19720725 City Council Minutes290 • by both parties, at a lease cost of $1.00 per year; the City to maintain the, premises, and the School District retain 20% of the total area for their own use. Mr. Whaley estimated that the cost to the -City would amount to $25,000 to $28,000 per year for maintenance and operation. He stated that he was a little apprehensive on the best use of the facilities and at this point questioned whether we should spend money on something we do clot own. He recommended that if the.City enters into the agreement, it should use the facilities exactly as is,,since anything the city changes must be put back in its former condition. He added that the Directors had agreed'to the lease, but we should proceed cautiously. Mayor,Harrison noted that this was a problem to think about"; now that the Senior Center was to be expanded, it hardly seemed likely that they would have use for the school; that he won- dered how much.space.the city can use there, otherthan for recreational purposes._. CAO Whaley said it was mentioned also at the meeting of the Directors that some federal" funding may be forthcoming for preschoolers,'and the District may then want to use this school for that pirpose. He added that it had been agreed that if any major calamity occured, the City would not be responsible in excess of $500 per incident. No action was.taken. Additional street lighting on Sunset Avenue was discussed. There is a large expanse without a light, and the City Engineer had written the PUD in regard to solution of the matter. PUD had quoted a cost of $925 for installation of the additional light. The City Engineer explained the location of the lights and recommended the additional one be installed and charged to the underground frund rather than the LID. Discussion followed. Councilman Tuson stated that for the record he would not vote on'this item, since he'lives, and owns property on, Sunset Avenue. A motion was made by Councilman Haines, seconded.by Councilman Gellert to authorize ordering of a new pole and light and charge it to the.underground fund. Motion carried. Councilman Gellert mentioned that he had noticed cars parked on both sides of Sunset and felt it was a considerable traffic hazard. Mayor Harrison said that Chief Foster had been concerned with this, and when he returns from attending F.B.I. schooling back East, they will consider making Sunset a one way street or one side parking. Mr. Leyda, in the audience, stated he was opposed to a one way street on Sunset; that many people living there would have a long block to -travel to and from their homes. Councilwoman Shippen mentioned that she would want to see a list of the number of accidents that have happened on this street. City Engineer Larson said he would have the accident record and would study the situation when the holding lanes are in. Mayor Harrison, on request, said this study would also include routing through the Park Dept. staff.for their input and ideas. SNOCOM A proposed resolution.was presented,to authorize the execution of articles of incorporation and related documents for the incorporation of the Southwest Snohomish.County Interlocal Communications Agency, known as SNOCOM. A motion was made by Councilman Gellert, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proposed Resolution #266 be passed., authorizing this, and the motion carried. SUBSTITUTE MAYOR-PROTEM Mayor Harrison advised council they must select a Mayor Protem to.serve during the period of August 2 through 25, when both the Mayor and Mayor Protem will be out of town. Councilman Nordquist stated that based on seniority, he would move to nominate Councilman Haines as Mayor Protem for this period. Councilman Tuson seconded this motion. Councilman Haines remarked, however, "that for several reasons he did not wish to serve in that capacity, and suggested that the position should be given to Councilman Nordquist. Because Councilman Haines declined, the motion and second were withdrawn, and it was then moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Winters that Council- man Nordquist serve as Mayor Protem while the Mayor and regular Mayor Protem are out of town during the period from August 2 through 25. Motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 11:10 P.M. n__� Z, tzeez�� Irene Varney Mor , City Clerk July 25, 1972 ROLL".,CALL _ 1 .Harve H. Harrison, Mayor Meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to.order by Mayor Harve Harrison with all council members present except Nordquist, who arrived.shortly there- after. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of July 18 had been posted and mailed, and with no ommissions nor corrections, they.were approved as written. 1 L7 • El 1 1 COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Tuson remarked that he had been to the swimming pool site with the Park and Recreation Director and he had found that mechanical work in the form of automatic vents, required in the specifications, had not been installed. He stated.,that this must be done. He also noted that the access door must be large enough to be able to get in to do this work, and he cautioned the Build- ing Inspector to see that this is taken care of properly. Councilman Nelson brought to council attention a letter from the Southwest Snohomish County Transportation Commission stating it -would like all Southwest Snohomish County cities to consider the feasibility of a mini -bus transit system for the public in this.area., They were requesting participation by entering into an agreement for creation of a SW Snohomish County Public Transit Board, and Councilman Nelson recommended this proposed Transit Board draft an interlocal agreement, prepare detailed operation,plans and a budget, prepare necessary application papers for a grant for funding, and look into the legis- lation required. Councilman Nelson stated that the council should at this point decide whether it would be in the.best interests of the City of Edmonds to enter into this agreement to createa Board. He suggested he would like to see the two Edmonds members.be one elected official and one city staff member on this Board. He submitted copies of the report for all council members to study and stated that he felt it would be of service to people of this area. Councilman Nelson added that a complete financial report was included. He said he thought the citizens could be allowed to participate by building the bus stop shelters. He then asked the council members to look favorably on the plan while he is out of town this next month; that the Commission wanted an answer • by August 25. He stressed that this would merely be action to create a Board to proceed with the study and pursue a grant for funds; that there would be no city financial committment at this time, and the Board could be dissolved and the project abandoned if it did not work out to everyone's satisfaction to continue. Councilman Haines said he felt this would be a desirable thing, but if it were not completely subsidized by funding, it could become a finan- cial failure and the city could end up spending quite an amount of money necessary in order to keep the system in operation. Councilman Nelson answered that it was estimated to cost $53,665 per year for Southwest Snohomish County, and Edmonds' share would be approximately $27,000 per year for the service. Mayor Harrison remarked that the City was responsible for the health, safety and welfare of its citizens, and perhaps should analyze the philosophy and wisdom of going into a new service. There was a great deal of discussion, and Councilman -Nelson then asked for council to study the report and have it as an agenda item at the August 8 meeting. Councilman Haines stated. that he would like council to ask the Mayor to write a letter to SNOCOM requesting the implementation of the use of 911 as soon as possible. He said he would also like any future financial changes by SNOCOM to -be cleared with the City; and a report submitted showing actual costs of the operation both with, and without subsidy, which would include the use of the E.E.A. personnel. Council was advised that the use of 911 was approximate- ly four years away.; It was decided, however, that the Mayor would write to SNOCOM for -implementation of the Hall's Lake area for the use of 911. 4: Councilwoman Shippen brought up the matter of determining which streets would be on a priority schedule for use of the funds for underground facilities. This item will be placed on the August 22 council meeting agenda. • Mayor Harrison brought to council attention an application for business license from Liberty TV Cable, Inc., the company which load recently purchased the cable TV business from GT & E. Because this involves several requirements as stated in the CATV ordinance, the City will request.a letter from the Liberty company outlining information called for as set forth in Ordinance #11261, which regu- lates CATV operation.in the City of Edmonds. Councilman Gellert suggested that a representative of the company be invited to discuss this with council. The Mayor consulted council members on the proposed quitclaim deed from the City to Alvin and Hannah J. Rowe, and it was decided to submit the executed deed to the Rowes.for consideration. Mayor Harrison reported on a letter received from Sea -King Services requesting the city's participation in incorporating Sea -King into the SNOCOM operation at a cost proposal of $50.00 per month for connection hookup and 2(t per capita per month, totalling $530.46 per month for an annual expense of approximately $6,365.52. Acting Police Chief L.L. Neuert was asked for his comments, and he stated he had reviewed and evaluated the service offered and found it to be extremely valuable. He stated that on persons in vehicles stopped by patrol- men,. especially at night, record checks -could now be obtained only for inter - local infractions of the law. Sea -King computer service would have information from the entire area available in seconds. He stated, however, that SNOCOM would employ a person to run the maching for this system, and this led to dis- cussion of added costs. It was decided that this matter would be-taken•up, again at the August.l council meeting following further study of the proposal by council.. C1 292, PRESENTATION OF MERCER ISLAND PLANNING AND DESIGN COMMISSION BY MR. BOB NIXON Mr. Bob Nixon, architect serving as a member of the Mercer Island Design Com- mission, spoke to council on the functions of the Commission in that city.' He stated it had•been formed in February by ordinance, in order to promote the health, safety, and general welfare of Mercer Island. He said the Commission acts on any above -ground improvements in the city, with the exception of single family residences. They have a fairly well defined area of responsibility. The only appeal is directly to the City Council within 10 days following the Commission decision, and must be'only on the basis of procedural difficulties. Mr. Nixon said the Commission was at present preparing, with the city staff, an ordinance to control signs on the Island. He said that before the Design Commission was formed, the city had applied for, and received a grant for underground utilities, and they were going ahead with that, especially in re- spect to the downtown lighting. Mayor Harrison asked Mr. -Nixon how they dealt with signs not in keeping with. the proposed standards, and he answered that it amounted to friendly arm twisting, as well as community business pressure. If one business erects a small, tasteful sign and a similar business has a large, gaudy one, the large sign likely is eventually removed voluntarily. Council directed several questions to Mr. Nixon, which he answered. He.stated that two architects, a Planner, a landscape architect, two.lay people, and an engineer make up the membership of the Mercer Island Design Commission. Councilwoman Shippen suggested that council request the Mayor to explore the idea further with members of the community in order.to get an expression on a Design Commission in Edmonds. Councilwoman Shippen then made a motion, seconded by Councilman Gellert to endorse the idea of a Design Commission and that further exploration be made. Councilman Nelson asked City Planner Logan if extra staff would be needed for this. Mr. Logan answered that more staff would be needed, but probably not full-time. He felt the present staff could handle the extra meetings that are scheduled on a regular basis at this time. There was some further discussion on a.proposed ordinance, costs, etc. The motion then carried. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION A gentleman in the audience asked about the letter sent to the city in�regard to a basketball backboard and hoop which is in the public R/W at the end of a culdesac. Request from the City Engineer resulted in this item being.placed on the August 1 agenda. Mrs. C. Wayne Hall stated that a communication had.been sent by the Library Board in regard to the possible removal of.the library from the Civic Center to the Edmonds Elementary schoolif the city leased the building. Council- woman Shippen had received this letter from the Library Board chairman, which stated that library expansion was secondary to I.moving-of the facilities from the present location'at the Civic Center. Mayor Harrison answered that the Library Board had'not been consulted because there had been merely conversation and comment up to this point, and they would be consulted if the discussion reached the point of any possible future action. WATER SYSTEM DISTRIBUTION AND FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT STUDY City Engineer Leif Larson presented a review of a study.for improvement of the water system distribution and facilities. He displayed a map showing a de- tailed summary of the city water system, with different -colored areas indica- ting type and size of existing mains as well. as'priority areas.. Engineer Larson.reviewed,critical areas;, stated that all property owners would partici- pate on a basis equivalent to the cost of installing a 6. inch.C.I. water main; and explained to council what the system would mean to the city. He had costs figured on'a contract price basis. The City was divided into differently colored areas which showed: (1) GREEN areas with water lines meeting require- ments of•Ordinance 1568; (2) BROWN areas with 6 and 8 inch steel water lines; (3) ORANGE areas with 4 inch lines; and (4) RED areas of first priority.with under 3 inch water lines. He explained that this would be on a revenue bond basis, with cost to property owners on an area rate with appropriate increase payable monthly with the water'service charge. Councilman Haines felt that this*was the correct way to proceed and the city council should take steps to formulate the program. Mayor Harrison suggested directing the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance and set a' -date for hearing. There was discussion"on bond issue requirements, the number of years before each area might be connected, and other factors concerning the proposal. It was then moved by Councilman Gellert, seconded by Councilman Haines to in- struct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance along the lines presented, based on 30 year bonds; based on combining the orange and brown areas on the map into one charge; the red areas into a different charge; and based on a connection charge for later connections which would be $40.00 for the first. 1 1 • • 0 1 0 0 1 n LJ 1 year, -increasing to $40.00 each'year f6r'5 years to a maximum of $20b.00 five years after the improvement is made. Councilman Nordquist felt matters of this magnitude should be held to the first and third Tuesday meetings for decisions, but he was assured by the City Attorney that it was proper to direct the or dinance to be prepared and a hearing date would be then set. The hearing date would be on either the first or third Tuesday, but all action other than hearings and passage of ordinances, resolution, etc. could now be taken at every Tuesday meeting,'according to the ordinance'receritly.passed.* The motion then carried.. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED AGREEMENT FOR LIMITED SOLID WASTE TRANSFER FACILITY Council had considered the proposed agreement with the Apex Garbage Company, stating that the City would refrain from entering'into the garbage collection business as a municipal operation for a period of five years,'and*stating other pertinent conditions. Mayor Harrison read a revised sentence in one of the clauses, and having met with -council approval,'a motion was made by Coun- cilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Nelson that the City of Edmonds enter into agreement with Apex for the limited solid waste transfer facility by that r-ompany.' Motion carried, with Councilman Nordquist voting against. PRESENTATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #385 Planning Commission.Resolution #385 was presented to council, recommending an amendment to the city code to establish two public hearings each month for the Planning Commission. City Planner Merlin Logan explained that the proposed amendment would set two regular Planning Commission meetings per month in place'of one regular and one work session. A motion was made by Councilman Nelson, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the recommendation in Planning Commission Resolution 385 be approved, and to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance amending the meeting schedule as requested. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF TALL FIRS' City Planner Merlin Logan presented for council review the preliminary plat of Tall Firs, located at 184th SW and Sunset Way. This is Planning Commission File P-8-72.; James Homes, Developer. Mr. Logan displayed maps of the 'plat and projected one on the screen to show council the -surrounding area. He stated that there were no problems other than an alternate street design that had been taken care of, and a drainage problem for which a proposal had been submitted from'the platters to the City Engineer. Engineer Larson explained that the proposal had been placed on his desk today, and there had been no time to study it before the council meeting. The Engineer also mentioned that a city proposal a few years ago for a water storage tank to be located at this property was a fact known by the platter Engineer Larson stated approval of the plat was subject to requirement of solution of drainage problem that would be satisfactory'to the Engineering Department. Councilman Haines suggested council could approve the plat subject to the • engineering requirements. The City Attorney agreed that this could be done, as long as the requirements were spelled out for,the platter. There followed some discussion. A motion was then made.by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Haines that council approve the preliminary plat of Tall Firs, subject to the engineering requirements as'specified by the City Engineer. Councilman Gellert.- felt that 'because *the agenda for tonight had "Work Meeting" on it, the neighbors in that area might not know that this was coming before council tonight for approval. City -Planner Logan stated that normally postcards are turned in by residents expressing interest in when a particular item is to be on the council agenda, but that in this case, no cards had been turned in. He added that this was'.prelimingry and there would'be .a final plat that would also have to come before council for approval. Councilman !�'G.ellert neverthe- less advised holding the preliminary approval until the next council meeting. A roll call vote on the approval, subject to the stated engineering requirements of the City, resulted in Councilman Nielson, Tuson, Winters and Haines voting in -a favor; ;Gellert, Shippen and Nordquist against, and the motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF WOODVALE NORTH Council was presentedwith a review of the preliminary plat -'.:,of Woodvale North, at 206th SW and 80th'W., Planning Commission File P-9-72 and Developer, Wick Homes. City Planner Logan reported that there was no alternate street design required on this plat, and other than neighborhood complaints about ground water, there was no opposition -to the plat. He added that the plat would not contribute. to the complaint and that the platter would be installing storm sewers. He also mentioned that tree cutting restrictions had been in effect on this plat. 0 294 Following some discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Gellert, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen to postpone this preliminary plat -to the next council meeting to allow people to be present and able to speak on the matter. A roll call -vote was taken, with Councilmen Gellert, Shippen and Nordquist voting in favor; Nelson-, Tuson, Winters and Haines against, and the motion failed to' carry. It was then moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Winters to approve the preliminary plat of Woodvale North,'subject.to engineering re- quirements. This motion carried, with Councilmen Nelson, Tuson, Winters and Haines in favor; Gellert, Shippen and Nordquist against. CONSIDERATION OF THREE APPLICATIONS FOR SOLICITORS LICENSE Mayor Harrison reported that three Mountlake Terrace school teachers had sub- mitted -applications for solicitors' licenses for a'Neighborhood Security Patrol. Acting Police'Chief Neuert had approved the applications because none had been found to have police records. However, Chief Neuert explained that although present customers of this service seemed satisfied, it was his feel- ing that uniformed people soliciting from door to door in Edmonds could create problems. Mayor Harrison said he felt that people soliciting for this sort of thing could alarm the residents of Edmonds. There followed much discussion, and it was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Winters that this matter be tabled until such time as we can have adequate standards and regulations which can be applied to -this type of -operation. Motion carried. PROPOSED "LITTER ORDINANCE" First reading was, held on a proposed "Litter Ordinance" for the City of Edmonds, • adopting the state uniform litter control code ordinance as recommended by the state department of ecology. COUNCIL SUGGESTION Councilman Gellert suggested that the Mayor prepare a letter of appreciation to send to Mr. Bob Nixon, of the Mercer Island Design Commission, thanking him for taking his own time to appear before the Edmonds City Council to explain the functions of his city's Commission. Mayor Harrison answered that he would see that this is done. AUTHORIZE BID OPENING DATE•FOR FIVE CORNERS DRAINAGE SYSTEM; In answer to a request from City Engineer Leif Larson, a motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Nelson that August 24 be set as the 'date for opening of bids on the Five Corners drainage system, subject to re- view and approval .of the Park Board as to•the portion going through Pine Ridge Park: Motion carried. AUTOMATIC'SPRINKLER REQUEST City Engineer Larson reported that the Park and Recreation Director had asked him to advise council that on the contract awarded to Sprague Nursery for .the mini -park, no automatic sprinkler heads were put in as required. There is a watering system installed, but it is not automatic. Therefore, he wondered if the city would authorize an expenditure of from $1800 to $2000 for an automatic sprinkler system to be installed. There was discussion by council, but no action was taken on the matter. COUNCILMAN REQUEST Councilman Nelson asked that the minutes reflect that he -would be out of town and not able to attend the council meetings during the month of August. There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 11:00 P.M. Irene Varney Mora , City Clerk August 11 1972 ROLL CALL r Harve H: Harrison, Mayor Meeting of the Edmonds City Council was -called Harve Harrison with all counc-il•members present for .the record that he would be -out of town and during August. APPROVAL OF MINUTES to order at 8:00 P.M. by Mayor except Nelson, who had stated .not able to attend the meetings Minutes of the meeting of July 25 had been posted and mailed, and with no omissions nor corrections, they were declared approved as written. 1 • 1 0