19730320 City Council Minutes• 42A. The Mayor then invited those in the audience to join council in the Mayor's office to partake of the cake presented earlier by the Girl Scouts. There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Irene Varney Moifan, City Clerk Harve H. Harrison, Mayor March 20, 1973 ROLL CALL Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison, with all council members present except Gellert, who arrived at 8:25. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the council meeting of March 13 had been posted, mailed and distributed. Mayor Harrison noted that on Page 3 under Audience Parti- cipation, second paragraph, the sentence "It was noted that Edmonds had made monetary contribution to the 701 program..' should be changed to read "It was noted that Edmonds had not made monetary contribution to the 701 Program....". There were no other omissions nor corrections, and the minutes were approved as corrected. • COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilwoman Shippen mentioned that Councilman Nordquist had -told her that he had heard her editorializing on radio again today. She commented that the Mayor had appointed two women to serve the city, and she wanted to thank him. FINAL PLAT OF WESTMONT VIEW, DIVISION I City Engineer Leif Larson explained that this had been the old Johnson - Miller plat which.council had previously approved in its preliminary form, subject to Planning and Engineering requirements. It is located in the Meadowdale area, north of 164th and east of 72nd. Authorization was now being requested to proceed in two Divisions, I and II. Engineer Larson reported that they had worked out the utility plans on this Division I, and he had no objections to the divisions. He therefore recommended approval of Division I at this time. There was some discussion, and a motion was then made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Tuson that council approve the final plat of Westmont View, Division I, subject to the engineering requirements, and the motion carried. MOUNTLAKE TERRACE REPORT ON SECONDARY SEWER TREATMENT FOR PROPOSED MOUNTLAKE TERRACE INDUSTRIAL PARK City Engineer Leif Larson reported on the secondary sewage treatment re- quirement in connection with the proposed Mountlake Terrace Industrial Park. He stated that the Environmental Protection Agency had advised the City of Edmonds that it would require a resolution to upgrade its sewage treatment facilities as required by law no later than July 1, 1977. The basis for this requirement is Public Law 92-500, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendment of 1972. Engineer Larson noted that the definition of "secondary treatment" has not been made available by the Federal Government, and he therefore had held any action in abeyance pending obtaining of a definition. Although he was not sure what the federal requirements will be, he stated that perhaps the city could pass a resolution with the idea of getting our requirements known and get on a priority list for federal funding. The federal share for new projects for fiscal year 1973-75 shall be 75% and the state share 15%, making the total 90% participation in secondary treatment facilities. There was discussion on whether or not there would be this requirement without the Industrial Park, and it was thought that perhaps this was one way to force an indicat-i6n- from Edmonds to plan for secondary treat- ment. It was noted that Mountlake Terrace would participate in any costs inar-ccordance with the Edmonds -Mountlake Terrace Sewer Agreement. Councilman Tuson.inquired if Edmonds would be pushed by the Environmental Protection Agency for this secondary treatment if it were not for the Industrial Park in Mountlake Terrace. Engineer Larson answered that Edmonds would probably have the waste treatment facilities reviewed for adequacy, and secondary treatment would eventually be necessary. 0 428 Pi There was discussion on quality standards and definitions of secondary treatment, etc.' Councilwoman Shippen asked the City Engineer if Edmonds was considered marginal in this respect. He replied that no reports had been received indicating one way or another, except that one report said the outfall was not of sufficient depth, but the depth had been approved when construction took place a couple of years ago. Councilman Tuson mentioned the proposed expansion of Aurora Village, and since Edmonds handles that sewage, would that extra load affect the pumping station over there east of the highway. Engineer Larson said that sort of development does not place as much of a load on the facilities as residential. Councilman Nordquist stated that he was thoroughly against the inclusion of the Mountlake Terrace Industrial Park and does not feel Edmonds should have to be responsible for something such as this because of them. He cited the example of 228th. Engineer Larson said he felt there should be a condition where the road should be put in at the expense of the Indus- trial Park (224th). Mayor Harrison said he thought it might be a good idea to pass a reso- lution and put Edmonds in line for secondary treatment funds. Enginee^ Larson agreed, but added he would like to find a definition for "secon- dary treatment" before committing ourselves. He said that this all came about when Mountlake Terrace submitted its application for economic de- velopment assistance for the Industrial Park. Councilman Tuson suggested the City Engineer contact the state before Edmonds goes ahead and spends 25 or 30 thousand dollars for plans for this. Councilwoman Shippen • wondered if the City applied and received a grant, would we still have to proceed if we wanted to or not. There was a great deal of discussion and very little clarification until a definite definition is received on the. secondary treatment. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen to instruct the Attorney to prepare a resolution. indicating that Edmonds is planning to conform.to Public Law 92-500 before July 1, 1977. A roll call vote was taken, with Council members Nelson, " Tuson and Shippen in favor; Nordquist and Winters against, and the motion carried. Councilman Nordquist stated that he voted against this because the City Engineer wanted a definition of "secondary treatment" and he, too, wanted this before voting for it. Councilman Tuson stated that he had made the motion because it would not involve putting out any money, and since we will probably know in a couple of weeks just what the definition is. ACCEPTANCE OF STORM SEWERS IN FIVE CORNERS AREA City Engineer Larson reported that the storm sewer construction in the vicinity of Five Corners by Knowles Construction Company was now completed except for an additional lift required on the street, which will be ac- complished later in the season. He also noted that he had talked with the Parks and Recreation Director in regard to obtaining some topsoil to im- prove vegetation growth along the side of the road. He therefore recom- mended that the City accept this construction for the purpose of estab- lishing the 30=day retainage period. A motion was made by Councilman Tuson, seconded by Councilman Nordquist to accept the storm sewers in the Five Corners area by Knowles Construction•. Company, thereby establishing the 30-day lien period. Motion carried. . PROPOSED ORDINANCE RESTRICTING PARKING ON CERTAIN STREETS The City Engineer explained the necessity for prohibiting parking on portions of the west side -of Sunset Avenue from Main to Dayton, and a motion was made by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Nelson that proposed Ordinance #1650 be passed, and the motion carried. There was a great deal of council discussion that followed on parking in the downtown area. The Mayor reported that the people at the Sail In Tavern had inquired about limiting of the parking from Main to Bell on Sunset. Councilman Tuson asked if Engineer Larson, as Safety Engineer, would take a look at the corner of Sunset and Main with the thought of prohibiting parking for one car length. He said that it was difficult when turning right off Main onto Sunset as you were proceeding nest on Main and north on Sunset. City Engineer Larson answered that it was the law to allow no parking within 20 feet of a sidewalk crossing, and he told Councilman Tuson that he would look into this particular situation. City Engineer Leif Larson then recommended to council that the Traffic ordinance be amended to a 2 hour parking limit between 8:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M. Monday through Friday throughout the posted city areas. There followed discussion on which hours should be involved, and it was then moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Tuson to instruct the Attorney to prepare an ordinance to amend the 2 hour parking provision to apply between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. This motion carried. 0 • PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR SISTER CITY WITH HIMEJI, JAPAN 42.9 Mayor Harrison reported that the Attorney had looked over the proposed sister city resolution with Himeji, and had amplified it, and he then read the resolution. Councilman Nordquist made the motion, seconded by Councilwoman Shippen that proposed Resolution #274 be passed, empowering and directing the Mayor to establish a "Sister City" affiliation with Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, Motion carried. PREPAYMENT ORDINANCE LID 4172 The cash prepayment period having expired for LID 4172, a motion was made by Councilman Gellert, seconded by Councilman Nelson that proposed Ordinance #1651 be passed, and the motion carried. REPORT ON VEHICLE BID OPENING CAO Ron Whaley reported that bids had been opened on Friday, March 16 at 2:00 P.M. in the council chambers, for purchase of ten vehicles. The bids received included several options and variables, and he asked to have this deferred to the next council meeting. It was therefore moved by Councilman Nordquist, seconded by Councilman Shippen to postpone the report on vehicle bid opening to the March 27 meeting..Motion carried. PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR DISSOLVEMENT OF SOUTH SNOHOMISH COUNTY JOINT PLANNING COUNCIL Councilman Nordquist stated that dissolvement of the Joint Planning • Council was an unfortunate move; it had afforded the opportunity to ex- change ideas and meet with staff members from other cities; however, he realized that this was the ws.sest move. Councilman Nordquist therefore made the motion, seconded by Councilman Nelson that proposed Resolution #275 be passed, recommending that the Joint Planning Council be dis- solved and that the funds of said agency be transferred to the South Snohomish County Metro Municipality. Motion carried. Councilman Nelson stated that he hoped the Metro Municipality would carry on as well. • 1 1 PROPOSED RESOLUTION FOR STREET VACATION - VICINITY OF 238th AND 80th The City Engineer reported that a petition had been received, signed by owners of two-thirds of the real property abutting the R/W asking to be vacated. Engineer Larson again stated that he saw no reason for the City to retain this R/W, and recommended vacation. Councilman Nordquist moved, seconded by Councilman Tuson that proped Resolution #276 be passed, setting April 24 as the date for hearing and determination by the City Council of the proposal to vacate. Motion carried. APPOINTMENT TO FILL -COUNCIL VACANCY Deputy City Attorney John Wallace briefed council on the procedure. He stated that basically, each nomination would need a second; that only those people who have submitted resumes in accordance with the legal notice, and received prior to 5 P.M. on March 15 are eligible for nomina- tion at this meeting to fill the vacancy; and that it will take a major- ity vote to win - 4 votes this evening. Council questioned if the Mayor would have a vote in case of a tie, but the statutes did not make it clear on whether or not a tie could be broken by the Mayor in this case. Councilman Nordquist inquired if the council could vote by secret ballot. and Attorney Wallace answered that this was permissible by vote of the council if they wished to do so. It was therefore moved by Councilman Gellert, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that voting on the election to fill the council vacancy be by secret ballot, and the motion carried. The council vacancy applicants were as follows: Robert A. Anderson, M.D., Shawn Donahue, Sara Gustin Whitmore, L. Jane Cunningham, George (Dewey) Leyda, Jack Cupples, Margaret Lerfald, Norma Bruns, Greg Olson, James R. Shields, Cirila E. Potter, C. Waym Hall, Lee E. Allbery, and Larry S. Naughten. Councilman Nordquist stated that he would like to take the opportunity to commend the list of applicants; that although there were 14, only 13 were residents of the City of Edmonds. He said he thought the calibre of the applicants was really remarkable, and it was very interesting to go through the resumes first and then sit down with the candidates last Saturday and review with them their thoughts, hopes, and aspirations for the City of Edmonds. He said he went away Saturday afternoon very, very pleased with the list of candidates and the decision and choice is with council now and he himself was going to find it very difficult, but be wanted to commend them again for taking the time to submit their applica- tions. Councilman Nordquist then stated that he considered it an honor to submit for nomination for the vacancy of Jim Haines the name of Margaret Lerfald. He added that Margaret has many, many high qualities, having served the city on a committee basis, and her qualifications as read in the resume certainly indicate the job she could do on this council. The nomination was seconded by Councilwoman Shippen. 430 Councilman Tuson submitted the name of Dewey Leyda in nomination to fill the vacancy on the council. He stated that Dewey has been a resident here for many years and probably knows the city as well as anyone. This was seconded by Councilman Winters. Councilman Gellert then submitted the name of Dr. Robert Anderson for nomination. He stated that he found him to be outstanding, and parti- cularly because he represents somewhat of the viewpoint of the residents such as Jim Haines had suggested for a nominee. This was seconded by Councilman Nelson. Councilman Winters stated that he would like to add the name of Mr. Lee Allbery in nomination. He said he found him to be an outstanding citizen of Edmonds; he was raised here; educated in Edmonds; and Coun- cilman Winters thought he would be an excellent candidate. Councilman Nordquist seconded this nomination. Councilman Gellert then inquired of the Attorney that if for any reason the council does not agree on any one of these candidates, can the nom- inations be reopened by majority vote of the council? Attorney Wallace replied that once the nominations are closed, if council so desires to reopen the nominations, it may do so. Motion was then made by Councilman Gellert, seconded by Councilman Nordquist that the nominations be closed, and the motion carried. In regard to casting of ballots, Councilman Nordquist asked if for ex- ample there is a 2-2-1-1-vote on the nominated candidates, do we elimi- nate the candidates with one vote, or do we continue casting ballots for the same candidates until one of them receives the necessary 4 votes? Attorney Wallace answered that council continues to vote for all four candidates; there is no elimination process. Members of the council then marked ballots. These were counted by the City Clerk, and the result of the first ballot was as follows: 2 votes for Margaret Lerfald 2 votes for Dr. Anderson 1 vote for Lee Allbery 1 vote for Dewey Leyda At this point, Councilman Nordquist asked for a five minutes recess, and it was so declared by Mayor Harrison. Meeting was recalled to order by the Mayor, and voting took place for the second ballot. The City Clerk announced the result; 4 votes for Dr. Anderson 2 votes for Lee Allbery Dr. Robert A. Anderson was therefore elected by majority vote to be the new councilman for the City of Edmonds to complete the term of Jim Haines.. Mayor Harrison stated that he noticed several of the candidates in the audience tonight and was pleased to see them here. He said he wanted them to know how much he had enjoyed all the interviews on Saturday. CAO REPORT • CAO Ron Whaley said he had nothing specific to report at this time, but Councilman Nordquist said he would like to take this opportunity to re- port to council that he had spoken with Hugh Clark, who has the job of running the street sweeper, and had been made aware of the difficulty in sweeping the downtown area because of the parked cars. He asked for con- sideration of lowering the time for no parking to between 4 A.M. and 5 A.M. in order to get the cars off the streets to allow adequate sweeping. CAO Whaley suggested that certain streets be swept on a certain schedule instead of restricting parking hours for this purpose on a blanket 7 days a week. Mayor Harrison agreed that a blanket policy did not seem to be necessarv. Councilman Tuson remarked that he also felt a schedule was preferable.:. City Engineer Larson suggested posting to indicate no park- ing on scheduled streets rather than blanket hours on all streets. There was discussion on lettering the 2 hour signs indicating the sweeping hours, but it was decided that it was important to keep lettering on the signs as simple as possible. Councilman Nordquist suggested that perhaps the city could try the barricade system. Following some further discussion, it was decided that no action be taken at this time, but that the CAO, City Engineer, and Director of Maintenance and Operations meet together to study _ the problem. EXCUSED ABSENCE FOR NEWLY ELECTED COUNCILMAN Councilman Gellert brought to council attention that Dr. Anderson had indicated on his application that he would not be able to attend council meetings, if elected, until the 15th of May because of prior committments. L� • 4 3A 1 1 Attorney John Wallace advised that notification of absence from three consecutive council meetings must either be in writing or can be excused by douncil action. Councilman Gellert moved, seconded by Councilman Tuson that council excuse Dr. Anderson from attending the city council meetings until May 15 because of prior committments. The motion carried. There was no further business, and the meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. Irene Varney Morar/, City Clerk March 27, 1973 R()T,T, C AT,T. J Harve'H. Harrison, Mayor Regular meeting of the Edmonds City Council was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor Harve Harrison, with all council members present except Nelson and Anderson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of the council meeting of March 20 had been posted, mailed and distributed. Councilman Gellert noted that on Page 5, paragraph 1 he wished to clarify the statement with regard to "viewpoint of the residents", and point out that he • was referring to residents of the Meadowdale Area and did not wish to imply .that Jim Haines had suggested Dr. Anderson as a nominee. The minutes were then approved as corrected. COUNCIL PARTICIPATION Councilman Tuson asked City Engineer, Leif Larson what had happened with the reducing station downtown. Mr. Larson replied that we had run'low oh funds when we increased the amount for the Yost Park water tank and when we changed it from steel to concrete. Councilwoman Shippen said it was her understanding that the position of Recreation Supervisor- would be funded to the end of this year regardless of when the EEA funds ended. She asked for clarification. CAO Whaley stated that he had checked back in the records and found that a motion had, in fact been made to retain the Recreation Supervisor after the EEA funding had expired. Subsequently, the person holding this job took another position in Seattle. At that time we were not allowed to refill any position vacated. Following a.study" the Park Board has requested that the position to filled permanently. According to records, 87,523 persons participated in various recreation programs last year which seems to indicate that this position is pretty important to Edmonds. Based on this, Mr. Whaley contacted the EEA to see if they would fund this position again. They feel they can fund this position due to the number of EEA personnel the City of Edmonds will retain. It was indicated that if this is to be a permanent position, they will fund until the end of the EEA program. Councilwoman.Shippen asked when Brackett's Landing is going to be complete as far as landscaping and asphalting goes? Engineer Larson replied that hopefully, the paving will be completed by the latter part of April. She then talked with Engineer • Larson and Rod Garretson, Park and Recreation Director about the landscaping stating that she had not seen the new plans. It was stated that something would be brought in next week. Mayor Harrison inquired about the lighting and was informed that this is'still being studied. Councilman Tuson also expressed interest in the lighting and hoped this _phase of the project would be taken care of before any asphalting is done. Engineer Larson said he would bring the layout over for the council to view this evening. Councilwoman Shippen asked Mr. Garretson if he was going to review the signing also: She thought it better to have one large sign with lots of words than several small signs with few words. Councilman Gellert inquired about the survey being done by the Planner and the Jaycees that he had read about in the newspaper. He said he was not clear on what the Jaycees function was in this. City Planner, Joe Wallis, explained that this survey is for the purpose of providing basic information to ascertain long term goals for the community and to inventory existing conditions. Mr. Wallis found that the Jaycees had already made some studies along this line and decided to utilize them as a vehicle to get this program "off the ground". Mr. Wallis said he hopes to survey every household in order to give the City some good direction and to possibly establish some priorities. AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION Bob Hollowell commented that he thought surveying all households would be a waste of time since all we would get would be attitudes and opinions and nothing of substance. This was discussed briefly and Mayor Harrison stated that he felt one of the benefits would be to involve a greater number of people in plans for Edmonds' future. is