19730227 City Council Minutes41_q • COUNCIL ACCEPTANCE Oli' CONSTRUCTION OF WATER IIAINS BY K.NOWITS CONSTRUCT19N CO. SCItEDULE 11-1 9th AVENUE UAL E City Engineer J.,ar,:�on rc: r)ortcd ' that tl-u, water J_ i.nea icy Y:nowlec Construction Co. on the 9th UAL' Project have bcc n i.n ta7_led -i.n a in"z.nncr c;a.tir;factor•y to the Olympic Water District and.he recommended aceepta.ricc• by Lhe council. so that retainage can start on this portion of the contract. A motion was then made by Councilman Nordquist and seconded by Councilman Winter.•;; that Schedule 11 for the construction of water mains by Knowl�.; Con:ltr•uction.Co. on 9th/100 Ave. W. UAB Project 8-1-139 (02) Phase 11 be accepted.ri-lotion carried. CAO REPORT CAO Ron Whaley said he had been looking at -some of the legislative action going on down in Olympia. He said there are so many bills being introduced that will be cutting revenues""Ito the cities and diverting it to the state. He thought smaller cities are going to have to pay more attention to what is going on in Olympia. Councilwoman Shippen asked what the Association of Washington Cities is doing and Mr. Whaley'stated that they do have a permanent lobby in Olympia, but it is very small. There being no further business to come before council, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 P. M. Irene Varney Mora , City Clerk February 27, 1973 POT,T. CAT.T. Harve H. Harrison, Mayor Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison, with all council members present except Tuson, who is on vacation. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the council meeting of February 20, along with a correction sheet,_ had been posted, mailed and distributed. The minutes were therefore approved as corrected. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Nordquist asked the City Planner where we now stand on the parking lot requirements. City Planner Joe Wallis answered that the Planning Commis- sion had asked the Staff to take a look at this and return results of this study to the Commission no later than March 21. Councilman Nelson noted that item in the last council meeting minutes regard- ing the discussion and decision by council to authorize the Mayor's trip to Japan, representing the City of Edmonds. Councilman Nelson therefore made a motion, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed,Resolution 4271 be • passed, transferring certain funds from the Contingency Fund to the General Fund for Mayor -Council Expense. The motion carried. Councilman Nordquist suggested that a resolution be written commending Jim Haines for his many years of service to the City of Edmonds. He then moved, seconded by Councilman Gellert, to instruct the City Attorney to prepare a Resolution of Commendation for former Councilman Haines, and the motion carried. Councilman Gellert noted the item in the newspaper stating the possibility of naming the Snohomish County park in memory of Don Lawson, and he remarked that this seemed like an excellent idea. Mayor Harrison explained that Ron Taylor'had.contacted him in regard to this suggestion, and the Mayor had then polled all council members and the Park Board. He reported that except for one reply, all others were 100% in favor, and he would now communicate this information to Ron Taylor, who would take the suggestion to the County for decision. In the meantime, the Lawson family would be contacted for their opinion, etc: Mayor Harrison advised council that he had received a memo from CAO Whaley recommending sale of the Utility Billing machine to the Lake City Sewer Dis- trict, who had made an offer of $200. Council had originally authorized sale of this equipment for $800, but the aforementioned offer was the only one received. Following discussion, Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Councilman Nelson to offer the Utility Billing machine for sale at the $200 figure. Motion carried. u 416 • Councilman Nordquist noted that last night the Mountlake Terrace Planning Commission rezoned to Industrial the property off 244th, due east of K-Mart, and their road system indicates their ingress on 220th and egress at 224th. He added that he hoped the Edmonds City Engineer would look into the status of that road, and Engineer Leif Larson answered that he had requested a copy of the plan, and one of the Edmonds conditions would be that 224th should be improved. Mayor Harrison recognized a group of Scouts in the audience, and a spokesman introduced them as being members of Troop 305 and Packs 304 and 305 from the Seaview School, attending the meeting as part of their citizenship 'in the community effort. Mayor Harrison welcomed them to the council meeting. HUD RESOLUTION Mayor Harrison advised council that minor revisions had been made in the contract with HUD by our City Attorney, to provide for relocation allowances. Because of the revision, HUD now required that a new resolution, identical to the one council had passed a month or so ago, must now be passed again with the new date to authorize signing of the revised contract. The Mayor then read the revised paragraph in the contract for council clarification. It was then moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Nelson that pro- posed Resolution #272 be passed, authorizing the Mayor to sign the revised contract with HUD for the Senior Citizen Center. Motion carried. SET DATE OF MEETING TO NOMINATE AND APPOINT PERSON TO FILL COUNCIL VACANCY Following some.di.scussion on dates, Councilman Gellert noted that he would be out of town and unable to attend the council meeting of March 20. Councilman Nordquist then made a motion, seconded by Councilman Nelson to set the date for nomination as March 13, with resumes to be turned in to the City Clerk by the March 8 deadline. Further discussion followed, and Councilman Gellert said his schedule showed a 7:30 P.M. arrival at the airport on the 20th, and he should be able to be at the council meeting by about 9:00 o'clock that evening, if the nomination was held until later on in the agenda. With this information, Councilman Nordquist asked that the dates in his motion read March 20th for the nomination and the 15th deadline for resumes. Councilman Nelson, who seconded the motion, agreed to the date change, and the motion carried. Councilman Gellert said he hoped the newspapers would give this item: adequate publicity. Councilman Nordquist asked for a discussion as to how this would be handled in respect to council approach to the interviewing of the applicants. He questioned whether it would be done on the basis of appointment, or by group. The procedure was discussed, and it was decided by council that the best way would be for council as a group interview the applicants on Saturday, March 17th. The City Clerk was asked to hold all resumes received until Thursday,. March 15th at 5:00 P.M. and then send a copy of each to all council members by messenger that day. This procedure will be followed. REVIEW OF LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR SR 104 Councilwoman Shippen reported that she; Pat Welling, who is Chairman of the Beautification Committee; Mr. Keith Goldsmith, a londscape architect; and the representative from the Highway Department had toured the area in question and discussed the landscaping plans. Mr. Goldsmith showed council a drawing out- lining the original plans, and another which had been suggested by the Com- mittee. He explained that the original plan had called for rather heavy planting in one area near the south entrance, and the Committee had felt that it wasn't necessary to use so many on an already pleasant stretch of property. The second plan showed a reduced planting in this particular area, with a better spreading out of the landscaping, especially in the area of the damaged properties. It was mentioned that the State spends 3% of the construction costs on landscaping, and that they had $15,000 cash plus some 5000 plants which were acquired last year during condemnation of a nursery in Mount Vernon. Mr. Goldsmith noted that"most.6f the planting stock was of small size. Following some further discussion on size and types of plants and shrubs, it was moved by Councilwoman Shippen, seconded by Councilman Gellert that council adopt the revised landscape plan as agreed to by the Committee, and the Highway Department be so advised. Motion carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE: FIRE ZONE CHANGE On February 13, council had instructed the Attorney to prepare an ordinance changing the Fire Zone regulations. Councilman Nordquist raised a point of order by reading from the council minutes of September 5, where a motion had been made to table the Fire Zone study until such time as the Planning Com- mission reported on its study of parking lot requirements, which the City Planner had mentioned was due on March 21. Councilwoman Shippen agreed that she had given thought to this, also, and questioned the Attorney about the necessary procedure. Councilwoman Shippen then moved, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to remove the Fire Zone Study from the table. The motion carried. F� 1 • 1 [I 1 11 0 • First reading was then held on the proposed ordinance for Fire Zone change. 4 1- 7 1 • 1 HEARING: PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION #401 Hearing had been continued from February 13 and 20 on Planning Commission Resolution-#401, recommending approval of a proposed amendment to the official zoning map to.rezone from RML to CG property described in Planning Commission File R-7-72. City Planner Joe Wallis projected slides showing the comprehensive plan of the vicinity, as well as slides showing pictures of the property in question. He stated that it was the recommendation of the Planning Commission by resolution to grant the rezone as requested, and recommended requiring planting along the areas adjacent to the multiple zoning. Hearing was then opened. No one in the audience wished to comment, and the hearing was therefore closed. Councilman Winters made the motion, seconded by Councilman Nelson to accept the recommendation in Planning Commission Resolution #401, and pass proposed Ordinance #1643. Councilwoman Shippen stated that she did not feel it was good policy to rezone in order to accommodate a particular owner; that the property could very well be sold in the future; and she did not think there were valid reasons for this rezone. It -was mentioned that this proposal would actually upgrade the property, and the Attorney explained that the former owners had a non -conforming use, and the new owner and new use must'be conforming, therefore the necessity for rezone. The City Planner recommended ample screening in -the event of a rezone. Councilman Gellert said he felt as Councilwoman Shippen did, that property should not be rezoned because of a particular ownership and business, but he also felt that rezoning this piece of property would be for the best use of the land in this case. Upon call for the question, the motion carried with Councilwoman Shippen voting against. Councilman Nordquist noted that his reason for voting at this time was that it was the result of discussion with his fellow councilmen, who felt there was no reason for him to abstain. TRAIN SPEED LIMIT IN EDMONDS Mayor Harrison reported that he had asked Police Chief Marlo Foster to clock train speeds through Edmonds for a week. The result was speeds of from 40 to 45 miles per hour on over ten occasions. The Mayor noted that if a train were carrying chemicals, for example, and there was a derailment near the beach, this could cause a catastrophe and maybe loss of life. He felt that a speed of 25 miles per hour through town was ample. Mayor Harrison went on to say that the Attorney had obtained an informal opinion from the Attorney General that as a Code City, we have the right to regulate train speeds within the corporate limits of Edmonds. Councilman Gellert asked about, and Councilman Nelson commented on -the Senate Bill proposed for removal of this particular jurisdiction from cities and towns and give authority to state regulation. Mayor Harrison, however, said he felt this was timely to pass now in order to establish the city's feeling in regard to this problem. He noted that Kent, Bellingham, and Marysville have a 25 mph limit, and he felt the concern was primarily for safety, and then the noise and vibration problems. Dewey Leyda said the only objectionable noise was when a stopped -train began starting to move again, and he thought careless drivers were as much to blame as the trains. • It was then moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen to instruct the Attorney to prepare an ordinance to establish the speed limit on trains within the city limits of Edmonds at 25 miles per hour, and the motion carried. PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH LOAD LIMIT RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN STREETS City Engineer Leif Larson stated that on November 14, 1972 council heard complaints from Lake Ballinger residents regarding truck traffic on 76th W. They were concerned with the'restriction of "through truck" traffic, which used 76th as a shortcut between 244th and Highway 99. Engineer Larson said he felt the city should eventually establish truck routes, but the proposed ordinance before council tonight was for load limit restriction of 10,000 pounds on (1) Sunset Avenue, Main to Casper; (2) Pine Street, 3rd Avenue S.' to 5th Avenue S.; and (3) 76th W. from P.S.H. No. 1 (U.S. 99) to 244th S.W. Councilwoman Shippen asked if this could be applied to other streets as well, and Engineer Larson answered yes, but that this could be done now and con- sidered an interim measure. Councilwoman Shippen also asked if we could re- strict load limits on streets funded by UAB. Engineer Larson said these streets would be under our jurisdiction. A motion was made by Councilman Gellert, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that proposed Ordinance 41644 be passed, establishing a load limit restriction for vehicles on certain streets in Edmonds. The motion carried. is 418 • BRIEF REPORT ON UNDERGROUND WIRING City Engineer Larson reported that the PUD and Telephone Company indicated having furnished the city with rather broad estimates, and in order to get a more refined estimate and to present a realistic figure to the residents he would need authority to have an estimate made for Edmonds Way from 98th east of the bowling alley to Paradise Lane. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF LETTER REQUESTING VACATION OF R/W Councilman Nordquist noted that a copy of a letter asking for vacation of right-of-way had been sent to each council member. The request was from Gerald M. Bosma,' and a copy had been directed to the City Engineer, who reported that he had written a letter to Mr. Bosma and sent along a petition form so that he might present the request to council in the proper manner. There wa8-no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 9:05 P.M. • 1 Irene Varney Mo n, City Clerk Harve'H. Harrison, Mayor March 6, 1973 ROLL CALL Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P. M. • by Mayor Harve Harrison, with all council members present. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the council meeting of February 27, 1973 had been posted, mailed and distributed, and with no corrections nor omissions, they were approved as written. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Gellert said that with regard to the Federal Revenue Sharing Plan, it seemed to him that we have to approve a specific program. CAO Ron Whaley explained that for the calendar year 1973 we must report to the Secretary -Treasurer and publish in the local newspaper at the end of the year what we did with the money. Later on in the year we must report what we anticipate doing with funds in 1974 by the end of 1973, and then follow up with what was actually done. This is to be done on forms supplied by the Secretary -Treasurer and these forms have not been received as yet. Councilman Gellert then asked how soon we would have an agenda item to discuss the implementation of a new water system and plans for construction of adequate water mains throughout the City of Edmonds. He said this had been brought to his mind after reading about the recent fire that destroyed a home in the.Meadowdale Area. Mr. Whaley informed the council that he and City Engineer, Leif Larson, have a meeting scheduled with a financial consultant for tomorrow morning or Friday. This meeting will be to determine the. feasibility of financing in accord- ance with Ordinance #1617, passed last October. Assuming they have a meeting of the minds they will anticipate bringing this matter to the council in two weeks. Councilwoman Shippen remarked that she thought it would be a good idea to have preliminary meetings with the people in the Meadowdale Area so that the technology and"problems involved and also the financing can be discussed." -Mr. Crawford, President of'the Meadowdale Community Club, commented that he would be very much interested in knowing what the new policy is and would like to hear more about it. Councilman Gellert agreed that preliminary meetings were advisable in order to explain to the residents Ordinance #1617 whereby We agreed to finance new water construction by the revenue bond method rather than by LID. City Engineer Larson felt that the financial plans should be firmed up before going to the people. He stated further that a report should be available from the financial consultant within two weeks.' t Mayor Harrison stated that many times a person is irrAtated when purchasing a dog license when he learns he is late in doing so and therefore subject to an additional charge for.being delinquent. At present this amounts to $3.00. He said in the interest of good public relations he would like to see the council consider eliminating this charge for delinquent payments. Councilwoman Shippen stated that if a business wants to dispense food out on the sidewalk she assumes this would require an Invasion of Right -of -Way Permit. She did not know,if a policy had ever been established in this regard, but would like the council to adopt a tentative policy to encourage this sort of -outdoor activity; at least for this summer. She suggested that the Mayor write a letter to the merchants to inform them that they can take advantage of this for at least one season. Mayor Harrison stated that he had received a letter from the Snohomish County Commissioners asking for help in selecting candidates for appointment to the • 1 1 0