19710615 City Council Minutes• 7i June 15, 1971 1 R O T.T. C A T.T. Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all councilmen present except Nelson, who had given notice at the last meeting that he -would be out of town. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of June 1 had been posted and mailed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. HEARING.: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL - LID #181 Hearing was held on the final `assessment roll for LID 7#181, UAB paving of Walnut Street from -71� to 9k. City Engineer Leif Larson gave a summary of the project and costs., and the hearing was then opened. A letter had been received from Justine S. and Eleanor J. Bonanno, 820 Walnut, objecting to the condition in which the water drainage was handled, and also about the loose stones creating a hazard to pedestrians. Mr. Bonanno was in the audience and also voiced his verbal objections to council. Mr. Karl Niggol, 809 Walnut, stated that the stone wall in front of his house still remained unfinished and he had a complaint on the grade to his driveway. No one else in the audience wished to comment, and the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Ordinance #1564 be passed, approving and confirming the final assessment roll for LID #181. • Councilman Sanborn moved to amend the motion and,::call..for holding of the final payment to the contractor until these items were taken care of. However, the motion to amend was withdrawn, since the final payment hasbeen made and the project is now under the bond. Motion to pass the ordinance then carried. HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 358 AND APPEAL FROM G. JOHN DOCES Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution 3589 recommending approval of a rezone from RMH to RS-8 a portion of Tracts 3 and 4, Lake McAleer Five Acre Tracts. This recom- mendation was also appealed by G. John Doces. City Planner Merlin Logan reported on the hearing held before the Planning Commission and read their findings in approving the change. Hearing was then opened. Mrs. Higgins, 24017 - 79%2 P1. W., read an excerpt from the Edmonds City Calendar quoting comments by Mayor Harrison on undesirable growth in Edmonds, and citing this Planning Commission recommendation as being a step in the right direction toward this end. Bob Boye, 24325 - 76th Ave. W:, btought to council attention the petition with 135 signatures in favor of the recommendation which had been submitted to the Planning Commission. Bill Ferraro, 24021 - 79k P1. W., stated his approval of the proposed rezone down to RS-8, and Lauren Ely, 24015 - 7991 P1. W., also felt the property in question should be zoned single family. Dona Ely, 24015 - 79k P1. W., felt that if the area remained RMH and apartment buildings went in, it would encourage transient occupants who would not necessarily care about the area since they would not be property owners. Darrell Meyers, 24023 - 7914 P1. W., commented on the long history of the property owners having to fight the commercial development as opposed to single dwellings in this particular area. Attorney Wes Hodge, representing G. John Doces, stated that he felt this action by the Planning Commission was -in effect reverse spot zoning,.and that this would not be the • highest and best use of the property. He said it would seem preferable to have a garden type apartment complex on this property rather than small single homes on small lots. He added that if the rezone went through, it would be taking away the zoning contract which the City had with Mr. Doces. A man in the audience inquired if the contract was in effect and approved at this time. City Attorney James A. Murphy answered that the contract was in effect as long as the Doces property was zoned RMH. Elizabeth Mathay, 8006 - 240'h S.W., said that his is a natural drainage area from the west, and it had been worse since the building of the Doces furniture store; also that the traffic pattern would be a problem with more cars resulting from the RMH zone than from single dwellings, and the signatures on the petition were people living in the area affected by this probable increase in traffic. Vivian Johnson, 11403.- 239,!4 P1. S.:W., told council that the Doces store is not only beautiful and an asset to the community, but that any group who asks permission is allowed to use this beautiful auditorium without charge, and she felt that Doces could certainly be trusted to build excellent apartments that -would be an asset to the area. Councilman Sanborn at this point asked if a separate legal entity didn't own the CG and another the RMH zoned areas, and he stated that everyone concerned would certainly -agree that the' Doces store is a beautiful one, but that the question here tonight did not involve the store; that the hearing was on the proposed rezone from RMH to RS-8 on this separate piece of property. Bob Boye said the neighborhood group was opposed to the recent warehouse enlargement, and he felt they, were anxious to change the RMH to single residential to prevent creeping commercial zoning. He added that the frequent applications for rezones in this area called the people's attention to this possibility. Frank Mikulosik, 8025 - 2401' S.W., stated his feelings in favor of the rezone, and said that he had carried the petition in the neighborhood. No one else wished to comment, and the hearing was declared closed. Following some discussion, it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the recommendation in Planning Commission Resolution 358 be upheld and the City Aitgrney be instructed to to • prepare an ordinance rezone the property in question from RMH to R -. 1_78 A roll call vote carried the motion unanimously. Councilman Haines asked if a comprehensive study of the multiple zoning in the entire area had been started. The City Planner answered that there had been no study of the entire area made recently, and Attorney Murphy commented that council could direct a study to be made. It was then moved by Councilman Sanborn, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the Planning Department be directed to continue a review of the apartment zoning in the City of Edmonds and report on any other properties that should be revised. Motion carried. Richard Dickson, Chairman of the Planning Commission, stated that there was a. hearing date set for property north of tonight's area on Highway 99• HEARING: PRELIMINARY PLAT - BELT ADDITION No. Hearing was held on the preliminary plat of Belt Addition No. 9. City Planner Logan posted a map of the proposed plat and gave an explanation of the design. Mr. Belt, when asked about 28' streets as opposed to the wider streets as stated on his plat design, commented that he would be willing to abide by the decision of the City in regard to this requirement. It was then moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to -approve the preliminary plat of Belt Addition No. 9, subject to the Planner's and Engineer's require- ments. Motion carried. FIREWORKS STAND PERMITS The -City Clerk read a letter from Fire Chief Jack Cooper, recommending approval of the following applications for fireworks stands: Edmonds Boys Club, Stand 1 94 Avenue and Edmonds Way Edmonds Boys Club, Stand 2 51' and Howell Way Edmonds Boys Club, Stand 3 Main Street and Bowdoih Way • Holy Rosary Parish o Sunset and Dayton Independent Helpers 22165 - 76tt Avenue W. Jobs Daughters Bethel #50 Parents Club 1677 Main Street LDS Elders Quorum 10117 Edmonds Way A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that the above locations for fireworks stands, as recommended by the Fire Chief, be approved. Motion carried. SET DATE FOR OPENING BIDS ON FUEL OIL REQUIREMENTS FOR 1971-72 A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that July 2 be set as the date for opening of bids on fuel oil requirements for the City of Edmonds for 1971-72. Motion carried. SECOND READING: FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM ORDINANCE Second reading was held on the proposed fire protection system ordinance. Discussion followed, and it was moved by Councilman Haines that the proposed ordinance be tabled, . pending further council study. Attorney Murphy proceeded to explain new sections for council clarification, but Councilman Haines stated that he was nct satisfied with certain sections. Councilman Sanborn said that although he was a member of.the.committee that had worked on this ordinance, he nevertheless would second Councilman Haines' motion to table the proposed ordinance for further study, but he also moved to an the motion to place the proposed ordinance on the work meeting agenda and then bring to council at the July 6 meeting. Councilman Slye seconded this motion to amend. Vote on the amendment carried, and the original motion, as amended, also carried. Fire Chief Cooper stated that he hoped council would keep in mind his recommendation on proper size for water pipes, since he was going on vacation and would not be present to - stress -the fact that 4 inch pipe is great for drinking, but not for firefighting. CORRESPONDENCE A letter was read from Mrs. Kathleen M. Williams, 18319 Olympic View Drive, regarding ecology and bringing to council attention several areas whihh she felt needed attention. Since the areas mentioned were outside city limits of Edmonds, her letter was referred to the Snohomish,County Planning Commission. PETITION FOR UNDERGROUND WIRING ON 9k N. FROM 120' NORTH OF CAROL WAY TO CASPER STREET A petition was received signed by several property owners in favor of underground wiring on 9k Avenue from 120' north of Carol Way to Casper Street. The Methodist Church was not on the petition, but Mr. Knight stated that the church would be able to let the city know its stand on this proposed undergrounding as soon as their meeting is held within a few days. The City Engineer stated that this would be permissible if the people at that end of the project realized that this was the reason for any delay. It was moved by Council- man Sanborn, seconded by Councilman Slye that the Attorney prepare the necessary ordinance for the July 6 council meeting to create an underground wiring LID for this area, in order to expedite the project, if the necessary petition is received from the Methodist Church. Motion carried. PROTEST PETITION FROM SUNSET AVENUE PROPERTY OWNERS A petition was received signed by about a dozen property owners on Sunset Avenue objecting to the LID for underground wiring becuase they were not aware of all. the facts prior to passage of the ordinance, and asking council to set aside the ordinance and void the LID. Is • 7 9` They also petitioned for council to set a date for a public hearing so that all the facts can be presented for their consideration at that time. Following discussion, council felt it would be best to continue with the present engineering, rather than stop and have to begin anew, which would run up the expenses. They also decided to set a time for an informal hearing with the property owners in order to present and dis- ,cuss the facts pertaining to the LID. It was therefore decided to continue with the project in this manner. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Roland Roy, 21615 - 791� W., stated that he lived in a culdesac and that the people in the end house have a rock and roll band with amplified equipment playing in their remodeled carport many hours a day and on into the night. He requested updating of an ordinance regarding noise as a nuisance. A petition protesting against the noise had been circulated in the neighborhood, and the people in the area were asking the City for some relief. There was a great deal of discussion, and the City Attorney advised Mr. Roy that a civil suit would probably be`the best method to deal with their situation: ' COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Haines mentioned that the Code of Ethics for city officials had been through the Attorney General's office and would soon be ready to be put into effect. AMERICAN LEGION JULY 4 PARADE PERMIT With concurrence of council, Mayor Harrison gave permission to the American Legion for the annual 4+1 of July parade in Edmonds. • OAPPOI NTMENT TO AUDITING COMMITTEE With the resignation of Councilman Haines from the Auditing Committee, Mayor Harrison made the appointment of Councilman Gordon Sanborn to this committee, with Councilman Kincaid to serve as Chairman. SPEED LIMIT AND PARKING ON 2051' ` City Engineer Leif Larson reported that the State Highway Dept. had requested the estab- lishment of a 40 mile per hour speed limit and no parking on 2051�9 and a motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Haines that proposed Ordinance #1565 be passed, providing a maximum speed limit of 40 miles per•hour and prohibiting parking on portions of State Highway Route No. 104, a/k/a 24414 Street S.W. Motion carried. CONTRACT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WATER LINES Engineer. Larson reported on the 94 Avenue project, wherein Edmonds would be installing water mains at the same time as the street construction is being accomplished, and the City would serve as construction agent for the Olympic View Water District, in whose area some of the work will be done. It was therefore moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Slye that council authorize the Mayor to execute the agreement with Olympic View Water District, and the motion carried. ORDINANCE CREATING LID 172 As directed at the last council meeting, the Attorney presented a proposed ordinance for creating LID #172, paving of Alder from 7k to 9M and 81' from Alder to Maple. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Ordinance #1566 be • passed, creating LID ##172. Motion carried. SET HEARING DATE FOR PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION As requested by the City Planner, a motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sanborn to set July 6 as the date for hearing on Planning Commission Resolution 359, the street system portion of Shell Valley. Motion carried. AUDITING OF BILLS A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that vouchers ##12942 through #13122 in the total amount of $226,944.32 be approved for payment of the regular monthly bills. Motion carried. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Slye that the following LID bills be approved for payment: LID ##177 - $9.40 to Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications and $131.36 to Norm's Print Shop for printing bonds; LID ##181 - $300.00 to James A. Murphy for legal services and $15.75 to Edmonds Tribune Review for legal publications, and the City Clerk be authorized to issue an interest bearing warrant to Edmonds City Treasurer in the amount of $315.75 to cover these bills. Motion carried. Councilman Tuson then moved, seconded by Councilman Slye that the following bills be approved for payment from the 1970 Water -Sewer Revenue bond issue: • #14 in the amount of $19376.90 to Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc.; #15 to Trico Construction, Inc. in the amount of $119022.73; and #16 in the amount of $379373.00 to Will Construction Co., Inc. Motion carried. RESIGNATION OF D. C. LAWSON A letter of resignation, to be effective January 39 1972, was submitted to the Mayor and Council by Chief Administrative Officer D. C. Lawson. It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Tuson to acknowledge.receipt of, and accept the letter of resignation. Motion carried. TRANSFER OF FUNDS FOR POLICE SERVICES STUDY A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Haines to authorize transfer of $955.00 from unanticipated sales tax revenue to the Police Services Study. Motion carried. APPROVAL OF APPLICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY CONCESSIONS - 44 OF JULY The City Clerk reported that properly executed agreements for temporary concessions had been submitted by Boy Scout Troop 301 for the annual 4+ of July chicken barbecue at the City Park, and by the American Legion Auxiliary for sale of cotton candy, popcorn, coffee, etc. in several locations on the holiday. A motion was made by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that the Boy Scout Troop 301 annual chicken barbecue be approved, and the motion carried. It was then moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Sanborn that the concession • of the American Legion Auxiliary on the 41� of July also be approved. Motion carried. REPLACEMENT OF CAO A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the machinery be set up immediately for replacement of CAO D. C. Lawson. Motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 11:30 P.M. Irene Varney Morard City Clerk H.'•H. Harrison, Mayor July 6, 1971 ROLL CALL _ The regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was ,called to order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all councilmen present except Sanborn, who arrived at 8:30. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of June 15 had been posted and mailed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were approved as written. REPORT ON SWIMMING POOL BOND BIDS • Bids had been opened this evening at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers for sale of $250,000 G. 0. Bonds for the municipal swimming pool. Present at bid opening were the Mayor, City Clerk, CAO, City Attorney, Councilmen Slye and Kincaid, and representatives from the National Bank of Commerce, Seattle First National Bank, and Foster & Marshall. There were three bids: Seattle First National Bank r 6.8352°/ Foster & Marshall 7.0730% National Bank of Commerce 6.2807% Mr. Dan Nelson from Foster & Marshall, City of Edmonds' financial advisors, had checked the low bid for accuracy, and a motion was made by Councilman Kincaid, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the bid of the National Bank of Commerce be accepted, for a rate of 6.2801,%for the $250,000 G. 0. Bonds, 1971. Motion carried. REPORT ON BIDS FOR WARRANTS AND BONDS - LID #184 Bids had been opened this evening at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers for sale of the warrants and bonds for LID #184. The same people were present as for the bid opening on the swimming pool bonds, with the addition of Councilman Tuson, the City Engineer, and Mr. Robert Bleck from Grande & Co., Inc. The bids were: Southwick, Campbell, Waterman Co. 7.45% Grande & Co., Inc. 7.40% - net effective rate 7.399% It was moved by Councilman Slye, seconded by Councilman Kincaid that the low bid of Grande & Co., Inc. be accepted for the warrants and bonds on LID #184, at the rate of 7.400%. Motion carried. ASSIGN COUNCIL POSITION NUMBERS FOR ELECTION PURPOSES