner. He stated that the zoning boundary in this particular area as it exists is unesthetic with single and multiple zoning as it presently stands. He commented on several slides shown to council of the four-plex units presently under construction on the multiple zoned property owned by Mr. Wagner. A petition was presented from property owners in favor of the re- quested rezone and,a letter also in favor from Mr. Carter, owner of adjacent rental property. Mr. Richard Wagner was present and showed council plans for additional proposed units. Mr. Les Garton, 23715 - 78th P1. W., complained ,that rezoning would be an invasion of his and other property owners' privacy and there was now enough apartment zoning in the area. A woman resident stated that this was origin- ally a residential area for single family and duplexes, but if still more four-plexes were to be allowed,'the extra traffic these dwellings would create could become a bottleneck that the streets cannot cope with. Councilman Kincaid inquired, and Mr. Wagner admitted, that he was fully aware of the single zoning when>>he began construction of his multiple units adjacent to the property in question. No one else wished to comment, and the hearing was closed. Following discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Tuson,.seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the recommendation of the Planning Commission to deny this rezone be upheld. Motion carried unanimously. HEARING: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - LID 179 Hearing was held on the final assessment roll for LID 179, sidewalks and UAB paving of Walnut and Bowdoin, 9th to Five Corners. City Engineer Leif Larson reported on the final, as compared to the prelimin- ary, costs. Hearing was then opened. Arthur JanettQ,9319 Bowdoin Way, asked for the interest amount to be charged and the Attorney stated 6.5%. A gentleman residing on a corner lot at 89th and Bowdoin asked about the cost to people living in the culdesac who must use the improved street just as much as those living on it and yet are not charged in proportion. CAO Lawson explained that the state zone and termini method is used to figure these assessments, and this is the law, although it sometimes • seems inequitable. No one else wished to comment, and the hearing was there- fore closed. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Ordinance #1531 be passed, approving and confirming the final assess- ment foll for LID 179. Motion carried. HEARING: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO OFFICIAL STREET MAP Hearing was held on a proposed amendment to the official street map to estab- lish a 60 ft. wide street extending northward from 234th for about 600 ft., Planning Commission File ST-2-70. City Planner Logan exhibited maps showing four plans for establishment of street patterns and gave the recommendation of the Planning Commission as being the full street halfway without the alley. Necessity for legal publi- cation prevented them from acting on the full sheet the entire length as drawn. Hearing was opened. Karen Paulson, 23117 - 76th asked if the street would be for commercial buildings' use only. Planner Logan answered that it would serve any buildings in the area. Mrs. Paulson was concerned with the possible great increase in traffic caused by establishment of the street. Gene Chard, 23124 - 76th W., stated that he built his single family home, fought apartment zoning,.but now there is apartment-,zonirig there; that he was opposed to an alley; but that there was no need for a street at the present time. On one else wished to 0 144 C • comment and the hearing was closed. There was much council discussion, and since the Planning Commission resolu- tions for rezoning in this same area will be heard by council on March 2, it was moved by Councilman Sanborn, seconded by Councilman Nelson that this hearing be continued to the meeting of March 2. Motion carried. WATER INSTALLATION POLICY City Engineer'Leif Larson gave a brief explanation in regard to the policy for installation of water mains in the city.. Council -then asked several questions for clarification. Following discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Sanborn, seconded by Councilman Nelson that under Item B, the words "steel and transite" be deleted. The motion carried, It was then moved by Councilman Sanborn, seconded_';,by Councilman Nordquist that under Item C. it be added that "replacement in kind" is not to be considered as "replacement" but considered as "repair". This motion also carried. Councilman Haines stated that he felt the system needs updating in some areas. He added our rates are based on a plane within the city's financial ability to replace. Also that he was not in favor of water main LID's. He then sugges- ted and made in the form of a motion that Item C be deleted from the water policy. This motion died for lack of a second. There was further discussion, with a motion being made by Councilman Sanborn, seconded by Councilman Kincaid to add to Item C "subject to availability of finances and manpower". This motion carried with Councilman Hainesrsvoting against. Councilman Nelson asked that it be clarified that this would not prohibit property owners from obtaining materials on their own, but only materials stipulated as acceptable by the Engineering standards under the American Public Works specifications, adopted by the City. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the Water Installation Policy be adopted as amended. Motion carried with Council- man Haines voting against. SECOND READING:PROPOSED ORDINANCE ON PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 333 Second reading was held on the proposed ordinance on Planning Commission Resolution 333, as amended, regarding standards for apartments and duplexes. City Planner Logan reported on the amendments and proposed ordinance as it now stands. He then made a suggestion regarding the recreation area require- ments; that when the site is over 14 units, 200 square feet per unit be re- quired, but that it would seem a hardship on 6 units as is now in the proposal. Mayor Harrison suggested, and it was then moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Tuson that council delete "on sites containing a po- tential for over 6 dwelling units" and substitute the phrase "an area 200 square feet shall be developed exclusively for appropriate recreational use for each unit over 6. Motion carried with Councilman Nelson voting against. Carl Lanser, realtor, asked for a clarification of the height question, and this was quoted from the proposed ordinance. It was then moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that • proposed Ordinance #1532, as amended, by passed, and the motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE A letter to Ronald Whaley, Director of Maintenance and Operation, from C. Phillip Thorliefson was read wherein he asked that the Public Works Department be instructed to complete the job of removing the sand and gravel from his yard at 1619 Ninth North, following a cave-in from diverted water when a culvert was dammed. It was moved by Councilman Sanborn, seconded by Council- man Nordquist to authorize the Director of Maintenance and Operation to pro- ceed with this work. Motion carried. A letter was read from Mr- John Doce, who was also present, requesting a proposal with site plan be allowed to be presented at tonight's meeting for an approximate 501 strip to straighten a jog and rezone of 10 dwelling units to expand their facilities at the Aurora Doces store. It was moved by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Tuson that this matter be referred to the Planning Commission. Motion carried. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Nelson asked if he might make a belated change in the January 19 minutes, under the Authorizing Engineering for Undergrounding Utilities, to change the word "branch" plant cost to "buried" plant cost. C� �a 'CIVIC CENTER i <250 FiP'rH Ave. N. .TI Office of City Clerk CITY OF E D M O N D S Irene Varney Moran Snohomish County, Washington PLEASE ADD THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH TO THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL OF FEBRUARY 29 1971 Council authorized the City Engineer to call for bids to be opened at 2:00 P.M. on February 23 on LID #182, street construction and related work on 841� Avenue West from 2129 S.W. to the vicinity of 2159t or city limits. PRo.Pect 6-1107 a r • 1 1 Councilman Sanborn distributed copies of a report from Chet Bennett on the possibilities of construction of a Swimming Pool in Edmonds. Following his comment on the great amount of time and work Chet had put into this project, and at his suggestion, a motion was made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the record reflect appreciation to Chet Bennett for preparation of this report. Motion carried. Mayor Harrison commended Councilman Haines for his report on a listing of suggested standards of ethics for city officials. Councilman Nordquist submitted a report and illustrated his talk to council with a map showing his suggestion for redistricting the city into seven wards.' - each containing a number of precincts according to numb6r'of registered votors, which he felt would be a good system for election purposes. Each ward would be represented by a councilman, and it would eliminate the need for each candidate to campaign over the entire city. Councilman Haines stated that he had read where the town of Brier received a HUD grant for $1389000.00 for a sanitary sewer collection system, and he wondered why Edmonds couldn't qualify for a grant for sanitary sewer purposes. Councilman Haines suggested that a trunk line sewer be installed in areas that do not have severing, and when people are ready for sewers, LIDfs can be formed for them to connect;, -to this trunk, since homes on smaller lots in some areas are in greater need of sewering than large lot properties. • Councilman Haines asked that the CAO look into areas adjacent to Edmonds, especially around Highway 99 and 224th, with the thought of straightening out our city limit boundaries by annexation, now allowed under the Optional Municipal Code. Councilman Tuson asked that it be made a.matter of record that he will be absent from the council meetings of February 16 and March 2, as he will be on vacation. Councilman Tuson also again asked that the intersection at 5th and Dayton be. checked, as it remains a bad spot for potential accidents. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES A claim for damages was acknowledged from David and Jane Gunn, and�'this was referred to the City Clerk for processing. EXPAND BOARD OF APPEALS TO SEVEN MEMBERS Mayor Harrison stated that the Board of Appeals should be expanded from five to seven members, and he -recommended combining the Board of Appeals and the Building Code Committee, with the two builders, Payne and McConnachie, bethg appointed to the Board. It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Slye that the Attorney be instructed to prepare an amending ordinance to combine the powers of the Building Code Committee into a Board of Appeals, increasing the members from five to seven. Motion carried. HIGHWAY 99 - 76th INTERSECTION'"DESIGN • City Engineer Larson reported on the status of•the Highway 99 - 76th intersect- ion, and asked for authorization to submit the project for funds that would amount to approximately 53.467. from the federal government, with the remainder being paid by the state and city. There was much discussion, and it resulted in a motion by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the recommendation of the City Engineer be accepted and he be authorized to submit plan Alternate A plus widening for better turning at 228th. Councilmen Haines and Sanborn questioned not having asked the county for approval, and it was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Sanborn to amend the motion to state that the change regarding 76th W. be submitted as requested with the widening,,when and if the county officials give written approval. It was stated by the Engineer that this was not a part of the UAB,,but rather a change in traffic pattern. Following more discussion, a roll call vote was. taken on the amendment, and with Councilmen Sanborn and Haines voting in favor; all other councilmen against; the amendment failed. The original motion then carried, with Councilmen Sanborn and Haines voting against. There was no further business, and the sleeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. .54.4-A&L, , -Prene Varney Mor ,;.City Clerk H. Harrison, Mayor I]