19720815 City Council Minutes303 • all excavated material from the pool site without cost to the contractor. Due to the heavy snows last winter the City trucks -were sometimes not available for earth removal so the contractor elected to bring in his own trucks to supplement the City trucks. They have now submitted a bill to the City in the amount -of $2,766.16. There has also been a bill presented from the soil engineers for $741.58. Mr. Wallace said he believes the City does owe money to J-.D. Dutton for the use of his trucks. It was his recommendation that the City pay the balance of the contract which was,withheld, $500 and an additional $2,000 for the extra -trucking that.they have done, and that we resolve the matter ourselves with the soil engineers. -A motion was made by Councilman Tuson and seconded by Councilman Haines that the City accept the Attorney's recommendation to settle. Motion carried. Mr. Whaley mentioned that he had received a letter from Mr. Hopkins with the Washington Housing Authority requesting to pass his resolution which he had - prepared. In June a resolution,was passed authorizing the City to enter into an agreement with the Housing Authority for 60 units. His application and his letter both indicate 180 units. Mr. Hopkins is asking the City Council to co-sign a loan application to HUD for $72,000. Mr. Whaley has replied to Mr. -Hopkins_ letter reminding him that it was for 60 units and enclosing a copy of the minutes, asking him if this is an error and what is the loan for.. There being no further business to come before Council', the meeting was adjourned at 10:35 P.M. • Irene Varney Morefh, City Clerk August 15, 1972 ROLL CALL Meeting of the Edmonds City Council was Protem John Nordquist with all council on leave of absence and Mayor Harrison, INTRODUCTIONS Harve H. Harrison-, Mayor called to order at 8:00 P.M, by Mayor members present except Nelson, who is on vacation. Mayor Protem Nordquist explained that Councilman Nelson was in Illinois"on business and Mayor Harrison on vacation in Alaska. He then introduced the CAO and members of the City Staff and made the request of anyone in the audience wishing to address the council please step up to the rostrum and state name and -address for the City Clerk's records. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of August 8-had been posted and mailed. Councilman; Haines stated that under the item of proposal for creation of a Southwest Snohomish County Public Transit Board, -his motion had been deleted. He asked that this be included in the record, which was a motion calling fora date for consideration of submitting an advisory ballot for the people to decide on subsidizing the Edmonds portion of the transit system, and that this be set for the first meeting in April 1973: Motion had been seconded by Councilman Nordquist, and carried. Minutes were then approved as amended. • ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Protein Nordquist announced that the projected date for the annual City Picnic was September 9, and participation by council members was invited. Mr. Nordquist mentioned having had it brought to his attention that people in the back of the council chambers had difficulty hearing most of the proceed- ings. He wondered if it would be advisable to place a microphone in front of each council member. CAO Whaley suggested that 'the'mikes could be picked up and held when.speaking.. Councilman` -Gellert felt that perhaps additional speakers,installed in the chambers might help the problem. DRIFTWOOD THEATRE PRESENTATION Mayor Protem Nordquist-announced that he felt it was'valuable to'bring to the attention of the community anything of general interest, and the -Jaycee report on the Japanese Visitors had been•one,it.em. This'week, he stated that Council- woman Shippen had invited Mr. Dave McNeil to speak on the Driftwood Playhouse. Mr. McNeil was introduced and spoke about how fortunate Edmonds was to have live stage theatre productions right here in the community, and yet there perhaps still were people in Edmonds who were not award of this fact. He mentioned the season ticket sale wherein for $10.50 you would see five shows for the price of four, and stated that the season opens in.October. He then' announced the schedule of plays planned for the coming season and asked for support for the theatre from the members of the community, the council, and the City of Edmonds. • 304 • Councilwoman Shippen thanked Mr. McNeil and said she felt the Driftwood, Theatre and its productions were a credit to Edmonds. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilwoman Shippen brought up the question of light standards on the new freeway section in Edmonds and said she would like to have consideration of a light standard policy in, Edmonds. She asked that the City Staff review this with regard to intensity of the lighting, the height, and the intervals be- tween the poles before the Highway Department completes the freeway installa- tion, and the Staff present what would be considered to be a workable light standard policy. This was,agreeable with the other members•of the council. Councilman Tuson stated that he was pleased to see that the next day following his motion at the August 8 council meeting, a Stop sign had been placed at Second and Bell to replace the former Yield sign. Councilman Haines reported that Bill Van Almkirk had phoned him regarding street conditions in his area in north Edmonds, and he noted that since Mr. Van Almkirk was not in the audience, perhaps he would outline the problem to CAO Whaley if Mr. Whaley would contact -him., Councilman Gellert asked how, under the new policy of council meetings, would the discussion on budget be held this year. He felt, as did Councilwoman Shippen, that the informality of a round table discussion, especially on the budget, and with Heads of the Departments present, was more conducive to dis- cussion than the.for-mality of the council chambers. Mayor Protem Nordquist suggested budget might be held on other than,a Tuesday, and CAO Whaley offered • the suggestion that a table be set up in the council chambers. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Bill Alguard, in the audience, said he was interested in Item #9 on the agenda tonight, and hoped that at that time,'audience participation would be allowed. He was assured that he would be heard on any item on the agenda. FIRST READING: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE REGULATING COUNCIL MEETINGS First reading was held on a proposed amendment to the City ordinance regulat- ing council meetings, with second reading to be held on September 5. REVOCATION HEARING: GUARDIAN AMBULANCE, INC. A request for continuance of revocation hearing to August 22 had been received by the City Clerk this afternoon from Vern J. Seather, attorney for Gary V. Hall, one of the principals of Guardian Ambulance, Inc. Reasons for the re- quest were noted as: the revocation hearing notice was mailed on August 10 and not received by Gary V. Hall until August 12, and Mr. Hall had no oppor- tunity to consult with his attorney until the afternoon of August 1-. (At this point, the City Clerk brought to council attention that receipt #191 from the revocation notice, sent by registered mail, had been signed by Mr. Gary Hall as having been received on August 11, 1972. A second identical notice, mailed the same day but sent to a second address, had return receipt #190 received on August 12 and signed by Rodger G. Bleiler for Guardian Ambulance.) Other reasons for the request were that the notice contains no information as to the basis upon which the council is to consider revoking the ambulance • license of Guardian Ambulance, Inc., and that the first information obtained regarding the basis for the revocation was at 2:00 P.M. on August 15; that insufficient time has been allowed to investigate and -respond; that the rhini- mum .length of continuance should be to August 22; that the Police Dept. should be directed to furnish copies of all documents upon which the revocation hearing will be based to the attorneys for Gary V. Hall; and that the Police Dept. should be required to furnish all information, including copies of documents, regarding any information adverse to any application of Gary V. Hall or Lynnwood Ambulance for a new ambulance operator's license; and that Gary V. Hall had no information that,his application for a name change from Guardian Ambulance, Inc. to Lynnwood Ambulance was scheduled on the council agenda for the meeting of August 8, 1972. Mr. Gary Hall was present in the audience, and admitted that he in fact had received two notices of hearing on revocation; one on the 11th and the other on the 1.2th. Councilman Gellert reminded Mr. Hall that council planned on August 22 to hear application of Lynnwood Ambulance for a license if all re- quirements are met. Councilman Haines told Mr. Hall that council had been _ told that Guardian Ambulance Service was no longer in existence because of certain problems, and therefore that corporation no longer exists. Mr. Hall answered that this was right; they went bankrupt under Guardian and had formed a new corporation under Lynnwood Ambulance.:" Councilman Haines then asked if then, the license was to a corporation that is no longer in existence. Mr. Hall answered that Guardian was no longer in existence. Mr. Haines then said that they were essentially operating without a license in the City, if they are operating. Mr. Hall answered that this was why he requested a name change 40 • 305 1 1 • 1 • 1 1 and found out today he must submit a new application. Councilman Haines stated that he wanted to clarify that there was no valid corporation'as was stated, with which this license is attached. Mr. Hall answered no, there isn't. Councilman Tuson said if they were coming in with a new application,'' he didn't see why they would have any objection to this one being cancelled. Mt. Hall said his attorney, Mr. Seather, had asked for the delay'so they could come in and do both at once. Mr. Tuson could not•see where the revocation -;of a non-existent corporation would have any'bearing on a new application. As a courtesy to the request of Mr. Hall's attorney, Councilman Gellert had made a motion, seconded by Councilman Winters to continue the revocation hearing to August 22. Following discussion'as noted, the motion carried. Councilman Gellert then stated that in order not to spend any excess time, he suggested Mr. Hall get together with the Acting Police Chief in regard to the ordinances and requirements for licensing of ambulances in the City of Edmonds and this would save unnecessaLy council hearing time next Tuesday. Mr. Hall said that he and his attorney planned to do this. Council decided, with Attorney Wallace's advice, that both the revocation hearing and the new application could be handled at the August 22 meeting. HEARING: ON APPEAL FROM RECOMMENDATION IN PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #386 Hearing was held on the appeal from recommendation in Planning Commission Resolution #386, recommending denial of a proposed amendment to the official zoning map'to rezone from-BN to BC property described in Planning Commission File R-4-72. City Planner Merlin Logan reported that Mr. Ferrill was not present in the audience and therefore suggested that the appeal hearing be postponed for one week. It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen to post- pone the hearing on the appeal from Resolution #386 to the meeting of August 22, and the motion carried. HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #387 Hearing was held on Planning Commission Resolution #387, recommending approv- al of a proposed amendment to the official zoning map to rezone from RML and RS-8 to RD property described in Planning Commission File R-5-72. City Planner Logan suggested that the rezone request be taken up in conjunc- tion with Item #10 on the agenda, Consideration of the Preliminary Plat of Maplewood, File P-10-72. He noted that the Planning Commission had con- sidered these jointly, since the plat involves the same piece of property on the north side of 196th between 80th and 84th. Mr. Logan reported that there were 16 lots, and the front half of•the property is presently zoned RML, with the back half RS-8. He stated that the proposed rezone would allow an in- crease of five dwelling units over the present number allowed on this property. Councilman Tuson questioned the drainage problem and Mr. Logan answered that there was a severe problem and a•moratorium had been'declared on plats and subdivisions on that basis. There was discussion on drainage, and it was brought out by the Assistant City Engineer that this was not included in the "Five Corners" drainage program that had been discussed. Councilman Gellert asked if the City could approve the rezone and then limit the number of units allowed to be built. The City Attorney an only if the developer offered that in a contract with the City. Councilman Gellert said he was concerned because the rezone could be granted and that would be a permanent thing, whereas the plat is only preliminary and could very well be abandoned. Someone else could then purchase the property and decide on something very different for developing the rezoned property. Hearing .on the rezone was then opened. Earl Cline, Engineer with Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. and representing the developer of Nord Homes, told council that it was the developer's inten- tion to proceed immediately with construction on the 16 lots in accordance with the proposed plat as presented, if the rezone is approved tonight. He added that drainage would not be a problem, as this would go from open pasture to a plat with proper facilities for drainage. Councilman Gellert asked Mr. Cline about the culdesac access off the highway. Mr. Cline stated that at the present time it is not the best location, but 196th will have future im- provement and major changes would then help the situation. There was further discussion between council and Mr. Cline. However, no one else in the audience wished to speak on the subject, and the hearing was declared closed. It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Tuson that due to topography and drainage in the area, no more than 16 duplex units be allowed on the property petitioned to be rezoned and that the property be rezoned RD with these conditions. Attorney Johri Wallace ruled that the motion as made 0 306 • would be an improper motion unless the proposal were accepted by the City from the contractor's offer, and following further discussion, the motion and second were withdrawn. Councilman.Haines then moved, seconded by Councilman Tuson that the -proposed rezone hearing be continued for -one week so that the City Planner and the Developer could get together and submit an agreement to meet with the approval of the council. Discussion followed, wherein City Planner Logan suggested the council approve the rezone on all but the last four lots in the culdesac to allow the developer to proceed -with 12 out of the 16 lots. Mr. Cline stated that Nord Homes would be favorable to a meeting with the Planner, and this hearing could be continued subject to execution of some agreement, but that time was a factor and they wanted to proceed with the project as soon as possible. With that, the motion carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE REMOVING TERM "CREMATORIES" FROM LIST OF CONDITIONAL USES IN CITY In accordance with council action of June 20, a proposed ordinance to remove the term "crematories" from the list of conditional uses in the City of Edmonds was presented for its first reading. Second reading will be heard on the 5th of September. SECOND READING: PROPOSED ORDINANCE IN'ACCORDANCE-.:WITH:.:WATER SYSTEM STUDY Second reading was heard on the proposed ordinance from council action of July 25 in accordance with the water system study for the City of Edmonds. Assistant City Engineer Dick Allen gave a brief review, summarizing his report given previously on the examination of the water line system throughout the city, and the final presentation of the study to the council. Engineer Allen explained that the proposed ordinance would give general direction and pro- cedure under the revenue bond basis with a -monthly charge to the people in- volved. Hearing was then opened to anyone who wished to comment. Mr. Dewey Leyda told council that under the LID system, anyone can pay off the entire amount of -his assessment in lump sum cash without interest charges, but under the revenue bond system, you cannot pay at once and must go on a monthly charge basis for many years, and he didn't approve of this method of payment. Bill Alguard, 15915 - 70th W., stated that he assumed the council thought that this system would be less painful to the people, but he felt the former system of petitioning for an LID with the city installing hydrants and lines so that it amounted to approximately 50% for the city and the same for the property owner, was preferable. Under this new proposed ordinance, the payment would be spread out over 20 years and the people would be paying a great deal more in total payments. Mr. Alguard said he preferred the LID charges. Engineer Dick Allen stated that the system of paying for city participation meant having to obtain funds out of the present revenue system, and this might mean the possiblility of raising water rates, so a change to the revenue policy would make payment more equitable. Councilman Haines explained that the city was in the position of trying to reach a compromise in order to_put in the mains where needed as painlessly to the people as possible. He said it was the city's basic responsibility to maintain proper lines. Councilman Gellert said this large city-wide program meant that more economy would be realized, and once the mains are improved to standards, fire insurance costs could lower. Fire Chief Cooper agreed that the overall water supply situation was important in the ratings. Mr. Alguard said he was afraid that the people could not afford all these changes -'first it was water mains, then it would be sewers and roads, and frankly he thought the people would prefer to be left alone. Jack Linge, 6970 - 160th S.W., agreed with Mr. Alguard, and added that he is an engineer and had strong feelings about the area and couldn't understand why anyone would think revenue bond financing would be -preferable to the LID method. He said that he and his neighbors felt that they were second class citizens of Edmonds and would prefer being back in the county instead of city residents. He mentioned the former request for subdividing in the area, where the proponents were "shot down". He said no proposal of revenue bond financing is sensible for the people. Mr. Linge also asked for street lignts and then went on to say that in regard to the lot size change in the area, there was no appeal because they did not realize a written appeal was necessary, since they had inquired and were advised that they needed signatures of the larger property owners for an appeal. He was told that this was incorrect, but he declined to say where he had received the. information. A_;gentleman in the audience questioned the charge to users of water instead of to all property -owners whether or not the land was built upon, and felt that this penalized -the homeowner. There was much discussion, during which time Councilman Haines explained that under the revenue bond method, it would not become -a lien against the property as it would under the LID system. The gentlemen who had spoken in the audience still insisted that they would all prefer the LID -method for the water mains. There was no further audience comment, and the hearing was closed. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Haines to con- tinue the proposed ordinance to -September 19 for further analysis. Council- man Haines asked Mr. Alguard if in the meantime he would relay his thoughts and those of the other people to Engineer Dick Allen. Motion carried. u • 1 1 E • LICENSE APPLICATION OF LIBERTY T.V. CABLE, INC. 30 1 1 • 1 • It was reported that a letter had been sent from Mayor Harrison to Liberty T.V. Cable, Inc_. stating that the city was considering their application for a license and requesting a letter explaining what their development and operational plans are for the future, and particularly if there were any plans to broaden their civic service functions.- A letter had been received from Liberty with information on FCC rulings, efforts to be made to upgrade the system, their history of the company, and additional pertinent information. Mr. John Tykeson from.Eugene, Oregon, representing Liberty, was present at this council meeting to answer any questions the council might have in regard to the license application. . Mr. Tykeson introduced himself as representing Liberty T.V. Cable, Inc. He also introduced his staff: Paul Case from Liberty, Paul McKenzie with the area, and a guest. Mr. Tykeson stated that Liberty Communications was a pioneer -in the CATV business and was amon4.the top fifteen companies with the GT & E acquisition; and the only major national CATV company headquartered in the Pacific Northwest. He explained that the company was in the process of evaluating the system in Edmonds and looked forward to a long and pleasant association with the City. Councilman Gellert quoted Section 21 of the City's CATV ordinance which showed that GT&E cannot transfer their system without permission of the council. Councilman Gellert then quoted the financial figures of Liberty and asked Mr. Tykeson how Liberty proposed to finance the acquisition. Mr. Tykeson answered it would be with 17 year financing, as part of a long range program -for de- veloping the company, and the financing provided, in addition to the acquisi- tion of GT&E Communications, substantial amounts of additional cash for con- struction and development. Their balance sheet at the end of the.year will show in excess of two million dollars in cash for working capital. Mr. Tykeson noted that in this business, there are only two ways to go: you either must get large or sell out. In regard to a question on geographic problems and reception in the area, he said that the company,, -was of course reviewing the area for all problems, and he felt confident the city.would- be.pleased with their operation. Mr. Tykeson stated that he would like to have the company keep a.close relationship with the city and keep the.city aware of what the company is doing. He added that -he hoped the..city would find that Liberty communications will be a little different from what they had been used to in the past. Councilwoman Shippen asked if the fact -that the company will be issued a new license would mean that rather.than'having three more years to fulfill the requirements set forth in the FCC, (to 1977) could we now.require these as part of the business permit for the new company? City Attorney Wallace answered no, you could not require them to do anything in a shorter period of time than the FCC regulations set forth. Councilwoman Shippen was interested in when this permit actually would expire; were we starting with a new permit or continuing on with the former one. It was noted by Mr. Tykeson that some of the technology of FCC.ruling was not as yet perfected, but the process of technology is moving ahead toward the accomplishment of these factors.. Councilwoman Shippen also asked if they would provide the capacity of 20 channels, and was answered no. She then asked if they would provide a channel for public access and this was not determined, since although they were evaluating the system, Mr. Tykeson was not prepared to answer at this time. Councilman Gellert asked about special programs and was answered that they will provide service desired by the community and believe there will be programs available such.as.motion pictures, done through use of a converter on the set; also a shopping service during the daytime hours -on this channel; both as a supplementary service of the company. There was quite a bit of discussion regarding the service, and the question was asked by Councilman Gellert about underground utilities, with the answer that in this: -event, when the other utilities go underground,.the company would have to face -the fact that they should also be underground, or they would not be living up to their responsibilities. Mr. Tykeson said.he thought council will find their company is very straightforward; they do what they say they are going to do, but won't promise what they can't do. Following discussion, it was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Council- man Gellert that the transfer of the CATV license to Liberty T.V. Cable,Inc. be granted. Motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF PRELIMINARY PLAT OF JOHNSON & MILLER City Planner Merlin Logan stated that the plat in question had a basic good design and he.recommended approval. He said he suspected that some of the lots might have to be on septic tanks rather than sewered, and this.que'stion was discussed. Councilman Haines said.he was concerned with the -safety at the 164th intersection, and Mr. Logan answered that this was a possible area of hazard on the Meadowdale Beach Road. He added that the Safety Engineer, however, had given.approval. Regarding a question on the culdesacs as opposed to a loop.road, Fire Chief Cooper stated that.he would prefer not to deal with culdesacs, but in this case, the grade would be a problem for a loop. After some discussion, it was moved by Councilman Gellert, seconded by Coun- • 308 • cilman Tuson to approve the preliminary plat,:of Johnson & Miller, P-11-72, subject to all Engineering.and Planning requirements and subject to adequate sanitary sewers on all lots. Motion carried. CONSIDERATION OF PARTICIPATION FOR SEA -KING SERVICES Consideration of participation for Sea -King services had been continued from the meeting of August 1. Attorney John Wallace said one thing that bothered him was•that the agreement stated information accepted into alert files will have passed stringent edit tests which will be precisely defined in the User's Specification Document referred to in Section 5 of this document. Attorney Wallace stated that he had never seen the User's Specification Document, and Section 5 of this document has nothing whatsoever to do with the reference as indicated. The question directed to his office was what are these restric- tions, and-he'did not know. Since the Attorney was not completely satisfied, and following quite a bit of discussion on this User's Document, it was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Tuson that if adequate money is availabel, the City of Edmonds join in their share of Sea -King Services, pro- viding it passes the approval of the City Attorney. Acting Police Chief Neuert stated that he and Attorney Wallace would get together and draw up a list of items that will be submitted, and will in turn submit these to the council for approval. Subject to this statement, the motion carried. AWARD OF BID FOR SUNSET BEACH BULKHEAD 1 CAO Ron Whaley reported that bid requirements clearly stated that sales tax should not be included in the price of the bid on the bulkhead. Therefore, F. R. Cattron was the low bidder. • It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Gellert that F. R. Cattron be awarded the bid for the Sunset Beach Bulkhead at a cost of $9,914., and the Mayor be authorized to enter into contract with Mr. Cattron for this project. Motion carried. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES Claims for damages were acknowledged as follows: Summons and Complaint from Lamb Rock Corporation vs. TriKay Construction Company, Inc., The City of Edmonds, Bay Construction, Inc., and United Pacific Insurance Company; also claims from James S. Linton, and from Thomas C. Gardner. These were all re- ferred to the City Clerk for processing. CAO REPORT CAO Ron Whaley reported that correspondence with Mr. Harold Hopkins of -Wash- ington Housing Services in regard to an apparent mistake in the number of units for the Turnkey project resulted in a letter from Mr. Hopkins stating his mistake and changing back to the 60 dwelling units with $24,000 the preliminary loan amount. A resolution was therefore proposed, and it was moved by Coun- cilman Gellert, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen that -the proposed resolution for the Turnkey project be on the September 5 agenda, and the motion carried. In regard to the Mini -park, CAO Whaley stated that he had contacted Mr. Wes Bogart of the State Highway Department and explained the situation and legal - interpretation of the Attorney, and discussed the motions that were made at the last council meeting. The letter from Mr. Bogart said in essence that • they have moved the building 60' north out of the R/W, thereby removing the legal involvement we may or may not Iget into; they have deferred moving the fence; and would not add landscaping, but would not charge the city for any of their costs for redesign. Mr. Whaley felt that this should be acceptable; that the City could relocate the fence and provide landscaping as we are able. Mr. Bogart also stated that he would appreciate the city supplying him with a letter of approval of this revised plan. Councilwoman Shippen mentioned. that council -had passed a motion at the last meeting to have the State include landscaping. However, it was the feeling that if the state will provide the sprinkling system, the revised plan should be considered for approval. It was moved by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Gellert to approve the State's proposal to move the building and include the sprinkling system, but without landscaping. Motion carried with Councilwoman Shippen voting against. CAO Whaley reported that on the Senior Citizen's Center, September 4 was the deadline for the Phase II application to HUD for the grant arrangement to meet the time schedule, and by that date.the $100,000 bond issue would have to be in the process.of being passed by the City. A report on the building plans and consideration of the bond issue will be on the August 22 council agenda, and the Attorney will prepare a proposed ordinance. Mr.' Whaley noted that there was a tight schedule on this matter, and the City was required by HUD to authorize proceeding with land description and plat preparation by a licensed engineer along with site plans and location facilities. Reid, Middleton & Associates, Inc. will do this work for a $250 fee. It was moved by Councilman Haines, seconded by Councilman Tuson to authorize the CAO to proceed with the building site plans as noted. Motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 11:20 P.M. 40 • je�_,y Irene Varney Wran, City Clerk Harve H.'Harrison, Mayor August 22, 1972 ROLL CALL Meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Protem John Nordquist with all council members present except Nelson, who is on leave of absence and Mayor Harrison, on vacation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the meeting of August 15 had been posted and mailed. Mayor Protem Nordquist stated that on page one, paragraph three where a correction to the August 8 minutes was noted, the second to Councilman Haines' motion was not made by him, but by Councilman Winters. Minutes were then approved as corrected. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Protem Nordquist reminded everyone that after September 5th all Council Meetings will begin at 7:30 P.M. and all meetings will be alike with regard to passage of ordinances, resolutions, etc. Mr. Nordquist mentioned that at. Staff Meeting today the Capital Improvements Review was discussed. The,review is close to reaching its climax and he requested • that Council Members submit any memos or recommendations as soon as possible. 1 1 Mr. Nordquist mentioned that while he'was in the City Hall today for a few moments he had the pleasure ofmeeting Col. Mikkelwaite who had come to the office to thank both the Police and Fire Departments for their response to an emergency call last weekend regarding a member of his own family. Col. Mikkelwaite thought that we at times take abuse, but thought it was in order for these departments to be commended. Mayor Protem Nordquist also.noted that as of Friday he will relinguish his duties as Mayor Protem to Gary Nelson, the original Mayor Protem. He thanked the Council and Staff for their cooperation during his tenure as Mayor Protem. INTRODUCTIONS Mayor Protem Nordquist, "introduced the CAO and members of the City Staff. At this point Councilman Tuson asked the Mayor Protem to introduce members of his family present in the audience. Mr. Nordquist then introduced his wife, Delores and children Linda, Peter and Jim. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Tuson brought up the matter of the Yield Signs in place at 4th and Edmonds. He thought since this is a fire lane that Stop Signs should replaoe the Yield Signs. He therefore, -made a motion, seconded by Councilman Gellert to put Stop Signs at the north and south corners of 4th and Edmonds so that fire trucks could proceed to the waterfront without fear of an accident. After some discussion, the motion carried. Councilman Haines asked for clarification on the hours of Council Meetings. Mr. Nordquist replied that the next meetings in August would be at 7:30 P.M., the September 5th meeting will be at 8 P.M. and all others thereafter will be at`7:30 P.M. Councilman Haines noted the arrival of Commissioner Dick Forsgren. At this point Mayor Protem Nordquist also took the opportunity to welcome Commissioner Forsgren on behalf of the Council and City Staff. He also thanked the Commissioner for his participation in City programs. Councilman Haines mentioned at this time that 'there is a small portion of the road on 75th Pl.-W. (off 76th) that should be built up and smoothed out. Mr. Haines said he didn't know if CAO Whaley had gotten a chance to contact the Commissioner or the Road District about smoothing that area out, but thought this would be an ideal time to bring it up. -Mr. Whaley said what they are trying to do now is come up with an -estimate of where we have stopped on 76th going to North Meadowdale Road involving leveling and changing contours. However, this estimate is not yet ready. Councilman Gellert said that in talking to the CAO last week he indicated that with Engineer Larson's technical improvements, a through crossing at 76th and Highway 99 is again feasible. Mr. Whaley said since the last signalization . plan the 3M Company has developed a new directional lens. He thought perhaps a control system could be worked out at 76th and Highway 99.' Engineer Larson stated that the present plan is complete and ready for advertising. Councilman Gellert made a motion seconded by.Councilman Haines to reconsider and re -study 0